Educating Children, Cutting Spending


The Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credit made it possible for 275 low-income students to receive private-school scholarships this year while saving the Commonwealth of Virginia almost $745,000. So concludes the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy in a new published policy brief.

The 2013-2014 school year marks the first year that students received private-school scholarships under the tax credit. The provision provides a 65% state tax credit to donors contributing to eligible foundations awarding scholarships to low-income public school students. Foundations must use at least 90% of the contributions for actual scholarships, and the size of the scholarships is capped at the amount the state would have contributed to the student’s public school education in their school division of residence. Here are the numbers:

Students awarded scholarships: 275
Average size of scholarship: $2,456 per child
Total scholarship dollars awarded: $675,000
Amount donated: $751,000
Cost of tax credit to the state: $488,000
Educational savings to the state: $1,233,000
Total savings to the state: $745,000

A provision of the law requires donors to wait a year after making the donation to take the tax credit. Bills introduced to the General Assembly this year would allow donors to claim the credit the same year.


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5 responses to “Educating Children, Cutting Spending”

  1. re: ” $2,456 per child”

    must be more to this story..

    Can a child of a low income family get a quality education for $2456 if the parents are low income and cannot supplement that?

    how does that work?

    1. Presumably, the scholarship is only a partial scholarship. It may be supplemented by other scholarships or tuition relief programs provided by the school. The families may be expected to chip in a little as well.

  2. re: ” … 275 low-income students to receive private-school scholarships this year ”

    low-income as in… can the parents “chip in”?

    here’s the list of “approved” scholarship foundations:

    some are out of state.

    others appear to be religious schools

    these tax credits don’t sound like enough to send a child to a school full time so what is being paid for?

    what services are these kids getting?

    and what exactly is this saving public schools from spending on?

    this sounds ripe for unintended consequences…or worse…

  3. mbaldwin Avatar

    Might these “private schools” be schools established to foster a particular religion?

  4. they might indeed… but can public money be used for private religious purposes?

    beyond this – if public schools are predicated on trying to provide an education to a particular standard – like SOLS – what standard are the private schools achieving?

    If a kid fails the SOLs … who knows what he achieves or not at at a private school – that he attends and if funded from govt tax credits?

    What standard of achievement are private schools pursing, assuring?

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