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Ecologists Need Not Apply

By Peter Galuszka

Stacking the deck seems to be the modus operandi of the administration of Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell.

First, he annihilated nearly the entire board of the Virginia Ports Authority.

And on Friday, he announced his new picks for the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission. It is a very important decision since the commission will have significant influence on whether the General Assembly decides to end a decades’ long ban on uranium mining and go forward with a proposed and highly controversial operation near Chatham in Southside. Plus, commissioners will influence whether Virginia continues with the highly destructive mountaintop removal method of coal mining in which thousands of areas of mountaintops are destroyed to get at thin coal seams. They also will set policy about how the state deals with hydro-fracking to get at deep natural gas reserves. The method could threaten groundwater with toxic chemicals.

McDonnell has appointed seven people. All are either energy company executives or lobbyists of some sort of large corporations that use coal, nuclear power or natural gas. Not one is from an environmental group. Not one has a scientific background. Let’s run through the list:

McDonnell did not choose one person from the Sierra Club, National Resources Defense Council, Union of Concerned Scientists or any of the groups that study the impact of fossil fuel on climate change.

This is entirely predictable of McDonnell, but the impact of his profound one-sidedness could be felt for years.

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