Dems Work to Suppress Minority Votes in Senate Race

by Victoria Snitsar Churchill

In the heart of Virginia’s Senate District 31 race, where political fervor has ignited a spirited campaign, allegations of voter suppression tactics are taking center stage. Juan Pablo Segura –  the Republican contender for the seat – has raised concerns about what he describes as attempts by his opponent Russet Perry’s allies to stifle early voting enthusiasm within the Latino community.

The controversy came to light following a series of vibrant early-voting parties organized by Segura’s campaign. These events aimed to engage voters and encourage their participation in the democratic process. Segura, a Latino candidate himself, found himself dismayed as he observed the response from Perry’s camp.

“It’s telling that when a Latino tries to get other Latinos to get out and vote, Russet Perry’s team treats it as a threat,” Segura remarked. “Voter suppression is not a governing philosophy, so to all Senate District 31 voters: please keep coming to our fun early voting parties!”

The alleged suppression attempts have been raising eyebrows across Virginia’s political landscape:

The saga began when the Loudoun County Parks and Rec Department attempted to shut down a Hispanic early-voting party. The event, characterized by the presence of a food truck and a mariachi band, was designed to create a festive atmosphere that would encourage community members to cast their votes for Segura.

The controversy escalated further when Buta Biberaj, a well-known prosecutor who has been described as “far-left” and “soft-on-crime” by Segura’s camp, sent a cease and desist letter aimed at halting an early voting event. The reason? The event featured Chick-fil-A food, a move that Biberaj saw as objectionable.

In response to Biberaj’s cease-and-desist letter, a respected attorney, state Sen. Jill Vogel (R), expressed her concerns. Vogel emphasized that threatening criminal action against Virginians for accepting a free item of food was an attempt at “11th-hour intimidation.” She stated, “The limited resources of your office could certainly be put to better use than prosecuting law-abiding Virginians who simply stop by the Carver Senior Center for a free chicken sandwich.”

The controversy further deepened when Russet Perry recently appeared on MSNBC and expressed her concern about “any kind of restriction or rolling back (of voting).” Segura’s supporters have perceived these comments to be an attempt to distance Perry from the alleged suppression tactics.

As the race for Virginia’s Senate District 31 is set to come to a close next week, the accusations of voter suppression by radical Democrats have added a layer of complexity to the political landscape.

Republished with permission from The Republican Standard. 

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11 responses to “Dems Work to Suppress Minority Votes in Senate Race”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Do the Republican candidates have to pay for all the free advertising that they get on BR?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I am sure that a Democratic candidate, or the supporter of a Democratic candidate would be welcome to publish an article on this blog.

      Write one up and send it to Jim Bacon.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        He can’t. He would have to give up his liquor pen name for a real name. The poster would never put his real name next to his words.

    2. how_it_works Avatar

      Do you have to pay to comment here?

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    It is only wrong when Pubbies do it! Get with the program.
    Honest question for you Lefties – is any form of cheating wrong in elections?
    Follow up question for those who actually answer truthfully with a “yes” and not the usual equivocation of “so long as it doesn’t affect the election” which is a deflection because how can you know how much cheating there is unless you do monitor it?)
    Then should we have agreed standards and oversight and take precautions to ensure that there is no cheating?
    Wouldn’t that increase trust in the system?
    And then peculiarly, why do Dems want to do away with all precautions and then act like it is a crime to want to see if the rules were violated? I mean a cynical person might think it is because they are cheating and the cheating benefits them. Heck, you don’t even have to be a cynic…just someone with a brain.

  3. how_it_works Avatar

    The only problems here:

    1)He’s giving out chicken sandwiches, not packs of cigarettes.
    2)The letter after his name is not “D”.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I kinda like the concept. Food Trucks with free food at the polling locations!

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This post is sort of vague as to what was happening. If it were the case that Segura was having food trucks show up and give out free sandwiches at polling places, it could be seen as a way of trying to buy votes. But, it certainly is in keeping with American tradition. In early America, candidates, including George Washington, gave out booze at the polls.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I was thinking it would be great to have food trucks at the polls with signs that said “free goodies for voters and even more free goodies if you vote for us”!

      You have the right kind of “free” food and it could be a real attraction for certain cultures and ethnicities!

      Of course the Dems would have very diverse offerings AND it would be very inclusive and offered also to all voters including GOP!

      I can see the GOP having to seriously rethink their branding and strategy if they were going
      to compete!

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Washington new his 1750s Frederick County constituents well. Fredericktown (Winchester) was a rugged and rough place. He had lost once before in that county. Free booze advanced young George to the House of Burgesses. No way he could run where he actually lived. Fairfax County routinely sent George Mason, a far more distinguished man at the time, to Williamsburg.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Look up “walking around money”.

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