Todd Gilbert, Speaker of the House of Delegates

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

The 2022 General Assembly has gotten off to an inauspicious start.

It started off quietly enough. On Wednesday, the first day, Delegate Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah, was elected Speaker on vote of 97-0. It is not usual for the person selected by the majority party caucus to be Speaker to be formally elected by unanimous vote.

On Wednesday night, Governor Northam addressed the Joint Session in the annual State of the Commonwealth speech. Speaker Gilbert, sitting in the Speaker’s chair behind and above the Governor standing at the podium, either got bored or irked, or both, because he started Tweeting during the speech. As reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, this was one message:

Ralph Northam is leaving office as his own lost cause, condescendingly lecturing us all from some assumed moral high ground because he read the book ‘Roots’ and then went on a non-stop reconciliation tour. Saturday can’t come fast enough.

Needless to say, Democrats were outraged. Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn, D-Fairfax, the former Speaker, was on her feet in a speech on the House floor on Thursday morning calling the current Speaker’s conduct “reprehensible” and that his oath of office was to be the Speaker for the whole House, not just the majority party.

Anyone who has watched Gilbert over the years should not be surprised at his remarks and their tone. He has seldom minced words in expressing his disdain for Democrats. It was evident two years ago when Filler-Corn became Speaker that there was bad blood between them.

Unless Gilbert tones down his partisan rhetoric, it could be a rocky session.

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15 responses to “Early Fireworks”

  1. tmtfairfax Avatar

    The new speaker ought to tone it down because there’s a long road ahead. On the other hand, Northam is in a class with Donald Trump for being a disgusting human being. They are both totally focused on themselves. Trump’s ego is bigger than his stomach, and Northam doesn’t have the personal integrity to admit (again) that he is the guy in blackface and to make personal amends for that conduct instead of ignoring personal responsibility for his action instead of using the levers of the Governor’s office to cover his deed with virtue signaling.

    People disagree over the policies Northam implemented or signed into law. But his policies would at least stand on their own accord had he coupled them with taking personal responsibility and making personal amends. What a waste of human DNA.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Filler Corn never toned it down with her Covid powers over the House of Delegates.

  2. The tweet was valid. I would have been harsher. But I do agree, Gilbert should have saved the tweet for after the speech.

  3. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Speaker Gilbert, with all due respect, save the Tweets for later. Former Speaker Filer-Corn is right to be miffed.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As Jerry Baliles once told me, politics is just like sex. It is all about the timing. Gilbert’s timing was indeed off. The opening days are for making nice and enjoying the moment.

  4. Speaker Gilbert, sitting in the Speaker’s chair behind and above the Governor standing at the podium, either got bored or irked, or both, because he started Tweeting during the speech.

    A rude, classless, and unprofessional move by Mr. Gilbert.


    Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax), the former Speaker, was on her feet in a speech on the House floor on Thursday morning calling the current Speaker’s conduct “reprehensible” and that his oath of office was to be the Speaker for the whole House, not just the majority party.

    Ms. Filler-Corn needs to look in a mirror when she says that.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I noted that the 22-member House committees have 12-10 partisan splits, which could not be more fair. Big contrast with the Senate. No points for that move by Gilbert? I stopped listening years ago to what I call the “moaning” hour speeches. Filler-Corn was as partisan as any Speaker in my memory, and substantially less competent. A second term might have helped, but glad she didn’t get it. Yet. 🙂

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I am working on a report on Gilbert’s committee assignments. (I am going to visit the grandkids tomorrow, so I probably won’t be able to post it until Sunday.) I agree that the partisan splits are fair; for some they are more even than under the last two years. So, yes, I give him points for that. I agree that Filler-Corn was pretty partisan, but she was not as blatant and public as Gilbert. At times she seemed somewhat spiteful and vindictive. I also agree that she was not that competent. If she had not had Marcus Simon on the sidelines prompting her on the rules, it would have been much worse. To top it all off, she feuded with her Senate Democrat counterpart, Saslaw.

      1. I would put a feud with Saslaw in her “plus” column.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Just going to let this set here and sink in:

    “…HB 781, presented for consideration in the Virginia House of Delegates, states that each Virginia “student demonstrate the understanding of … The founding documents of the United States, including … the first debate between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.””

    Off to a bang…🤦‍♂️

  7. vicnicholls Avatar

    Dick, not defending Gilbert because I haven’t seen all of the story from all angles. That being said, there are a lot of people who feel that given the photo(s), admissions, allowing Northam and Herring a bye when the right/conservative/Republicans dont’ get that, is the big issue. The left/progressive/Democrat groups/folks are extremely hypocritical in pointing the log in others’ eyes and not the ones in their own.

    “Ralph Northam is leaving office as his own lost cause, condescendingly
    lecturing us all from some assumed moral high ground because he read the
    book ‘Roots’ and then went on a non-stop reconciliation tour. Saturday
    can’t come fast enough.”

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    Northam approval dropped since 2020 but is still not terrible. It’ll be interesting to see how Youngkin does early on with his changes:

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      When you have Democratic politicians like Senator Tim Kaine and the media covering for you, it’s a lot easier to ride things up. Keep in mind that the company that touts “Democracy Dies in Darkness” and spent months covering an Alabama special senate race just somehow managed to miss the blackface story, not just once, but in two successive statewide elections. And simply gave Northam a pass when he changed his “Yes, it was me” to “No, it wasn’t” the very next day.

  9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    “Needless to say, Democrats were outraged.” Outraged you say. Save that line. You will be able to use it every day for four years.

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