Economics 101: Gas Prices Are Crippling the Working Class

by Kerry Dougherty

Don’t you just love it when the sneering class responds to a serious problem with a glib solution?

When I wrote earlier this week about soaring gas prices one reader pointed out that her husband bought an electric bike and rides that everywhere. The fact that I prefer to commute to work — on the interstate — in an automobile is somehow proof that I want to “kill kids.”

Oh, please.

Does she believe milk and bread can be delivered to the grocery store by electric bike? Does she think farmers can plow their fields with electric bikes? Does she believe rescue squads can get heart attack patients to the hospital by electric bikes? What utter nonsense.

One thing is clear. America is in need of an economics lesson.

For those who think the problem with astronomical gas prices is that spoiled suburbanites have to pay more to get their nails done WHILE UKRAINIANS ARE BEING BOMBED, please stop embarrassing yourselves.

That sort of false equivalency is stupid. Do better.

The price of gas has ripple effects that will be felt everywhere. Expensive fuel is causing the price of goods to spike. If it’s on the supermarket or Best Buy shelves, it got there by truck. Will Coca-Cola or Kraft Foods absorb the increased cost of getting their products to market?

Not a chance. Price hikes will be passed onto the consumer.

Here’s a prediction: In a month — perhaps before the end of the day — we’ll look back on Biden’s runaway January inflation — 7.5% — with nostalgia.

Pause for a moment and think of what it means for most Americans when gas prices go up sharply. I’m not talking about the leisure class. Or the people fretting over their IRAs and 401ks. I’m talking about the working class. The people who busted their humps all through COVID to keep the country running while the laptop tappers sat home.

I’m talking about the folks with nothing left at the end of the week after they pay their bills.

CNBC reports that 64% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Go ahead and mock folks who have no savings, who spend every dime they earn trying to keep their families fed, housed and clothed if it makes you feel superior.

But many of us have been in their shoes at some point. The stress is indescribable. It’s something you never forget and something that most politicians never experienced.

How do millions of struggling Americans handle a sudden explosion in the cost of gas?

They cut, cut and cut spending. But as an enlisted Army wife told me this week, “Eventually you run out of places to cut.”

What then?

Next, they run up their credit cards if that’s the only way to buy gas and groceries for the kids. They figure they’ll catch up next month, but of course, things will only be worse by then.

A lot worse.

Forget student debt. Credit card debt is going to be off the charts if the Biden administration doesn’t immediately clear the way for more oil and gas production. This administration has never disguised its hostility to fossil fuels. Biden’s policies drove up the price of gas by 40% in Tidewater — according to AAA figures — before Putin invaded Ukraine.

We are now in a hideous cycle of inflation. If sharply higher gas prices don’t affect you, hit your knees and thank the Lord for your good fortune.

But don’t be a jerk.

The people who fetched things for you through Covid, who drive the trucks to bring goods to you now, who stock the supermarket shelves, who work the convenience store cash registers and collect your trash, are suffering.

Those without a safety net are in danger of ruin.

Everyone ridiculing folks who gripe about $5 a gallon gas should be sure to share their thoughts on the topic when these same workers show up on their doorsteps to fix their plumbing or get the cable TV working.

Remember, two things can be true at once: Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine is an atrocity.

And soaring gas prices are crushing America’s working class.

And no, electric bikes won’t do a dang thing to fix any of this.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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63 responses to “Economics 101: Gas Prices Are Crippling the Working Class”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Uh, this is right in line with the Green New Deal vision of America’s economy of scarcity and pain. Most of the price increase since the inauguration occurred long before the Ukraine invasion. It is rising fast and that might change, but the price was rising through 2021. What a wonderful excuse the war and inflation provide to blame this all on something other than intentional policy.

    1. sbostian Avatar

      But the lefties don’t care because they actually despise the working class and want to hurt them. None of the current debacle is the result of incompetence or stupidity. It is a witches brew of left wing policy outcomes. In their eyes, a success.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yes! Yes! We hate them! Hope all those big pickup trucks towing lawn equipment go complely bust! Bawhaaaaa!

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          No, they’re fine with you as long as the trucks are EV and the lawn mowers have power cords….

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Or… is it the trucks that have long power cords?

      2. VaNavVet Avatar

        The regressive right has long been the party of corporate interests.

      3. John Martin Avatar
        John Martin

        oh, gfy, you moron

      4. John Martin Avatar
        John Martin

        oh, gfy, you moron

    2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      Exactly. The prices have been soaring for awhile. Runaway inflation. Gas money prices aren’t our only worry. Wheat is next. How many foods are made with wheat? You better believe, shortage or not, prices of those goods will go up. Making a profit from war is what billionaires are good at. Unfortunately, it is the working class that pays heavily. The green folks have made their point, but in times like this, be realistic. We all have to survive. The middle class too.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        you’re talking about wheat from Ukraine , right?

  2. We could take the Chinese model and use AI to means test energy. What you pay per gallon of gas and kilowatt hour is based on your income, you house mortgage, your vehicle type/cost and your political leanings as per an annual poll and social media research. People would have to actually ‘walk the walk’ after ‘talking the talk’. Speaker Botox would end up paying $45.99 a gallon while Joe the Plumber pays $2.15…….we have the technology.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I’m about to have a plumber replace a plastic (Quest) fitting under my house. When he gets through with me, I’ll be paying $2 and he’ll be paying $45 under that plan.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        You can’t get a day laborer from the local 7-11 parking lot to do it cheaper?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Sure. Today and then again tomorrow.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            Practice makes perfect.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Those are the guys who service my car.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            Ahh, the kind who, on a regular basis, forget to put the oil in and tighten the lug nuts?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Always check it on the lot before turning the engine.

  3. VaNavVet Avatar

    As usual, Kerry needs an education on the world oil market. American presidents have never been able to and can not control gas prices at the pump. The price of oil was rising before the invasion due to tensions in the world and apprehension about possible supply disruptions. High oil prices are making it economical for American producers to get back into the fields thereby putting working class folks to work and increasing their take home pay. The US is a net oil exporter and the industry loves high oil prices.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      More economical or not, the regulatory structure is a barrier to ramping up our production. And less attention is given to the financial barriers, with ESG and net-zero madness infecting the lenders. Biden still has a Fed nominee pending who has promised to use her Fed post to crush fossil fuels. No president “controls” but all have had influence.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Would suspect that the amount of influence varied with the times and what was happening in the world.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Regulatory actions and policy are set by Administrations. They have an impact on the price of Oil, as Oil is traded in futures not currents.

          “The US is a net oil exporter and the industry loves high oil prices.”

          Furthermore, the US has been trending to net importer for oil since 2021. If you don’t believe me, take your argument to the EIA.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes. The price of gasoline in the US is determined by the price of gasoline worldwide.

      If we “ramp up” production, it will be sold to the highest bidder not lower costs in the US.

      Works that way for other commodities sold into a world market.

      If Biden came out and advocated stopping all exports of oil from the US, guess who would scream the loudest about “free markets”?… well used to be real Conservatives way back when….

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        The price of crude oil is set globally and that affects the price of gasoline but not globally. Where did you get that idea?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          please explain further if you can. If crude oil is priced globally, how does that not affect the basic price of gasoline ?

          I get that idea by the way from reading publications like the NYT and WSJ as well as websites specific to oil markets.

          so how about education on the issue?


          1. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            You repeated what I said after saying that the price of gasoline is set globally. It is a waste of time commenting to you.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            nice job of running away. I asked you to explain what I clearly don’t understand and you run away. Nice job guy. Why do you even comment if you don’t want to add what YOU think and claim to know?

  4. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Starting to really question my daily read of the BR. Seems to be monopolized by anger, negativity and bashing the “woke” — as if that was a bad thing. I realize nobody cares but thought I would share this feedback in case I am wrong.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Nope. You are dead on correct. It’s a never ending litany of grievances and false narratives.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Indeed, that’s what makes the woke cultists so tedious and dysfunctional. Think 1619 Project. Woke racists obstruct efforts to actually make a better society.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          well, they have to deal with the folks who have always wanted the happy slave taught instead of the truth.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            How’s the weather on the world where you live?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s fine. It’s clear and real… without the fogs you guys seem to like!

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            When was the last documented case of ANY Virginia public school teaching the “happy slave” lesson? I graduated from Virginia public high school 45 years ago and I was never taught anything about “happy slaves”.

            You’re not just beating a dead horse, you are flailing at the long dead horse’s bleached bones.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            It was taught in some schools in Virginia un until the 70’s and we STILL have schools named for Confederates and segregationists that black kids attend.


            Conservatives had more than 100 years to teach black kids right so what did they do? Massive Resistance and Happy Slave , right?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wanted to ask who TC Williams was and why they changed the school named after him and why until now?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wanted to ask who TC Williams was and why they changed the school named after him and why until now?

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      “monopolized by anger, negativity and bashing the “woke” — as if that was a bad thing.”

      Bashing the woke and the religious cult of woke racism is not a bad thing. It is a good thing.

      Deconstructing woke racism is a necessary first step that enables us to get on with actually building a better society by doing things like teaching all kids, especially poor and black kids, to read.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Have you seen the NAEP results that actually INCLUDE private schools in the US?

        We’ve had more than one hundred years to address racism in our schools… is that ‘woke’?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          How about addressing the failure of our schools to teach all kids to read? If we did that it would make better lives for all, and especially black and poor kids who suffer blighted lives from our failure to teach them to read.

          Woke obsessive fixation on racism to the exclusion of everything else prevents us from addressing the real reading skill deficits that cripple many poor and black kids.

          Woke racist “equity” denies real performance differences. It obscures the fundamental real issue that we need to solve. Have I mentioned teaching all kids to read?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s a problem for most all schools in the US – both public and private.

            We DID try to improve it with Common Core which was styled after PISA standards.

            What happened?

            No,”equity”is not what is claimed by some.

            Yes, you did mention teaching all kids to read and I AGREE but when kids are effectively segregated by neighborhood incomes and parents poor educations in those neighborhoods, how do you fix that?

            Don’t blather about equity – tell me how you fix that.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Perhaps I neglected to mention this before. We fix it by teaching all kids to read. That is not an easy task. If it was it would have been done in the last 50 years.

            It’s not me blathering about equity, it’s you woke racist fan boy. Your cult wokeism is precisely what prevents us from even trying to figure out how to solve a heretofore intractable problem.

            The first step in solving a problem is to correctly diagnose it. Woke racism has profoundly failed to get even that first step right. Plus, it mistakenly strives to prevent actually addressing the problem by diverting attention to race.

            Woke adds insult to injury by asserting that approval from white people is necessary for black people to achieve. I do not believe that black people are such precious little hot house flowers that even the shadow of racism past prevents them from blooming.

            Failure to teach kids, of all races, to read keeps them from even sprouting. All kids matter.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            all you can do in insult and name-call idiot?

            you have no answers. Your kind never has… no surprises.

            and no surprise that RED states, rural conservative-leaning counties have the very same problem and have for decades also.

            Kids whose parents are not well-educated and not economically secure do not do as well as kids who have well-educated parents – regardless of race.

            How do you fix that nimrod?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            all you can do in insult and name-call ?

            Kids whose parents are not well-educated and not economically secure do not do as well as kids who have well-educated parents – regardless of race.

            How do you fix that nimrod?

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Humm, looks like the “woke racist fan boy” observation of your behavior hit close to home.

            Have a nice day WRFB.

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Bingo, what took you so long WRFB?

            Fixing our educational system so all kids learn to read and have the opportunity to succeed is the issue and why woke racism that prevents that is so wrong. That’s also what prompted my response to the initial brain dead embrace of woke that started this excursion.

            I encourage you to read John McWhorter’s “Woke Racism”.

            Humm, looks like the observation of your “woke racist fan boy” behavior hit close to home.

            Have a nice day WRFB.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar


    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Sadly, too many commenters seem to be competing for the most insulting snark and name calling via keyboard. Such replaces substantive discourse as well as civility. You are not wrong.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Yes. It is really hard to keep reading. However, it seems like the majority of the actual posts (not just the comments) are just angry. This story could just be about the impact of gas prices on people without all of the invective.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “This story could just be about the impact of gas prices on people”

          And it was until you chose to inject your embrace of “woke” into the conversation.

          I also encourage you to read John McWhorter’s “Woke Racism”.


          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Or you could understand that being woke is really is just about being a better person. You do you.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            That is by far the most unwoke definition of woke I have ever seen. Curious. You’re just pulling my leg, right?

            Amazing you could have reached March of ’22 with such an inadequate view. Hope folks here can help you understand better.

          3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Pretty happy here .. wishing wokeness to you in your future … politically incorrect is no way to go thru life.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Well, here’s a few things the “leftys” have done for the working man and woman that Conservatives have often opposed.

    Affordable health insurance through Obamacare and the Medicaid expansion

    Child Tax Credit
    Child care tax credit
    earned income credit
    education credit

  6. Lefty665 Avatar

    How about reducing gas/oil prices by restricting exports? That would more than offset the banning of Russian oil. Not a whisper of that from anyone. Guess it’s unpatriotic to suggest that we use domestic resources to meet domestic need.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar


  7. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The article makes a valid observation. The working class relies upon consistency (equity, fairness) and stability (personal safety) to thrive and prosper. No matter how large a vote is exercised by that class, the rules of the game are controlled by elected officials. Putin is a perfect example of destroying consistency and stability. It is trust that motivates voters to select the electeds. That trust has been eroded and betrayed consistently. Witness the refusal of the General Assembly to adopt campaign finance reforms of any small measure.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s the Virginia Way! DJ used to blather on and on about the Richmond Clown Show but now he’s gone silent with Youngkin in charge.

      Where is Youngkin on this failure? Has he condemned it? Has he urged Virginians to hold GA responsible for this failure?

  8. Remember, two things can be true at once: Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine is an atrocity.

    And soaring gas prices are crushing America’s working class.

    And no, electric bikes won’t do a dang thing to fix any of this.

    Unless someone drops an electric bike into Putin’s hot tub while he is in it…

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      With our luck, the bike would be circuit protected and do nothing.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        One area in which a Chinese-made product is more likely to result in customer satisfaction…

  9. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    “Credit card debt is going to be off the charts if the Biden administration doesn’t immediately clear the way for more oil and gas production. ”

    What bullshit. No one is standing in the way of increasing production. Big oil and gas just don”t want to. They are making record profits. THAT is where the problem is……

    ” Biden’s policies drove up the price of gas by 40% in Tidewater — according to AAA figures ” AAA says it is Biden’s policies? I don’t believe you for a minute

    1. Please refrain from profanity, or I will have to block you from the website. — JAB

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