by James A. Bacon

I have long thought of Virginia Tech as the most tolerant of free speech and expression among Virginia’s larger universities. There have been minor eruptions of cancel culture, but nothing as debilitating as the examples we’ve documented elsewhere. Looks like I was wrong.

Speech First, a nonprofit group working to combat free speech restrictions in higher-ed, has filed a lawsuit in the Roanoke federal district court, charging that the administration has created a series of “content-restricting policies and processes that allow the university to police and censor speech they deem ‘biased’ or ‘unwanted.’”

According to the Speech First press release, the lawsuit challenges four specific policies that chill student speech: the University’s discriminatory-harassment policy, its bias-related incidents, its computer policy, and a requirement that students obtain administrative approval to distribute flyers.

Under these policies, students can be disciplined for “unwelcome jokes” – or even being present when such jokes are made and failing to report when such comments are made by another person; sending “partisan, political” emails using the university’s internet; or failing to register to hand out flyers on campus. And through the school’s Bias Response program, students are encouraged to report each other while speculating on the “bias” that may have motivated their peers’ opinions, sowing mistrust and undermining community.

The policies cover speech both on and off campus as well as on social media platforms. Accordingly, students credibly fear disciplinary repercussions “for anything they say or do anytime, anywhere” and censor themselves.

Examples of bias incidents reported during the Fall 2018 semester, included the following, according to the lawsuit:

  •  A report that the words “Saudi Arabia” were written on a whiteboard outside of a student’s dorm room. According to the report, the remainder of the words on the whiteboard had been either erased or were illegible. The complainant alleged bias based on “national or ethnic origin.”
  • A report that a student in a University residence hall overheard several male students privately “talking crap about the women wh were ‘playing’ in [a] snowball fight.” The witness “could not remember exact quotations,” but stated that “the young men said that the young ladies in the snowball fight were not athletic.” The complaint alleged “discrimination” and “harassment” based on gender.
  • A report that a student told a joke “that included Caitlyn Jenner’s dead-name” during a classroom lecture. The complaint alleged “discrimination” on the basis of “gender identity.”

The university believes it to be “crucial” to respond to bias-incident reports “in a timely and consistent manner,” regardless of whether they violate policy or are “inappropriate or insensitive,” says the lawsuit. It publicizes a protocol of reporting, investigating and responding to incidents, and it encourages students and professors to report incidents if they “hear or see something that feels like a bias incident statement  or expression.”

Continuous promotion of the protocol has had an effect. The number of bias incident complaints has increased from 29 in the spring of 2017, to 35 the next fall, 37 the following spring, and 52 in the fall of 2018.

“Through this elaborate disciplinary apparatus, administrators at Virginia Tech have intimidated students into silence, refraining altogether from expressing comments or viewpoints that might be perceived as controversial or offensive,” said Speech First President Nicole Neily. “This effort to restrict (and even punish) speech based on content goes against the commitment to academic discourse that is supposed to be paramount in higher education.”

The Lawsuit describes the impact on an unidentified Student A, who holds unpopular conservative views but would like to engage in dialogue with other students.

Student A does not fully express himself or talk about certain issues because he fears that sharing his beliefs may be considered “discriminatory harassment.” He fears that other students will find his views “inappropriate” or “intimidating” or claim that his views “interfere with” their educational opportunities. Student A believes that many of the topics that he wants to address could easily be considered “discriminatory” under the University’s definition of “discriminatory harassment.” Student A’s fears are grounded in his own personal experiences on campus. …

Student A also wants to use the University email system to contact other students in support of conservative initiatives and political candidates and to oppose controversial student-government proposals. But Student A refrains because he fears that doing so will be considered a violation of the Acceptable Use Standard and Virginia Tech Policy 7000, and that he will lose his network privileges or even fact disciplinary sanctions.

Roanoke Times

reporting on the story can be found here behind a paywall.

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15 responses to “Et Tu, Tech?”

  1. Freda Joy Rosso Avatar
    Freda Joy Rosso

    My alma mater hasn’t been the same since Paul Torgersen retired. Sands doesn’t belong at VT. The alumni I know can’t stand him. Sand’s undergraduate and graduate degrees are from Berkeley so that’s what you get, a woke limousine liberal that doesn’t understand the culture of Virginia’s blue collar college. Most of us want the University to return to it’s roots as a fine agricultural and mechanical school. We considered the UVA slight “all dirt roads lead to Tech” as a compliment.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Paul Torgersen was “Dean Torgersen” when I was at VT. He had started as an engineering professor, becoming dean of the college of engineering in the 1970s, and finally was chosen as the school’s 14th president. He was a good president of the University because he intimately understood the culture of the school.

      1. Freda Joy Rosso Avatar
        Freda Joy Rosso

        He was Dean of Engineering when I was there too. IEOR ’84

    2. Irene Leech Avatar
      Irene Leech

      Today it’d be really hard to hire an internal President. Those from out of town are viewed as better choices for almost everything. My opinion is that we had too much internal for too long so now they’ve swung in the opposite direction too far.

  2. WayneS Avatar

    Absolute insanity.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      They ‘disinvited” a black guest speaker? Does this make them racist or anti-racist?

      I’m so confused!!


    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Depressing Mr. Harvie. I don’t remember our alma mater behaving this way. How about a round of Virtual Tech Triumph to brighten this cloudy day?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Of course, ONLY “public” institutions can be guilty of this, right? Private institutions can do what they want, right?

      2. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Wow! Thanks. Hadn’t heard that in a while. “…just watch those men so big and…”

        Looked for “Moonlight and VPI” on internet the other day but didn’t find it yet.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Written by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians. You can still get it on shellac for 17 bucks now.

          1. John Harvie Avatar
            John Harvie

            Wow. Thanks. Must be something in the air down here; the eyes got a little misty on me.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Mr. Harvie did you happen to know Stan Huffman, Al Payne, or M. Buford Blair in your time at VPI? They were 1948 founders of Alpha Phi Omega (service group) and advisors I became friends with in my time there. All gone now. Great men.

    3. Irene Leech Avatar
      Irene Leech

      This happened in 2016, not recently.

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        1 – Guess that excuses it, huh?
        2 – Is the atmosphere any better now? I suspect worse, not better.

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