Electric Cars and Burning Trucks

Terry McAuliffe

In a Dec.5, 2012 news conference, presumed Democratic candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe stated unequivocally that he chose to locate his electric-car manufacturing facility in Mississippi because Virginia economic developers were not interested. “They decided they didn’t want to bid on it,” he said.

Nancy Madsen, writing under the Times-Dispatch Politifact banner, thoroughly demolishes that statement, chronicling emails from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership under both the Kaine and McDonnell administrations showing a continued interest in the project, though tempered by some skepticism that McAuliffe could make good on his promises.

Concludes Politifact: Contrary to McAuliffe’s claim, there is no evidence the state agency decided not to bid on the project.

McAuliffe is probably more in tune with a majority of Virginians on social issues than his presumed opponent Ken Cuccinelli. But it’s stories like this that make him look like a fast-talking, wheeler-dealer who plays fast and loose with the facts. I’d be really nervous if he got anywhere near a big-dollar economic development project.

Ken Cuccinelli

On the flip side, the Cooch garnered favorable headlines today after stopping a tractor-trailer with two burning tires while driving down Interstate 64. According to NBC 12, Cory Chenard, Cuccinelli’s driver, “pulled the car up along side of the semi and saw the back tires of the trailer engulfed in flames. It was clear the driver was not aware of the problem. Chenard honked his horn to get the driver’s attention and Cuccinelli yelled to the driver out the window, convincing her to pull over.”

Arguably, Cuccinelli did no more than any good citizen would do. But Cuccinelli’s prompt action and the ensuing media coverage is a pollster’s dream.


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11 responses to “Electric Cars and Burning Trucks”

  1. Flim Flam man vs the Heart of Darkness…..

  2. McAullife could write editorials for the Washington Post. Its editorial board has only a loose connection with the truth also.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    “A regional center can be run by a state or local government or by a private business. GreenTech wanted to run Virginia’s program and asked Kaine to support that goal. The governor in September 2009 asked VEDP to weigh in, but officials there said they needed until at least the end of October to consider the plan.

    Meanwhile, Lehmkuhler arranged for GreenTech to tour potential sites in Danville, Martinsville and Waverly on Oct. 7 and 8. But then there was a surprise. On Oct. 6, GreenTech announced plans to build a plant in Tunica, Miss., where it had a regional center.”.

    That says it all.

    The typical Richmond-area stance of being frozen in place once again bit the state in the ass.

    Virginia needed until the end of October to make a decision. Mississippi said “yes” by Oct. 6.

    So, a businessman who had every reason to support the Democratic governor in Richmond went to the Republicans in Mississippi instead.

    This is classic Richmond.

    Stand with your thumb up your butt when opportunity presents itself.

    Lose the opportunity.

    Whine and cry about the loss afterwards.

    Unbelievable. The clowns in Richmond lost yet another economic opportunity. Heavily Republican Mississippi won. And somehow that’s McAuliffe’s fault.

    Sometimes waiting for things to bubble up just doesn’t work.

    How is that Triple A baseball team doing?

    Oh, I forgot, it’s in Atlanta now.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Let’s see …

    I can gamble in West Virginia.
    I can gamble in Delaware.
    I can gamble in Maryland.
    I can bet the horses on the internet.
    I can play the lotto anywhere.

    Good thing the nannies in Richmond are keeping casinos out of Virginia.

    That certainly stops me from gambling.

    Oh, and I can gamble in Mississippi – you know, the state where McAuliffe put his car company.

    But Virginia is “pro business”. “Pro business” as long as that business is some scam that enriches the political elite in Richmond.


  5. DJRippert Avatar

    As for the Cuccinelli fable ….

    Did he honk his horn (as any good citizen would) or did he pull a woman out of a burning truck and then single handedly put out the fire?


  6. Could McAuliffe have taken lessons from his good buddy, Bill Clinton?

    Also, it appears not everyone sees the benefits of increased state taxes. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/wall_st_flees_ny_for_tax_free_fla_Q6e4qSDMUethpylfznC4tO

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Maybe Cuccinelli gets his social agenda from “Sideshow” Bob Marshall. They’re both from PWC, right?

      Anyway, the sad aspect of Virginia’s tax strategy is that it is NOT a low tax state (regardless of what Jim Bacon writes) and yet it still has some of the least generous safety net benefits and some of the worst infrastructure problems in the United States.

      That rates Virginia a 10 out of 10 on the state government buffoonery index.


      1. DJR – I thought you didn’t like entitlements and income transfers.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I don’t. But at least entitlements and tax – based income transfers would explain Virginia’s position as the 27th state on a tax scale where 1 is the least taxed state.

          Our state doesn’t spend much om Medicaid. It doesn’t spend squat on infrastructure.

          Why are we the 27th state?

          Given what little our General Assembly accomplished, we should be in the top 10 of lightly taxed states.

  7. The General Fund was $16.5 billion for FY12. The four largest expenditures therefrom were Education ($6.6 B), Health & Human Services ($4.9 B), Finance ($1.8 B), and Public Safety ($1.7 B). For the same period, non-General Fund revenues were $23 billion. The four largest expenditures were Education ($8.4 B), Health & Human Services ($6.8 B), Transportation ($4.5 B), and Commerce & Trade ($0.96 B).

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