Even More Mob Rule in Charlottesville

This protest was peaceful. Not all protests are.

by James A. Bacon

Forgotten in the firestorm over the gang-rape hoax and the “rape epidemic” at the University of Virginia, there is a very real crime that has, to date, gone unpunished. On Nov. 20, a group of eight masked men and women attacked the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house, the location of the alleged gang rape, by throwing bricks and bottles through nearly every first-floor window. Messages such as “F*** Boys,” “Suspend us,” and “UVA Center for Rape Studies” were spray-painted on the walls.

A month later, no arrests have been made and no charges have been filed. It’s not even clear if the Charlottesville police have any intention of pursuing the vandalism case. Yet Washington Times reporter Jeffrey Scott Shapiro managed to track down a student who claimed to have participated in the attack. He spoke to the reporter on the condition that his name would not be used because he did not want the police to find him.

Shapiro described the young man as “the progeny of a privileged family” and quoted him as follows:

“Victims at the university have no legitimate channels to take action, and I think vandalism is a completely legitimate form of action when like, legitimate authority is corrupt. I think it was justified,” he said in an interview with The Times.

Asked whether he believed the ends generally justified the means, he casually replied, “Sure.” He also said he is not opposed to “armed revolution” as a means to end what he termed “systemic oppression.”

The student said his group of friends sent an anonymous letter to various news organizations several hours after the attack warning that it was “just the beginning.” The letter threatened to “escalate and provoke until certain demands were met,” including “an immediate revision of university policy mandating expulsion as the only sanction for rape and sexual assault.” …

The student … said he had no regrets despite the fact that the accuracy of Jackie’s story in Rolling Stone has come under significant doubt, including the name of the fraternity where the alleged attack occurred. Asked whether he felt at all bad about attacking the wrong fraternity, he showed no remorse and justified the attack on the broader woes of “social injustice.”

“I’ve done some thinking about that, but the answer is no. Everyone knows this is a house that does not respect women. They are part of the problem, and I do not feel bad. We have an objective set of laws that empowers the police to kill black men with impunity and protects white rapists at U.Va. from prosecution. The laws are only legitimate when they work. This is not a particularly radical campus, but we’re mad.

“As a college student, I know a lot of people who have been the result of direct oppression. We have tried peaceful political change, and I think a huge percentage of people in this country are fed up with that because we’re not getting anywhere.” …

“The police force does nothing but harass the black community and protect white students from being uncomfortable,” he said.

Maybe there is a problem with white male privilege. If this pampered little snot and his Che Gueverra wannabe friends get away with a significant act of vandalism, maybe Charlottesville police do have two standards, one for whites and one for blacks.

On the other hand, considering how the radical protesters who disrupted the Charlottesville City Council meeting last week went unchastised (see previous post), maybe the problem isn’t white male privilege — it’s left-wing privilege in the People’s Republic of Charlottesville. Some crimes and misdemeanors are worth prosecuting and others aren’t.

Let’s take a look:

  • Jackie. The UVa student identified as “Jackie” in the infamous Rolling Stone article slandered the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house and an acquaintance identified as “Drew.” It is increasingly likely that the entire story was a fabrication from start to finish. Punishment: None.
  • The vandals. Eight vandals of the Phi Kappa Psi house caused damage that could total more than $1,000. Punishment: None (so far).
  • Social justice activists. Social justice activists hooted down a speaker with whom they disagreed and plunged a City Council meeting into a half hour of anarchy. Punishment: None.
  • Dude exercising his first amendment rights. A politically incorrect guy got hooted down by a hostile crowd. Punishment: When he ran briefly over his allotted three-minute limit to make up for time he couldn’t be heard, the mayor asked a police officer to escort him from the council chamber.
  • Sororities and fraternities. Amidst the wave of undocumented and unproven allegations of an “epidemic of rape,” UVa President Teresa Sullivan shut down the social activities of all sororities and fraternities through early January – collective punishment for the alleged sins of a few.

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63 responses to “Even More Mob Rule in Charlottesville”

  1. police officer #1 – There’s a bunch of people illegally blocking a bridge demanding justice…

    police officer #2 – Yup – we’re headed that way right now with fire hoses and dogs to send them packing.

  2. Even Dershowitz sees the problem with this (and he’s hardly a Tea Party guy).


    1. yessiree – we KNOW the right is NEVER guilty of mob rule , right?

      this is silly and just totally partisan right wing wackobird crappola… “You LIE”! what was the punishment for that?

      I just love how the church-going right is among the biggest proponents of torture.. along with Mr. Dershowitz….

      this sounds a whole lot like the Irish protestants and catholics blaming each other or the Serbs and Croats or the Sunni and Shiites.. or the Israelis and Palestinians.. except we choose politics…

      not to make substantiative points – nope – to say the other guys smell bad – basically…

      1. You’re losing it again Larry.

        Let’s see …

        1. The Rolling Stone published a largely fictitious article centered around a gang rape which, in retrospect, either didn’t happen at all or didn’t happen at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house.

        2. Rolling Stone has promised to investigate how this could have happened.

        3. The story told by “Jackie” was truly horrific. In response, Teresa Sullivan closed the Greek system.

        4. Teresa Sullivan and the Charlottesville Police promised to investigate this allegation of gang rape.

        5. Between the time the story was published and the time it was largely discredited a group of students vandalized the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house doing quite a bit of damage.

        6. Evidence has been turned over to the police and they are presumably investigating this vandalism.

        7. False accusations of rape are illegal in Virginia and lying is against the UVA honor code.

        8. Do “Jackie’s” statements rise to the level of crime and an honor code violation? Nobody seems to be talking about that.

        Smashing up a house based on an erroneous story in a magazine certainly sounds like mob rule to me. The fact that the Washington Times seems to have been able to locate a perpetrator within two days while the Charlottesville Police continue to spin in circles like a dog chasing its own tail makes me wonder if the Charlottesville Police are really trying to investigate.

        Back when people jumped to the conclusion that the Rolling Stone story was accurate there was a hue and cry for investigations of wrongdoing. Now that it appears that the story was largely fabricated nobody appears too interested in finding out what really happened.

        What are the statuses of all these investigations that were launched in the immediate aftermath of the story’s publication?

        1. why is it a liberal conspiracy again?

          and as far as “where” are the investigations..???

          do you actually listen to the news DonR?

          have you followed recent current events in St. Louis and other parts of the US with respect to “investigations”?

          how about Benghazi and Fast and Furious and the IRS in Congress?

          How about the McDonnell affair?

          you seem to be expecting immediate rectification of “wrongs”… guy

          If they don’t fix them right this minute – it’s yet another liberal conspiracy?

          who has “lost it”?

          I have never seen so many words flung like crap against a wall as the UVA story.. all kinds and colors.. the diversity of the crap..size, shape, etc.. is … well.. it’s downright breathtaking!

          It’s like everyone has to apply their own unique contribution to the wall!


          good lord!

  3. There used to be a fella that commented here fairly regularly named “Hydra”.

    Haven’t heard from him lately but he would often use the phrase “Mob Rule” to describe – majority votes of governing bodies.

    Likewise -methinks Bacon here is choosing to misuse the term to inject hyperbole into the conversation – as if any wrong that goes unpunished can be not only laid at the feet of that nasty “mob rule” but even worse – it’s.. it’s… by GOD – it’s the nastiest of all Mob Rule – it’s LIBERAL Mob Rule!

    Jesus H. KeeeeeeRist ! a screw has come loose.. and I’m not saying where or when.. just saying….

  4. to say NOTHING about all those who flung dung directed at the …

    the WEAKEST, MOST LAWLESS POTUS – EVER – ever ever EVER… the worst POTUS – EVER !!!!

    weakest – most lawless… wow…

    so where in the dooda is the Conservative Calvary rushing to the rescue of all those who have been wronged at UVA?

    I mean – can they not even take a break from their own duties pontificating about the weakest,most lawless POTUS every?

    looks like a misallocation of resources to me.

    I mean – where the dooda is Cucinelli and Ted Cruze and Michelle Bachman to defend the liberty and rights of the downtrodden and abused?

    UVA right now – should look like an annual convention of CPAC, right?

    where are these guys?

  5. The only thing more reprehensible (and fallacious) than blaming men for a fictitious “rape culture” is blaming the “left” for the inequities that the “rape culture” meme has foisted on college campuses though such bipartisan legislation as the Higher Education Act of 1965, the Clery Act of 1990, and the Campus SaVE Act of 2013.

    1. Campus SaVE act wasn’t quite as bipartisan as you infer, especially in the House of Representatives.

      Democratic – 199 Ayes, 0 Noes
      Republican – 87 Ayes, 137 Noes


      The Senate vote passed 78 – 22. However, all 22 Noes were Republicans. Of the 78 Ayes, 22 were Republican.

      Of course, the legislation is just the tip of the iceberg. The details of how the colleges and universities must implement the law are largely found in the regulations written by the Department of Education such as the final regulations issued on 10/20/2014.

      Even then, it’s not the legislation or the regulation that coins terms such as “rape culture on campus”. No, that kind of culture war tripe is the province of the media and political opportunists like Barack Obama:

      “It is estimated that 1 in 5 women on college campuses has been sexually assaulted during their time there – 1 in 5.” – President Obama, remarks at White House, Jan. 22, 2014

      Interestingly, it’s you own cited reference in “Yellow Journalism and the Meme of Rape Culture – Rolling Stone and U-VA Gang Rape” that goes the furthest to discredit the statistic so confidently cited by Barack Obama.

      From the article you cited …

      “The campus rape industry’s central tenet is that one-quarter of all college girls will be raped or be the targets of attempted rape by the end of their college years. This claim, first published in Ms. Magazine in 1987, took the universities by storm. By the early 1990s, campus rape centers and 24-hour hotlines were opening across the country. Victimhood rituals sprang up: first the Take Back the Night rallies, then the Clothesline Project.

      During the 1980s, feminist researchers committed to the rape-culture theory had discovered that asking women directly if they had been raped yielded disappointing results – very few women said that they had been. So Ms. commissioned University of Arizona public health professor Mary Koss to develop a different way of measuring the prevalence of rape. Rather than asking female students about rape per se, Koss asked them if they had experienced actions that she then classified as rape. Koss’s method produced the 25% rate, which Ms. then published in an article titled “Date Rape: The Story of an Epidemic and Those Who Deny It”.

      Koss’s study had serious flaws. But the most powerful refutation of Koss’s research came from her own subjects: 73% of the women whom she characterized as rape victims said that they hadn’t been raped. Further – though it is inconceivable that a raped woman would voluntarily have sex again with the fiend who attacked her – 42% of Koss’s supposed victims had intercourse again with their alleged assailants.”

      1. how about this one Don?

        Sexual assault in the United States military


        Oh.. and what is your standard for “bi-partisan”? How many of the minority party have to vote in favor in order for it to meet your standard for “bi-partisan” and oh, by the way, have you checked the GOP’s standard for bi-partisanship on votes?

        1. I define bi-partisan legislation as legislation that would have passed if either of the parties voted by themselves.

          There is precious little bi-partisanship anywhere these days although the GOP does seem to the be the greater of two evils.

          1. re: ” I define bi-partisan legislation as legislation that would have passed if either of the parties voted by themselves.”

            I’m sure something sailed right over my head here – but if you are the minority party – how does that work?

            My view of solid bipartisanship is if a majority of both the majority and minority voted in favor…

            I don’t bye the GOP (nor the Dem) claim that because a couple of the other party went along that that denotes bipartisanship…

            what’s the term? ” a majority of the minority”?

      2. It takes a committed right winger to blame Obama for not only using the statistic that has been cited by the DOJ at least since the 2007 study, Campus Sexual Assault, that was published during Bush’s administration, but for being one of the ONLY public officials quoting it accurately: “It is ESTIMATED that 1 in 5…”

        1. And it takes a willfully fact-blind lefty to simply ignore a recent study by Obama’s own justice department that not only contradicts the 1 in 4 mantra or the 1 in 5 mantra but estimates that students are safer on campus than non-students off campus.


          1. re: ” recent study by Obama’s own justice department”

            talk about willfully ignorant –

            Data are from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which collects information on nonfatal crimes, reported and not reported to the police, against persons from a nationally representative sample of U.S. households. The report also discusses methodological differences between the NCVS and other surveys that measure rape and sexual assault victimization and the impact of these difference on rape and sexual assault estimates.”

            question – did we just make up the statistical data this month or do you think it actually was accumulated over years?

            and when did – looking at data and statistics become a conspiracy?

            oh wait….

  6. For the complete story of the now infamous Rolling Stone article on the alleged U-VA gang rape, its fallout, the media firestorm of criticism, the apology, and the demagoguery of those radical feminists who refuse to apologize for propagating the myth of “rape culture” and the meme of “victim culture”, Google: Yellow Journalism and the Meme of Rape Culture – Rolling Stone and U-VA Gang Rape

    For the backstory on Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s entire journalism career built on fictions and half-truths, Google: Journalistic Fabulism and Ideological Agendas – the Sabrina Rubin Erdely Story

    1. I agree, Riversong has assembled a fantastic collection of articles and commentary for anyone who wants to delve into the subject in-depth.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      The information on this website and other research raises several questions:

      1/ Is there a growing web of myth makers who are devoted to developing and spinning intentionally made disinformation about targeted social issues and statistics relevant to those issues – for example the nature, cause, and number of sexual assaults and rapes on college campuses.

      2/ If indeed there is such an industry of myth makers and spinners who manufacture and distribute these myths, how does the product of their actively play into, work with, and promote the formulation, development and promulgation of Federal policies, rule makings and regulations within US government agencies, such as the Department of Education.

      3/ How also does all of this, if true, interact with the explosive growth of recent efforts by some to curtail free speech in this country. Most particularly on college campuses and by the Federal Government, while their allies use social media to launch and orchestrate campaigns that conflate local issues into national political causes?

      1. Rather than wasting our time with rhetorical questions, why not offer some answers? Or are you afraid to actually state a position?

        By the way, I thought it was humorous that your original post began with:
        “The information on this website and other research raises two questions”

        Are you sure you’re Reed Fawell the 3rd?

        1. totally agree… we already have PLENTY of fire and brimstone and rancid recrimination – multiple repeated killings of a horse that succumbed some time ago.

          I think UVA brought some of this on themselves – and in fact contributed to the general tenor of the subsequent dialogue … because…

          in theory in a decade we are led to believe they had no on campus assaults… while other colleges in Va had some.

          then when RS came out with their “hit” article – UVA left the impression they were too petrified to actually respond – publicly.

          somewhere the truth is in between and I’m betting it’s got some stink to it – as well as some “it’s not as bad as you think” to Febreze to it.

          it is what it is. No big University wants to play with Public Relations Fire… so they appear to sneak and skulk around rather than forthrightly face the public – up front.

          UVA was done a disservice 3 times – 1. RS, 2.their own inept ham-fisted response and 3. others seeking an agenda at UVA’s expense.

          blaming liberals, leftists, feminists, etc just introduces looney irrationality from folks who are not really interested in the core issue but to just use this as yet another act in the Conservative Kabuki Theatre of Recrimination and Moral Rot.

        2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          Robert –

          If you stick around here, I doubt that it will take very long for you and me to get to know one another in a direct way.

          Meanwhile, keep up your good work on the UVA issue.

          1. That sounds vaguely sexual. And I’m not interested.

          2. yes.. I see the point.. good instincts!


          3. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            Robert –

            If that be your reaction, obviously you’re the one with the problem, most likely an extreme case of narcissism, and self importance.

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    The entire tone of this article is entirely amusing. Reminds me of the stuffy mayor of “River City” in the “Music Man.” — “Ya wild kid, ya!!”

  8. I think you’ve completely lost perspective if you think the issue here is oppression of rich white boys. (I think they can take care of themselves.)

    This happens every time in the right wing media – you co-opt an issue by changing the subject – you don’t want to talk about the treatment of women on campus, no no, “it’s about women who lie about sexual assault, it’s about vandals who destroy private property, it’s about liberals who encourage low morals and a lack of discipline, it’s about bureaucracy and government, and/or it’s about media bias against conservatives (always the victims).”


    1. really? yes… in spades…

      “liberals” are responsible for most of the modern-day failings of society and our institutions.. where have you been Richard?

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Richard –

      Go back and read the articles posted here on this subject. Your view expressed above is a fiction roaring around in your head, although everyone in this country has rights, including the right not to be vandalized.

  9. From the article on “yellow journalism” cited by Mr. Riversong:

    “Federal law requires colleges to publish reported crimes affecting their students. The numbers of reported sexual assaults – the law does not require their confirmation – usually run under half a dozen a year on private campuses and maybe two to three times that at large public universities. The University of Virginia does not publish the number of its sexual-assault hearings because it is so low. “We’re reticent to publicize it when we have such a small ‘n’ number,” says Nicole Eramu, Virginia’s associate dean of students.”

    Doesn’t it seem odd to you that Dean Eramu has decided to lie through her teeth on this matter?

    Obama says 1 in 5 are sexually assaulted. Dean Eramu says says the number of sexual assault hearings is too low to publicize the count.

    Before you can talk about the treatment of women on campus don’t you have to get the basic facts straight?

    UVA has 15,100 undergraduates. Let’s say half are women. That’s 7,550. One fifth of 7,550 is 1,510. If it takes 5 years, on average, to graduate that would be 302 sexual assaults per year per Obama’s statistics. Yet the number of reported sexual assaults is too low to publish.

    Even if you accept the 80% unreported estimate that would still be 60 reported sexual assaults per year – and I didn’t even count graduate students which would take the number up closer to 100.

    Did you ever get the feeling that somebody must be cooking the books?

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      The government figures cited by our President and Vice President are obviously totally bogus by any measure.

      If such statistics were true women could not attend college. They’d have to be locked up behind metal doors and barred widows in a misogynist society far worst and more dangerous that Taliban rule.

      In fact US colleges and universities are among the safest places in the nation. The real threat women face in college is from the fears generated in them by the proponents of this nonsense, such as President Sullivan’s September 4 letter on campus assaults on women and her Nov. 2o followup to the Rolling Stone article, as well pathologies induced by a rampant hook-up culture that despoils the emotion health of college men and women alike.

      1. a couple of simple facts for those who want to use the word Govt and Obama:

        ” The Facts

        This statistic is derived from a 2007 study, The Campus Sexual Assault Study, which was conducted for the Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice. The researchers, led by Christopher Krebs of RTI International, ”

        In other words – this study was done in the Bush administration by their Justice Dept and before that many other campus rate studies dating back 20-30 years.. that had nothing what-so-ever to do with the current POTUS.

        so why is this NOW about Obama? How does that compute?

        this is the problem these days.. we have blatherbutts and blamers .. who are afflicted with Obama-Tourette Syndrome.. they can’t speak on ANY issue without repeating the same phrase over and over – bad bad Obama… bad bad Obama… and further more.. bad bad Obama…

        UVA screwed themselves up by their own less-than-honest behavior.. that made them vulnerable to those with agendas who would use that not-believable statistical stance – to impugn them..

        but this story – like many – is still playing out ..and in the end – there’s going to be plenty of dog-doo to spread around on all parties… including those who would use this as a political cudgel against those they have political differences with.. a really decrepit tactic…

    2. it’s totally unbelievable that there are no statistics to report.. much less that UVA has decided what the minimum threshold is for reporting despite what the law and regs called for?

      this is why I say UVA played a role in this happening – and in fact in being so insular and refusing any disclosure, made themselves vulnerable to those with agendas… who basically used the incredible (not believable) “no incidents” claim to convince others that UVA – WAS not only hiding but probably hiding “horrendous” stuff.

      For years and years, the military did the same thing… saying there was no problem – then there was… and it was not “too few to report”.

      Was UVA victimized by folks with agendas including those who are “feminists” on a jihad to seek vengeance for all past unreported sins?


      Did UVA help cause it ? Yes.

      Have there been zero incidents of rape at UVA for a decade?

      maybe.. why not prove it with stats that include other offenses less than rape but certainly wrong ?

      1. I’m with you. This is what frustrates me with Teresa Sullivan. I would have thought that her first move would have been a full reporting of what’s been going on. Yet day after day there seems to be nothing but silence coming from Charlottesville. Once again, she seems to be letting the situation control her instead of getting out front.

        1. re: ” I would have thought that her first move would have been a full reporting of what’s been going on.”

          totally agree.

          you get the truth out – and get out in front of the story – that’s your fundamental responsibility – to protect the institution you represent.

          I cannot believe that UVA does not have an Office of Communications but maybe so – but this is incompetence – abject incompetence…

          stand up. look directly at the camera – and tell the truth – and deal with the consequences.

          that’s how you defeat bogus things like the RS article – or for that matter would-be feminists on a tear… or politicians with an agenda..

          don’t let them use you for their purposes.. this is not that hard.

    3. Funny how you use my own research to invert the truth to fit your extreme bias, but that’s the nature of all right wingers.

      The reported numbers are low on ALL campuses, because the numbers of reported incidents are low, because there is no epidemic of rape on campus.

      1. OK. There is no epidemic of rape on campus. Then why did the Obama Administration hand down heavy handed Title IX regulations and guidelines demanding that colleges and universities establish sexual assault tribunals using a preponderance of the evidence basis? Colleges and universities are ill prepared to act as a secondary court of adjudication for criminal activity. In fact, in their attempt to follow the new DOE regulations and guidelines the colleges and universities are routinely botching investigations.

        The result has been a surge of lawsuits from students who allege that their universities mishandled their sexual-assault cases and failed to protect them from gender discrimination. Many schools are being investigated by OCR because of such formal complaints, while others are subject to “proactive” compliance reviews. After a messy Title IX feud erupted last month between OCR and Tufts University, Terry W. Hartle, senior vice president for government and public affairs at the American Council on Education, told Inside Higher Ed, “Many universities that have found themselves in a conflict with the OCR believe that this agency does not act in good faith and that it’s little more than a bully with enforcement powers.”

        In addition to women suing universities because the kangaroo courts have failed them men are suing too. Men have already filed lawsuits against universities such as Swarthmore, Philadelphia University, Vassar, University of Michigan, and Denison, among others.

        This is a pretty good critique of the Obama Administration’s actions –

        Please consider the Obama Administration’s extreme actions in light of your own statement:

        “The reported numbers are low on ALL campuses, because the numbers of reported incidents are low, because there is no epidemic of rape on campus.”

        1. Don – you’re twisting words again guy:

          here is the report narrative:

          ” Three months after its creation, the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault issued its first report (PDF) today. Titled “Not Alone” and accompanied by a new website, NotAlone.gov, the report announces new recommended practices for colleges and universities nationwide. ”

          and note this part is NOT criticism of what the administration is trying to do – it’s criticism of what’s NOT being achieved in their concerns which have existed since 1999 – 15 years before Now.

          Don – it is dishonest to portray things in this way guy”. It’s wrong.

          “Troublingly, the Task Force’s recommended practices and the accompanying documents fail to answer FIRE’s grave and continuing concerns about campus civil liberties and the reliability, impartiality, and fundamental fairness of campus judicial proceedings for students accused of sexual harassment and assault.

          Among the documents released with the report are a template for “campus climate surveys,” a sexual misconduct policy checklist, and a sample confidentiality policy. The report is also accompanied by the issuance of a new guidance document regarding Title IX from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

          FIRE President Greg Lukianoff issued the following statement:

          No one is happy with the way campuses currently deal with sexual harassment, sexual violence, and rape—not victims, not the accused, not parents or loved ones, not administrators, not university counsel, not defense attorneys, not civil liberties advocates, and not the general public.”

          where in this narrative do you see criticism of Obama and his statements?

          why do you read this whole thing and then deduce that it is a indictment of Obama?

        2. Don – how can you read THIS:

          ” The White House Task Force has attempted to correct the status quo’s failures. Unfortunately, it has missed an opportunity for meaningful and positive reform, instead doubling down on a broken system. By continuing to empower campus judiciaries to adjudicate allegations of serious criminal activity, the Task Force’s recommendations may ultimately worsen the situation for both victims and the accused. As the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), one of the nation’s preeminent anti-sexual assault organizations, stated in its written comment to the Task Force, “until we find a way to engage and partner with law enforcement, to bring these crimes out of the shadows of dorm rooms and administrators’ offices, and to treat them as the felonies that they are, we will not make the progress we hope.”

          Perhaps most worryingly, the Task Force appears to be enthusiastic about essentially eliminating hearings altogether for students accused of assault and harassment.”

          and deduce from it that the Obama administration is trying to force Universities to do something when this group essentially accuses them of supporting the status quo approach by the Universities?

          how can you do that guy?

          please give an answer.. am I wrong in my reading or did you read it wrong or what? I do not see in their remarks a concern that the Obama Administration is forcing reforms as much as they are, in the views of TheFIre – “missing opportunities for real reform”…

          when you give a link guy – … oh never mind…

  10. Cville Resident Avatar
    Cville Resident

    If the biggest problem that the City has is some people booing when a “politically incorrect” (and that’s being very charitable) resident starts talking about race in a racially charged environment (the crowd there was just coming from a March for Justice for Ferguson/Garner), a few cancelled grinding parties at some frat houses, and a thousand bucks in property damage….I hardly think it’s indicative of mob rule.

    If you want to talk anarchy, let’s talk a Richmond School Board member taking out a protective order against another School Board member as we saw last week. Let’s talk Richmond going from 28 to 41 homicides from 2013 to 2014….that’s right, a nearly 50% increase in homicides in one year….let’s compare murder to a cancelled frat party…. Let’s talk the City Manager resigning and no reason ever being given to the public……but receiving a 163K severance. Let’s talk a place so dysfunctional that it’s Social Services Department is thought of as the worst in the entire Commonwealth. I’d imagine it’s one of the 10 worst DSSs in the nation. Let’s talk a place so dysfunctional that the Deputy City Manager sues the City Auditor.

    This is such a laughable post. When $1000 in property damage and some booing equals “mob rule”, you truly can’t see the plank in your own eye. But interestingly, I don’t see a post talking “Land of Misfit Toys borders on Chaos” about a truly horrid place, the City of Richmond.

  11. Cville Resident Avatar
    Cville Resident

    Also, can we talk about a place (Henrico County) so abysmal that only 43 people were permitted to vote out of an astonishing 100 eligible “voters” (perhaps loyal barons to the monarchy is more appropriate) for the Democratic nomination in Morrisey’s district today (East Henrcio) while in 2011, Farrell won the GOP nomination with 4 votes (West Henrico)…..

    Rather than mob rule, the below room temperature IQs in the Richmond region scotch any pretense of democracy in both parties. So perhaps a little booing upsets neo-Monarchist Bacon….what are “little” people doing having an opinion…in Richmond, only a literal chosen few are permitted to voice an opinion on public affairs.

    1. You won’t catch me defending politics in Richmond — it’s a tragedy and a farce.

      If your sensitivities are offended by my pokes at Charlottesville, I’ll try to even the score with more swipes at Richmond-area politicians.

      1. our lexicon these days has become “extreme”… we talk of “mob rule” in almost the same breath as ” out of control govt” … we even contradict ourselves in the same sentence – ” the weakest, most lawless POTUS in history”…

        now we have Mayors trying to walk a fine line between supporting Police and acknowledging the need for reform – now that Mayor has “blood on his hands”… and a few days earlier it was uttered: ” “What do we want? Dead cops.” – not that long ago ” YOU LIE” or “the POTUS is a Muslim from Kenya” or Barrack Obola, the “makers and takers”, “anchor babies”, “they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes”,

        and these are just the ones we can actually utter here in BR!

        whatever Mom said about saying something nice or being quiet – that went into the crapper a while ago… although it’s my understanding that way back in Jeffersons and Lincolns time – nasty rhetoric also reined…

        the lexicon has gotten just almost universally rotten and rancid – across the board… left to right and back again.

        I was GLAD to see that the POTUS has now assumed an “ef you” stance toward some of the more ignorant and rancid of his critics as well as seeing how the right is now reacting to some in their own ranks that have legitimate Conservative credentials but now are no longer far enough right for the likes of the modern-day John Birchers and McCarthyites who have come out of the woodwork with the advent of the internet… Now the “yellow horde” has become the “brown and black people” horde – including those wild-eyed Muslims hiding in every bush and hedge waiting to behead innocents… yet we still stare dumbly into our cell phones as we sail down the road at 60 mph.

        Most of all – I do enjoy the echo chamber. You see something on twitter and you JUST KNOW – within 30 minutes – the same exact phrase be on every single right-wing website in existence.. you can actually do a search on the “candy” and by doing “refresh” – watch how many websites in the echo chamber pick it up and re-broadcast it.

        so heckfire – “mob rule” ? my response? I am not a scientist…


      2. Cville Resident Avatar
        Cville Resident

        I hope you know that most of my barbs are in good fun. I enjoy the blog, and hope you have a Merry Christmas….

        But perhaps after the New Year, it would be interesting to see a post on the “new Monarchy” in Virginia politics…….something is very wrong when the nomination for a seat in the state legislature can be decided by 4 or 43 people. I know the statewide GOP is having a civil war over primary/convention, but at least most conventions have a few hundred people. 4 or 43 people deciding a nomination to represent 80,000 folks is a bit embarrassing.

        Again, happy holidays to you, larryg, Peter, DonR, Mr. Fawell, etc.

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    WHat kind of school is famous for a song like this? (I hear it’s been banned)

    From Rugby Road to Vinegar Hill, We’re gonna get drunk tonight.
    The faculty’s afraid of us, They know we’re in the right,
    So fill your cups, your loving cups, As full as full can be,
    And as long as love and liquor last, We’ll drink to the U. of V.
    Refrain: Oh, I think we need another drink! Heh!
    I think we need another drink! Heh!
    I think we need another drink! Heh!
    I think we need another drink! To the glory of the U. Va.

    All you girls from Mary Washington and R.M.W.C,
    Never let a Virginia man an inch above your knee,
    He’ll take you to his fraternity house and fill you full of beer,
    And soon you’ll be the mother of a bastard Cavalier!

    alternate verses:
    From Carrols to the Corner, We will drink our beer and shout,
    And if the faculty objects, They can only throw us out.
    So fill up your cups, your loving cups, As full as full can be,
    And as long as love and liquor last, We’ll drink to the U. of V.

    1. In all my years at UVA and in all the years since I have never heard that song sung. I say with confidence that none of my friends (fraternity brothers and otherwise) know any of the words to that song. I couldn’t recite a single line unless I had it in writing in front of me.

      Claiming that UVA is famous for that song is like claiming the US Navy is famous for Barnacle Bill the Sailor.

      1. re: ” In all my years at UVA and in all the years since I have never heard that song sung.”

        what? okay – lets get the UVA grads here to line up and say if they were aware of that song.

        I’m starting to think Don did not go to UVA…

        1. I heard the song — everybody heard the song. But I never sang it, none of my friends sang it. Indeed, like Don and his friends, I didn’t know the words. I considered it hoary UVa lore, like the Rotunda, the Lawn and secret societies. Rather than considering it an ode to “male domination,” I considered the words (“Never let a Virginia man an inch above your knee,” etc.) as sophomoric humor — not a literal exhortation!

          1. Don sez he never heard the song – once.

            but I have a question – honest question –

            how is anyone supposed to read the lyrics of that song and deduce that there is NOT a “culture” there?

            got an answer?

          2. Wow — I knew that refrain in high school, let alone from any time spent on the Grounds. But “sophomoric humor,” yes. And the add-on verses were transient and topical; I’ve heard others, all forgettable (and probably forgotten).

          3. this is starting to sound vaguely like the back and forth over this:


  13. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Well, sorry, UVa is famous for the song. It does show an attitude of male domination that hopefully has passed.

    My college has a nerdy fight song, too but it does not have the (wink, wink) debauchery. The Rugby Road song does show a certain state of mind.

  14. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    WA – HOO – WA !!!!!!!

    Be Merry now, Each and Every One –

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, You All! Each and Every One –

    1. and to you Reed.. and to all others.. be thankful for what we have – we have so much in this country – we are so fortunate compared to many on this earth including others in our own country.

      Good Tidings to all. May your hopes and wishes come true -and remember to TRY to treat others like you would like to be treated…

  15. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Funny that I was in Charlottesville yesterday picking someone up for Christmas.

    The place was nearly deserted. No screaming mobs. No punk-leftie terrorists threatened poor Greeks. Just a couple of people walking by the corner.

    I also learned that within the university, there’s a quiet movement of connection going on. Faculty are making sure they know and are attentive to their students. They’re holding special seminars for anyone who wants to attend.

    In other words, you might be seeing a stronger, more tightly-knit community from all of this.

    1. perhaps one element that has been overlooked with regard to the vandalization is that group known as “townies” who have never been admirers of frat boys from day one… eh?

  16. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    So it turns out that a primary mover behind the Rolling Stone article was an employee of UVA, a frequent visitor to the White House, a member of the US President’s Campaign against student sexual assault and a member of the Virginia Governors Task Force on combating Sexual Assault.

    Indeed Emily Renda even testified before the US Senate in June of this year on Jackie’s case (aka Jenna). Here is a bit of her opening testimony:

    “Like many others who work on the issue of campus sexual assault, my connection to this cause is a personal one. Nearly four years ago, six weeks into my first year (at UVA), I was raped by a fellow student on my campus after a night outwith friends. In the time following the assault, I became active in peer sexual assault education, worked for the University of Virginia’s Women’s Center, interned with the Commonwealth Attorney’s
    Victim Witness Program, worked with U.Va. administration to improve prevention and response efforts, and chaired Take Back The Night, a national campaign to raise awareness about sexual violence.”

    “Beyond prevention and response work, I also conducted research on topics including intimate partner violence prevalence on campus, the relationship of Title IX compliant policy elements to reporting rates, and how survivors’ primary disclosure point affects subsequent resource seeking.”

    “This past year, I helped organize and presented at the national conference U.Va. hosted to discuss sexual misconduct at colleges and universities. Finally, I also consulted with the White House’s Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. I am now working in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at U.Va. as we try to revamp our prevention and response efforts, taking into account recent guidance from the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.”

    “In my experience and course of work, I have learned a great deal about the dynamics around campus sexual assault that I hope will be informative for the committee. In this testimony, I lay out several key observations I have made about the challenges survivors of sexual assault face and the way that federal law and regulation influence or could influence those challenges.

    This section will address four points relating to the way federal
    regulation or oversight on university campus level policies can help address challenges specific to survivors.

    Mandated prevention programming must include education about supporting peer survivors to foster a culture of reporting. Self blame and victim blame are among the primary factors that deter victims from reporting

    i. Personal feelings of responsibility for an attack, especially when
    reinforced by peers, undermine a survivor’s sense that it is his or her right to seek justice. One of the student survivors I worked with, Jenna*, was gang raped by five fraternity men early in her freshman year. Despite the severity of the assault and injuries she sustained, Jenna still experienced a feeling of personal responsibility. Looking for affirmation, she sought out peers and told her story. Sadly, each and every one of the friends she reached out to responded with varying denials of her experience; these responses worsened her feelings of self-blame that she must be confused because that fraternity “is full of great guys”; that she must have made them think she was “down for that”; questioning how no one else at the party could have heard what was going on if she was telling the truth; or discouraging her from seeking help because “you don’t want to be one of those girls who has a reputation” for reporting “that kind of thing.”

    “These statements haunted Jenna. She told me that they made her feel crazy, and made her question whether her own understanding of the rape was legitimate. Survivors who receive disaffirming responses to initial disclosures are more likely to experience negative mental health consequences as well.

    ii These negative and victim blaming responses from her peers reinforced Jenna’s sense of fault, and prevented her from coming forward to the University’s administration or the Police. When she finally sought assistance from the Dean of Students’ office, after struggling and nearly failing out of her classes for two semesters, it was difficult for the university to conduct a meaningful investigation because much of the evidence had been lost, and witnesses were more difficult to locate.

    Though assault “severity” (i.e., degree of physical force) is typically correlated with faster self identification as a victim, powerful cultures of victim blame and self blame hinder that self identification that would encourage help seeking and reporting.

    iii – In my own case, despite explicit force (e.g. strangulation, loss of consciousness and injuries to my head and torso), I still felt responsible for the assault because I had been drinking and had willfully gone to my assailant’s dorm room. If victimized students are unable to overcome feelings of responsibility reinforced by victim blaming statements made by peers, we will not see the kinds of reporting behaviors it will take to identify and remove the violent perpetrators on our campuses …”

    (End of testimony abstract)

    What in the world is going on here? In any event it would appear that Emily Renda (who was also featured in the Rolling Stone’s article) got Jackie to overcome her reluctance to talk about her own sexual assault experience.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      For some close up photos of Emily Renda’s government service (both Federal and state) see:


    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      On July 16, 2014, Emily on UVA e-mail notified her bosses and higher ups at UVA on the impending Rolling Stone article.

      From Emily Renda
      Hi Mr. McCance and Mr. De Bruyn,

      Vice President Lampkin wanted me to let you know about an upcoming article in Rolling Stone that will address campus sexual assault culture and will focus on UVA.

      I have been contacted by a reporter who wants to do a long-form article on campus culture, and wants to use UVA as a jumping off point. She wants to speak primarily with survivors, so I do not anticipate her reaching out to any office for official comment. I’ve been talking to her and focusing her in on positive people to speak with. Please let me know if you have any further questions, concerns or advice going further in contact with her.

      Best, Emily.

    3. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      After the publishing of the Rolling Stone article Tom Faulders of UVA Alumni Association e-mailed to Emily the following:

      “Emily, I reread your very good opinion piece that you posted in the Cavalier Daily last year:


      (And) I was wondering if you would be willing to let me include a link to it in the communications with alumni.


      TO WHICH Emily replies:

      Hi Mr. Faulders,

      I appreciate the note and I am glad you found it helpful. Please absolutely include it in any communications you like.

      Also, if worth noting to Alumni, I am also referenced in the Rolling Stone article, and it conveniently does not mention that Pat Lampkin hired me to help with sexual misconduct, and I’m on staff here now. I think that might help add a grain of salt perspective to the article.

      Let me know if I can be of any help. Thanks


  17. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Emily’s Senate June 20 testimony shows that Jackie’s gang rape (not oral sex) story at the UVA fraternity house was being pushed by a UVA official (even stated on the record on the US Senate) as early as June 20, 2o14.

    And that Jackie’s story was being pushed by Emily who announced herself at the Senate hearing as playing a roll in the White House campaigns against student sexual violence, and those of the Virginia Governor as well.

    It also shows that Jackie’s gang rape story was being used to promote a major political agenda item of the White House. And it shows the Rolling Stone article was a part and parcel of this massive national political effort, abet a part that spun off of control but was never vetted or challenged by UVA despite the harm its reeked on UVA and a large segment of UVA students.

    Hence too this helps to explain the initial cooperation of UVA officials, and indeed the fact that Ms. Renda was acting as a facilitator to promote Jackie’s gang rape at the UVA Frat house and that this lasted long after the publishing of the article.

    Note also how other alleged rapes in the UVA dorms and Hannah Graham’s abduction and death have been so greatly underplayed in comparison to the fiction disguised as fact story in Rolling Stone as it was seemingly promoted by Emily at least as early as June through the November publishing of Rolling Stone article.

  18. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Concerning Emily Renda’s ties to UVa President Sullivan, an official UVA website titled “Dialogue at UVa, Sexual Misconduct among College Students that lists all speakers at the UVa conference on the subject (including President Sullivan and Emily):

    “In December (Emily J Renda) was selected, through a highly competitive process, to be a special intern in President Sullivan’s office for the remainder to the academic year (2013-2014).”

    This was posted this year in late January of 2014

    See http://www.virginia.edu/sexualmisconductdialogue/speakers.html

    Soon after Emily’s appointment as President’s Sullivan’s intern, Emily is going to a flurry of White House conferences and ends up testifying about Jackie’s (calling her Jenna) case in a hearing on the subject of student sexual abuse in the US Senate.

    This raises numerous questions.

    For example –

    Since Emily, according to her own e-mails,” facilitated the introduction of Jackie and other UVa survivors to the writer of the Rolling Stone article, and did so acting as a UVA employee hired after her internship in President Sullivan’s office, and since President Sullivan in her taped interview with the Rolling Stone writer mentions her sexual abuse intern as being central to her learning about the rape culture at UVa, how is it that President Sullivan not know about Jackie’s story at least as early as December of 2013?

    This is particularly true since apparently Emily had been working with Jackie since Dean Eramo’s referral of Jackie to various survivor groups at UVa. in the fall of 2013 whereupon she divulged her rape story to Emily Renda on September 27, 2013 according to the Rolling Stone’s Article. And she continued to work under Emily’s guidance, given Emily’s leadership roll in the UVa programs.

    And, how could it be that President Sullivan did not know, and indeed approve, of Emily’s testimony before the US Senate on June 20, 2014. And hence know all about Jackie’s story.

  19. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Please note earlier comments on this website regarding how the federal government is now driving much of the dialogue on the so called rape culture on campus. And how in so doing the federal government is conflating local issues or non-issues into national politically motivated campaigns.

    And note how the Jackie story has now become a prime example of this trend toward federal myth-making that then is morphed into politically motivated public lynchings by mob on campus, and that also licenses Star Chamber trials on campus with findings tantamount to criminal convictions.

    Hence my earlier comments above;

    1/ Is there a growing web of myth makers who are devoted to developing and spinning intentionally made disinformation about targeted social issues and statistics relevant to those issues – for example the nature, cause, and number of sexual assaults and rapes on college campuses?

    2/ If indeed there is such an industry of myth makers and spinners who manufacture and distribute these myths, how does the product of their actively play into, work with, and promote the formulation, development and promulgation of Federal policies, rule makings and regulations within US government agencies, such as the Department of Education?

    1. “…. conflating local issues or non-issues into national politically motivated campaigns.”

      can we provide a little more evidence here to back up the “politically motivated campaigns” idea?

      I personally don’t see it but perhaps it is.. so can you show it?

      and then you say:

      ” … is there a growing web of myth makers who are devoted to developing and spinning intentionally made disinformation”

      can you provide some evidence as to who these “myth makers” are and how their efforts are actually playing into the Dept of Ed?

      how about it Reed? … can you deliver the goods on this?

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