by Walter Smith

The statue of Emil Faber, founder of Faber College (of Animal House fame), bears a quote, “Knowledge is good.” The reigning philosophy at the University of Virginia, by contrast, seems to be, “Only some knowledge is good.”

By way of introduction, let us note that the University of Virginia Alumni Association this fall conducted a survey that gauged the opinions of UVa alumni on a wide range of topics relating to the university. Of the approximately 25,000 alumni solicited, 1,319 responded. Among other highlights, the survey revealed that respect for university founder Thomas Jefferson and the Honor System has waned among younger alumni. The association published the findings in Virginia magazine.

Now consider a previous survey. In March 2018, in response to a request from a working group of UVa’s deans, the Board of Visitors approved the expenditure of $80,000 to conduct the 2017-18 University Climate Survey. “Climate Survey,” for your edification, has no connection to global warming. It is an academic term of art for measuring how schools are doing in their core missions. Many universities conduct similar surveys and publish them on their websites. Here is the University of Richmond’s. Here is Wake Forest’s. Here is UVa’s 2015 survey conducted shortly after the infamous Rolling Stone rape story.

You will not find a copy of the 2018 survey. The UVa administration has suppressed it. I tried to obtain the summary document through the Freedom of Information Act. UVa denied my request. I filed suit in Henrico County General District Court. I lost the initial round, but the fight is not over.

UVa’s attorneys convinced the district court judge that the Climate Survey is “scholarly research” and, therefore, exempt.

The work may have been performed by scholars, but it is not scholarly research. Scholarly research is aimed at producing “generalizable knowledge.” According to the Virginia Supreme Court case on point, “scholarly research” cannot be intended for administrative purposes. The Climate Survey, conducted by UVa’s Center for Survey Research, was specifically intended for administrative purposes.

I have filed for a new trial of this issue in the circuit court. But I would much prefer for UVa to just follow the law and demonstrate fealty to free expression and free inquiry by releasing the survey. I would like the Board of Visitors (BoV) to demonstrate good governance by insisting upon its release.

UVa’s deans requested the 2018 Climate Survey, and the BoV approved it in open session. The Climate Survey comprised a universe of over 30,000 current students, faculty and employees and generated over 6,000 responses. It was conducted with rigorous scientific standards, and it was officially approved by UVA’s Institutional Research Board (a requirement for “human subject” research). Respondents were ensured anonymity. If the Alumni Survey of a sampling of 12 classes over a 51-year span is deemed scientifically valid, would not the Climate Survey be much more so?

Someone decided not to release the survey results. Who? Was President Jim Ryan involved with that decision? Why would anyone want to suppress the findings? Were the findings embarrassing for the administration?

President Ryan, earlier this year UVa’s Commission on Free Expression and Free Inquiry proclaimed its “unequivocal” support of free expression and free inquiry. You endorsed the statement. Please demonstrate your commitment to free expression, free inquiry and a desire to follow truth wherever it may lead.

Members of the Board of Visitors, you approved the survey at the request of the deans’ working group. Please fulfill your governance obligations and demand that the survey be released.

The fictitious Emil Faber knew that knowledge is good. Can the same not be said of the university founded by Thomas Jefferson?

Walter Smith, a University of Virginia alumnus, is an attorney residing in Henrico County.

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14 responses to “Emil Faber Weeps”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Good bless Mr. Smith and the best of luck!

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Geez. If you’re going to invoke the story of Fawn Leibowitz’s demise, you should at least understand the meaning of double secret probation.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Thought I’d appeal to reason one more time before going to Senator Blutarsky…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sometimes, you just have to go farcical on their arses.

        While the State may have paid for the survey, that alone won’t necessarily breach the school’s claim, if even claim they have made, for confidentiality.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Must be damn embarrassing for them to work this hard to keep it secret, given as a poll it won’t reveal any personal identifying information. Gotta admit my curiosity is up. Sounds like the Gallup engagement surveys all the rage in some corporations, often very damming of management. 🙂

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah. Don’t, whaever you do, eat one of these apples!
            Well, $#!^ Dude, just hang a sign.

  3. dick dyas Avatar

    Is the survey that just was published in Virginia Magazine ( 12/10) the one you are speaking about? It is indeed surprising.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” It was conducted with rigorous scientific standards, and it was officially approved by UVA’s Institutional Research Board (a requirement for “human subject” research). ”

    there are those words – “research” – kind of hard to get around that I would think….

    Tilting at windmills?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As with the magic word “science,” you read it and just accept whatever nonsense follows, right?

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      No Larry. I am not. When you were young, did you suck up to government power this much?
      If you wanted to do something other than defend government abuse of power, you would notice that UVA has a website called “Institutional Research and Analysis” and it has all sorts of data, common data sets, etc, about…the institution! The institution otherwise known as the University of Virginia. See for yourself – – including a bunch of surveys about the student experience.
      Meanwhile…UVA also has the Center for Survey Research –
      All of the academics I have talked with, not a huge number, seem to understand the clear distinction.
      Parenthetically, I will note that UVA has sort of made me an expert in FOIA. I now know each of the 3 times UVA claimed “working papers” was bogus, as is this claim. There should be some greater punishment than costs for an abusive exemption claim. It totally relies on the State government institution to be acting in good faith, and the instrumentality holds all the cards. Not a fair fight. So, if it loses, there should be some disincentive for hiding the docs. Remember, the starting presumption is the citizen is entitled to the document.

      1. dick dyas Avatar

        Are you saying the report still has not been released?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          The report in response to “Unite the Right,” ordered by the Deans Working Group, approved by the BOV, conducted by UVA’s Center for Survey Research HAS NOT been released. But the unasked for, non-BOV approved, non-Dean requested Alumni Survey has been spread far and wide.
          And I am not diminishing the Alumni Survey. It contains interesting data…in fact, the Alumni Survey is worth at least one article on the BOV and President…

          But first, RELEASE the 2017-18 University Climate Survey!

          1. dick dyas Avatar


  5. The CDC did the same hiding trick when it’s study showed that firearms are legally used by law abiding citizens to protect lives several million times a year.

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