Down Comes the Pedestal

From the latest edition of The Blunderbuss:

The last remaining section of a once towering statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee is being removed from Richmond’s Monument Avenue today. No word yet on what will replace the graffiti-covered pedestal in the grassy circle. The state is transferring that land back to the City of Richmond to decide its fate.

In September, Gov. Ralph Northam had declared the 40-foot base of the Confederate general’s statue would remain until efforts to reimagine Monument Avenue were complete. For whatever reason, the governor has changed his mind. Perhaps the memory of the city’s over-promised and under-delivered plans to improve Richmond’s 17th Street Farmers Market is still too vivid. Maybe he wants no part of the blame should the pedestal and the circle become untended eyesores while the city argues over what should be placed there — understandable for someone already leaving office with a tarnished legacy.

Whatever the reason, it’s for the best that the expletive-adorned base comes down. Richmonders can at least enjoy an open space as they begin to put this sad saga behind them. And whatever one’s opinion of Robert E. Lee, I’m sure the old soldier is just happy it’s over.

— Robin Beres

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22 responses to “Down Comes the Pedestal”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The City is missing a real win-win money-maker. Fence it, rent hammers and eye protection and charge $5 per piece takeaway.

  2. tmtfairfax Avatar

    The Commonwealth should commission a statute of the now forgotten Ralph Northam Blackface incident and also include the three “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” monkeys to represent the MSM.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Anyone remember “2001 — A Space Oddity”? I mean Odyssey. Here is another pedestal on the Moon.,f_auto,fl_progressive,pg_1,q_80,w_800/230fffce7ed22eaa4fb39839970e5faf.png

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Perhaps the fear was that the city would leave it in place, proudly seeking to make the graffiti-laced granite into a tourist attraction or even a UN World Heritage Site. Perhaps Northam is making a decision so Mayor Stoney doesn’t have to.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Wonder if the removal was it another no bid contract to an LLC just setup.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      In 1996 while on a house buying trip, we went into a house with our agent and on the fireplace mantle there was a graffiti covered piece of concrete about the size of a hubcap.

      The agent said, “That’s an odd piece of art.”

      I knew instantly what it was. “It’s not art. It’s history.”

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Part of the Berlin Wall?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Uh yep.

  5. dave schutz Avatar
    dave schutz

    Seems like a huge gift from Northam to Youngkin – gets the issue off Youngkin’s plate, he won’t have to deal with it. Youngkin should do something nice for Northam in return.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Gift of a sweater vest?

  6. Jake Spivey Avatar
    Jake Spivey

    In re: “Richmond’s 17th Street Farmers Market,” how about 6th Street Market? Or the failed attempt to bring in a casino? Or the “new baseball stadium”? Or the slave history museum? Maybe the ‘successes’ of the city are due to its superior leadership like Leonidas Young, or Council members Chuck Richardson or Joe Morrisey?

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    On another front. Stonewall Jackson died again. He did much better this time around. Made it to the age of 89. Must have avoided Chancellorsville. Chose the Grand Ole Opry instead.

  8. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “Richmonders can at least enjoy an open space as they begin to put this sad saga behind them. ”

    Meh. They’re the ones that made it sad, by their childish behavior. They’ve earned the contempt of adults. Let them lie in the bed they’ve made. Have you seen where their schools rank?

  9. killerhertz Avatar

    They should have kept the pedestal and replaced Lee with a BBC

  10. Atlas Rand Avatar
    Atlas Rand

    Having attended a local high school, many of my friends attended VCU while I was at Tech, so during breaks at home I frequently stayed with them in Richmond. I can remember plenty of nights spent sitting on these monuments having some beers and discussing the world in only the way naive college students can. My children enjoy Maymont now and I make the occasional trip to Richmond for the science museum, and I always made a point to ride down Monument Ave. Truly the nicest street in Richmond. It looks terrible with the monuments tore down, but the graffitied monstrosity the Lee statue turned into was one of the most disgusting eyesores I’ve ever seen, with its hate filled messages. Glad to see the pedestal will be removed along with its message of hate, and hopefully Richmond can do something worthwhile with it.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      No. The “hate-filled” message was on top.

      1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

        You are brain-washed.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          At least I have one to wash.

          1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

            Miss Know-it-All (aka Miss Smart-Alec), one of the problems with Leftists, as so ably demonstrated by you, day after day, is that any disagreement with you or your narrow, rigid views, is labeled as “hate.” You should read Sir Winston Churchill’s opinion of Robert E. Lee. Of course, that would put Sir Winston’s reputation at risk (but only in your small, closed mind).

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sir Winston didn’t have to live with the chaos and havoc the idiot slaveholder wrought upon this nation. And, as far as his brilliant military skills, the first and only time he left friendly territory, he lost his brain trust in silly charges, and had his head handed him.

      2. Atlas Rand Avatar
        Atlas Rand

        You think ACAB and F*** 12 are positive messages of love? Interesting viewpoint.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Relatively speaking, yes. How many cops are there? How many people of color? See?

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