DMV License Sales Continue

For the third time, a criminal enterprise of selling drivers’ licenses out of a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles office has been uncovered. This one occurred in Springfield, with previous cases prosecuted against employees in the Tysons Corner and Richmond offices. There are two contrasting stories on the latest case, one from Jerry Markon of the Washington Post and one from Paul Bradley of the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Bradley concentrates on how the DMV employees operated the sale. Markon casts a critical eye on DMV:

DMV spokeswoman Pam Goheen called the arrests “unfortunate and disappointing” and said the “vast majority of DMV employees are honest and hardworking.”

Goheen could not explain how two similar scams might have been carried out so close together in two Northern Virginia DMV offices. But she said the agency has stepped up its enforcement and auditing efforts. Since 2002, she said, DMV “document verifiers” have double-checked every application processed by customer service staffers.

“It’s two sets of eyes on every transaction,” Goheen said. “There is a heightened awareness of the importance of a driver’s license.”

Most reporters might have stopped there, but Markon has researched this case:

Yet court documents said the latest alleged scam was uncovered not by DMV but by the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security. After a six-month investigation that included the FBI and the DMV, officials are alleging that Francisco Martinez issued the licenses and falsified DMV records to make it appear that applicants had surrendered valid licenses from other states.

The DMV might still have some work to do on that “two sets of eyes” process.

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  1. Hmmm. Back in college, I heard about a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy could get blank licenses from his friend at the DMV. That guy (who knew another guy) would then print out fake ids on those licenses (to sell to people under 21). I never met any of these people, so the homeland security department can leave me alone. Nevertheless, I suspect that’s the reason why most DMV licenses are stolen. For beer drinking purposes instead of terrorism purposes.

  2. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Paul, Let’s postulate that 99 percent of all fake license plates and IDs go to college kids who want to buy beer. That leaves one percent for the lawbreakers and terrorist. That’s one percent too many.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    A radio report this morning said they were selling the licenses for $2K a piece. Sounds a little rich for beer-buying privileges. I think most minors could get an adult to buy their beer for less.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    I seem to remember hearing on the radio that they were charging $2K per license. That sounds a bit expensive for your average minor in college looking to score a few Buds. It would be cheaper to get someone to buy them for you.

  5. Ehhh you’re all right. I didn’t read the article.

    I just remember that happening in college. These things were going for 40-50 bucks a pop though.

    Course, you used to be able to get the same deal on Bleeker Street in NY…again…I heard from a friend of a friend (ad infinitum)

  6. Will Vehrs Avatar
    Will Vehrs

    I thought it was interesting that the Federal prosecuter said that a fraudulent driver’s license used to be $100 a few years ago, but now it takes “up to $3500 and the involvement of a fraudulent clerk.”

  7. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    This is the same DMV, let us remember, that gave drivers licenses to two of the men who wound up participating in the 9/11 terror attacks. Was anyone at DMV embarrassed by that incident? Did they learn anything?

  8. I would say that DMV New York had nothing to do with those terrors having license.

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