Educators Play Semantic Games to Befuddle Voters

Scott Ziegler: It depends on what the meaning of “is” is.

by James A. Bacon

Under assault from irate parents, Northern Virginia educators have been at pains to say that they do not teach Critical Race Theory to students.

At a school board meeting earlier this month, interim Superintendent Scott A. Ziegler repeatedly denied instructing students in the controversial theory, which posits among other things that all Whites are racist (although some can strive to be “allies”) and that society’s institutions, designed by Whites for Whites, constitute a form of systemic or structural racism.

According to The Washington Post, School Board Chair Brenda Sheridan asked Zeigler point blank: “When you are asked, ‘Is Loudoun County Public Schools teaching critical race theory?’ what is the answer?”

“The short answer is that we are not teaching critical race theory to our students,” Ziegler said, calling the theory “a subject for academics.”

Arthur Purves with the Fairfax County Taxpayers Association got a similar answer when addressing Michelle Godart, executive administrative assistant to Sloan J. Presidio, assistant superintendent with Fairfax County Public Schools. When he asked, “Do [Fairfax schools] Critical Race Theory,” her answer was succinct: “FCPS does not teach Critical Race Theory in our schools.”

Invoking the phrase Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, educators say they are working to advance “racial equity” and combat the systemic racism that is holding back Black and Hispanic students. But teaching “critical race theory?” to students. No, they don’t do that.

This is pure prevarication. defines critical race theory (CRT) as an intellectual movement with its roots in 1960s and ’70s academic theory arising out of the critical legal studies movement (CSL), which examined how legal institutions served the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the poor and marginalized. CSL itself was an offshoot of Marxist-oriented critical theory. So, yes, it is likely accurate to say that Loudoun and Fairfax schools do not teach this abstract academic discipline to its students.

However, Critical Race Theory has put an indelible stamp on thinking about race in the United States. There is no central committee that defines the tenets of CRT, but its language — “white supremacy,” “systemic racism,” and “white privilege” — and its conceptual framework are ubiquitous. 

One of the most influential popularizers of CRT is Ibram Kendi, author of best-selling books, “Stamped from the Beginning” and “How to Be an Antiracist.” As it happens, Fairfax Schools paid Kendi $20,000 to address an estimated 1,500 school employees at an August t, 2020, virtual event on the topic, “Cultivating an Anti-racist School Community.”

So, Critical Race Theory isn’t being taught to students — teachers and staff are being trained in key concepts of the doctrine, and they can pass the concepts on to students.

Purves also has obtained documentation that Fairfax Schools have spent $41,000 to purchase 2,000 of Kendi’s books, including 400 for Glasgow Middle School and 675 for Oakton High school. Wow, that’s a lot of books for just teachers and staff. Who are they handing them out to? The cafeteria staff and school bus drivers?

Purves asked Godart, if Fairfax schools don’t teach Critical Race Theory, then why did it spend $61,000 for a Kendi speech and books. She did not reply.

There’s an election coming up, and thousands of Northern Virginia parents are angry about what their children are being exposed to — whatever you want to call it. Last election, Democrats managed to make state and local elections a referendum on President Trump. This year, Trump is gone. Republican candidates for the Senate, House and statewide office have made “anti-racism” — perhaps more appropriately termed “reverse racism” — a potent campaign issue. School officials are playing semantic games to create the impression that there’s no CRT to see here, move along now.

They don’t teach CRT to students — just to staff and teachers.

They don’t instruct anyone in the Marxist origins of critical theory — they just give seminars and hold discussion groups about white supremacy and systemic racism.

It reminds me of Virginia Superintendent of Instruction James Lane swearing up and down that Virginia’s proposed new math pathway will not eliminate “advanced” classes or “accelerated” classes while carefully avoiding any mention of “tracked” classes.

The educrats aren’t telling lies (mistruths). They’re just dodging, weaving, dissembling, and prevaricating until the November elections in the hope they can keep the public confused enough to retain Democratic control of the General Assembly and Governor’s Mansion.

Update: Now there is controversy in Chesterfield County over “critical race theory” in schools. According to the Chesterfield Observer, School Board Chairman Ryan Harter says the board does not support critical race theory and CRT is not part of the local school system’s approved curriculum.

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27 responses to “Educators Play Semantic Games to Befuddle Voters”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Ziegler is looking for cover. He is an “interim” leader who can’t wait to pass the baton. When former superintendent Eric Williams jumped ship so did most of the senior staff. Ziegler is in way over his head. He is really a human resources guy.

    Mr. Bacon is right though. This is all word play and there are enough parents who can see through this. One of my former colleagues puts a great spotlight on what is really happening in Loudoun. She had this to say:

    “Even though LCPS has not explicitly adopted CRT as a framework, our training has been latent with its rhetoric. What is training for but to be implemented in our day-to-day teaching? The implicit expectation of our “equity” training has undoubtedly been to establish this trickle-down infiltration of CRT.”

    What else can explain this now infamous virtual LCPS lesson?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Great video. Nothing like a lesson in liberalism. “Two people chilling” can’t possibly be what the viewer sees because it doesn’t fit the CRT narrative.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Latent and de facto CRT lessons are present everyday in LCPS. That is the part that is “chilling”.

    2. Walter Hadlock Avatar
      Walter Hadlock

      Todays (6/9/21) news reported Mr. Scott Ziegler has been appointed superintendent of Loudoun County Schools. No more “interim” before his name.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        DISASTER! But Ziegler will be a brief appointment. A storm is a brewing up in Loudoun and it is in the national news only a daily basis.

  2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Jim- I think the article should probably introduce Ziegler as Loudoun Co’s acting super, sounds like he is all NoVA acting superintendent. Loudoun seems to be where the issue is hottest. I am not hearing too much in Fairfax. I see Purves raising his personal agenda issue, but I am not hearing too much yet at the parent level.

  3. Publius Avatar

    C’mon Man! They aren’t doing CRT.
    They are, however, doing Culturally Responsive Training…and the initials being the same is just a coincidence…

  4. Whatever the jargon, the practice of teaching that America is a systemically racist nation and Americans, of whatever color, are predisposed to be hateful due to skin color is absurd, and the ‘educators’ indoctrinating our children in this Marxist/Maoist doctrine should be brought before the board on charges of sedition and child abuse.

    Teaching children to hate America and each other then dismantling the police force… nefarious intent at work.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “…are predisposed to be hateful due to skin color is absurd…”

      Of course it is absurd. The predisposition comes from upbringing and societal influences not skin color.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Did you even read the article that you linked? An historical narrative about how Eisenhower confronted McCarthy. What possible point are you trying to make?

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Did you even read the article that you linked? An historical narrative about how Eisenhower confronted McCarthy. What possible point are you trying to make?

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead
      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and then did this:

        ” As U.S. Attorney General from 1961 to 1964, Robert F. Kennedy served as one of the most trusted advisors to his brother, President John F. Kennedy, on matters of civil rights. Although Martin Luther King boldly criticized the attorney general and the Department of Justice for its failure to investigate civil rights violations, he wrote Kennedy in 1964 praising him for his efforts to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964: “Your able, courageous and effective work in guiding the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through both Houses of Congress has earned for you an even warmer spot in the hearts of freedom loving people the world over. I add to theirs my sincere and heartfelt thanks” (King, 24 June 1964).”

        You might call him WOKE MAN !

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          RFK is a compelling historical figure to study. The paradox from the McCarthy years to his time US Attorney General make him very interesting. Always changing, always shifting, never fully understood.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    “Invoking the phrase Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, educators say they are working to advance “racial equity” and combat the systemic racism that is holding back Black and Hispanic students.”

    At least the liberals are admitting that the “structural racism” doesn’t apply to Asian-Americans. It seems the “people of color” label is being stricken from leftist commentary.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    “Invoking the phrase Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, educators say they are working to advance “racial equity” and combat the systemic racism that is holding back Black and Hispanic students.”

    At least the liberals are admitting that the “structural racism” doesn’t apply to Asian-Americans. It seems the “people of color” label is being stricken from leftist commentary.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Ask the Asians themselves who they trust more the Dems or the GOP on discrimination against Asians?

      here, let me help you:

  7. emjak Avatar

    For some information about Critical Race Theory in American education, see

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      When I read this in your link it said so much:
      “CRT substitutes, as an axiom rather than an argument”

      1. emjak Avatar

        It is sobering and saddening to read a sympathetic treatment of CRT like Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic’s Critical Race Theory, Third Edition (New York University Press, 2017).

  8. Bergoff Birns Avatar
    Bergoff Birns

    Heaven forbid we talk about race in racist Virginia.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      We can talk about race. As long as it is about South Boston Speedway. Greatest short track in America.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Dominion is in trouble. Poorly engineered track that many drivers refuse to race on. They are up to their ear drums in debt too. Old Dominion Speedway was so much better.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hadn’t heard that. Oh my.

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