Dionysian Rites at a Spotsylvania County School Board Meeting

Dionysos, god of the theater and of the grape harvest

by James C. Sherlock

The FY 2023 budget for Spotsylvania County was $341,355,792.

In increasing the 2022 budget, the Supervisors transferred an additional $5.8 million to schools to “Address the Commitment to Educational Opportunities.”

That brought the total transfer to schools to $138,081,416 including that $5.8 million (4.4%) increase.

It was pointed out offhandedly in that FY 2023 budget document that $5.65 million equated “to a little more than three pennies on the real estate tax rate.”


Most recently in FY 2021, the Schools were allocated ARPA funding in the amount of $22.68 million which Schools’ staff expects to be spent over three fiscal years (FY 2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024) to enhance the learning environment, enhance instructional planning, and enhance learning and growth.

But never mind.

Last night, in what Fox5 described as a “chaotic and disruptive” school board meeting, teeth were reportedly gnashed and garments rent over a potential, not yet an actual, reduction of $5.2 million in state funding for Spotsylvania County schools in FY 2024.

There were lots of interruptions and disagreement between the audience and school board members.

The festival at the school board meeting had an ancient Greek tone to it.

In what was clearly an effort to influence GA members representing Spotsylvania,

Superintendent Mark Taylor announced they may eliminate school libraries and lay off more than 100 staff members if they don’t get the money they need to be fully funded.

In Washington during the cold war such budget maneuvering used to include threatening to cut funding to the “Washington monuments,” the nuclear triad.

Cue the Spotsylvania County Greek chorus.

Parents, students, staff, and education advocates showed up in disappointment that the school district would even consider eliminating libraries as it faces a serious budget deficit.


‘There’s a lot of emotions in the room. Everyone’s upset, everyone’s freaking out seeing the possible choices and some of these are respectfully absurd,’ said School Board Member Rabih Abuismail. ‘I just hope we don’t even entertain them as an option.’

‘It’s hostile. It’s threatening to staff. It’s a turn-off to anyone who might consider employment in our division,’ School Board Member Nicole Cole said.

Bottom line.

Hostile! Threatening!

That is called lobbying.

The target was the General Assembly, about to meet again on the budget next week.

To cover the interim between the regular session and the session next week, the GA passed the stop-gap budget measure that was the subject of the drama at the Spotsylvania school board meeting last night.

Ancient Greek tragedians including Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes invented the method. It was linked to Dionysos, the god of theater. He was also the god of the grape harvest.

At Dionysian festivals, there was a great deal of drinking. Worshippers lost control of their emotions.

Goats were sacrificed.

Thankfully, there were no goats at the Spotsylvania school board meeting last night.


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24 responses to “Dionysian Rites at a Spotsylvania County School Board Meeting”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    “Address the Commitment to Educational Opportunities.”

    Isn’t that the raison d’etre of a school system in the first place? Shouldn’t they be spending pretty much their entire budget on “addressing their commitment to educational opportunities” (i.e. teaching and the infrastructure needed to facilitate teaching)?

    1. Nathan Avatar

      But today one wonders if traditional teaching is considered an “educational opportunity.”

      And this phrase may be fine, but seems a little squishy.

      ” to enhance the learning environment, enhance instructional planning, and enhance learning and growth.”

      What’s that actually? Touchy feely seminars?
      CRT? Drag queens parading around?

      I wasn’t always this skeptical with respect to what goes on in schools.

  2. VaNavVet Avatar

    Apparently okay to disrupt county supervisors’ meetings but not commencement ceremonies. Go figure.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Clearly you know as much about right to protest as you do firearms.

      Students are free to protest and sign petitions about who speaks at commencement, just as those who think it’s pointless are free to express their opinions.

      As long as it remains peaceful they are free to act as they please.

    2. Nathan Avatar

      Have you ever been to a commencement ceremony?

      Commencement ceremonies are about recognizing the achievement of the graduates, not protest and hostility. It’s never been promoted as an opportunity for citizen input or debate.

      My son is graduating this spring. I’ll go, listen and congratulate him. I will do the same thing no matter who is speaking.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Congrats to your son and may he have a productive and fulfilling career. As for citizen input and debate, that kind of depends upon where the speaker decides to go. Hopefully, Youngkin will stick with a positive and uplifting message and avoid partisan attacks. I don’t believe that hostility is appropriate at a county supervisor’s meeting either.

  3. Teddy007 Avatar

    I never understand anyone who wants to be on a school board. It is a thankless job that results in constant harassment from single issue people and extremist.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    And a good time was had by all…

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    Spotsylvania … welcome to Northern Virginia! I presume that Spotsy has experienced enough suburban sprawl that it is increasingly seen as a “donor county” by the Plantation Elite in Richmond. The real estate values go up and Spotsylvania is penalized for its economic success through Virginia’s school funding formulae. Less money from the state, more money from local taxes or reduced school budgets. Spotsylvania residents have three choices:

    1. Raise local taxes.
    2. Cut school budgets.
    3. Vote for General Assembly members who pledge to change the school funding formulae to reduce the “bleeding out” of Virginia’s suburban counties.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You’re all donor counties. The sound of the trucks bringing the money into town disrupts even Jim and I as we sleep out in the far west end.

      The rumblings are there will be no state budget amendments until after the Democrats hold their primaries in mid June. To agree with the Hated Devil Youngkin on any point of compromise, even on the standard deduction most Democrats benefit from, is DEATH to any incumbent Democrat who votes aye.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You’re all donor counties. The sound of the trucks bringing the money into town disrupts even Jim and I as we sleep out in the far west end.

      The rumblings are there will be no state budget amendments until after the Democrats hold their primaries in mid June. To agree with the Hated Devil Youngkin on any point of compromise, even on the standard deduction most Democrats benefit from, is DEATH to any incumbent Democrat who votes aye.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You’re all donor counties. The sound of the trucks bringing the money into town disrupts even Jim and I as we sleep out in the far west end.

      The rumblings are there will be no state budget amendments until after the Democrats hold their primaries in mid June. To agree with the Hated Devil Youngkin on any point of compromise, even on the standard deduction most Democrats benefit from, is DEATH to any incumbent Democrat who votes aye.

    4. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You’re all donor counties. The sound of the trucks bringing the money into town disrupts even Jim and I as we sleep out in the far west end.

      The rumblings are there will be no state budget amendments until after the Democrats hold their primaries in mid June. To agree with the Hated Devil Youngkin on any point of compromise, even on the standard deduction most Democrats benefit from, is DEATH to any incumbent Democrat who votes aye.

    5. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You’re all donor counties. The sound of the trucks bringing the money into town disrupts even Jim and I as we sleep out in the far west end.

      The rumblings are there will be no state budget amendments until after the Democrats hold their primaries in mid June. To agree with the Hated Devil Youngkin on any point of compromise, even on the standard deduction most Democrats benefit from, is DEATH to any incumbent Democrat who votes aye.

    6. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You’re all donor counties. The sound of the trucks bringing the money into town disrupts even Jim and I as we sleep out in the far west end.

      The rumblings are there will be no state budget amendments until after the Democrats hold their primaries in mid June. To agree with the Hated Devil Youngkin on any point of compromise, even on the standard deduction most Democrats benefit from, is DEATH to any incumbent Democrat who votes aye.

    7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You forgot that old favorite: reassess the value of real estate and avoid raising the rates.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock


      1. Nathan Avatar

        Yes, housing prices are crazy.

        With inflation, everything costs more. It’s hard to make ends meet and then the government comes along to tax you on the “gain.”

  6. Nathan Avatar

    “At Dionysian festivals, there was a great deal of drinking. Worshippers lost control of their emotions. Goats were sacrificed.”

    I recommend goat cuddling.

    Charming Hill Farm specializes in goat cuddling experiences. The cost is $10 per person per hour paid in advance (No charge for infants to one year). We have approximately 40 goats young and old that are super people friendly and can give your kids an unforgettable experience.


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Pretty good Jamaican fare… curried goat.

      Oh wait. Let me get my glasses. Oops.

      1. Nathan Avatar

        Thanks. I was already familiar with the story.

        I know “rules are rules, but it’s still hard to believe everyone would be so rigged and heartless to a 9 year old.

        I served as a volunteer working with the 4-H years ago. That was not how young people were treated in Virginia.

  7. teachnmom Avatar

    I was there. I saw this discussion. It had nothing to do with the General Assembly, it had everything to do with the abhorrent superintendent even bringing it up. If he had his way, he would eliminate libraries. He and the board majority just didn’t know it was against the law.

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