Clean Virginia Dissed Again, Dem Takes Dom Cash

An image of Hala Alaya’s answer to a question on Clean Virginia’s candidate questionnaire, released by it in response to her breaking of that pledge.

by Steve Haner

Prince William Democrat Hala Ayala, who had pledged not to accept campaign contributions from Dominion Energy Virginia and took money instead from its opponents, has now accepted $100,000 from the regulated monopoly. Heads are exploding.

Del. Haya Ayala, D-Prince William

The anti-Dominion activist group Clean Virginia had given her $25,000 in her bid for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor.  Now is has announced it will dump $125,000 into a last-ditch digital campaign to defeat her in the June 8 primary. Early voting in the primary has been underway for weeks, however. Early voters upset by this cannot call their ballots back.

Final pre-primary finance reports were released early in the week and word of the contribution quickly hit the Twitterverse, then sparked stories in today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch and Virginia Mercury.

Ayala is not seeking another term in the House to run for this office. There are six candidates seeking the nomination and in a traditional Virginia primary a plurality will be sufficient for victory. There will be none of the ranked choice voting the GOP just used. Ayala’s strongest competitor appears to be Roanoke Delegate Sam Rasoul, also a Dominion critic and beneficiary of Clean Virginia financial support.

Clean Virginia’s full statement, from Executive Director Brennan Gilmore, is here:

“Del. Ayala’s actions are uniquely disappointing and deceptive – she has campaigned for statewide office on a promise to Virginians that she would hold polluting utility monopolies accountable and then accepted a massive contribution from Dominion Energy. That is not leadership — it is desperation,” Gilmore wrote.

Clean Virginia released an image from her candidate questionnaire, reproduced above, with her pledge not to accept Dominion funds. She signed another pledge for a group called Activate Virginia.

We therefore pledge never to accept campaign contributions from either Dominion or Appalachian Power. This small step towards a Democratic Party of Virginia free from Dominion and Appalachian influence is, we feel, the absolute least we can do. We hope our fellow Democratic politicians in Virginia will join us. Because it’s only together, as a unified progressive force, that we’ll be able to reinstate a government dedicated to preserving and protecting our beautiful – yet fragile – environment.

The folks at Blue Virginia are pointing on Twitter to the PredictIt vote projection website that treats votes like stock values, with Ayala’s chances dropping yesterday and Rasoul’s rising (with some recovery for her this morning).

Without doubt, June 8 will now be analyzed for signs of whether Dominion has lost its grip. Is the battle for political dominance between Clean Virginia and the state’s powerful utility over, won by Dominion? The House Democratic Caucus has already attacked the Charlottesville power couple that funds Clean Virginia as “dark-money billionaires” for the sin of backing two challengers to incumbent Democratic House members, and even (shocking) some Republicans who are Dominion skeptics.

The problem, of course, is that any donor – utility or environmental activist or shameless rent-seeker – can give such huge amounts to any Virginia candidate. Neither political party can muster the political will to impose reasonable limits on donations because both parties are happy with the situation at hand. Donations of this size will always be interpreted as an effort to buy favor, because without any question that is exactly what they are.

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18 responses to “Clean Virginia Dissed Again, Dem Takes Dom Cash”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Oops. Had to make a correction. Ayala is a current House member, but is not seeking a new term. I confused her with former Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy, D-Fairfax, who quit her term early and skipped the 2021 session to seek statewide office.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      that’s a pretty big “oops”! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I don’t particularly like single-issue organizations or campaigns, but you have to admit that Bills is putting his money where his mouth is and is being consistent, not partisan.

    It is going to be hard for Republicans to complain about a super-rich guy funding Democrats while Glenn Youngkin is spending millions of his own money on his campaign.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Speaking of Youngkin. What is his position on electricity, green and climate?

      He’s got the money to clearly lay out his position on this.

      Might be refreshing… but then again… we’ll see.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Let’s hope that he opposed the rampant dishonesty of Ralph Northam who buried a wealth transfer tax into the state’s electricity rates rather than having the courage and honesty to simply and transparently raise taxes.

        Elect a charlatan, get scams.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          geeze… I coulda sworn the GA did it and he went along… AND it was popular with their constituency!

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Bills is being consistent.

      However, the difference between Bills and Younkin is that Youngkin is actually running for governor, not just using his wallet to pull the strings of the puppets among the politicos. For that reason alone, Youngkin will have vastly more credibility in my book.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I don’t particularly like single-issue organizations or campaigns, but you have to admit that Bills is putting his money where his mouth is and is being consistent, not partisan.

    It is going to be hard for Republicans to complain about a super-rich guy funding Democrats while Glenn Youngkin is spending millions of his own money on his campaign.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I prefer candidates who don’t take pledges. Can’t think of a better way to assure a suboptimal solution to problems than to create a priori constraints.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Apparently, Ayala has reached the same conclusion.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Then she should give back the Green Virginia money.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but on a scale of 1 to “Stop the Steal”, where’s it come in?

        “Your Party’s candidates are all thieves and liars.”
        “Could you be more specific? Which party is that?”

  5. WayneS Avatar

    This is not news. News would be a politician NOT lying and/or flip-flopping and/or breaking a pledge.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner


  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    How is that a pledge? It’s a question. If you need an example of a pledge, see Grover “taxing the rich is like the Holocaust” Norquist’s Republican pledge against taxes.

    Oops, misread the caption on your figure. Carry on.

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    Ralph Northam, a practiced liar, has endorsed a deceptive candidate for Lieutenant Governor who cannot be taken at her word.

    Why am I not surprised?

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      It’s a damn shame the abortion laws were restrictive when Northam was but a bun in the oven. There’s always a chance his mother would have decided not to give birth. He’s below Trump and that’s about as low as it gets.

  8. energyNOW_Fan Avatar


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