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Dominion Solicits Renewable Energy Proposals

First it’s nukes, now it’s renewable fuels. The boys and girls at Dominion have been very busy this week. The Richmond-based power company has announced today that it is soliciting proposals for renewable energy projects as part of its commitment to meet goals established by Virginia and North Carolina.

Dominion has issued a Request for Proposals for projects that will generate electricity using wind, sunlight, falling water, sustainable biomass, waste, wave motion, tides or geothermal energy. The projects must be located in Virginia, North Carolina or elsewhere in the PJM Interconnection area, which would allow the electricity to be transported to Virginia and North Carolina, the company stated in a press release. Dominion is interested in project ownership interests or purchase of renewable energy credits.

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine put in a plug for the power company: “I applaud Dominion for taking this step toward meeting the renewable energy goals we have set for Virginia. As we strive to meet the growing energy needs of the Commonwealth in a sustainable, environmentally responsible way, this kind of leadership from our private-sector partners is crucial.”

You have to give people at Dominion credit. They’re paying attention. This is what people want to hear.

Here’s my question: While it’s great that Dominion is soliciting ideas from the outside, what is it doing internally? Why doesn’t Dominion have its own renewable energy group (or does it)? Who’s better equipped to know what kind of energy it needs where to optimize its transmission and distribution system? … Or would the cynics just criticize the company for crowding out the competition?

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