Double Standards and the COVID Crisis


by Kerry Dougherty

You want to know why some of us are so cynical about the Covid crisis?

It’s the double standards. The lack of consistency. The shifting goalposts. Officials saying one thing and doing another.

We saw a glaring example of the latter it here in Virginia in May, when the Governor — who’d been quick to order shutdowns, and who was nagging us about social distancing and wearing masks — was seen prancing down the Boardwalk and leaning in for selfies. Maskless. Clueless.

Then there’s been the thorny issue of funerals.

Not OK

Ever since crowd limits were imposed, thousands of Americans buried their dead without proper funerals. Yet those same grieving families could turn on the news to see hundreds turning out for the funerals of George Floyd in Houston and Rep. John Lewis in Atlanta.

I don’t begrudge Floyd and Lewis the sort of sendoffs they deserve, but don’t the families of ordinary Americans who had the misfortune of dying during this health crisis deserve the same? Their grief is just as real.

Next there’s the issue of protests and demonstrations. While governors across the country were quick to stomp on the constitutionally protected rights of churchgoing folks — shoot, Gov. Gavin Newsom recently banned singing and chanting in California churches — they’ve been reluctant to deal similarly with anarchists who swarm the streets to break windows, torch cars, attack police or topple statues.

New flash: COVID-19 doesn’t know the difference between protests and church services.

Now get this. Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington DC recently announced a mandatory two-week quarantine for anyone coming to the District of Columbia from Covid hot spots such as Georgia. Then, she promptly waived that rule for anyone returning from Congressman John Lewis’ Atlanta funeral.

Look, either Georgia is dangerous or it’s not, Mayor. You can’t have it both ways.

What am I saying? Of course she can have it both ways. Executives have been getting away with capricious enforcement of rules since March.

Finally, on Friday, Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before Congress about the pandemic and was grilled by Rep. Jim Jordon of Ohio about protests and whether they spread the virus.

It was an astonishing moment. The doctor who’s been the ringmaster of the pandemic, scolding states for not shutting down, or for opening too fast, telling football fans that there shouldn’t be a season this fall and suggesting that we should be wearing goggles in addition to masks, developed a sudden, uncharacteristic reticence to offer advice.

Here’s an account of the exchange from

Jordan argued that permitting protests while cracking down on church services amounts to favoring one First Amendment liberty over another. He asked Fauci whether the protests are spreading coronavirus.

“Crowding together, particularly when you’re not wearing a mask, contributes to the spread of the virus.” Fauci responded.

“Should we limit the protesting?” Jordan continued.

“I’m not in a position to determine what the government can do in a forceful way,” Fauci responded.

“I haven’t seen people during a church service go out and harm police officers or burn buildings,” Jordan continued. “No limit to protests, but you can’t go to church on Sunday.”

Jordan said Fauci had advocated for “certain businesses to be shut down, arguing that he hadn’t “seen one hair stylist who, between haircuts, goes out and attacks police or sets something on fire, but we’ve seen all kinds of that stuff during protests and we know the protests actually increased the spread of the virus. You’ve said that.”

“I said crowds,” said Fauci. “I didn’t say protests do anything … Crowds are known, particularly when you don’t have a mask to increase the acquisition and transmission.”

Would it kill America’s vaunted health expert to point out the obvious: The virus spreads at protests and demonstrations and that it would be really good if people refrained from rioting for the duration of the pandemic?

Nah, it’s not Fauci’s style to criticize the reckless behavior of the left. That leaves some of us cynics wondering if this really is all about a virus.

This column was republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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26 responses to “Double Standards and the COVID Crisis”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I’m a cynic, too, but not an idiot. The virus is real, and can kill you, especially if you already have medical issues once it comes to find you. Jordan’s bit of political Kabuki with Fauci was just grandstanding. Fauci spoke the truth — any and all crowds are stupid places to gather right now, and in a crowd like that a mask is a placebo. It does not keep the bug out, and no one claims it does.

    If seeking examples of the obvious double standard, look at the politicians, not the professional staff (Fauci). I’m glad Fauci has a tough skin and is ignoring the munchkins biting his ankles. If we have a vaccine for Christmas, people like Fauci will have done that, not the Current Occupant.

    My cynicism has me thinking that these large crowds of young people, drinking or protesting, fully understand what they are doing and hope to kill us older folks off in droves.

    1. PackerFan Avatar

      Steve, I don’t think Kerry was questioning whether or not the virus is “real”. It’s pretty obvious that it is. She was questioning the double standards and whether or not there isn’t more of a political motivation behind what’s going on then any health concerns. Whether it was grandstanding by Jordan or not, why was it so hard for Fauci to say that the protesting should be limited for purposes of controlling the spread of the virus, when it’s so easy for him to explicitly speak out against other types of public gatherings? Maybe he’s afraid of some of those protesters showing up at his house if he says they should be dispersed??

      For the record, I don’t have a problem with the public funerals for George Floyd and John Lewis, but I am waiting for someone to explain why that was OK, but everyone else’s funerals are not.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        Fauci’s job is to dispense medical advice not to opine on the relative merits of various reasons for protest. He said “crowds”. That covers protests, riots, funerals and crowded church services in my book. Fauci is too smart to pick winners and losers in various “crowds”. It’s too bad that our worthless political class can’t do the same.

      2. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        It was a cheap political stunt and Fauci was smart to duck and weave. Bill Barr had set a previous example of not letting congressional “hearings” be turned into partisan farce.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          For Jordan – it’s seems to be par for the course. That behavior is not uncommon an pubic hearings..

          He outpolls his challengers two to one in the Ohio 4th so they like him.

    2. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

      No one wants to kill older people Steve (well, maybe Greg Abbott). Shoot, you routinely call me a coward and try tough guy talk on me and even I would be sad if you got sick.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        You’re like Nancy – so afraid of being outed you set up a couple of blinds behind your fake name. I mean, who has email from “”

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Joseph Gallian, Mathematician, might have such an email address. See if you’re enough of a cub reporter to figure out why, there, Jimmy Olsen.

        2. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

          In a world where SWATting is a thing, yeah, I’d rather stay as anonymous as possible so some troll group who would like to punish me for thinking Black and white people are equal doesn’t put the lives of my wife and children at risk.

          You also don’t care about anonymity – you discourse with other pseudonymous posters just fine. It’s just me and Nancy you call out by name repeatedly. I follow the rules here. No ad hominems. Dick asked me to curb my sailor’s tongue and I did. But you want to know who I am for the sole purpose of trying to give me real world consequences for simple Internet disagreement. You used your role here as someone who can peek behind the scenes to look up my email address – who does that?

          You ever want to meet face to face to talk, I’m game. Name the time and place. But stop pretending it’s my anonymity and not my point of view that offends you.

  2. djrippert Avatar

    Kerry forgot Il Duce de Blasio, Mayor of New York City. If Il Duce likes your ideology you can get an exemption from the ban on large gatherings.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      An update from the land of Il Duce …

      When is a rave legal in New York City? When the ravers wear BLM shirts.

  3. djrippert Avatar

    And so it starts … health officials in Montgomery County Maryland have told private schools in the county to go all virtual in the Fall. Gov Hogan opposed the decision saying that it should be up to the schools. Montgomery County has about 1,500 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents while Fairfax County (across the river) has about 1,300. How long until some woke “equity crusader” in Fairfax County starts agitating for the private schools in that county to open with virtual-only teaching … regardless of the “science” of the CDC guidelines?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Yep, saw that over the weekend. Their bosses in the teacher unions will insist….

    2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      How can Fairfax County support total online operation of the Schools while planning to open the associated School Age Child Care programs? Of course there is a need for child care for working parents. But please reconcile the two decisions based on science. Also, isn’t this really classism as the SACC teachers are generally less credentialed than the regular school teachers?

      It is extremely frightening to have governments allow some big funerals but not other smaller ones. Of course, if we had anything but a left-cheek kissing media, we hear a lot about this.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Well so much for DJ’s undying “love” of Maryland on COVID19!

    And I thought that DJ wanted local autonomy for counties and cities!


    I have to say I am shocked, SHOCKED that Kerry admires Jordan!


    1. djrippert Avatar

      I, like Gov Hogan, want local autonomy for schools. If a school can meet the CDC guidelines why should it remain closed? In Virginia the opening decision is based on local autonomy for counties and cities. For example, Fairfax has decided that they will open virtually while Fauquier County still plans to open with in-class instruction. Northam is only too happy to push aside Dillon’s Rule when it allows him to avoid making a statewide decision that might backfire on him. However, he is always there to blame Trump for not taking national control over the COVID-19 response. Oh well. What do we expect from a man in his 20s who attended parties with dates dressed in klan robes and then submitted the photographs of one such party for use on his yearbook page?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so both Hogan and Northam are taking the same approach with regard to schools?

        ” “Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have based our decisions on science and data,” Gayles said in a news release announcing the decision. “At this point the data does not suggest that in-person instruction is safe for students or teachers.”

        Montgomery County, which has more than 1 million residents, has had 17,665 confirmed cases of the coronavirus — the second highest in a Maryland jurisdiction — and 750 people have died from the virus in the county.”

        1. djrippert Avatar

          You can’t count cases. Montgomery is the most populous jurisdiction in Maryland. You can’t even really count per capita cases. The positivity rate in Montgomery is 4%. The Rt is under 1.0. Gayles is full of it. The science comes from the CDC not the teachers’ union. Some schools in the county can meet the CDC guidelines.

          1. djrippert Avatar

            Hogan should declare the schools essential businesses and overturn the edict of a woke unelected bureaucrat. Schools that meet the CDC guidelines should reopen if they want to reopen.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Dillion Rule for Maryland? wow!

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I am beginning to have another round of fatigue over COVID and the politics surrounding it. Calgon take me away!

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Calgonite will do a quicker job of it. Just lye back and relax.

    2. VDOTyranny Avatar

      No time to rest… Are you compliant with the new VOSH safety rules?

  6. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    Well, just looking at those two pictures I see a bunch of people outside (good) who aren’t social distancing (bad) but are wearing masks (best!) versus a bunch of people who are inside (bad) not social distancing (bad) and not wearing masks (worst!).

    I know conservatives like to pretend that context and circumstance don’t matter, but they’re an important part of these decisions and an important part of why bars opening is worst than a protest.

  7. Matt Hurt Avatar
    Matt Hurt

    So, how can you tell that a politician is making a politically motivated statement? You can see his/her lips moving. Sometimes its politically expedient to be consistent, and sometimes not. However, if anyone thinks that any political party has the market cornered on this unacceptable behavior, he/she would be sorely mistaken. What I find hilarious is all of the pearl clutching that goes on when a politician exhibits behavior associated with all (at least most) politicians.

  8. VaNavVet Avatar

    Jordan and his crowd have been politicizing the pandemic from the onset. He clearly knows the difference between indoor activities and those taking place outside. There was social distancing at the Lewis funeral and masks were worn. “Just wear the damn mask” when indoors around others and when social distancing is not possible out of doors. Kerry and the other cynics could aid in getting kids back in school and businesses reopen by supporting this simple action by all. It is something that the Republicans could and should get behind as Red state governors are realizing. There can be no double standard when it comes to masks.

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