Early Reading Skills Still “Going in the Wrong Direction”

by James A. Bacon

Governor Glenn Youngkin is getting an inkling of how difficult it will be to reform Virginia’s public school system. The Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS) has issued a letter criticizing the administration for its action two weeks ago of deleting from the Virginia Department of Education website any references to “divisive language” — mainly references to policies and guidelines premised on the idea of society as divided between White oppressors and minority victims.

“School division superintendents, along with their communities, know best their curriculum, personnel, and student services, and they believe that gross assumptions have been made, without evidentiary support,” stated the letter addressed to Superintendent Jillian Balow.

Meanwhile, a report just issued by the University of Virginia education school — with abundant evidentiary support — highlights the disastrous impact of the shutdown policies pursued by many of the very same school superintendents during the COVID epidemic. While individual school systems had released data on reading assessments of kindergartners, first graders and second graders, the new report is, I believe, the first detailed statewide review.

The conclusions are grim. Data from the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) assessments found that the percentage of children in those three early grades who fell short of basic reading benchmarks rose from 21.3% in 2019 to 34.9% in 2021. The percentage was highest (42.2%) for second graders.

Source: University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development

Furthermore, while reading skills deteriorated for all demographic groups, the below-benchmark rate increased most for Blacks, Hispanics, English learners, economically disadvantaged, and students with disabilities.

“Overall K-2 scores indicate the highest percentage of students scoring below benchmark at grade-level entry ever observed at the fall assessment,” stated the report, “Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on the Identification of At-Risk Students: Fall 2021 Literacy Screening Findings.”

“As the spring semester and end of the 2020-21 school year approach,” the report continued, “it is important to consider that student literacy learning is not yet ‘back to normal.’ By and large, below-benchmark rates are still moving in the wrong direction.”

The report vaguely attributes the reversals to “disruptions” caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It made no effort to differentiate between school districts that stayed open, those that adopted “hybrid” policies, and those that shifted entirely to remote learning. But national studies have shown that the correlation between school closings and lost learning is crystal clear.

While many Virginia school superintendents were decrying systemic racism and implementing Woke training programs and curriculum overhauls, their school-closing policies actually accentuated the divide between Asians and Whites on the one hand and Hispanics and Blacks on the other. The more Woke the schools, the greater the disparity.

One can search the VASS Legislative Positions page for any mention of this catastrophic failure. The VASS platform is basically a Woke call for more state money. The document acknowledges no failing on the part of the school superintendents themselves. The superintendents (at least those who dominate VASS and purport to speak for all 133 school systems) evidently have learned nothing and remain as committed to their ideology as ever.

Reforming Virginia’s public schools is going to be a long, hard slog.

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65 responses to “Early Reading Skills Still “Going in the Wrong Direction””

  1. VaNavVet Avatar

    What the heck is a “woke” school? With JAB everything is now “woke” as it is his go to excuse for dissenting opinions. It is about time that he realized that he has overused the term to the point of absurdity.

    1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      So true — I am violent agreement with you on this. It is the most overused right wing attack word. When they can’t defend their position with facts – they resort to screaming wokeness and add in anger. It must appeal to the “unwoke” – or the “asleep”.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I examined the legislative ask page he linked to and it mainly begs for mo’ money just like all the whiny, needy special interest groups. Even when referencing “social and emotional” learning, it does so to ask for added bucks. He’s right that group will never admit any educational failings — unless it can used to demand extra scratch.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I examined the legislative ask page he linked to and it mainly begs for mo’ money just like all the whiny, needy special interest groups. Even when referencing “social and emotional” learning, it does so to ask for added bucks. He’s right that group will never admit any educational failings — unless it can used to demand extra scratch.

      3. Lefty665 Avatar

        Funny, it seems it was only yesterday you were whining about how vigorous folks at BR were. Oh, actually it was yesterday. Today you are “violent”. Seems like you might benefit from a med that would help you moderate your “violent” excesses.

        But that is predictable behavior from members of the religious cult of woke racist fan boys like you and your buddy.

        Again I encourage you to read John McWhorter’s “Woke Racism” It is at least marginally possible that could help you gain some insight into your religious cult, although it seems unlikely that you have any interest in learning.

      4. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        As if the left doesn’t overuse words and constantly attack and label people for what they say? Cancel culture is a tool principally used by the left.

        JAB is attacked for using the word Woke, while he presents a case with facts, but nothing to say on the issues he raised?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          “cancel culture” is used by the “left”?

          do you read BR much? 😉

          the “issues” that JAB “raised” are the same ones he raises over and over ad infinitum! it’s like a cudgel he carries around and swings for effect every few days!

          Everybody and their dog left and right KNOWS that covid did not help children learn. No guano! And most folks with half a brain KNOW that it’s those terrible “woke” leftist union-loving teachers who will, as they usually do, bust their butts to get the kids back on track – as the right-wingers continues their grievance-mongering name-calling.

          to be expected. Lord, the crosses we must bear!

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Yes, JAB is hitting this and UVA hard, I read the blog because I get articles from him, Dick, Stephen and others I don’t see anywhere else. And each writer has their own views, leanings, etc. Isn’t that the point of this publication?

            Like a newspaper, if I see an article that I think had been beaten down or I’m just not interested, I move to the next one. Cant read everything.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            No you can’t, but some balance and discretion is not terrible.. in reading to form an informed view…..

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          JAB would most likely get a better response to his facts if he didn’t feel the need to dress them up with his so called “wokeness”. The facts and just the facts please.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      totally agree. That’s the Conservative game these days. Use the “words” like “woke” do some hand-waving and blathering then pronounce abject failure….

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        What is it about numbers that you don’t understand? The below benchmark reading rates for K-2 children in Virginia went from 21.3% to 34.9% between 2019 and 2021.

        That is abject failure.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Nope. It’s an expected setback that will be addressed like it’s always been, despite the feckless blathering from the usual suspects on the right.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Mr. Larry one of my teaching pals is switching from 5th grade to kindergarten. I asked why. The reply: No learning loss to deal with in Kindergarten. Smart teacher.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            James, I suspect that may not be true and here’s why. A close friend taught 2nd grade and said that it’s critical for first grade to make advances and continue them in 1st grade and when it does not happen, bad stuff happens in 2nd grade.

            This goes back to how parents help their kids progress prior to K and as they attend K and some parents just don’t do it or do it enough and the kids are “behind” when they hit K.

            This is what Pre-K and funding Pre-K is all about.

      2. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        So you attack someone using the term Woke as outlined above, but have no problem referring to conservatives as “Right Wingers”. Where is the self awareness?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          If we’re going to play name games like “woke”, yes.

          Count how many times “woke” is used versus “right winger”. I think you’ll find that it’s 10 to 1 or worse.

          Gonna ding me for that? 😉

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I think we vented on this enough and will leave you with the last word on that. Have a good weekend.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I support what you are trying to do. I’m just not real optimistic.

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          Are not conservatives on the right and liberals on the left? There is a constant reference to leftists and also rightists herein. I haven’t seen “globalists” used in a while. What do you prefer?

  2. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    Already abysmal reading rates become much worse thanks to school shutdowns. A shame the report doesn’t compare performance of districts that stayed open with those that didn’t.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Once again, Virginia ranks high compared to other states. We’re down a bit due to covid but so are most other states. And it’s STILL higher than most RED states !

  3. tmtfairfax Avatar

    If anyone in the private sector produced results like this, except maybe for editorial writers, they’d be fired.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      They might get fired, but they would go out the door with massive golden parachutes.

      After scandal and massive losses, the founder of WeWork was ousted. He got about $1.7 billion.

      The CEO of Pfizer was fired about the company experienced $140 billion in losses. His payout was $188 million.

      Yahoo fired its chief operating officer after just 15 months on the job; he got a severance of $58 million



  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    OK, OK. It is JAB’s blog, after all. Indeed, the wokeness has become overwoked. The piece commences with Youngkin getting an “inkling” as to the difficulty of reforming VA’s public education. He has or had a plan to do that? No plan, just sound bites. Then, the Governor meets the school professional bureaucracy that challenges the “divisive” divisivness the Governor introduced. What’d Yungkin expect? A rollover like Putin expected for Ukraine? BTW, Virginia Gentlemen, as you may have noticed, it did not take long before the Rightie Snakers commented.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      it’s all soundbites. Where’s the BEEF?

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      You know is highly ironic? When with one side your mouth you make the following statement:

      “James McCarthy Alex Tate • 2 hours ago
      Some on this blog are trying to restore civil discourse. Hang in there!!”

      While outside the other you make this comment:

      “BTW, Virginia Gentlemen, as you may have noticed, it did not take long before the Rightie Snakers commented.”

      If you weren’t a hypocrite would you really have anything at all?

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        It may be difficult for you to appreciate that some can hold two, even three, ideas at one moment. The quotes are not mutually exclusive as simple parsing of the sentences demonstrates. You are just not yet included in the “some” trying to restore civil discourse.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          You’re not holding two ideas at a moment. You’re acting as a hypocrite, complaining about others while excusing yours and those who you agree with politically.

          “You are just not yet included in the “some” trying to restore civil discourse.”

          You’re not the arbiter of anything but your own opinion and your attempt to state otherwise is just your own ego.

  5. Alex Tate Avatar
    Alex Tate

    It’s interesting that none of these comments are coming from people with actual boots on the ground. There seems to be a general consensus that the only cause for declining reading scores is the schools shut down. The causes are vast and wide with the shutdowns certainly contributing.

    It’s worse than you think. Much worse.

    One of the factors is stress. These kids are regressing in behavior and skills because of the amount of stress in the homes and schools
    What I find most interesting is no one has made the connection between the way you speak to each other on this blog and the kids. Do you really not think your children/grandchildren don’t hear you?

    Let me tell you, they do.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Some on this blog are trying to restore civil discourse. Hang in there!!

    2. Those are ideas worth exploring.

      Whatever the problems for kids coping with remote learning — access to broadband, working parents who can’t supervise, video games and other distractions, family stress — it’s all fallout from the fact that kids were learning from home, not at school. The problems became evident very quickly, and some of us began warning of the dangers very early on.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” it’s all fallout from the fact that kids were learning from home, not at school.”

        but at the same time you complain that the teachers are union-loving leftist wokes… no?

      2. Alex Tate Avatar
        Alex Tate

        It’s even the kids who had in-person learning. There was a lot of muffled sound through masking and a loss of visual cueing. My observation is it’s not one cause and effect. (Please let’s not go back to the mask debate.) Yes, the shut down had the greatest impact. However, it’s multifaceted and some of it is still with us.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        How long have they been back in school again…?? Most districts were using hybrid schooling as of January 2021 and all schools were back full time as of last September. Btw, Covid vaccines were not widely available until like March of 2021. It will take a little time to make up the educational losses that occurred. This timing, however, does not seem unreasonable considering we were in the middle of a pandemic. You are pretty good (if transparent) in firing off your critiques but I believe you would have done no better had you been driving the bus…. what would you have done? Forced full time schooling so that the kids would bring home Covid and kill unvaccinated grandma…?! Oh, sorry Johnny, not only did you kill grandpa but your English teacher as well, but hey you won’t fall behind in reading… Pretty heartless there, JAB, even for a Conservative!!

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      you have to ask about “stress” in the European and Asian countries that beat our academic socks off.

      Are our kids academic wimps compared to European and Asian kids?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Yes, and that’s for most of the advantaged kids. The disadvantaged kids do even worse because we don’t teach them to read. Their lives are blighted.

        All some woke racists want to do is whine about equity instead of facilitating achievement.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” we don’t teach them to read”.

          tell me how that happens – across the board – in most school districts – even ones that produce highly educated kids. How does that happen both in Red and Blue states?

          what’s the fundamental reason(s)?

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          Still having trouble with your use of “woke racists”. Are you talking about racists that practice “wokeness”? In other words are they the most “aware” of their own racism or of racism in general? Racists are called white supremacists and I guess we could attach wokeness to them as being on the alt-right extreme.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Racism is racism and it is not only white supremacists. Woke racists blame everything bad on white people. They prevent helping all kids learning to read because “white” is the only issue, not real performance deficits.

            Woke racism is the difference between equality and equity. Equality is Dr. King’s dream that his daughters be judged on the content of their characters. Woke Racist Equity is judging all on the color of their skin that Dr. King deplored.

            That is distressingly demonstrated by C’villes classification of 86% of its students as “gifted” to achieve racial “equity”. It was embedded in VDoEs recently dismissed goal of eliminating differences in outcome based on ability.

            There are real differences in achievement. We need to deal with them directly and stop the woke racist religious idiocy.

            Again I encourage you to read John McWhorter’s “Woke Racism”. He does a compelling job describing woke racism, the damage it does and, in addition to the injury it does, how insulting it is to black people. He also prescribes several simple (but harder to accomplish) things to do to fix our culture. They start with teaching all kids to read to give them the opportunity to have an honest life. McWhorter is black. He has standing to have an opinion.

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            I have seen several interviews with him and he does make many valid points. Still not sure about the use of the terms woke and racists together. If they blame everything bad on white people that does not make them “woke” but rather buying into the victimization narrative. They may have some actual reasons for feeling this way to a certain degree.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Again, suggest you read McWhorter’s book “Woke Racism” it is explicit. That could help make you “sure”. Many woke racists are white, including books like “White Fragility”. That is part of what makes woke racism a religious cult.

          4. VaNavVet Avatar

            So a “cult” but why a religious one? What religion are you referencing?

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            The religion of woke racism. This is getting tiresome, please read McWhorter’s “Woke Racism”. He explains very clearly. It is a religion because, like all religions, it requires fundamental beliefs that are acts of faith, not observable fact.


  6. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Keeping focus on the main thing…. PALS percentages of kids not meeting the benchmark, regardless of fault: If those same students also lost critical vocabulary development, the elementary SOL scores are going to be really bad across all subject areas. I don’t really care whose fault, woke, not woke, I care about the kids whose lives have been touched by an almost impossible to catch up learning loss. This cohort will have low scores in many areas like the SAT test and graduation statistics for years.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’m a bit of a skeptic that they cannot catch up by re-prioritizing reading over other if need be or adding summer school. It can be done and should be done.
      The naysayers have no interest in this at all. They just want to see failure to satisfy their anti-public school biases.

      1. Alex Tate Avatar
        Alex Tate

        Perhaps you may wish to volunteer at a school? What you see/don’t see may amaze you.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m not a professional. I believe it takes professionals to do that work. I support the professional that do that job even as they are attacked as leftist wokes.

          A child starts out as an innocent being who is molded by their experiences in school and other.

          A lot of us are very fortunate to have been cared for by teachers who knew how to teach and cared for their students.

          Now those teachers are reviled by folks playing partisan games.

          I can’t imagine anything more ignorant.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Working as an aide to a special ed teacher and doing one on one instruction to help a young kid learn how to read might not be too far beyond your skill set.

            It would give you the reward of knowing you made a huge difference in a kids life and the Commonwealth a better place.

            But, you’d need to start by teaching the alphabet instead of indoctrinating the kid that his/her problem was systemic racism and white privilege. That could be as insurmountable a barrier for you as it is for Virginia’s woke school systems.

            “I can’t imagine anything more ignorant”.
            Sure you can, it’s woke racist cult religion that prevents focusing on teaching all kids to read.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            my circle of good friends includes many teachers. Teaching, even volunteering, even for special ed requires professional training. It’s not a baby-sitting service as some seem to think. I volunteer my time for a number of things. I do my part but not in education.

            It’s not “woke” at all to care about disadvantaged kids and their much worse outcomes in the current education system. This problem is widespread and long-standing. It’s not something that just happened recently. This problem also occurs in other countries but it’s different than this country where people tend to group by neighborhood and income strada and the poor (and often people of color with poor educations) end up in larger numbers in low income neighboods and schools that serve those neighborhoods.

            This happens even in counties and cities with highly performing school districts, like Fairfax and Henrico. Both have these low-income pockets of neighborhoods and low performing kids – same school district, same school district leaders – very different academic outcomes – by schools.

            We’ve not been able to really solve that problem – and has nothing to do with the left/right politics. It happens across the board in Red and blue States and counties.

            One place that has had some success is Region 7 in SW Va of which Matt Hurtt is an administrator and blogs here about how they do it and have success.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Far be it for me to overestimate your inability, I’ll leave that to you.

            Helping kids with reading deficits can be as simple as sitting with them, reading a book slowly, and following the spoken text with a finger on the printed words. That helps the kid associate the sound of the word with the letters. Depending on the deficit the kid has, either he/she or the instructor can be the one reading and following along with the finger. That also provides the opportunity to stop and talk about the meaning of unfamiliar words. I expect that is something you could simply be trained to do.

            The issue with teaching all kids to read is class size. Classes do not have to be very big to have resources spread too thin to help kids with significant reading deficits. Virginia is near the bottom of the heap in providing the resources needed to teach all kids to read. Woke racist “equity” denies that there even is a need.

            Universal K and preK could go a long way towards providing the resources needed to teach all kids to read. It would provide other benefits like nutrition and enabling parents to work too. That was part of Manchin’s proposed $1.8T BBB budget that Biden and the Dems refused to even acknowledge.

            You have done a nice job knocking down the straw man you set up on “woke”. Woke racism values “equity” over achievement. It is precisely the additional resources needed to teach all kids (mostly disadvantaged and of all races) to read that woke racist “equity” cultists prevent.

            Think C’ville defining 86% of its students as “gifted” and Virginia’s Superintendents fixation on denying people the opportunity to complain about religious cult woke racist divisiveness. Virginia’s educational hierarchy
            is profoundly dysfunctional and the least advantaged of our kids are its victims.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Just a clue to you – we all have them. Some are able to see it and acknowledge it and others offering their view are even less capable.

            I’m glad you think you know how to help kids read without really knowing the abilities of the child and where they need more attention. That’s really for professionals and I’m more than willing to pay them well and let them do their work rather than me deciding what they need to do their work.

            Yes, “woke” is an idiotic concept but loved by those who seem to “thinking” that way.

            It is no real answer to the issues of course, but that’s of little consequence to those who
            like to use the “woke” word.

            You know there is a REAL reason why Cville did that. Do you know the reason? As opposed to ignoring their reason and deciding yourself?

            re: ” Woke racism values “equity” over achievement. It is precisely the additional resources needed to teach all kids (mostly disadvantaged and of all races) to read that woke racist “equity” cultists prevent.”

            only in the minds of the willfully ignorant. “Equity” is precisely the process of acknowledging that some kids need more help to achieve their potential and outcome.

            This has been going on for some time when education professionals KNOW how to recognized disadvantaged kids and KNOW that there will not end up reaching their potential if they do not receive more help to get there.

            Only of late has it been more openly attacked by the right – but attacks on public education from the right – have been ongoing all along – just new “woke” name-calling tactics.

            It takes a LOT MORE than one volunteer ‘helping” a child to fix this. If it were that simple, we’d have successful examples of it – schools touting their “volunteer corps” and accompanying higher reading scores.

            If it is so easy, why hasn’t it been done already? Is the answer from the critics simply
            that no public schools (or private) have actually tried it?

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            I have 40 years of working with adults with severe disabilities and the programs that serve them. My wife has a masters in Special Ed as well as a decade as a SpEd teacher. We both have significant time in the trenches figuring out individual issues and how to help kids and adults overcome them. I believe that qualifies us both.

            I also believe you could be trained to work productively with kids once a “professional” has identified the issues and the appropriate technique. Hands on time after diagnosis is what it takes to make even the best technique work. By diverting attention and resources woke racism obstructs actually helping kids.

            “Of course” yes there is a real answer. It starts with expunging woke racists from our educational system and getting them out of the way. Then we can get on with teaching all kids to read.

            The Gov seems to be getting a good start on cleaning house at VDoE. As the old Chinese proverb observes “A fish rots from the head.” so he has started at the right spot. School superintendents and school boards look like they’re next in line. It is no small job.

    2. Alex Tate Avatar
      Alex Tate

      I think it’s hard to convey how much ground has been lost and how many basic skills aren’t in place.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Ban divisive content and that’s what you get… uninteresting reads.

    “No reading! ‘Rithmetic!”

  8. Lefty665 Avatar

    Cute, so while Virginia’s schools are doing a worse job than ever teaching all kids to read, the superintendents are doubling down on woke. What’s wrong with this picture?

    Yeah, getting Virginia’s schools to focus on the single most significant thing they could to to improve the lives of all students, teaching all kids to read, is going to be a long hard slog. It is also the greatest and most lasting improvement to the Commonwealth Youngkin could achieve. It is well worth the slog.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      Can agree about the teaching of all kids to read but don’t need the woke reference.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        If you don’t identify the problem and address it directly you ain’t going to fix anything. The woke racist cult religion that has devoured our school system prevents dealing with the fact that we don’t teach all kids to read.

        If you reject recognizing and dealing with that you are in denial and part of the problem.

        For the 3rd time I encourage reading John McWhorter’s “Woke Racism” it could help you understand what you currently refuse to even see.

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    The worm is turning. Yesterday, the woke Fairfax County School Board skittered away from their own board meeting when confronted by a group of Asian moms. They ran like cockroaches in a dark kitchen once the light is turned on.

    The woke cowards of the Fairfax County School Board (protected by armed Fairfax County Police and security guards) were apparently too afraid of 5 foot tall Asra Nomani’s comments to remain in the meeting.

    Norani even brought each board member a present – a copy of the book Race to the Bottom which catalogs the failures of woke educrats, specifically using the Fairfax County School Board as an example.

    After the Quislings on the school board abruptly vacated the meeting Norani started to read from the book.

    “In this new era, school board members took their seats to pursue a variety of agendas, none of which had to do with education,” she began reading.

    Exactly right.


    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      It’s a very interesting book and highlights something that occurred in Loudoun County.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      yep, the daily wire is where to go for “good” news for sure! 😉

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Ad Hom attack.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wow, soft peddle much. The VASS isn’t pushing back on website changes, but the REPORT issued by Youngkin’s administration gutting all equity initiatives.

    But it shouldn’t be but so bad. Fleece is soft.

  11. Those first two paragraphs really weren’t about the kid’s reading skills, Jim. Instead, the parallels between the following came to mind:

    “The Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS) has issued a letter criticizing the administration for its action two weeks ago of deleting from the Virginia Department of Education website any references to “divisive language” — mainly references to policies and guidelines premised on the idea of society as divided between White oppressors and minority victims.” (BR)

    “The lower house of Parliament, the State Duma, passed the law criminalizing “false information” about the armed forces on Friday by a unanimous vote, and Mr. Putin signed it later in the day. Vyacheslav Volodin, the Duma speaker, said that under the new law, “those who lied and made declarations discrediting our armed forces will be forced to suffer very harsh punishment. ” While the text of the new law offered few details about what constituted an offense, Russian officials claim that journalists writing critically about the war — or calling it a “war” or an “invasion” — are undermining the national interest, even referring to them as traitors.” (NYT)

    So much for freedom of speech. The problem with educrats is fixed by replacing them, not outlawing what they can say! And, if replacing them is hard to do, maybe there’s a reason for that.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Stop it. Parallel lines are not visible to them living tangentially… or for that matter, normally.

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