Everything Is Better with Bacon

Ambrosia of the gods.

Quick, load up on bacon while you can! The national craving for bacon is pushing U.S. pork belly prices to record highs, reports the Wall Street Journal. Americans purchased 14% more bacon at stores in 2016 than the previous year, and stocks of bacon in commercial freezers have begun running low. Farmers increased the size of the national hog herd by 3% last year, but not fast enough to keep up with demand for the yummiest food ever created.

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5 responses to “Everything Is Better with Bacon”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Bummer: ” Chemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk”


    1. Vincent: “Bacon Tastes Good”
      Pulp Fiction 1994
      “Nuff said, quit being a Debbie Downer.

  2. CrazyJD Avatar

    I detect some name bias in the original post.

    1. Appropriately amended:
      Vincent: “Bacon, Except Jim Bacon, Tastes Good”

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