by Jon Baliles

Two weeks ago, you probably heard the news about the vote promise scam from Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney  and the casino advocates that they would put 2/3 of the annual casino tax revenue towards early childcare for kids in Southside. This week, you might have heard about the press conference that the unions held that said they reached an agreement with the casino advocates that would promise hundreds or thousands of new union jobs and “paths into the middle class” for young people and families.

While it is unconfirmed at this time, there are several rumors going around that in another few weeks that casino advocates will hold a press conference promising eternal life for seniors if they vote for the casino referendum on November 7th.

Who knows, at this rate of promising anything and everything for your vote, the casino advocates might have Oprah in RVA by late October offering new cars for any remaining voters as long as they have a mail-in ballot marked Yes. So, don’t vote too early!

The second casino referendum has become a leveraged buyout of the voters and there is no dollar amount or offer that won’t be matched by the casino advocates to get the referendum across the line the second time around. They have already raised and committed $8 million to buy your vote, and that total will almost certainly go up.

But alas, these and the other yet-to-be-revealed voting scams are just a way to hoodwink voters into believing that the casino will exist to do more good for the community than it will for the owners and investors. Which is clearly not the case. It isn’t the case in Bristol, or Danville, or Portsmouth or any casino in the country.

One Southside resident sees the casino scam and false promises of largesse and told CBS6, “It’s a bloodsucker. It’s going to take more than it gives, and it’s smoke and mirrors,” said Richmond resident Joe Ellis. “You can never have an institution that’s based upon making a profit from taking money from people without giving something substantially back to the people over a prolonged period of time. How can that be sustainable?”

“Has [the lottery] solved the problems with education as they promised it would? It has not,” Ellis said. “Gambling is not going to solve the problems with childcare.”

In the same story, Dr. Bob McNab, economics professor at Old Dominion University, also raised a pertinent question that you don’t hear talked about much: Who bears the burden of the tax? The 2019 Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) study that preceded the authorization of casinos by the state legislature found that 90% (or more) of the customer base for the casino would come from locals or those within a two-hour drive.

So, all the revenues the city promises it will receive including the funding for a childcare trust fund would mostly be supported by local and regional residents simply by shifting and reallocating local and regional dollars — but with a cut for the casino owners and investors, of course.

McNabb asked, “Who is gambling at the establishment? If it’s local residents, it’s a local tax. If you could increase the number of people coming from outside the region, then you’re exporting the tax, and that would be the argument I think proponents would like to make,” McNab said. “But again, the literature tends to argue that most gamblers at casinos come from within a two-hour area, and that’s why the burden is going to primarily be in the Richmond area.”

An ebbing tide leaves all boats stranded.

Jon Baliles is a former Richmond city councilman. Republished with permission from RVA 5×5.

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7 responses to “Eternal Betting”

  1. Has anyone looked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper May 2023, No. 23-07

    The Economic Impact of a Casino Monopoly: Evidence from Atlantic City?
    Given the fact that Richmond is heavily urbanized and not in a casino monopoly situation,the chances of long term benefits are not great, especially beyond the first five years.

    “Literature Review
    There is an extensive body of literature about the negative social and health impacts of casinos on host regions such as problem gambling (Walker, 2013), crime (Friedman et al., 1989; Albanese, 2019), and drunk driving fatalities (Cotti & Walker, 2010). Additionally, negative local economic consequences arising from casino development have been studied such as reduced household wealth (Barron et al., 2002) and housing prices (Huang et al., 2018). However, while several studies measure the positive local economic impact of both tribal and commercial casinos (Garrett, 2004; Lim & Zhang, 2017; Wenz, 2014), few utilize robust causal inference methods or event study designs for identification.”

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    You know how hard it is to legally place a bet in Virginia?

    1. Download the FanDuel app (or one of the others) and bet away.
    2. Walk into a store and buy a lotto ticket.
    3. Set up an internet horse race betting account, watch the races on the dedicated cable TV channel and bet away.
    4. Go to Colonial Downs and bet live racing.
    5. Find a place with Historical Racing Machines and bet away.
    6. Take a 2 hour bus ride from Richmond (or a 5 minute water taxi ride from Alexandria) and go to MGM just over the Wilson Bridge in Maryland. Plenty of regularly scheduled buses go from Richmond to MGM and back every day.
    7. Drive to Charlestown, WVA and bet in the casino there.

    What happened to Prince George’s County after the MGM Casino opened?

    After just one year of operation it was being described as a “jackpot” for PG County.,date%2C%20had%206%20million%20visitors.

    This is where I break with Republican so-called conservatives.

    Where is your interest in smaller government with fewer regulations?
    Where is your sense of personal freedom?
    Where is your goal of lowering mandatory taxes by substituting optional taxes?

    As for the bogieman of monied casino advocates spreading some payola – welcome to The Virginia Way. Dominion has been doing it for years. And you have to buy electricity (and, for most people, from Dominion). Nobody makes you ever step foot in a casino/.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Put the casino on Monument Avenue. A fitting tribute to the new Richmond which intends to plunder its weak-minded citizens even further.

  4. Tomfoolery3 Avatar

    Interesting to note that the development partner, Urban One, received a delisting notification from Nasdaq yesterday. Hardly a stable, confidence inspiring sponsor, even if you are a supporter of the casino initiative

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    It’s a sucker’s game. The House always wins. And this type of economic “development” comes with a lot of fleas. It will make things worse. Mark my words.

    Sane people of Richmond – can somebody please step forth and just state the truth? The government is awful. Levar is a grifter. The schools are terrible. Having babies out of wedlock is a bad thing – spiritually emotionally and economically. As opposed to SEL indoctrination, try Judeo-Christian norms which worked until the govt decided to “help.” I don’t care if the truth speaker is white or black, just start speaking it!

    People in the black voting farms who your politicians and public servants don’t really care for (as long as you “vote” for them), insist on a change. Schools that work. Cooperate with the police. Make the neighborhoods safe. Have your kids in a stable marriage. It’s not going to get better until you insist on it. All the other people, white and black, who don’t live in the rot, you’ve got to do your part to stop it. Preachers – preach the Truth…

  6. ThomasDixon Avatar

    Let the dead bury the dead.

  7. I wonder what they are going to promise the dead people already buried in that cemetery for their votes.

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