Dems Nominated an Online Porn Star for House of Delegates

by Kerry Dougherty

I can’t decide which is more shocking: that Virginia Democrats nominated a porn star for the House of Delegates or that The Washington Post committed an act of journalism that hurt a Democrat.

Shoot, we know what to expect of Democrats. This news doesn’t register on the political shock-o-meter. What’s truly stunning is that The Post published a story that reflects badly on someone they normally would have endorsed.

The adjective “blockbuster” is overused when describing big news stories.

Not this time.

On Monday, The Post had an actual blockbuster: The paper revealed that Susanna Gibson, a 40-year-old nurse practitioner, married mother of two and the Democrats’ choice for the open 57th District House of Delegates seat, has been engaging in smutty online sex with her husband.

The couple begs for tips before performing requested lewd acts.


In a piece headlined “Va. Dem. House Candidate Performed Sex Online With Husband For Tips,” The Post educated many of us about a site called “Chaturbate”: “A platform that says it takes its name from ‘the act of masturbating while chatting online’.”

In a non-password-protected availability, Post reporters were able to watch Gibson and her husband frolic in bed, with a laptop on the nightstand.

Gibson can be seen in the videos soliciting tips for performing specific acts … In at least two videos she tells viewers she is “raising money for a good cause.”

…”I need like more tokens before I let him do that,” she responds to a request that they perform a certain act. “One token, no. More.”

As tips arrives she thanks her fans and tells her husband she will agree to the act.

To most normal people this is repulsive. It’s the antithesis of what marriage is supposed to be. At least in the Judeo-Christian world where two people come together to marry, form a family and share a home, privacy and love.

Gibson — who performed under the name “HotWifeExperience” — is married to a Louisa lawyer, who is reportedly seen urging viewers to give them more loot in one video.

“C’mon guys!,’ he begs the voyeurs.

The Daily Wire, which independently viewed the videos, claims that Mr. Gibson told viewers, “No anal outside of private.”

In other words, to watch the particular form of sodomy, viewers had to pay a premium and go to a private chat room.

I hesitated to call this candidate a slut, until I read this, again from The Daily Wire:

She (Susanna Gibson) said for 500 tokens, she would order room service in a hotel and cause the delivery person to see her naked, saying: “I’m definitely a slut… In order to leave the door cracked I need 500 tokens.”

Gibson said she has had sex with three men in one day, and “don’t tell my husband he was the third. I would say ethically nonmonogamous but I guess that three in one day was not.”

This woman — who appears to have the moral compass of an alley cat — wants to be elected to Virginia’s General Assembly. You know, “the oldest continuous law-making body in the New World.” Its existence dates to its establishment of the House of Burgesses at Jamestown on July 30, 1619. Members included George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry along with a slew of mostly honorable Virginians in the centuries since who felt called to serve the Old Dominion.

Is this woman who spreads her legs and heaven knows what else for money worthy of joining this body? Does anyone trust her judgment? Does anyone want her crafting or voting on Virginia laws? Does anyone want her weighing in on what materials should be available to school kids?

The answer to all should be a resounding “no.”

The Associated Press reports that Gibson is angry and indignant about the story and accused Republicans of being behind it.

Hilarious. Typical hard-left move, refusing to accept responsibility for her own actions.

According to the AP, Gibson said that exposing the videos is “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.”

No, dear. YOU humiliated yourself and your family. You and your husband, that is. You didn’t need any help. I hope the kids weren’t in the house when you were canoodling for cash in the bedroom.

Gibson, who spent yesterday whining about her phony victimhood gave no indication that she’d drop out of the race. Nevertheless, prominent Dems who’d endorsed her including Rep. Abigail Spanberger and Sen. Tim Kaine (who was prancing around on stage with her this past weekend) were unavailable for comment Tuesday.

Even if the party wants to dump her — and if they had a modicum of decency, they would — there is little time to get someone to run in her place. Early voting – which Dems love — begins September 22.

That’s just 9 days from now. Chances are, the ballots are already printed.

I’m surprised The Post didn’t wait until the day after the election to run the story.

Fortunately, voters in the 57th district have a choice.

Gibson’s opponent, Republican David Owen, a retired builder and civil engineer who apparently doesn’t make porn videos, wisely stayed out of the fray.

If he’s gloating it’s in the privacy of his own home, where both gloating and marital sex belong.

In a statement provided to The Associated Press, Owen, said: “I’m sure this is a difficult time for Susanna and her family, and I’m remaining focused on my campaign.”

Stay focused, Mr. Owen. We’ll take it from here.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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67 responses to “Dems Nominated an Online Porn Star for House of Delegates”

  1. Warmac9999 Avatar

    I wonder if she ever met Hunter?

  2. Did they declare the “tips” as income and pay income tax on them?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Unlike Wayne, I would bet they did. We’re not talking cash. We’re talking good old fashion EFTs and other such easily traced money flow.

      1. Well, let’s see the tax returns, that way we can know for sure. Puts a new wrinkle on Pay Pal and the V in Vendmo.

      2. That’s a good point.

    2. Oh, I’m sure they did…

    3. Chaturbate will issue them a 1099-MISC and file a copy with the IRS. So yes, they will have to report the income. Like any other gig job.

  3. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Maybe she and Hunter can get together.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wohoo! BR may actually provide some good reading until November. Vids?

    1. And now we know what the “practice” is in “nurse practitioner”. BR is informative, good reading and titillating. What more could we ask of it?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Links. Supporting evidence of this alleged pornography provided via links.

        How do we know there really were such videos?

        1. If a video plays on the web and nobody sees it does a “tree” falling in the “forest” make a sound?

  5. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    The Post has met its quota for “balanced” election coverage.

  6. That was a classy response from her republican opponent. He acted like a gentleman.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      It was a brilliant response. Stories like this need no amplification from political opponents. They have a life all their own.

    2. Not Today Avatar

      Classy and well-thought out. WOMEN are the swing voters in the current electorate. Alienating them with MORE misogyny isn’t wise.

    3. No hint of schadenfreude. That must have been hard.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Uh, there’s two ways to take that, but knowing you, I’m sure you only meant one.

        1. Hardly.:)

      2. Who knows? Maybe he really is a gentleman.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Maybe they have his credit card number?

          BTW, I’m not a strict adherent to Thumper’s Rule. It’s more a guideline.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, unlike screechy OpEd writers, he plays by Thumper’s Rule.

  7. In at least two videos she tells viewers she is “raising money for a good cause.”

    Is that how she funded her campaign?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, gotta admit it beats the Hell outta door flyers and email…

      1. While doing it, maybe. In the long-term, not so much.

        I’m thinking they didn’t know about the archive, and figured they would always have plausible deniability if someone recognized them. Obviously, that didn’t work out.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wait? You mean people were looking at their faces? 😉

  8. Not Today Avatar

    Slut shaming women for CONSENSUAL, LEGAL acts with a LEGAL SPOUSE while excusing, ignoring NON-CONSENSUAL, ILLEGAL acts by men OUTSIDE MARRIAGE? SMH. Do better. Stay classy.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I’m not sure it is legal in Virginia. From a prior article on BR:

      “Gibson’s behavior is classified as criminal activity under the Code of Virginia. If an individual performs sexual acts for money or an equivalent, or if an individual offers to perform sexual acts for money or an equivalent, then the individual is guilty of prostitution, under Section 18.2-346(A) of the Virginia Code.”

      Of course, adultery is still illegal in Virginia so hopefully there is no prosecution here.

      As for “slut shaming” … she describes herself as a slut.

      “I’m definitely a slut… ”

      That reminds me of calling Ralph Northam “Coonman” when that was the nickname used by Northam on his own yearbook page.

      If I lived in the 57th district I wouldn’t vote for Ms. Gibson – but not based on morality issues. I have a bigger problem with her stupidity, She was apparently making and publishing those videos after she announced her run for office. That’s pretty dumb. Then, instead of “owning it”, she and her lawyer made some bizarre claim that disclosing publicly published porn videos was some kind of revenge porn law violation. Not much honesty on display there.

      As has often been said, “The coverup is worse than the crime.”

      She should have stopped the videos once she decided to run for office and seen that prior videos were deleted. Failing that, she should have admitted what she did and passed on the faux outrage.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        SEX with a spouse is LEGAL. She can call herself whatever she wants. Part of that, I’m sure, is disarmament. It’s still SLUT-SHAMING. There’s a whole, cottage industry that tells ‘good’ women to welcome male attention in private and pretend they don’t in public. What it ACTUALLY does is create ‘frigid’ women/girls who don’t feel comfy in their own skin and drive folks into even more porn. Folks are up in arms over the monetization piece when POTUS 45 has been pimping himself ad nauseum for 6 years. SHE has not been charged. SHE is not indicted or convicted. I agree with you tho that, having this in your background, there should have been a cut off before the run.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          You have one opinion as to what Virginia’s prostitution laws say about soliciting money from third parties to view you having sex with your husband and Bob Rayner has a differing opinion.

          I have no idea what you are talking about with regard to Trump.

          She has not been charged and shouldn’t be charged. Those laws, like the adultery laws, should be off the books.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            I agree with you WRT to the law. I am not a lawyer. I AM A VOTER and this is what I think.

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          I don’t think you know what hotwifing means

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Some of you spend entirely too much time validating your own misogynist values with InCels and mens rights groupies.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Some of you spend entirely too much time validating your own misogynist values with InCels and mens rights groupies.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            STAHP! doubling down on misogyny (in its modern forms) isn’t helping your case, or that of Republicans running for office. Oh, LOOK! We managed to convince *this* woman that the male gaze adds value! No. Just no.

        3. killerhertz Avatar

          I don’t think you know what hotwifing means

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They said “tips”. That could mean a gratuity, or advice. Maybe they’re just out to up their game.

        BTW, “tips” are voluntary. As long as it’s not pay-to-play, I doubt they could get a charge to stick. Dinner and a movie, ya know? Or a Tiffany tennis bracelet…

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          According to the articles I read, “tips” in the Chartubate world are provided in the form of tokens which are purchased for $.10 each – presumably by people viewing the porn. Chartubate keeps half the dime and the “performers” get the other half.

          In return for “tips” the “performers” offer to engage in sex acts requested by the tipper.

          And … no, I have never been to Chartubate nor have I ever paid anybody to perform sex acts online.

          However, now that I know about this capability …..

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Knowledge is empowering.

      3. This is why people pay lawyers to interpret statutes. Consensual sex acts performed as part of a performance is not prostitution.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          But accepting money for that performance, at least in Virginia, apparently is illegal.

          As I’ve said, I could care less what she does in her spare time. If those laws exist, they should be removed.

          But … threatening whoever found the publicly posted videos with legal action for violating revenge porn statutes is beyond the pale and is a very good reason to dismiss her as a viable political candidate.

          If you get caught doing something questionable, either apologize or own it.

          1. Performing in a sexually explicit show and then distributing that show online for money is not illegal in the state of Virginia. This doesn’t change just because the show is live or because you accept payment during the show (“tips”) or accept payment for specific acts (“tip menu”).

            When A, in exchange for money, performs sexual acts on B, for the sexual gratification of B, that’s prostitution. Prostitution is illegal under Va Code § 18.2-346.

            When A, in exchange for money, performs sexual acts not on B, for the sexual gratification of B, that’s a pornographic performance. Pornography is protected under the First Amendment except where it is deemed obscene. Obscenity is defined in Va Code § 18.2-372.

            To understand the Code correctly you have to interpret it as a whole. For example, we understand that pornography is not forbidden by the Article 3 prohibitions on prostitution because elsewhere the production and sale of pornography is regulated (limited) without being forbidden wholesale. Articles 5 specifies when a pornographic performance is forbidden as obscene or involves a child. The limited scope implies that other performances are permitted. Article 6 forbids the distribution of otherwise legal pornography to children. You don’t see regulations on prostitution because it is wholesale forbidden.

    2. Yes, both parties should do better.

      Epstein victim who was raped by late pedophile says she only trusted him because she met him with Bill Clinton

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Democrats HAVE done better. Rs have not. See Jordan, Jim and Franken, Al. AGAIN, DO NOT SUPPORT. Wrong is wrong. I don’t think that’s controversial. Do you? Can you say the same about the leading R POTUS candidate? Rs have a woman running for the house in CO wearing stilletos and tight jeans and tanks. Is that b’c she wants to be assessed based on her policy Rxs?

      2. Not Today Avatar

        Democrats HAVE done better. Rs have not. See Jordan, Jim and Franken, Al. AGAIN, DO NOT SUPPORT. Wrong is wrong. I don’t think that’s controversial. Do you? Can you say the same about the leading R POTUS candidate? Rs have a woman running for the house in CO wearing stilettos and tight jeans and tanks. Is that b/c she wants to be assessed based on her policy ideas or to appeal the the primary R demo?

        1. “Rs have a woman running for the house in CO wearing stilettos and tight jeans and tanks.”

          Aren’t you the one who was adamant that shaming women was wrong? Maybe I’m mistaken.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            I’m not shaming her. I admire her gumption for blatantly appealing to the old, white male voters who will decide the R primary…most of whom are easily swayed by youthfully pert, big boobs, a trim waist, and high heels. I find it craven and tacky but I’m not SHAMING her for using what the Good Lord gave her. Heck, I haven’t even named her but you clearly know who I’m referring to. I see it as a costume, not a representation of who she actually is or what she thinks. I *see* her policy ideas and disagree, primarily, with those. I don’t think most of her voters/cheerleaders see past the flattery, boobs and heels tho. Lovely package, nothing but choose your adventure inside.

    3. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Shake away, Not Today. Shake away.

      We’ve ordered more popcorn.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Here is a gift to BR readers, especially one who wants to do the R&D. A pull handle for doors at banks, mini-marts, etc., that scans fingerprints and time stamps them.

    1. Only if they are required to clearly post a sign on the door indicating that the device is in use.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Why? Cops zip past you every day with plate readers, and oddly, your fingerprints alone are inadequate for identification.

        1. Cops can’t read my fingerprints from their cars – yet.

          I just want the freedom of choice to avoid businesses that don’t trust me.

          Oh, and one of these can help with the whole plate reader thing:

          I want one that can hold up to six license plates, and will flip through them like a CD changer.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            The Knight Industries Two Thousand (KITT) was equipped with a license plate flipper.

  10. Not Today Avatar

    RAISE BETTER MEN. Period. There’s no market for porn without men. If your hair is too gray to do that, RAISE BETTER GRANDKIDS. Stop excusing criminality and l0w moral standards based on XY genes, bank balances and skin color.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A gift for you. Some really clear writing and reporting.

      No need to subscribe, just hit “no thanks” and enter.

    2. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      (Munch munch munch) Delicious popcorn!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Glad you add the popcorn.

  11. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Thankfully (0r not depending on your point of view) the Virginia Repubs enacted a law which restricts access to porn sites in our fair state.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      That is unless said individual has a VPN. In this day and age, you’re rather still for not operating one.

  12. killerhertz Avatar

    I wonder what her stance was on the jab. Given her political affiliation I can hazard a guess, but I might respect her more.

  13. killerhertz Avatar

    I wonder what her stance was on the jab. Given her political affiliation I can hazard a guess, but I might respect her more.

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