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Everyone Give Norm a Big, Friendly Bacon’s Rebellion Welcome

I am delighted to add Norm Leahy to the list of Bacon’s Rebellion contributors. Norm, as many of you know, was a blogging pioneer in Virginia. A talented wordsmith, he published the highly regarded One Man’s Trash blog before calling it quits a couple of months ago. But blogging is in his blood, and now he’s back, contributing to Bacon’s Rebellion and Bearing Drift.

Norm brings a conservative perspective to this blog as well as his own set of interests and priorities. Although he devoted his first post to the issue of congestion pricing, a perennial topic here at Bacon’s Rebellion, I encourage him to follow his personal passions. I know that I can be a one-note-Johnny when it comes to transportation and land use. Norm’s observations on a range of topics will give this blog a diversity of subject matter that it now lacks.

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