Does Virginia Beach School Board Care About Girls’ Sports?

by Kerry Dougherty

If you live in Virginia Beach, I have some questions for you:

Did you sit at home while the Bathrobe Brigade on the School Board fought to keep schools closed, long after we knew kids weren’t at risk from Covid-19?

Did you watch on public access TV as the hysterical hypochondriacs of the School Board battled to keep face diapers on kids long after we knew they were doing absolutely nothing to stop the spread?

Did you sit on your hands when you learned that graphic novels featuring oral gay sex were on the shelves of public schools and the woke majority on the School Board wanted to keep them there?

Well, it’s time to get out of your La-Z-Boy and join the weary parents and grandparents who have been fighting your battles for you.

Get to tonight’s school board meeting at 6 p.m. Join the 87 people who had signed up to speak as of late yesterday, according to board member Vicky Manning.

No doubt some of the speakers will support a poorly-worded resolution that essentially clings to Gov. Ralph Northam-era anti-parent policies and refutes Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s common-sense regulations protecting girls’ sports and the rights of parents to know if their child is changing his or her gender in school.

This resolution was brought to my attention by Students First VA, a non-partisan group of savvy citizens who set out to restore common sense to the Virginia Beach School Board. They were successful in last fall’s local elections and hope to defeat the remaining wokesters when their terms expire.

The resolution appears to support trans students’ participation in all sports. The wording references “gender identity and gender expression”

What the heck is gender expression?

It vaguely references that students have privacy rights that may exclude their parents.

In a phone interview yesterday, Manning said a group of students from First Colonial High School’s Legal Studies program has come to every meeting this year, speaking in favor of policies that oppose Youngkin’s and begging the board to instruct administrators not to tell parents when students are changing their gender in school.

Sure, they’re using their adolescent voices to push for far-left policies they support. Good for them.

But now it’s time for hordes of adults to come out in a show of strength to support female athletes who don’t want to compete against boys or have boys in their locker rooms. And it’s time to tell the board — in no uncertain terms — that parents cannot be the last to know that their kid is changing clothes and pronouns as soon as he enters the school building.

Seems as if the School Board has been seeing some of the same faces over and over again.

It would be nice if a wave of new folks came out tonight to show their support for a return to common sense in Virginia Beach Public Schools and to oppose this nutty resolution.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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22 responses to “Does Virginia Beach School Board Care About Girls’ Sports?”

  1. Monica Wright Avatar
    Monica Wright

    Pretty sure 8/10 or 9/10 VB parents aren’t reading this blog because they want nothing to do with the culture-war stuff posters here are peddling…non-stop. They have kids to raise, grades to monitor, jobs to do, errands to run and dinners to cook.

  2. Monica Wright Avatar
    Monica Wright

    Pretty sure 8/10 or 9/10 VB parents aren’t reading this blog because they want nothing to do with the culture-war stuff posters here are peddling…non-stop. They have kids to raise, grades to monitor, jobs to do, errands to run and dinners to cook.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      You would be wrong.

      1. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        Maybe. Nov. ’24 will tell the tale.

    2. VaNavVet Avatar

      Those wars appear to be where Kerry lives these days.

  3. What could go wrong when an adult tells a child, “This is okay to do, we just won’t tell your parents!”

  4. vicnicholls Avatar

    Finished after 12 am. Folks turned out but so did the indoctrinated youngsters.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Was any decision taken by the board?

    2. Turbocohen Avatar

      They got out at 1:30AM.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    It’s illegal to tattoo a person under the age of 18 in Virginia. I guess the risk of doing something permanent is too high. Kind of makes one wonder why gender changing treatments and, especially, surgery is OK for minors.

    As far as schools and school personnel helping a minor change genders without notifying the parents – that’s a total non-starter. Here is the applicable code:

    § 1-240.1. Rights of parents.
    A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.

    Any agent of the state (i.e. teachers, school administrators, school counselors, etc) who help a child change genders without notifying the parents is ignoring the law.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      This is not about helping a child change genders. The question is if a teacher has knowledge that a student identifies as transsexual, is there now an onus on the school to track down said student’s parents and inform them of this knowledge? Further, if this is in fact the responsibility of the school, what rights (if any) do the students have to maintain their privacy on this topic including privacy from their parents. Finally, what role (if any) does the school play in protecting the student from parents who may physically or mentally abuse their child due to their sexual identity. These are all legitimate concerns that are not being addressed by the “parent’s rights” advocates.

      I would suggest you read the resolution being considered. I hardly find it earth-shattering.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      This is not about helping a child change genders. The question is if a teacher has knowledge that a student identifies as transsexual, is there now an onus on the school to track down said student’s parents and inform them of this knowledge? Further, if this is in fact the responsibility of the school, what rights (if any) do the students have to maintain their privacy on this topic including privacy from their parents. Finally, what role (if any) does the school play in protecting the student from parents who may physically or mentally abuse their child due to their sexual identity. These are all legitimate concerns that are not being addressed by the “parent’s rights” advocates.

      I would suggest you read the resolution being considered. I hardly find it earth-shattering.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        The law is the law. If a child presents as suicidal, the parents should be notified. If a child shows violent or aggressive behavior, the parents should be notified. If a child is gender dysphoric, the parents should be notified.

        “Further, if this is in fact the responsibility of the school, what rights (if any) do the students have to maintain their privacy on this topic including privacy from their parents.”

        None. They have no right to hide a major psychological issue from the parents while being open with school personnel.

        “Finally, what role (if any) does the school play in protecting the student from parents who may physically or mentally abuse their child due to their sexual identity.”

        Schools should report suspicions of parental abuse (for any reason) to the proper authorities.

        If you want to change the law, then change the law. And … good luck with that. Ask Terry McAuliffe how well trying to take parents out of the picture worked for him.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        You would not find it “earth shattering” if it required surgery on children wanting new pronouns, Eric.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          The motion being debated says nothing about surgery or new pronouns. Read it and tell me what you find earth-shattering.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        The law is the law. If a child presents as suicidal, the parents should be notified. If a child shows violent or aggressive behavior, the parents should be notified. If a child is gender dysphoric, the parents should be notified.

        “Further, if this is in fact the responsibility of the school, what rights (if any) do the students have to maintain their privacy on this topic including privacy from their parents.”

        None. They have no right to hide a major psychological issue from the parents while being open with school personnel.

        “Finally, what role (if any) does the school play in protecting the student from parents who may physically or mentally abuse their child due to their sexual identity.”

        Schools should report suspicions of parental abuse (for any reason) to the proper authorities.

        If you want to change the law, then change the law. And … good luck with that. Ask Terry McAuliffe how well trying to take parents out of the picture worked for him.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “The law is the law. If a child presents as suicidal, the parents should be notified. If a child shows violent or aggressive behavior, the parents should be notified. If a child is gender dysphoric, the parents should be notified.”

          So you are saying there is an onus on the school to notify parents of all aspects of the child’s life. “Johnny’s girlfriend jilted him” is the new note home in your world.

          Sorry, I don’t see it that way. The law says parents have the right to make decisions regarding their children’s upbringing, education, and care. That does not create new onuses on others to be involved in any way.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Yes, I believe that there is an onus on all government institutions to bring major emotional or behavioral issues with a child to the parents’ attention.

            If the police catch a child shoplifting, the parents need to be notified.

            If a child tells a guidance counselor at school that he or she feels suicidal, the parents need to be notified.

            If a child turns up at an emergency room with a broken leg, the parents need to be notified.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So what is your guidance to schools where their legal onus lies under the law in your opinion? (I don’t agree with you as this is not what this law says but interested in what you think). Btw, if a child ends up in the emergency room with a broken leg and is dressed in clothing not commonly identified with the patient’s birth sex do the doctors now have a legal onus to inform the parents that the child not only has a broken leg but also identifies as a transsexual?

            Where does this onus stop? What happens if a male minor is brought to the ER by a male companion? Must the doctor inform the parents of their suspicions about homosexuality?

  6. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    It is impossible to change your gender just as it is impossible to change your species. The fact people speak as if the impossible is possibles means the left wins and the right is weak.

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