Do We Need More Stimulus — or a Fix for Job-Skill Mismatches?

Scene from a Bassett Furniture factory floor in Bassett, Va. As in North Carolina, jobs in Martinsville and Henry County, Virginia’s furniture-manufacturing hub, are going unfilled.

by James A. Bacon

The U.S. unemployment rate in December was 6.7%, way down from its 14.7% peak in April, but still high by historical standards. Thus, it comes as a shock to find that furniture-industry jobs paying as much as $30 an hour for experienced upholsterers are going unfilled.

Tom Barkin, the perambulating president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, was surprised to discover in his travels through the Fifth District that North Carolina furniture manufacturers were struggling to hire workers. Writing in the current issue of Econ Focus, he describes his conversations.

One executive after another told me his firm had job openings; some listed 40 or more. How could this be, at a time when so many people were hurting — when many thousands of workers in industries like food service and hospitality were out of work?

Perhaps the reason, Barkin theorizes, is that the industry has a bad reputation after a generation of layoffs. Or perhaps the problem is a “mismatch” in the geography and skills of laid-off workers.

Finding answers is critical as the political establishment in Washington, D.C., prepares to do what it does best, which is spend money, in the hopes of goosing the economy with economic “stimulus.” The underlying assumption in the nation’s capital is that the economy’s big problem is a lack of sufficient macro-economic demand. In reality — and this is my observation, not Barkin’s — the problem may be widespread local-level inefficiencies and mismatches that are best addressed locally.

Writes Barkin:

One mismatch is geographic: A sizable share of those workers who have been laid off are in larger cities with bigger leisure and hospitality sectors. They may have ties to where they live and understandably feel reluctant to move to a smaller manufacturing town.

A second mismatch is skill. I heard at our roundtable that experienced upholsterers can make up to $30 an hour. But just to get into that field, a worker needs to go through an initial training program at the community college that takes six months, followed by significant on-the-job training. So someone who has lost his or her job on the service staff of a restaurant cannot immediately take a skilled, well-paying job in furniture making. And with the prospect for an end to the pandemic just a few months away, they may not be motivated to make the investment needed to reskill themselves.

While opportunities exist for workers to learn new skills and upgrade their earnings, enrollment at community colleges where such “reskilling” takes place is declining, notes Barkin. Nationally, first-time enrollment at community colleges fell 22.7% this year. Community college leaders tell him that potential students struggle with tuition, child care, kids at home in virtual school, and gaining access to online education.

Give Governor Ralph Northam credit for trying to address the community-college affordability issue. Whether anything useful comes out of Washington, however, is a different question. The CARES Act enacted during the Trump administration addressed none of these local mismatches, and it doesn’t appear that President Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion stimulus package will do anything more than shower money on people while expecting nothing in return. It takes a sense of urgency to motivate people to commit the time and effort to learn new skills and/or move to new places. Giving them free money does not nudge them out of their lethargy zone.

Indiscriminately helicoptering free money to individuals and businesses seems to be the way the U.S. does things now. The country would be better served by doing the hard work of addressing local inefficiencies and mismatches.

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16 responses to “Do We Need More Stimulus — or a Fix for Job-Skill Mismatches?”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    In House Appropriations yesterday the Virginia Employment Commission reported almost 500,000 job openings unfilled around the state. Nobody wanted to touch a third rail and ask if all the extended UI money and other forms of assistance were making a dent in people’s motivation. Hell, can’t blame the Democrats for what was done in that regard in 2020, given who was in charge in the WH and Senate.

    1. 500,000? That’s almost 12% of Virginia’s 4.3 million-person workforce! That’s insane!

      You ought to write a post about that.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Agree with Jim. Is that a correct number?

  2. I guess a lot of folks are happier not working, and they can manage it with low taxes in areas (outside NoVA ) and presumably they have alternate source of funding (Family etc).

    Last I heard, and I heard from the top math guy at SS, social security disability claims were way down, so that’s not it. I would love to hear an update SS presentation now. I was not allowed to post a report that first SS seminar on BR…but it was so fascinating, I did try for a weak link to Va

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I had heard that the furniture industry was doing great during this time. Apparently, lots of people wanted to get new and better furniture now that they are staying at home so much more. Plus, the need to fix up home offices and school areas. But that is probably a temporary surge. The demand for furniture is likely to return to pre-pandemic days soon. Hhere is little incentive for someone in Richmond to move to Martinsville and invest in six months or more of training for a job that may only be temporary.

    The furniture companies have themselves to blame somewhat. After they outsourced so much of their work to China (See Beth Macy’s “Factory Man”), they lost a lot of their skilled workers who moved away.

    1. Speaking of Martinsville (and job training), the New College Institute’s wind technician program is spinning up. Looks like courses begin next week:

  4. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    In House Appropriations yesterday the Virginia Employment Commission reported almost 500,000 job openings unfilled around the state. Nobody wanted to touch a third rail and ask if all the extended UI money and other forms of assistance were making a dent in people’s motivation. Hell, can’t blame the Democrats for what was done in that regard in 2020, given who was in charge in the WH and Senate.

    1. 500,000? That’s almost 12% of Virginia’s 4.3 million-person workforce! That’s insane!

      You ought to write a post about that.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Agree with Jim. Is that a correct number?

  5. I guess a lot of folks are happier not working, and they can manage it with low taxes in areas (outside NoVA ) and presumably they have alternate source of funding (Family etc).

    Last I heard, and I heard from the top math guy at SS, social security disability claims were way down, so that’s not it. I would love to hear an update SS presentation now. I was not allowed to post a report that first SS seminar on BR…but it was so fascinating, I did try for a weak link to Va

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m actually going to somewhat agree with Jim B on this.

    There is no better opportunity than right now to incentvize people to get re-trained, especially if they are out of work.

    Make that training a requirement to get their stimulus help.

    Don’t sit at home watching TV and interneting…go to “school” – remotely – get an education and bootstrap yourself to a better future.

    The government is supposed to help but you are supposed to go get the training and the job.

    We got way, way too many of us expecting Uncle Sugar to “help” and not near enough folks who are willing to put forth their own sweat and initiative.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I had heard that the furniture industry was doing great during this time. Apparently, lots of people wanted to get new and better furniture now that they are staying at home so much more. Plus, the need to fix up home offices and school areas. But that is probably a temporary surge. The demand for furniture is likely to return to pre-pandemic days soon. Hhere is little incentive for someone in Richmond to move to Martinsville and invest in six months or more of training for a job that may only be temporary.

    The furniture companies have themselves to blame somewhat. After they outsourced so much of their work to China (See Beth Macy’s “Factory Man”), they lost a lot of their skilled workers who moved away.

    1. Speaking of Martinsville (and job training), the New College Institute’s wind technician program is spinning up. Looks like courses begin next week:

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m actually going to somewhat agree with Jim B on this.

    There is no better opportunity than right now to incentvize people to get re-trained, especially if they are out of work.

    Make that training a requirement to get their stimulus help.

    Don’t sit at home watching TV and interneting…go to “school” – remotely – get an education and bootstrap yourself to a better future.

    The government is supposed to help but you are supposed to go get the training and the job.

    We got way, way too many of us expecting Uncle Sugar to “help” and not near enough folks who are willing to put forth their own sweat and initiative.

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