End the Johnnymander!

The original gerrymander

by Scott Dreyer

In March 1812, the Boston Gazette ran a cartoon showing “a new species of monster” — ”the Gerry-mander.” It made fun of a contorted voting district that the Jeffersonian Republicans had drawn up to benefit its candidates. Governor Elbridge Gerry signed off on it, and with the cartoon’s publication, a new word entered the English language. “Gerrymandering” is the process whereby politicians can influence elections based on who is voting in that district.

The Johnnymander: Virginia senate district 21

Every ten years after our nation’s new census, those in power scramble to draw new political boundaries. Because of the “one man-one vote” principle, each district should have roughly the same population as all the others. However, these districts are not to be drawn too willy-nilly. Each district is supposed to combine “communities of interest.” In other words, each district should contain people who have much in common geographically, culturally, and economically. Also, the districts are supposed to be compact and contiguous. That is, the regions are to be as small and close together as reasonably possible.

This brings us to Southwest Virginia now.
Because of our relatively low population density, much of our region has only two State Senate seats. One is District 21. Look at its bizarre shape. Doesn’t it look like some kind of “political monster”? Imagine Roanoke City is its head. Its neck is a rural, sparsely populated corridor including parts of Mason’s Cove and Catawba. Its torso is around Virginia Tech/Blacksburg, with rural Giles County bringing up the rear, so to speak.

I experienced the ridiculousness of District 21 for the fifteen years my family lived in Roanoke. We were lumped into the same area as Blacksburg, Pearisburg, and Narrows; its line went right up to the border of West Virginia! Granted, we had a neighbor behind us who worked at Tech so he made the commute daily. However for me, I would usually go there once every few years while driving to visit relatives in Indiana. For most Roanokers, I dare say, trips to Blacksburg are infrequent, and trips to Narrows even less.

But from my old home in Southwest Roanoke City, if I drove five minutes down Brambleton Avenue into Roanoke County–voila–I was suddenly in a new district: 19. In sum, the Cave Spring Corners area, where I was several times a week, had a different state senator, but the NRV and Giles County on the West Virginia line where I seldom went was the 21st. I am sure most people in Roanoke City spend far more time in Roanoke County than they do in Narrows.

This shape of the 21st, though odd, is not a coincidence. It is a carefully mapped-out sleight of hand. Roanoke City and Tech–due to their demographics–have large Democrat populations. In fact, by lumping both together–even though they are separated by an hour’s drive–create a safe “blue” seat. Pity the rural voters around Catawba and Giles County–they are essentially GOP-leaning “sacrificial lambs” whose votes are consistently overwhelmed by the two blue urban regions. This explains why Sen. John Edwards (D) keeps easily winning this seat over and over, and has since the last millennium. The seat is not competitive. Anyone with a (D) behind the name has a high chance of winning it.

This is why I have dubbed State Senate District 21 a “Johnnymander.”

But this gerrymandering is a two-edged sword. By lumping the blue regions of Roanoke City and Blacksburg into the 21st district, the result is, almost the rest of the region is bright red. Because it misses the urban areas of Roanoke and Tech, the surrounding area called District 19 is both sprawling and so heavily Republican that it, too, is non-competitive. It extends as far West as Wytheville and as far south as near Mabry Mill, it envelops the Roanoke Valley on three sides, all of Smith Mountain Lake, and it reaches as far east as the outskirts of Lynchburg. Any Democrat running there would surely face huge headwinds. It is currently represented by Republican state senator David Suetterlein.

By having our two state senate districts so heavily gerrymandered to favor one party of the other, I believe we Southwest Virginians are losing. Those elections are largely non-competitive, plus both the Roanoke and New River Valleys are split.

Using 2020 census results, the Virginia Supreme Court will soon decide new House of Delegates and State Senate district lines. You can view the proposed maps here.

Please notice the proposed District 3, in purple, also splits the Roanoke Valley. It lumps Vinton, Bonsack, Hollins and Catawba into a sprawling district that runs up I-81 as far as Staunton and Waynesboro! If few Roanokers travel to Blacksburg daily, I bet even fewer make a daily trek to Stuarts Draft! In contrast, the proposed District 4, in brown, lumps in Roanoke City, Salem and Cave Spring with Shawsville and other parts of Montgomery County.

Would it not make more sense, for the Roanoke Valley to be in one senate district, and the NRV in another? Plus, by actually placing heaving Democrat and Republican neighborhoods in the same districts, it should make elections more competitive, which should result in more responsive leadership. That would certainly make each seat more “compact and contiguous” plus guarantee a more close “community of interest” for both.

Scott Dreyer teaches English as a Second Language in Roanoke. This column has been republished with permission from The Roanoke Star.

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31 responses to “End the Johnnymander!”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Could be worse. You could be a waterman or farmer whose representation is determined by hoteliers and real estate developers.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I understand the frustration of Mr. Dreyer. However, he has to admit that the new proposed districts are better than the old ones. He may have a Johnnymander, but my House of Delegates district was dubbed the “toilet seat” based on its shape. That Senate District 3, running from northern Roanoke County to Waynesboro/Staunton is a sprawling district, but it all depends on the numbers. Some of that district is sparsely populated.

    Due to loss in population in the area, the districts that encompass far Southwest Virginia had to be stretched to take in some of the New River Valley.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    District 20 reminds me of chalk line at a crime scene. Who dunn it? Why the special masters did. Although it could have been Colonel Mustard with the candlestick.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Only in the movies. No chalk lines at real murder scenes.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      What District 20 are you referring to? Here is the proposed Senate District 20 and I don’t see that sort of outline. Maybe s0me strange animal with a stubby tail. Now that I look at it more, it looks like a seahorse:


      1. how_it_works Avatar

        The “tail” on that is the Manassas airport and nobody lives there.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Sorry Mr. Dick. I meant D. 21 from the article. Although 20 is a strange looking one.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Well, congrats, by splitting Christiansburg (edit: Montgomery County as pointed out by Wayne) right down the center, Dems in the Valley will now have no representation in the State Senate if the current plan is adopted that is… looks like they listened to you…

    1. What map are you looking at?

      In the proposed redistricting map at the link, the entirety of the Town of Christiansburg is in senate district 4.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        I guess it was really hard for him to type Christiansburg into the search function on the page and notice it’s entirely encompassed by district 4 as you indicated.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar

        I guess it was really hard for him to type Christiansburg into the search function on the page and notice it’s entirely encompassed by district 4 as you indicated.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        You are correct, it is Montgomery County they bisected – pealing out Blacksburg from Christiansburg…. Same effect… Same thing with HOD 41/42…. serious right leaning gerrymandering… just as the author suggested… dilute the Dems by design.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          “Eric the half a troll WayneS • 13 minutes ago
          You are correct, it is Montgomery County they bisected – pealing out Blacksburg from Christiansburg…. Same effect… Same thing with HOD 41/42…. serious right leaning gerrymandering… just as the author suggested… dilute the Dems by design.”

          Blah, blah, blah your standard response. “Well I was wrong, but I was still right.”

          You complain about “conservatives” complaining all the time, yet you’re a perpetual victim from your seat of luxury in Loudoun County.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He said in a complaint…

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Nancy Naive Matt Adams • 2 minutes ago
            He said in a complaint…”

            express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.

            Pointing out the troll has a problem admitting he is wrong and just shifts goal posts is not complaining, it’s making a statement of fact. However, that is also foreign to you because when you get proven wrong you just attack the poster.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You say potato. I say vodka.

            You do realize that the only person on this blog who contributes more wothless crap than me is you, right?

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Nancy Naive Matt Adams • 29 minutes ago • edited
            You say potato. I say vodka.

            You do realize that the only person on this blog who contributes more wothless crap than me is you, right?”

            Scan my comments, I don’t troll, I don’t post irrelevant information. I stick to the point and try to have a discussion. However, you’re statement is nothing more than confession through projection.

            “Either way, someone who deflects or projects may have a super ego and struggle to accept reality. These defense mechanisms can be incredibly harmful to the people around you, and can lead to a toxic relationship.”

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay. So it’s not your intent. Kinda makes it funnier, in a pathetic way.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Nancy Naive Matt Adams • an hour ago
            Okay. So it’s not your intent. Kinda makes it funnier, in a pathetic way.”

            Fun little lesson for you:

            1) A troll makes inflammatory or off-topic comments (i.e 99% of your comment history)
            2) They attack posters with ad homs and all sorts of other fallacies, they don’t debate ideas.
            3) More confession through projection. I realize that you’re an egomaniac, but you’re really not that intelligent or even witty.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Still funny.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Just another Matt-world hissy fit….

          9. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Eric the half a troll Nancy Naive • 43 minutes ago
            Just another Matt-world hissy fit….”

            Says the poster, whom 99% of their comments are hissy fits.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is spelled “Loudoun”… smh…

          11. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Eric the half a troll 42 minutes ago
            It is spelled “Loudoun”… smh…”

            Oh goodness me, I made a typo. If only you were able to not make a typo.

        2. “serious right-leaning gerrymandering”? Really? By whom?

          The proposed senate districts on that map are far more compact than the current ones. They have far fewer “arms” , “legs” and/or “wings” protruding and/or reaching out from them to encompass distant areas. By definition they are not “gerrymandered”.

          You may not like where some of the district boundaries are drawn on the proposed map, but you not liking them is not the same thing as them being gerrymandered.

          The bottom line is, district dividing lines have to be placed somewhere, and I doubt anyone is going to be pleased with all, or even most, of the new districts.

          By the way, the current district map also splits Montgomery county. It does it with an (more-or-less) east-west-running line instead of the proposed (more-or-less) north-south-running line.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            You are entirely correct. Basically, what the new map does is “ungerrymander” the current map. The old map was drawn so as to protect one incumbent (John Edwards). The new map undoes all those convoluted lines, thereby changing the makeup of the districts. As you pointed out, because a district’s partisan makeup is changed does not necessarily mean it was gerrymandered. In fact, the special masters reported that they did not look at the partisan makeup of districts until after the maps were drawn.

          2. …the special masters reported that they did not look at the partisan makeup of districts until after the maps were drawn.

            I believe them.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You don’t think this is a gerrymander…??

            Chas has almost identical complaints on the proposed map that the author has on the existing…


            “Absolute monstrosity of a map in the Roanoke Valley and New River Valley. You don’t need to split Roanoke 4 ways, don’t divide the college towns of Radford and Blacksburg. This part of the map sucks.”

            and his follow up:


            “I’m biased of course as a Blacksburg resident, but this is my biggest complaint with the maps. You can draw a fair, compact Blacksburg-Radford district that is only one resident off from the target! Christ’s sake! Nobody’s going from Blacksburg to those parts of Roanoke!”

            He is correct, btw…

          4. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. And so is “Chaz” – whoever the hell he is.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Well, he is not Not Larry Sabato…. But thanks for allowing me an opinion…. 😉

  5. Paul Sweet Avatar

    I’ve seen several articles saying the court appointed special masters who drew the proposed maps tried to keep the districts compact and contiguous, considering mountains and other geographical boundaries, and ignoring incumbent.

    They started in Northern Virginia and worked their way south and west, so some of the southwestern districts had to be distorted to make the numbers work (I think they were supposed to hold population differences to 1 or 2%).

    There is no way to draw these maps without stepping on somebody’s toes. At least they didn’t do it deliberately to protect an incumbent or screw an opponent.

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