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Disingenuous Daily Press

Today’s Daily Press (Sunday Feb. 18, 2007) reports the following about the Transportation plans in the General Assembly:

“That plan also proposed a variety of fee increases and set up regional funding approaches for Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia.”

Actually, the ‘regional approaches’ are called a ‘political sub-division of the Commonwealth’ in the bills – or in english – a regional government. Regional government not a regional funding approach.

The fee increases and funding approaches are called taxes. Taxes. New taxes and increased taxes.

Why would the Daily Press not use clear words – like unelected, unaccountable, unseparated powers Regional Government? Or, let the readers know the Regional Government is almost precisely the same wording as the one they rejected 2:1 across Hampton Roads in 2002? (And across the Commonwealth in rejecting a Constitutional amendment in 1998?)

Or, mention that the projects INCREASE the congested miles across Hampton Roads?

Or, that miles driven in Hampton Roads has flat-lined since 2003?

Does this shaded speech, and omitted facts, have anything to do with the declining subscriptions to the Daily Press?

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