Governor Ralph Northam Signals His Virtue

by Steve Haner

There is no more COVID emergency. Every single emergency order issued by Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam should be lifted immediately. Not relaxed or revised, ended.

For the millions of Virginians now vaccinated, this is all just virtue signaling, “pandemic theater.” For the millions of Virginians who have made conscious decisions not to get the vaccine, my level of concern for them has evaporated. They, their families, and their health care providers are on their own, and, frankly, most will be fine until winter stimulates the virus again.

More Virtue Signaling

By then, more of them will have come to their senses and gotten the shots.

The rules in place are really starting to look stupid.  President Joe Biden, Governor Northam and all the others holding onto and consciously modeling needless restrictions are the real anti-vaxxers now. They are the ones clearly rejecting all the scientific evidence of vaccine effectiveness. 

It is time to lift all the restrictions on gyms. If some terrified soul wants to stay ten feet away from another occupied machine in the YMCA, or wear a mask in the hallway, they have that option. If they are that worried, they should just stay home. For us with the vaccine, we’re ready to open up fully. The crowds are back. The fear is gone.

The homeowner’s association where we live is run by the terrified, although maybe more terrified of lawsuits than disease. Our own fitness center has been totally closed for 14 months because they read the Governor’s Diktat as requiring a full-time employee to check temperatures and wipe every machine forty times a day. But the Y never checks temperatures. An “I’m OK” thumbs-up gets you in, and that of course could be a lie.

Don’t revise the rules. End them. Tell our HOA board to just chill and open the pool Memorial Day, with your full understanding that sunlight kills viruses.

The second grader had a classmate test positive about two weeks ago and was immediately ordered to go virtual for a full 14 days, disrupting their and our lives. That is not in line with the current CDC guidance, which would have allowed kids to return in person sooner after a negative test, which he got.

His possible exposure got his little brother sent home for 14 days, also despite a negative test. His mother is kicking herself for honestly reporting the potential secondary exposure. No refund for those two weeks of day care, sadly.

Right now Terry McAuliffe, seeking the nomination of the Lockdown Party, is running an outrageous lie of a television commercial, blaming the economic damage done to women during the pandemic on discrimination.  It was the various emergency orders and Virginia’s boneheaded insistence on keeping schools closed, despite all the evidence it wasn’t necessary, which cost most of those women their jobs.

The various governors, Northam included, listening to the teacher’s unions destroyed the careers of all those women and may keep them stuck at home into the fall. They must be made to pay for that.

The rules exist now to just pretend the government actually understands how this disease spreads and the risk it poses. It doesn’t. Fourteen months of experience have shown everybody that it is a highly transmissible virus that spreads as easily in states with restrictions as without. The excuse that we needed to protect the hospitals from being overwhelmed is especially ridiculous now that so many of the most vulnerable are vaccinated.

Why is the Virginia Capitol still closed when so many private businesses have never been closed?

Why are so many other government offices still closed to public activity? Are their employees more vulnerable to disease than the hundreds of thousands of other essential workers who never stopped interacting with customers at places like grocery stores?

Look at the collapsing numbers. This is basically over. This is now endemic, not a pandemic anymore, and all the existing rules will not reduce the disease further. The vaccine has been available to older citizens for almost five months now. If 20% of the age 70-80 population and 25% of age 80-plus have not taken advantage, most are choosing not to, and the rest are living in isolation and, thus, are also safer. But those are still the majority of the continuing deaths.

In the past months have you seen an emphasis from Virginia to reach those older, truly vulnerable holdouts? Is that where the resources and messaging have been focused? No, even though that is how you would prevent the most deaths. Politics and posturing are driving the decisions.

End the emergency orders. All of them. Today.  If you won’t listen to me, listen to a Democrat, State Senator Chap Petersen of Fairfax.

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53 responses to “End the Emergency Orders. Now. Every One.”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Are Norttham’s orders NOT based on CDC guidance?

    If they are, then isn’t your beef with the CDC and the “science” they are asserting?

    If Northam is truly issuing orders based on his own thinking, I would totally agree.

    But if he is not and it IS based on CDC, then attacking him is dishonest and disingenuous – using him as a proxy to dispute the CDC.

    so which is it?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yes, Larry. The CDC has been superceded by BaQAnon Science and its chief scientist Steve.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. Sheesh.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Larry the following is actual science:

      1) Temporal, facial ear and under tongue temperatures are inaccurate. The only true measure of body temperature is rectal.
      2) A large majority of individuals who contract COVID-19 do not have a fever.
      3) Wiping down surfaces while good for other hosts of diseases is pointless for COVID-19, which is not a fomite.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Liver. Go take your temperature.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Nancy Naive Matt Adams • a few seconds ago
          Liver. Go take your temperature.”

          Liver temp determines time of death, wow another thing you’ve gotten wrong. Unless you’re telling me to go die, which I wouldn’t put past you.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Wow! See? You are smarter than you look.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I don’t generally think my ability to understand topics is grater than most, I tend to treat people with respect if they provide it themselves.

            You’re an internet troll/bully.

            I surmise you were the same way as a teacher, which means you were less about teaching and more about self-aggrandizement.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Self-aggrandizement? Why, I think I even said as much.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Which should’ve been an indicator that you should’ve never been a teacher. If all you required was fellatio you should’ve just found a hooker.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Good LORD! does he not realize that these scans are not supposed to be definitive, just for screening?

          When I’ve had mine taken, it usually comes with some other questions… including if I’ve been vaccinated.

          When I visit the doctor – they STILL REQUIRE that I wear a mask EVEN IF I have been vaccinated.

          I bet even Steve does what his Doctor says even if he disagrees… 😉

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            10 CONTINUE
            PRINT “No, he does not realize.”
            C You can add anything you’d like after the word “realize” and the answer is still —
            GOTO 10

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            COVID-19 can occur asymptomatically, so the ways to fetter it out was to check for a fever. If you aren’t using tools that are accurate how will that occur?

            “When I visit the doctor – they STILL REQUIRE that I wear a mask EVEN IF I have been vaccinated.

            I bet even Steve does what his Doctor says even if he disagrees… ;-)”

            That has what to do with what I said?

            Where did I indicate I don’t adhere to the best practice to keep myself and others safe.

      2. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

        News! Northam confirms the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer is the taste

        Disqus Must Be Destroyed!

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The CDC no longer has credibility. But yes, there are rules in place in VA which go beyond the CDC’s current recommendations, some of which are evidence-based but some of which are WAGs. The six-foot distance rule had ZERO evidence and was contrary to the one meter rule the WHO used, for example. The fear about spreading this on surfaces was discredited, but those obsessive cleansing rules remain in place, some with potential sanctions. So a Y employee walks around spritzing empty machines for two seconds from a few feet away — yeah, that mist is gonna kill the virus! Again, virtue signaling with no science behind it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Naw… you changed from believing some of them to less of them – while a shitload of other institutions, businesses, etc STILL DO.

        You’ve just done what other Conservatives are doing – picking and choosing who and what they wanna believe – without any real consistency – it varies by the day or issue.

        you just disagree with how the CDC is interpreting the science but you didn’t have that problem trusting the science behind the vaccine, eh?

        Heckfire guy – even the professional sports are still following CDC guidance. Must be a total bunch of idiot liberals, eh?

  2. Wise King Ralph enjoys ruling by royal decree. He won’t relinquish his emergency powers until he absolutely has to.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The polling continues to demonstrate that the Larry/Nancy fear narrative has taken hold, as we all see daily in people’s behavior. Northam’s own voters and political base won’t “accept the science.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        There’s no “fear narrative”. From what I can tell, it’s the very same CDC issuing guidance as they have all along and Northam following it as he has all along. And some folks like Steve FOLLOWED the CDC guidance on masks and vaccines until he decided not to – i.e. picking and choosing.

        Is it honest to continue to tar Northam for doing what he has been doing all along – i.e. following CDC guidance?

        Look around you guys. All these other institutions , businesses, sports, etc, are ALSO following the guidance.

        Ya’ll don’t agree but in your herd – there has been a wide variety of folks who have disagreed all along – he disagreed with the masks and now the vaccines… they too denying the CDC guidance.

        For the record, I do not think all the CDC guidance is the truth from on high from GAWD himeself. It is what it is and each of us can figure out what we want to do but to claim Northam is doing arbitrary dictates when it appears the’s just following CDC guidance (that ya’ll disagree with) is not being honest about what Northam is doing and combine that with your skepticism of the science and you’d well into the Conservative herd.


    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Reminds me of the phrase:

      If you yield or give in, you’ll be taken advantage of”

  3. Publius Avatar

    Good article. Long overdue. One quibble – not getting vaccinated does not equal stupidity. Does a college age kid really need to be vaccinated? A college age kid who appears to have had the KungFlu/COVID whatever you want to call it? What if under 60 and never been affected by seasonal flus? Any concerns over the quick approval? I remember thalidomide babies… Messing with mRNA seems a little like bringing a cannon when a fly scatter would do. Now, I think you can make an argument that as you get older, getting vaccinated for COVID makes more sense, but people should be able to make up their own minds on when that is.
    Open the churches! I hear Delta is now filling the middle seat. So the virus knows when you have a righteous riot or a Biden “win” and now when you are flying.
    Perhaps the single biggest policy mistake of my lifetime. (But there are so many!)

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Again, your choice. If making an “evidence based” decision the answer is yes, everybody should get vaccinated, with the older people and obese first in line. Our daughter who is an NP with two MS degrees was one who said, “let others go first.” But she didn’t wait that long and she wasn’t in daily contact with patients. The natural immunity from a previous infection may carry you a while.

      The endemic disease will surge again among the unvaccinated, without question. And I await the evidence on how long the vaccines hold and will act accordingly.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but good gerrymandering will cover the next surge among the unvaccinated.

      2. Publius Avatar

        My sequence for vaccinated – if it must be meted out by our “betters” –
        And open up the country!
        And let people make their own health decisions. Amazing that SEC and Big 10 football and the NCAA basketball tournaments didn’t wipe out the world previously…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I guess Steve got spooked into the vaccine?


          REAL Conservatives don’t need no stinking vaccine, right?

          All those folks dying in India is grade A fear mongering, right?

          I get it. You gotta “believe” – and if your faith is not strong enough, then you’re gonna get the clap and die…

          1. Publius Avatar

            Larry – how can I say this nicely…?
            You’re an idiot.
            My qualifier was “if the vaccine must be meted out by our ‘betters’”
            Steve is a smart man – with his own human agency and can make up his own mind. He has a daughter with some medical expertise. He has made his decision.
            I have my own medical history and my own human agency and life experiences. You have no idea – maybe some people aren’t scared of the KungFlu. Maybe some people wonder how come the flu has disappeared… Maybe they think the PCR test is picking up a lot of false positives for Covid and seasonal flu. The government wrong? Lie? How many people died with fear-mongering over HCQ? How come Dr. St. Fau(x)ci gets to come down from Olympus with more wrong info that is treated as holy writ? He is a liar – a 40 year bureaucrat and I had him pegged early.
            And all you do Larry is engage in whataboutism, instead of actually contributing anything substantive. What about India? Well, what about it? I live in the USA which has the greatest assortment of medical professionals and potential remedies anywhere in the world. India has pockets of that excellence. How many dying are people already knocking on death’s door?
            Ultimately, years from now, we may get to actual science and discover the lockdowns were a huge policy error – I would say intentionally so in certain States, including Virginny and King Ralph. The true measure will be “excess deaths.” I am not convinced we have had excess deaths from Covid because the PCR test does not actually confirm Covid. Meanwhile, drug deaths up 41% in Virginia. Teen suicides up. Learning lost.
            Finally Larry – aren’t you a “my body, my choice” guy? Or does that only apply when you are choosing to kill a human being?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Publis – do you think any of this has anything to do with one’s belief in science?

            is that “agency”?

            Where would the US be if a significant number of people did not believe in the science of vaccines?

            is that “agency” ?

            How would a pandemic turn out if people decided that science was wrong about vaccines?

            How many people who refuse the vaccine are still going to be okay because others believed the science and got vaccinated?

            How many “idiots” blathered on and on about “herd immunity” and now we doubt we can get there because the same idiots won’t get vaccinated?

            “my body, my choice” – the virus does not give a rats behind. That choice is on you.

          3. Publius Avatar

            Ok Larry. I will waste my time with you and give you a reply. Otherwise, I was going to employ the don’t fight with a pig aphorism.
            First, as to the rat’s behind on the virus’ evil designs, I thought it knew when it was OK to protest, or to celebrate Biden’s steal? Apparently, it now knows to leave passengers alone on Delta’s middle seat.

            Anyway, in answer to your stupid question, I do not believe in “science.”
            I believe in the scientific process where hypotheses are tested and results can be replicated and are verifiable. Do vaccines work? Duh. Yes. Does this vaccine work? Yes. How well? I’d say the “science” is out because of the rush to market. Do we know of all possible adverse consequences? No. So, using human reason to guide my knowledge of my situation, I don’t think I need the vaccine. This could change as facts develop over time. But meanwhile, I am not sick. And I also wonder how the human race achieved herd immunity prior…. Meanwhile, your God, Dr. St. Fau(x)ci is a liar. I’ll go with my decisions and not the crowd, which will be proved wrong and I will not refrain from saying “I told you so.” “Science” will prove me right.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Thanks Publius for forthrightly confirming your views.

            One of the problems with folks like you seems to be that you can’t really debate without engaging personal attacks – and it’s almost always Conservative types.

            You’ve well confirmed that “your” science is basically an arbitrary mixture of your own ignorant beliefs and your clearly rancid politics while you disavow and reject legitimate science and scientists – the same ones that did produce the vaccine which enough of us have gotten to blunt the pandemic despite folks like you – at least in this country.

            What we’ve learned from the pandemic that started with Global Warming is much more about each other collectively and what we “believe” about science and politics.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Apparently, it’s moot now. So, let’s keep dancing.


  4. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I stopped wearing a mask 2 weeks ago. I am vaccinated and refuse to play dress up.
    The “leaders” out there all need to tell everyone that this is the best it gets and move on with life.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So, you enter building that have signs saying “anyone entering must wear a mask” or words to that effect?

      1. Publius Avatar

        Yes, it’s called real peaceful protest, as opposed to Leftist’s peaceful protests…

      2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
        Baconator with extra cheese

        Yes. And sometimes I do 27 in a 25 which is most likely a greater risk to society.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          and if you do that in a Dr. office down our way, they call security.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Emperor Ralphie is having too much fun. Why give back power? Who is going to make him?

  6. Just 15 more days to stop the spread……..which started 413 days ago…

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Merely adding a comment to Kerry’s was not sufficient….Needed to get this off my chest in full.

    Yep, just looked at VDH again. Still have 20% of age 70-80 with no vaccine, and another 10% only partially vaccinated. For 80+ it is higher. Those remain the most likely to die or fill a hospital bed, and if the state or the feds are serious about saving lives, that remains the target population. Are they? Serious about saving lives?

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    The true colors of liberalism are showing. Comrade de Blasio has ordered 80,000 NYC workers back to their offices. The workers aren’t happy. The pushback is on in earnest. They have dreamed up myriad reasons to continue working in their pajamas and slippers.

    As far as I can tell, Fairfax County Public Schools are still not back to 5 day in-person instruction for all students. Meanwhile, many other school districts in Virginia has conducted full, in-person classes all year with no notable problems.

    I go to the gym 6 days a week. They take my temperature every day with some cheap looking plastic electro-thermometer. I have never registered above 97 degrees. I frequently check in at 96.1, 96.3 etc. I asked the person doing the temperature checks if anybody had been turned away. No. What a waste of time.

    So, here is where Virginia sits. The worst governor in memory continues to keep mindless lockdown policies in place. As a privileged child of the Byrd Machine he sees no reason to explain himself to “the little people”.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      True Colors – the CDC is the same bunch of lying leftists as the Climate Scientists are, right?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        The CDC is an advisory organization. There are disagreements within the CDC about most major topics. In a ell functioning government, the CDC would provide advice to political leaders on matters of health. The political leaders would take this advice into account as they considered laws and made decisions.

        In a dysfunctional government, any utterance by the CDC would be taken as Gospel truth since it represents “science”. Politicians would translate the THEORIES of the CDC into fear porn and institute whatever level of lockdown they felt would further their political careers.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          the CDC is MORE than an advisory organization. It can actually set rules and does –

          CDC is also not the only science. There is science outside of the CDC that influences the CDC – both in this country and the rest of the world.

          Bottom line is you are not a scientist and you do not really understand science the way that career professional do and yet you and others think you are because you can form opinions.

          You’d probably NEVER consider telling someone how to design a rocket or interpret ocean currents or how pancreatic cancer works but on this and climate, everyone is an expert these days. “Smart people” – no degree in science, no decades of work in the field, nope. Just an opinion on what you believe.

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    Vaccinations and negative COVID tests mean nothing to the “science loving” left. Why should I have to wear a mask if I can show my vaccination card? Why does the gym have to take my temperature? As Steve describes … why are children who have been exposed to COVID but test negative (after the incubation period) refused entry back to school.

    I guess Northam and his Legion of Lefties don’t believe that either vaccinations or COVID tests really work.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      well , here is what the CDC has said:

      ” … experts still don’t know if someone who is vaccinated can transmit the virus or not. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is “keeping a close eye” on COVID-19 cases in fully vaccinated people.”

      “science does not yet know” – but apparently “smart people” and some bloggers do…. eh?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        When scientists say they don’t know then there is no “science” to rely upon. However, in this case there is evidence.

        “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that about .008% of the fully vaccinated have become infected and about 1% of them have died.”

        Once again Larry you are trading in fear porn.


        Doesn’t that mean that .00008 * 1 million people means that 80 vaccinated people out of one million will catch the disease? And of those 80, 0.8 will die.

        That means in Virginia, if everybody was vaccinated, then about 688 people would catch the virus and 7 would die.

        Despite your love of fear porn. these kinds of numbers require Northam to make a decision. When is it safe enough?

        Note that I didn’t say it would require the CDC to make a decision. Nor did I say that your imaginary “scientific certainty” would make the decision for Northam.

        The truth is out there Larry. Open your eyes.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          DJ – When science comments on what they feel is or is not evidence, that is science speaking.

          You can disagree and you guys do but your views are not science but instead your own based on your beliefs – and your own interpretations of evidence.

          I do not think the CDC or science is infallible by a long shot but I rely on their word any day over yours and especially folks with partisan agendas.

          Science is more careful and precise that you and science does evolve as more evidence and information develops.

          If you want Fear Porn – I’ll direct you to India – go take a look.

          They are a country 4 times as big as us and said to be the biggest developer of vaccines in the world but go look at what has happened to them.

          Those folks did NOT follow the science. They followed their own beliefs and now are paying for it.

          We’d be in the very same boat if not enough of us DID get the vaccine because we have many who will not – but not as many as India did.

  10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Florida’s governor has announced a suspension of all covid restrictions. Could this be compared to Washington returning his sword to the Continental Congress in 1783?

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Just for giggles and grins:

    ” Science Brief: Background Rationale and Evidence for Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The nicest thing you can say about that is it is 90 to 120 days out of date. Was reasonable before they knew how well these vaccines work. Now we know. The “emergency” is long over.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Updated Apr. 2, 2021

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          See my citation of a May 3 article above.

          .008% of fully vaccinated people have been seen getting COVID. Of these people, 1% have died.

  12. davemarney Avatar

    I feel completely hopeless about our current Virginia administration. As I predicted upon reading the original Executive Order, it was clear that we are going to remain IN LOCKDOWN until the next election.

    I even have doubts now about the peaceful passing of power. We’ve never had a change in executive during the midst of a statewide medical emergency. Who knows what Northam will do? Will he go quietly? Will he call out the National Guard? Will he cancel the elections?

    I am serious about these concerns. Our laws granting the Governor power in a declared “emergency” are so incredibly expansive — no limits on time or scope, just completely at the whim of the executive — that there’s no reason to expect he will leave when he is supposed to.

  13. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

    This lockdown has been great for business:

    More red tape, paperwork must be stamped, check boxes checked, fines issued improper stamping and check boxing issued.

    It keeps us bureaucrats busy, stamping, check boxing, taking paid breaks, letting the phone ring, doing personal business on your dime. I barely have time to go protest during my work schedule.

    How could one possibly create value for civilized society without proper check boxing?

    Disqus Must Be Destroyed

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