by Dick Hall-Sizemore

The backers of Glenn Youngkin on this blog have got to be feeling confused, at least, if not downright betrayed.

Youngkin promised to expand the number of charter schools in the Commonwealth. They cheered.

Now, he has revealed his plan for charter schools. As reported today by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the Governor has gotten “the support of a number of Virginia higher education leaders who signed onto a proposal by the administration to open charter schools run by their institutions and funded by the state.”

That’s right. The Governor wants the institutions of higher education to be his vehicle to expand the number of charter schools in the Commonwealth. And he is proposing to pay them $150 million over the biennium to do it.

These are those same institutions of higher education that have been criticized endlessly on this blog for being hopelessly and dogmatically liberal; squelchers of dissenting viewpoints; purveyors of critical race theory; awash in diversity, equity, and inclusion nonsense; and top-heavy with bureaucracy, among other evils. In addition, their schools of education, which would probably take the lead on the development and running of these charter schools, have been held to be at the root of all that is wrong with education in Virginia today.

The sounds you hear are screams of disbelief and anguish.

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12 responses to “Et Tu, Brute?”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Additionally, isn’t the plan for the authorization and accountability structure of these new schools to move away from the local level (where the parents are) to the State Board which will transition to a majority of GY appointees over the next two years? How is that giving parents more control that this administration touts? Oh yeah – there is a tip line for that. Someone is playing chess not checkers.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Snicker, snicker. Guffaws.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      a lotta crickets here…..

  3. Thanks for pointing out an issue I had been too distracted by other matters to focus on. I’ll start paying close attention to this. The last people I would want controlling charter schools would be institutions of higher ed. How can that possibly be squared with the campaign rhetoric of empowering parents? Better not to have charter schools at all. But, then, I don’t know Youngkin’s thinking, and I’d like to see it before drawing a firm conclusion and letting out a loud AAAARRGGH!

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      This is where he is proposing to place the $150 million:

      I can see Democrat going along with this proposal, while killing the others in the Senate.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      This is where he is proposing to place the $150 million:

      I can see Democrats going along with this proposal, while killing the others in the Senate.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Maybe this is for Liberty U?
        I bet Conservatives would like that idea – Liberty U K-12 schools all over Virginia?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          EK-12. (Evangelical)

    3. vicnicholls Avatar

      I think the idea is to probably make sure they learn enough that kids aren’t taking remedial classes in college. Doing that is probably a more clear indication of dropping out.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Listen up, you Liberal snowflakes! We’re banning these books and CRT from our schools because they make us feel bad!”


  5. Troublemaker Avatar

    Just wait until this RINO starts showing his anti-gun position.

  6. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “The backers of Glenn Youngkin on this blog have got to be feeling confused, at least, if not downright betrayed.”

    Actually, we’re relieved that two years of crackpot Democrat governance is at an end, thank God. I’m sure that Team Youngkin will stumble here and there. But, overall, we are thankful that, to paraphrase Cromwell, the Northam Democrats have, in the name of God, gone.

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