Site icon Bacon's Rebellion


Jim is busy and cannot come to the Blog right now, but leave a message and there will be a new excuse to keep hopes for a flawed scheme alive by the time he is back.

Someone figured out that in a tight race Rep Wolf, whom so ever runs for Davis’s seat and others in the Elephant Clan would look bad if Rail to Dulles was dead on the first Tuesday in November.

So what do the Politics-As-Usual folks do?

Give the plan “approval” with a poison pill that will not cause death until later.

The pill? Massive infusion of cash for METRO. (If not the law suit, etc.) Where will the money come from?

The story goes on and on. You can do that when you do not have to pay for the paper it is written on.

Anyone for the next shuttle to Easter Island? That story on Monday.


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