Example Number 3,632 in the Decline of Local Newspapers in Virginia

by James C. Sherlock

The newspaper business in Virginia continues its rapid descent into well-earned oblivion.

It is fair to disdain Donald Trump and hope that he is not our next president. Indeed, I have gone on record on BR with my views supporting that conclusion. This is an opinion blog.

But there is, or should be, such a thing as standards in newspapers. News here. Opinion there.

Many local newspapers now go too far as policy in a desperate attempt to survive. Or because the few remaining personnel simply don’t know any better. Or both.

Associated Press. The Associated Press today published an opinion piece by Chris Megarian titled “Trump’s Indictment is a stress test of Biden’s focus on Safeguarding Democracy.”

A reader actually could feel the author’s heavy breathing. In his mind the only thing unsettled, and unsettling, to him about the indictment is whether Joe Biden will “focus” on it. He noted with trembling concern that:

Biden has occasionally struggled to fully deliver on his pledges about democracy.

Nothing about guilt, which the author assumes. Certainly no reference to innocence until proven guilty.

But fair enough. Mr. Megarian’s opinion was so labeled by the AP.

Daily Press. But the way I first saw it on the Daily Press Evening Edition is old-fashioned yellow journalism:

Neither the headline nor the story itself as presented there referenced it as an opinion piece.

But it is clearly intended as click bait. Indeed, I clicked to see how they were presenting it.

I suspect that The Evening Edition may be edited (if that is the word) by someone who, to be kind, may not have the resume for the job. Or maybe it is edited by AI. If so, the algorithms have more learning to do.

I would say disappointing, but it is not possible to be disappointed by Virginia’s local newspapers anymore.

Small thing, right?

It is indeed small.

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34 responses to “Example Number 3,632 in the Decline of Local Newspapers in Virginia”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “ Indeed I have gone on record on BR with my views supporting that conclusion. This is an opinion blog.”

    Wait! I seem to recall you defending his “declassify it by thinking it so”. Have we changed? Was it the recording of him saying, “Too bad, I could have declassified it but too late now”? (which was covered in the news)

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It was in the comments of a piece.

        I have no doubt that you are not supportive of Cheesus Trump, that his actions (not his speech) for which he is now indicted would repulse you. But, I’m equally sure you will not use your write-in option come Nov 2024.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “ Indeed I have gone on record on BR with my views supporting that conclusion. This is an opinion blog.”

    Wait! I seem to recall you defending his “declassify it by thinking it so”. Have we changed? Was it the recording of him saying, “Too bad, I could have declassified it but too late now”? (which was covered in the news)

  3. Turbocohen Avatar

    The journalism profession was an objective citizen like blue collar profession and now it’s been ruined by adversarial and subjective white collar upper class liberal elite. Journalism today is more like the oldest profession. https://twitter.com/WVSCSSPPC/status/1686753731264532480?s=20

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      But Matt taibbi is not objective at all. And the epoch times has never been objective.

      In today’s media, everyone is forced to have a large amount of background knowledge to understand the biases of the reporting and the POV of the reporter.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yeah, but with the internet you can reinforce whatever belief structure you have without having to pay to grumble. Dang man! It’s better than the Navy!

    What amazes me is all those Republicans lying about Cheesus to the grand juries (PLURAL).

  5. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    What puzzles me is that people insist these remnants of newspapers still have massive public sway. They are called “mainstream media” or MSM.

    Not likely.

    1. Agreed. They sell off the assets, lay off most of the employees, leverage their business good will with debt, shamelessly reproduce the cheapest mass-produced national news and opinion content available (without labeling the difference) while throwing in a smattering of local content (mostly photos), disregard journalistic standards for fact verification, edit their writing to fifth grade standards, fill pages with “sponsored content” that pretends to be news — and yet call themselves members of the Main Stream Media. I fault the remaining legitimate MSM for allowing these vultures to claim kinship.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        A lot of similarities to nursing homes, eh? Maybe the Captain is on to something.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        A lot of similarities to nursing homes, eh? Maybe the Captain is on to something.

      3. David Wojick Avatar
        David Wojick

        They are fishing for eyeballs and think opinion is better bait than news.

        1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
          Kathleen Smith

          You are absolutely correct. Unfortunately, people tend to believe it as fact even when it is an opinion. Should become an SOL Government and English, determining opinion from fact.

  6. dsmithuva75 Avatar

    I wish Mr. Sherlock had mentioned in which city “The Daily Press” is published….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Last I saw, before canceling, the Daily Mess was “printed” in Richmond along with the Virginia Pileup. I would guess the only difference is the masthead.

      Since compilation is fly-by-wire, it could be anywhere, Chicago?

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I don’t think it has a home base. Not even so sure it has much of a history. Seems like it is all virtual. Not really a part of the MSM, imo. Also, not what I would call a “local paper” as they tend to cover local news items. This one seems to be all national-level pieces and seems to just be re-publishing articles from other sources – kind of like when BR promotes The Bull Elephant opinion pieces (among others) here.

      Not really sure this is the best example for Sherlock’s beef, tbh.

      1. dsmithuva75 Avatar

        Thank you!

        1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
          Kathleen Smith

          I have always held the Daily
          Press in low-esteem.

      2. There used to be an entity called “The Daily Press & Times Herald” which was based (I think) in Newport News and served the Hampton Roads area. Prior to 1991 they were two different newspapers: “The Daily Press” and, you guessed it, “The Times Herald”.

        I’m not sure what or where this Daily Press is.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Here is the website (such that it is):


          Not much of a local sense to it.

          Edit: The place that Sherlock found this piece is the “enewspaper” site which seems to just promote other pieces from other papers or the AP. This is their basic website and they do look to cover local Tidewater stuff here fairly well (traditional local journalism it looks to me):


          It seems the “enewspaper” site is about generating income on a larger scale and really nothing else. Clicks are king… that’s capitalism for ya…

          If we want better local journalism in Virginia, perhaps we should subsidize them…

          1. Warmac9999 Avatar

            That is always the way with you. Let the government pay for it not the market place of ideas. We don’t need more PBS or NPR.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Actually we really do need more PBS and NPR. Less Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC.

            But if conservatives are going to force capitalism on every facet of the media, they really should not write blog posts complaining about the resulting decline in the industry.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The Peninsula is where it is targeted.

      1. dsmithuva75 Avatar

        Thank you!

  7. Example Number 3,632 in the Decline of Local Newspapers in Virginia

    This might seem nit-picky, and I might be wrong, but by my count this one makes 3,633

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I’ve heard of passengers traveling steerage class, but I thought the accommodations were a little better than this. 5,600km later they arrived in Brazil. I don’t think Gov. Abbott is prepared for this kind of dogged determination.


    1. I’ve never seen a loaded cargo ship sitting that high in the water, so I am assuming it was empty.

      Those guys were lucky a stop to pickup a full load of cargo was not on the sailing schedule.

    2. I’ve never seen a loaded cargo ship sitting that high in the water, so I am assuming it was empty.

      Those guys were lucky a stop to pickup a full load of cargo was not on the sailing schedule.

  9. Teddy007 Avatar

    The problem with the collapse of local newspapers and local reporting is that there is no equivalent on the internet that even 1/100th of the people read that covers local government, local schools, and local events.
    The lack of local coverage means that everyone focuses on national stories and then relying on headlines only or memes to gain any understanding.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Local reporters break most, if not all, of the political corruption too. Most of the important national stuff begins in Podunk with someone asking the right question, or wrong question, depending on where you stand.

  10. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Journalism has not been a profession for years and continues to deteriorate. Way back in high school English during a segment on journalism, we were taught that journalism requires the writer to verify facts and present them in as neutral way as possible, avoiding the writer’s bias or opinion. Perhaps, if media owners still required compliance with this standard, the market would be more robust. The other factor in the media’s collapse is the 24-hour “news” channels and Internet postings.

    On our recent European trip, my wife turned on CNN Europe. Instead of journalists talking to each other or so-called experts who support the views of the journalists, CNN simply reported news story after news story. I sat down and watched, something I don’t do at home.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Lot of things are different. Betcha didn’t have to sit through commercials that ended with some dude ripping of side effects at 450 WPM ending with “Don’t take XYZ if you are allergic to XYZ, XY, YZ, X, Y, or Z.”

      1. One drug I saw advertised on TV had “an urgent need for bowel movements and an inability to control them”, and “explosive diarrhea”, on its list of side effects.

        I think I might prefer the disease…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Remember Olestra? Bag of chips came with a warning, “consuming large amounts of these chips may result in anal leakage.” It just oiled and lubed from one end to the other.

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