by Kerry Dougherty

Drunk with power.

That might as well be the Northam administration motto.

Those three words reportedly appear in a chain of internal emails among parole board members and staff that was obtained by WTVR CBS-6 Richmond.

CBS claims it obtained internal Virginia Parole Board emails detailing their deliberations.

“Dated April 2020, one showed then Parole Board Chair Adrianne Bennett telling a parolee his early discharge certificate was “not normal protocol.”

Another instance showed an email chain between Bennett and board employee Laura Hall, who at the time was going through a report of everyone in the Commonwealth on parole supervision.

In one email, Bennett says to Hall, “I will release anyone you say to release,” referring to parolees still being supervised.

Hall replied that she felt “drunk with power,” and updated Bennett on her progress.

Bennett responded “Wave that wand of power, and let’s cut them loose. There needs to be a silver lining to all this! Give me more!!!”

On second thought, perhaps the parole board’s motto ought to be “Let’s cut them loose!”

As we’ve detailed several times on this website, Virginia’s Parole Board has freed at least eight convicted murderers in the past year, including cop killer Vincent Martin.

Prosecutors around the commonwealth accused the board of setting killers free without following the law or the board’s own rules.

A redacted inspector’s general report released last summer supported some allegations of wrongdoing, yet the governor has not acted on it. Northam says he wants an “independent” investigation.

In an alarming development, The Richmond-Times Dispatch reported that the investigator who uncovered misconduct at the parole board has now been sacked.

The Office of the State Inspector General fired the investigator who found misconduct at the Virginia Parole Board and was still investigating this year.

Jennifer A. Moschetti, who was terminated Monday, was the lead investigator on at least nine reports last year that found violations of law and policy, including the parole board freeing convicted killers without first reaching out to victim’s families as required by law. Moschetti was investigating more allegations of wrongdoing at the parole board; the status of those investigations is unclear.

Let’s be clear: The parole board, breathlessly freeing murderers, is accused of misconduct and yet it’s the whistleblower who loses her job.

Something is not right in Richmond.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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6 responses to ““Drunk with Power””

  1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    The Governor ended the death penalty. The parole board lets them free. Virginia is a corrupt circus that is being run by the clowns.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The debate over the death penalty is a separate issue, and I have no problem with the legislature’s decision. I did find it hilarious when the governor was so moved to be in a room where lives have been ended. He’s been in labor and delivery when that happened, hasn’t he? But of course those infants were kept comfortable…I bet he’s toured a Planned Parenthood clinic, too, any one of which beats the Corrections system for deaths on site….

    This parole story continues to get more and more amazing and the media silence is proof positive that they are not going to hold anybody accountable.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You guys are gonna miss that metallic taste of blood.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The debate over the death penalty is a separate issue, and I have no problem with the legislature’s decision. I did find it hilarious when the governor was so moved to be in a room where lives have been ended. He’s been in labor and delivery when that happened, hasn’t he? But of course those infants were kept comfortable…I bet he’s toured a Planned Parenthood clinic, too, any one of which beats the Corrections system for deaths on site….get a cold chill there, Guv?

    This parole story continues to get more and more amazing and the media silence is proof positive that they are not going to hold anybody accountable. They days when killing cops earned additional condemnation are gone.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Media silence? The only way we know anything about is through media reports. The lead story on page one of the Sunday RTD was about Bennett unilaterally releasing parolees from supervision.

  5. The parole board is showing its racist bigotry as the vast majority of criminals will live among Communities of Color —- and not a single white liberal complains about this act of white supremacy.

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