Everyone Give Norm a Big, Friendly Bacon’s Rebellion Welcome

I am delighted to add Norm Leahy to the list of Bacon’s Rebellion contributors. Norm, as many of you know, was a blogging pioneer in Virginia. A talented wordsmith, he published the highly regarded One Man’s Trash blog before calling it quits a couple of months ago. But blogging is in his blood, and now he’s back, contributing to Bacon’s Rebellion and Bearing Drift.

Norm brings a conservative perspective to this blog as well as his own set of interests and priorities. Although he devoted his first post to the issue of congestion pricing, a perennial topic here at Bacon’s Rebellion, I encourage him to follow his personal passions. I know that I can be a one-note-Johnny when it comes to transportation and land use. Norm’s observations on a range of topics will give this blog a diversity of subject matter that it now lacks.

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6 responses to “Everyone Give Norm a Big, Friendly Bacon’s Rebellion Welcome”

  1. Jim Bacon Avatar

    Comment posted on the behalf of James Atticus Bowden:

    Well done. Way to go upscale.

  2. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Welcome Norm! 🙂

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Good luck, Norm

    Why doesn’t Bacon get some LIBERALS for a change?

  4. Jim Bacon Avatar

    Anonymous 6:26, I have tried, tried, TRIED to get diverse viewpoints on Bacon’s Rebellion. Claire Gastanaga has posting rights on the blog, though sadly she has been inactive. I recruited Barnie Day to post on the blog, but he gave up political commentary. I recruited Conaway Haskins to post on the blog, but he got scooped up by Sen. Jim Webb. And Ed Risse, though not categorizable by ideological labels, is NOT what you’d call a conservative Republican.

    Tell me whom you think might be good and available.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    You are right. Risse defies labeling Nor can his “Patterns of Human Comment.”
    (Or is it “settlement”?)

  6. Welcome back, Norm! I knew it would not be long!

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