Economic Development in the Era of CRT and COVID

George Allen

by James A. Bacon

George Allen is no longer engaged in the rough and tumble of partisan politics. But as a Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar with the Young America’s Foundation, he still gives a fair number of speeches. And when he does, he sounds the Reaganesque themes that he championed as Governor and then U.S. Senator: individual liberty, personal responsibility, and opportunity for all.

Allen is not a fan of social engineering and the welfare state. The best social program ever invented is a job, he says. From that proposition flows another: a top priority of Virginia’s governor should be to foster a business climate that stimulates private investment and job creation. And from that corollary flows another: Virginia needs to restore its economic competitiveness.

Once upon a time, in the 1980s and 1990s, Virginia had one of the top-performing economies of any state in the country. The Old Dominion, which Allen dubbed the Silicon Dominion when he was governor, enjoyed rapid economic growth. Incomes rose, making Virginia the most affluent state of the Old South. People flooded in from other states seeking job opportunities. State government garnered national kudos for its professionalism and efficiency. Public schools were among the best in the country. The public higher-ed system was sometimes said to be the best in the country. The state consistently ranked among the best in the country for business.

But Virginia has been losing its competitive edge, Allen said in an interview with Bacon’s Rebellion, and thanks to policies implemented by the Northam administration, the state is at risk of falling even further behind.

The best word Allen can find to describe Virginia’s approach to the COVID pandemic is “halting.” “And that’s being kind,” he adds. The states that stayed open, like Texas, Florida and Tennessee had always been good for business. Their COVID policies expanded their economic edge.

Allen laments the “timid acquiescence” of Virginians to Northam’s executive orders. “People dutifully and unquestionably submitted.” And even when Northam relaxed the rules on masks and mandates, he says, local “commissars” in Northern Virginia tried to continue them. A former University of Virginia football quarterback, Allen described restrictions on outdoor athletic events as so much nonsense: high school athletes weren’t being stricken with COVID. He notes approvingly how some teams in far Southwest Virginia played their games in Tennessee just so there could be fans in the bleachers.

Allen has received his COVID shots and booster, but he disapproves of government coercing people into getting the vaccine. He tells a story about meeting with a senior executive of Ballad Health, a health system in far Southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee. The executive said the Biden administration vaccine mandates created big problems for the company. Even before the pandemic Ballad was having a hard time hiring enough nurses. The executive commented favorably upon a Tennessee law prohibiting vax mandates. Virginia, by contrast, just went along with the Biden administration, which made it more difficult to persuade staff to get their shots. “Telling people what to do doesn’t help in this part of the country,” Allen observes.

But there’s more to Virginia’s eroding competitiveness than COVID masks and mandates, which, hopefully, are behind us. Allen doesn’t put much stock in the CNBC best-state-for-business list that ranked Virginia No. 1 last year. He pays attention to Chief Executive magazine, which bases its rankings on the criteria mentioned by the people who make the decisions where to invest corporate capital. And what do they care about? Taxes are at the top of the list, followed by regulatory climate, and availability of talent. Virginia ranked 13th in the 2021 survey — “OK” in Allen’s book, but not great.

Allen also assigns credibility to the the Rich States, Poor States 2021 report, which ranked Virginia 3rd nationally for year-ahead economic outlook as recently as n 2012 but pegged the Old Dominion in the 24th spot last year. 

All three surveys, I might add, have over-estimated Virginia’s actual economic performance. Virginia’s cumulative GDP growth from 2010 to 2020 ranked 34th nationally. Cumulative domestic migration ranked 37th, as Virginia flipped from being a net importer of human capital to a net exporter.

Allen thinks Virginia has a good chance of improving its economic performance under Governor Glenn Youngkin. His agenda on tax, energy, regulatory, education and workforce policies are “right on target.”

“He may not know the minutiae of state government, but he understands economic and competitiveness…. He recognizes that the states we compete with — Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida –are working to lower the cost of doing business.” And he endeavors to do the same for Virginia, as evidenced by his effort to raise the standard deduction on personal income taxes and reverse the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Allen concedes, however, that a Democratic-controlled state senate won’t make Youngkin’s job easy.

Indeed, Virginia has yet to see the full impact of actions taken during Northam’s governorship when Democrats ran the state. Virginia’s K-12 public schools have yet to recover from the damage wrought by the closing of schools for in-person learning during the height of the COVID pandemic. The Northam administration’s “dumbing down” of educational standards hasn’t helped. Collective bargaining for local-government and school employees could put fiscal pressure on localities and “eat away” at Virginia’s Right to Work law, which Allen regards as essential to maintaining Virginia’s competitiveness. 

Most of Allen’s views would be familiar to anyone who has followed his career. But one subject came as a surprise to me — Allen’s subdued reaction to the emphasis on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at all levels of state and local government. He believes fervently in extending opportunity to all elements of society, and he supports recruiting under-represented minorities into the rigorous STEM disciplines. He touts the idea of attaching green cards to STEM diplomas earned by foreign students — whatever it takes to build human capital and make Virginia and the U.S. more economically competitive.

I asked: “Won’t the infiltration of Critical Race Theory into DEI as practiced by Virginia schools, colleges, government and businesses be harmful to investment and job creation?”

Allen finds the tenets of CRT, which advocates reverse racism to compensate for past racism, to be objectionable on philosophical grounds. Drawing from his sports background — his father coached the Washington Redskins — Allen advocates creating a “level playing field” where everyone can compete and succeed based upon their hard work and ingenuity. Government should not pick winners and losers.

But it’s hard to say what impact it will have, Allen says. Having embraced ESG (an acronym for environmental, social and corporate governance), many companies have adopted sustainability- and social justice-related goals. Some may find the new “wokeness” in Virginia institutions to be attractive. Indeed, that was essentially the reason why CNBC, which incorporated social justice criteria into its best-states-for-business ranking for the first time, elevated Virginia to the top spot last year.

If the spread of CRT harms the quality of kids’ education, then it could offset any advantage gained by appealing to ESG-conscious corporations. But it’s too early to gauge the impact, Allen says. “We haven’t seen any measurement.”

Update: This post have been amended to clarify or elaborate upon several points that Allen was making.

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23 responses to “Economic Development in the Era of CRT and COVID”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Aw jeez!!! Where to begin to parse this screed. For years, Virginia’s top ratings for economic development were issued by business organizations. And yes, the Commonwealth’s rating has slipped in those eyes. As an Oxfam report for 2021 pointed out, that slippage occurred, in part, because of increased investment in workers, e.g. wage and benefits. Virginia’s top ranking by business organizations was due in part to lower workers’ compensation insurance premiums and its right to work statute. Both reflect a worker bias, the folks whose labor produces the products and services, then buys them.

    “Lowering the cost of doing business” at the expense of workers is not an equation for success. No question was posed to the interviewee about his familiarity with worker issues or publications.

    And why conflate DEI into CRT in a discussion of economic development, especially when the interviewee expressed a “subdued” reaction? C’mon, JAB, stay focused.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    The problem with Conservatives is that they live in a make-believe world disconnected from realities and their standard schtick is that they do better with economic development, business and job creation, etc, but the reality is it’s just their belief which they spin over and over regardless of facts like these;

    Virginia could probably do better but dissing the main job creating region in the state – NoVa just seems foolish.

    If NoVa took a GOP approach to economic development , NoVa would perform like rural Va which the GOP either ignores or blames on NoVa!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      So, Jim was mistaken when he wrote …

      “Virginia’s cumulative GDP growth from 2010 to 2020 ranked 34th nationally. Cumulative domestic migration ranked 37th, as Virginia flipped from being a net importer of human capital to a net exporter.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        No. But that’s not the whole and accurate story either. The main thing missing from these conservative ‘we coulda done it better’ claims is a lack of supporting data especially since NoVa is the job creator for Va and conservatives pretty much disavow it and talk about RoVa where they’ve been elected for decades and it still sucks.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Junior scored 5 touchdowns for the Cavs in 1972. I hope he is not making any comebacks.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      It would be fun to see him lose to Jim Webb again and require sedation for months.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    What’s wrong with Richmond?

    “The top five hottest job markets in the U.S. are ranked as follows: Austin, Tex., Nashville, Tenn., Raleigh, N.C., Salt Lake City, and Jacksonville, Fla.”,City%2C%20and%20Jacksonville%2C%20Fla.

    Four of the five cities with the hottest job market are mid-sized southern cities, just like Richmond.

    Three of the four southern cities are state capitals, just like Richmond.

    100 years ago Richmond was more populous than any of the four southern cities:

    1920 Census –

    Austin – 34,876
    Nashville – 118,342
    Raleigh – 24,418
    Jacksonville – 91,558

    Richmond – 171,667

    Why isn’t Richmond one of the hottest job markets in the US?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You kind of ignored NoVa as a job market… no?

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Confederate memorabilia sounds like a business.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      There are some statues and monument bases you could probably get a deal on locally….

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I would agree it is a mistake to conflate DEI and CRT. I would add the further point that it is not the business of Virginia to dictate to any private company how it deals with them. DEI to me seems to be affirmative action, around pretty much all my life, except on steroids and backed by a massive bureaucracy. The irony is minority staff end up working in DEI when I’m sure they’d rather be middle management on the product line or working their way up to director and vice president. But all my life every employer I’ve had has been actively seeking to change its employee base to less white and less male, and that has been their right. Public employers and federal contractors included.

    And as to CRT, any employer, any college or university even, that wants that raging debate (or wants to preach the ideology only and disallow debate) in their workplace or classrooms is dealing with adults. Preach the unadulterated version to public K-12, however, and parents have every right to assert themselves and challenge it for the racism it often contains. The cure for discrimination is not, repeat not, more discrimination.

    Jim’s disappointment that Governor Allen didn’t join him in The Crusade says more about Jim than it does about Allen. These are nationwide fights, not just impacting Virginia, and not an impediment to economic growth. My debate there is with McCarthy! (Minimum wage, right to work, employee benefits, etc. Yeah it sucks to work at Starbucks — don’t make it a career!
    Call me, I still have contacts at the hiring office at the shipyard!)

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      While some think it sucks to work at Starbucks, some employed there care enough to work with colleagues to bargain collectively. Workplace satisfaction does not necessarily equate with career opportunity nor rest exclusively upon wage rates. Anyone who has ever belonged to a union realizes this. It must have been a desultory experience to work for employers so focused on recruiting women of color. Or it may have been ego threatening.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I worked at the largest union employer in the state for 12 years, and saw the good and the bad. It is not all good. As for desultory (interesting word), if you mean my career, I muddled through.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: “not all good”. Was it as bad as Conservatives typically portray unions?

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      so… ” But all my life every employer I’ve had has been actively seeking to change its employee base to less white and less male, and that has been their right. Public employers and federal contractors included.”

      then: ” The cure for discrimination is not, repeat not, more discrimination.”

      are those two statements in conflict?

      re; K-12

      If you asked parents how to run a school bus system or the cafeteria or how music should be taught or sports – would they know any more than they would about academics?

      spewing FUD (fear, uncertainty, dread) – is just plain political sabotage playing on ignorance and really and truly damaging the core institution of public education. The motives for doing this are not pure.

      Public education has been under attack for some time on the basic idea of religion and those who want it taught now have done even more harm by claiming that teaching kids tolerance towards those who are different – is essentially “grooming” them.

      Disgusting and beneath legitimate and principled conservatism IMHO.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Dateline Virginia, Fmr Gov. George Allen Endorses Plan to Keep “Voo”, Eliminate “Doo” from Reagonomics…

  8. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    We have both Google and Apple making huge investments in North Carolina’s Triangle. We have a Governor from the Democratic Party and a Legislature controlled by members of the Republican Party.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      And no Google and Amazon and FB investment in Va?

      Just what exactly is Virginia doing wrong and what is NC doing different and better?

      I used to believe that Conservatives were fiscal conservatives and business friendly but I got my doubts these days – they’re much more about culture war politics. They’ve been taken over by folks who basically support insurrectionists and conspiracy theory mongers. The traditional and principled conservatives have been labeled as Rinos and kicked out.

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        It’s my understanding that North Carolina has enacted major tax and tort reforms. This includes a corporate tax rate of 2.5%. Rates have been lowered and applied to a broader base of revenues. Look at all the special tax credits in the Virginia tax code.

        The state, which also controls most roads like VDOT, has invested in infrastructure. Indeed, they actually cut grass around major roads here unlike VDOT.

        The state has also simplified the regulatory process.

        The cost of living is lower here than in NoVA. And major universities are located in major metros, unlike in Virgina. UNC, Duke and NC State are all in the Triangle. There are also large campuses in the Triad and in Greater Charlotte.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Seems like this record is fairly good considering the impacts of the Trump pandemic….

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but see that “dip” – that was Northam’s fault. A GOPper would never allowed that to happen…..

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    FYI according to this we are just 75,000 jobs away from record employment levels – less than 2% of the 4,000,000 jobs in VA. Allen can move to Texas if that is not good enough…

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      How about shortening that to “Allen can move to Texas Period”? That would get us shed of the SOB.

      State government garnered national kudos for its professionalism and efficiency. And Allen did everything he could to wreck state government. His inaugural speech went roughly “Get the grimy boot of bloated bureaucracy off the backs of the people of Virginia.”

      One example is that Virginia’s highways and VDOT are still recovering from Allen’s devastation. His legacy of transportation dysfunction is an ongoing barrier to Virginia’s competitiveness.

      He (Allen) believes fervently in extending opportunity to all elements of society, and he supports recruiting under-represented minorities… “ Ha ha ha Maccaccacca… That is too funny. You can put lipstick on that pig, but it is still an oinker.

      Send his noose and stars and bars to Texas along with his sorry butt.

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