Everybody’s a Winna in the Federal Highway Sweepstakes!

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There’s good news and bad news in a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the Highway Trust Fund. Thanks to a $30 billion injection from the federal Fund since FY 2008, every state in the union has collected more from the federal Highway Trust Fund than its citizens contributed in motor fuels taxes. Yippee!

Trouble is, sooner or later Congress will get its act together and start looking for places to cut the deficit and a good place to start whacking is the subsidy to the Highway Trust Fund. It’s looking increasingly likely that the feds will revert to its previous, long-held policy of dispensing no more money than they bring in from the motor fuels tax. When that happens, most states will go underwater. Virginians will dive so deep that we’ll have to slap on SCUBA tanks.

As it happens, the Old Dominion is one of ten states that share the distinction of receiving only 91.3% of the national norm of federal highway dollars. Hey, Northern Virginia, you think you’re getting reamed by Richmond? Look across the Potomac! — JAB

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3 responses to “Everybody’s a Winna in the Federal Highway Sweepstakes!”

  1. Groveton Avatar

    Virginia is getting the short end of the stick? That can’t be possible. We have two Democratic Senators. Our former governor (who now wants to be a US Senator) was the former chair of the DNC.

    How can this be?

    I wonder what Little Timmy Kaine has to say about this.

  2. here’s what I think might happen. Congress will say that they will no longer subsidize the highway trust fund and that it have to allocate no more than it takes in -in gas taxes… yeah.. I know…such a NOVEL concept, eh?

    and it won’t be enough to fund BOTH transit AND new highway construction and so they’ll give that choices to states.

    And for instance, in Va – the state will have to decide if they want to fund METRO in NoVa …or new roads….

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