Dems Suppress Black Presidential Candidate

Democrats’ commitment to fight voter suppression apparently does not extend to candidate suppression. Backed by the prominent Democratic law firm Perkins Coie, two Suffolk residents have sued to kick black rapper/entrepreneur Kanye West off the presidential ballot in Virginia on the grounds that signature gatherers for West deceived them.

According to the Washington Post, Attorney General Mark Herring, a Democrat,  filed a motion for an emergency hearing today and filed a brief highlighting deficiencies in 13 elector oaths.

West’s real offense, of course, is threatening to drain African-American votes from Joe Biden. The Dems purport to support black voting rights…. but only as long as it helps Democrats win elections. Dems sue to create more black-majority districts… as long as it helps elect more Democrats. But when African-Americans think for themselves and run as independents or Republicans they must be suppressed.

Update: A circuit court Judge has ordered state election authorities to remove West from the ballot, saying that some signatures were gathered illegally. Dems were certainly within their rights to take West off the ballot… but the optics still look bad.


Note to readers: I had hoped to do more blogging this week while at the beach, but my laptop crashed, and my blogging capabilities are severely curtailed.

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61 responses to “Dems Suppress Black Presidential Candidate”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Paul Goldman has sued over the wording of the proposed amendment to the VA constitution. In response to that, Herring complained to the court that resolving that issue will delay getting ballots out, perhaps forcing a re-print, when early voting is clearly crucial this year. What, pray tell, is the difference here? Won’t a long, drawn out argument over West being on the ballot also delay things? Frankly, he was right the first time and should let well enough alone here.

    They must really be afraid West will garner significant votes. There is zero chance that the people identified as his electors are in any danger of being required to cast an Electoral College vote for him. But apparently there is no longer zero chance Biden might be denied his electoral votes here.

  2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “Note to readers: I had hoped to do more blogging this week while at the beach, but my laptop crashed, and my blogging capabilities are severely curtailed.”

    Forget about blogging for now, Jim. The past few months and years, indeed decades, of thoughtful and informed and timely and courageous blogging (that greatly benefits all citizens of the Virginia Commonwealth) have well earned you a fine and extended time of rest and relaxation with your lady, your progeny and your books amid the sands, sea surf and dunes of the Emerald Isle.

    The half wits here can be starved awhile longer, for the benefit of us all. And remember, even in this gruesome time of plague, riot, looting, and ignorance, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the honorable Nancy Pelosi, takes time off from her many labors on behalf anarchy to style her coiffure, sans mask.

  3. I’ll sign for him.

    I might even vote for him.


    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Yes, but would you give him a knife, and sleep in the same room?

      1. I don’t know. Is there something wrong with him?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          NN thinks all mental illness is associated with violent aggression towards others. Not realizing that someone with bi-polar is more likely to harm themselves instead of others while in an episode and or under the influence of substances that aren’t their meds.

        2. Nancy_Naive Avatar


  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    GOP takes advantage of man suffering bipolar disorder. Wife begs for understanding and not to take advantage of her husband’s cofusion saying, “those who are close with Kanye know his heart and understand his words sometimes do not align with his intentions.”

    1. “…and not to take advantage of her husband’s confusion…”

      When did she say this? I found the rest of the statements you attributed to her but I can’t find where she said anything about “taking advantage” of him.

      Finally, do you have evidence that the GOP somehow cajoled or tricked him into trying to get on the ballot in Virginia? Bipolar or not, Kanye West never struck me as someone who allows himself to be led around by others.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Exaggerated characterization maybe? “I kindly ask that the media and public give us the compassion and empathy that is needed so that we can get through this. Thank you for those who have expressed concern for Kanye’s well being and for your understanding.”

        Tricked? Cajoled? Illegally assisted? Open for interpretation. It’s headed for court in some states. We’ll see.

        1. Couldn’t the same be said for the Democratic nominee?

          I’ve felt the same way about Joe Biden. Why did his family let him run?

  5. not to mention the muscle strain from all those 12-ounce curls…..

    i’m two weeks behind you…..

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Bipolar doesn’t mean violent

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Very, very true statement.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      On the other hand, it has gotten non-white persons shot by the police.

      Hemingway was bipolar. He wasn’t violent, but his shotgun was.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Clearly, their actions can easily be misinterpreted as violent since, heaven knows, cops don’t shoot people without good reason.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Police are not trained medical professionals and are often called to handle situations they aren’t trained for.

          I mean you comment on every known topic while showing zero knowledge of it, it’s par for the course silver spoon.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Well, on the subject of psychosis and mental disorders, I yield to your superior knowledge.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Nancy_Naive | September 3, 2020 at 3:42 pm |
            Well, on the subject of psychosis and mental disorders, I yield to your superior knowledge.”

            Where did I claim authority?

            Pointing out there is no correlation between propensity for violence and mental disorder doesn’t require one. All it requires is the ability to read studies, which you’ve indicated you cannot.

          3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Everywhere, Madam. But, that’s not the point. I grant you your superior knowledge of mental disorders based on observations.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            Actually I haven’t and all my opinions that I’m not schooled in are backed by evidence and data.

            Oh, your observations? Well I don’t think someone with a math degree is qualified to make any observations outside of their field let alone anything to do with the Medical Field.

            However, you can continue to “believe” your knowledge, while I’ll continue to call you out on it.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar

        Irrelevant to your comment, per usual.

        Hemingway killed himself as noted that most bi-polar individual are more inclined to self-harm when not medicated.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Well, in his case, the diagnosis was done postmortem by many years since the disorder was unrecognized (unnamed) in his time. It’s said by the record of his behaviors, he would be diagnosed as bipolar today. Well, that’s according to the pamphlet given at his Key West house tour.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            Again completely and utterly irrelevant to the topic at hand. Hemingway wasn’t violate towards anyone and took his own life.

            “Well, that’s according to the pamphlet given at his Key West house tour.”

            Was that an attempt to sound cool? I mean completely utterly irrelevant again, could’ve been discerned from a book. There are a litany of cats at his house in Key West too, was that in the pamphlet.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Why? Is Key West cool sounding to you? It’s okay. Grenada was cool. Mustique was way cool.

            No, the cats weren’t in the pamphlet. That would be cruel. They were mentioned in the pamphlet; them and their 6 toes.

            Hemingway may not have been “violate”, but if you don’t think suicide is an act of violence, try it and get back to us with your results. I’ll wait.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            Suicide is not an act of violence, it an act of self-harm.

            “being or performing a deliberate act resulting in the voluntary death of the person who does it”

            “Hemingway may not have been “violate”, but if you don’t think suicide is an act of violence, try it and get back to us with your results. I’ll wait.”

            Humm seems a touch over the line, I mean I could say lots of things to that, but I won’t.

            Perhaps I should send and e-mail to your pal Peter or Mr. Bacon and get you banned for such words.

      3. On the other hand, it has gotten people shot by the police.

      4. Firearms are inanimate objects.

        They cannot be violent.

        1. Maybe we should outlaw bridges too.

          Column: People keep leaping to their deaths from iconic Pasadena bridge. How do we stop them?

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead V

            Ban windows for the sake of birds. There is a birdocaust going on that some claim clips the wings of up to a billion birds a year.

      5. Hemingway commited suicide by shotgun.

        Some people commit suicide by cop. Yes, it’s a thing.

        1. Yes. Suicide by cop.

          It looks like Michael Forest Reinoehl may have decided to take that route last night.

      6. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        Generally in cities controlled by Democratic office holders.

        1. You may be right. The Golden Gate Bridge is used by more people to commit suicide than any other bridge in the world but one.

          #1 is some bridge in China.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Do they hang locks on it too? “Oh, I was supposed to throw the KEY…”

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim. While you’re still in Carolina why don’t you vote twice as Trump says?

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    I guess I woulda thought this was worth a blog post:

    Attorney General Mark Herring will seek third term and will not run for governor

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Why go up against terry the mac?

    1. Indeed. While I do not care much for Terry McAuliffe, I would take him for governor over Mark Herring any day of the week.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        I agree, but what a desperate last ditch hail Mary vote for Terry McAuliffe would be, one for the political mastermind of the Charlottesville riots of 2017, in lieu of a vote for his cold blooded executive officer in pulling off the squalor of political stunts that have poisoned American politics for decades.

    2. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      Peter, Peter, Peter surely you jest.

      Akin to me against Joe Frazier.

  10. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Clearly, there are some Democrats who fear people will vote for West. He beats the ticket of Senile and Bigot. Senator Harris supports a religious test for judges in violation of the Constitution. Bigot.

    1. I would have gone with: “He beats the ticket of Senile Bigot and Bigot”.


  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Hey Reed. Got any Rep in mind? Cox? Amanda Chase? Get big or go home.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Best I can tell you are a very minor part of the squalor brigade disguised as a legitimate journalist.

  12. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Bring back the Readjuster Party to clean up the mess in Richmond. Recruit Bruce Smith to lead the ticket. All time sack leader and the VPI vote would be a cinch.

  13. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Well Jim, judge dumps West as happened in Wisconsin and Ohio.

  14. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Problem solved.

    And, like that, the Scott Taylor Strategy fails again.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      And as with Scott Taylor, I wonder who were these idiots? How hard could it really have been to find 13 Virginians actually enthusiastic to support West? Why try to dupe people into signing?

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Steve, given what has become of “your” party in the last four years, to expect them to actually follow a rule or act in something less than a slimy fashion is asking too much.

        I tend to chuckle at all the foreign influence news. I don’t think the Russians or the Chinese are clever enough to outdo the self inflicted injuries.

        1. “I don’t think the Russians or the Chinese are clever enough to outdo the self inflicted injuries.”

          You’ve got that right.

  15. LarrytheG Avatar

    You’re right. They could have easily gone to some Trump supporters!


    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Stay out of downtown Fredericksburg today Mr. Larry. Supposed to be a big BLM party. Crowds already gathering.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        looks troublesome…. where did you see that banner?

        1. What banner is that? I can’t see it.

  16. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    One nailed to the front door of my mother’s business in Fredericksburg. The sign says “if it burns, it burns, its war.? People over Property. RVA and DC comrades will be fighting. Will you? Hands up Fight Back”

    Numerous alerts sent out from the fburg mayor and town police. Heading down to board up the front of the shop AGAIN on Caroline Street. Red hour should begin sometime after sunset 7:30 pm

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Anyone who destroys property – no matter the reason – needs to be jailed, no exceptions.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Turned out to be very tame. I guess the flyer that was circulated was a hoax. Rained hard too that thinned out the town in a hurry.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Most of the protestors in Fredericksburg are not violent or Antifa.

        The problem is that both Antifa and folks on the right are using non-violent protestors as “cover” to foment unrest.

        Anytime they take to the streets – the bad guys follow and the police
        are not set up to figure out who is who and when bad stuff starts happening – everyone gets blamed.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          You are so right Mr. Larry. That is exactly what happened to the Knights of Labor back in the 1880s Haymarket Square Riot. Legitimate protest hi jacked by anarchists. This event destroyed the most significant labor union in history up to that time. Will antifa and company have the same impact on BLM? I think so.

    2. Best of luck. I hope things turn out out okay.

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