Democrats Target Virginia House, Senate Seats

by Jeanine Martin

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) believes there are 17 safe Democrat state Senate seats in the General Assembly. (There are a total of 40 seats in the state Senate.) Democrats need to pick up 4 additional seats to keep their majority. To do that they are putting millions into these races:

  • Aaron Rouse in SD-22
  • Monty Mason in SD-24
  • Danica Roem in SD-30
  • Schuyler VanValkenburg in SD-16
  • Russet Perry in SD-31

The DLCC believes there are 45 reliably Democrat seats in the House of Delegates and they are targeting 20 more. (There are 100 members in the House of Delegates.) They believe their best chance of reaching the 51 seats are in these races:

  • Nadarius Clark in HD-84
  • Rodney Willett in HD-58
  • Phil Hernandez in HD-94
  • Michael Feggans in HD-97
  • Josh Thomas in HD-21
  • Kimberly Pope Adams in HD-82
  • Josh Cole in HD-65

Democrats no longer believe they can prevail in HD-57 with Susanna Gibson after her recent scandal involving online sex videos for money.

More information on voting early by mail or in person, here.

Republished with permission from The Bull Elephant.

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42 responses to “Democrats Target Virginia House, Senate Seats”

  1. JonathanSwifter Avatar

    Useful map of battleground districts. Suggest picking 1 and helping that candidate:

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      SD 31 between Perry and Segura might be the best bell weather for the upcoming election. Interesting demographics for this district.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Really? A political party is trying to win elections? Who knew?

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey, I have a suggestion. Ditch Yea and Nay. After watching, I’m convinced that counts aren’t near as close as they sound. Surprised they don’t use Their and There. “Okay, to make it easier to count, t-h-e-i-r will be an affirmative vote, and…”

    Aye and Nay, or just Yes and No.

  4. Democrats no longer believe they can prevail in HD-57 with Susanna Gibson after her recent scandal involving online sex videos for money.

    I think they are underestimating their base.

    Or should that be overestimating?…

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The folks who most often use Bull Elephant are among those celebrating today the victory of their hero “Kingslayer” Gaetz. They do not care about a Republican victory in November. If they did, they’d have been on the phones and in the halls outside Bob Good’s office, trying to talk him down. Was reading up on Gaetz and was appalled to note he went to W&M law…bet he had Tommy Norment as a teacher.

    Those eight House assassins and the three who were MIA on the roll call (presuming they were indeed in town) have done immeasurable damage to GOP chances in the coming weeks. I fear they did it in part to damage Youngkin’s chances to shine. I really suspect that. If nobody else is going to start putting a bit of stick about, perhaps I will.

    What is the discussion on WRVA this morning as I start my morning workout? Speculation — serious speculation — that the emergency system test will trigger nano probes inserted int our bodies with the COVID shots. That was the topic. That is the level of intellect on display in the House yesterday and among those cheering.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Redistricting moved me out of Good’s district to Wexton’s. It wouldn’t have mattered which door or desk I pounded on. Truth. The people in Washington just don’t care about their constituents. They think we are all dumb and they are somehow enlightened.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I watched the fool from Tennessee who voted aye complaining that McCarthy had mocked his religion. He is making this complaint on freaking CNN. He might as well have been on Russia Today or Al Jazerra. He goes on freaking CNN to fowl his own nest. Despicable. He tried it on Fox this morning and had his head handed to him, but on CNN they just nod and agree, nod and agree.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          CNN has most ALL the players on these days, even Good and Gantz AND they are allowed to speak their minds and make their cases!

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Of course they are allowed to go on the air and make fools of themselves. I don’t blame CNN. 🙂

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            No. A lot of them are making reasonable cases. They’re actually trying to reach out! But the point is that CNN
            is actually doing very legitimate journalism by having all of them on and letting them make their respective cases.

            NOVEL CONCEPT !

      2. how_it_works Avatar

        Fortunately, I got my IRS problem taken care of with Rob Wittman’s office before the redistricting took place.

        No idea what Wexton’s constituent services are like.

        (The IRS problem was their inability to send me the 1099 transcript of my deceased father in a timely fashion).

      3. Lefty665 Avatar

        Redistricting moved me from Wittman’s district to Good’s. I worry that people will confuse me talking about congressman Good, with good Congressman.

        Years ago there was a similar problem but it was clear in writing or speaking, Virgil’s last name was Goode.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      WOW! Does this show just how far Haner is out of mainstream GOP these days! 😉

      Most of the non-assassin GOP in Congress seems to support Trump who in my mind is right with Jim Jordan … who is… yes… running for Speaker!

      The GOPS problem is not that they don’t have ideas. It’s that they can’t agree on the ideas and they refuse to compromise even BEFORE they go talk to Dems!

      “Conservatism” is a joke. What the GOP is these days is not “conservatism”!

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Jim Jordan may be the next speaker, who knows? He should then send the eight assassins into total and complete exile, no committees, no bills, offices in New Jersey…

        I’d love to find the 2016 comment I posted on this outlet predicting Trump would destroy the Republican Party. I am so seldom right….Gaetz is a symptom. Trump is the disease. And I totally agree he has never been anything close to a conservative. Never.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Jim Jordan may be the next speaker, who knows? He should then send the eight assassins into total and complete exile, no committees, no bills, offices in New Jersey…

        I’d love to find the 2016 comment I posted on this outlet predicting Trump would destroy the Republican Party. I am so seldom right….Gaetz is a symptom. Trump is the disease. And I totally agree he has never been anything close to a conservative. Never.

      3. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Jim Jordan may be the next speaker, who knows? He should then send the eight assassins into total and complete exile, no committees, no bills, offices in New Jersey…

        I’d love to find the 2016 comment I posted on this outlet predicting Trump would destroy the Republican Party. I am so seldom right….Gaetz is a symptom. Trump is the disease. And I totally agree he has never been anything close to a conservative. Never.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Not Trump? Such a deal. Speaker Trump, 3rd in line to a pardon.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Offices in New jersey I like it. They couldn’t do much damage from there. There’s currently a state vacancy in bribes and gold bars so they’d have incentive to stay in the office and away from Congress. Send Bowman too, they couldn’t hear the fire alarm in D.C. from Jersey either.

        3. Newark, New Jersey…

        4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Better keep the Rolaids handy. Somebody is pushing names out there from President Trump to Bob Hope. I have a hard time believing a non seated member can serve as the Speaker. I wonder what Sam Rayburn would make of the chaos?

          1. The speaker does not have to be a member of congress. Tradition dictates they are, but it is not a constitutional requirement.

            I think maybe they should give it a try. It would be practically impossible for an ‘outsider’ to be worse than MCarthy or Pelosi.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Stranger things have happened. Virginia US Congressman Thomas Bocock ran for 8 weeks to become the Speaker of the House in 1859. He lost. By the spring of 1862 his wish was granted as Speaker of the Confederate House of Representatives. A job he kept until Appomattox.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            We need the “Swiftie Effect”. Taylor Swiftie that is.

        5. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Not Trump? Such a deal. Speaker Trump, 3rd in line to a pardon.

          1. Just for laughs I was thinking about nominating you for speaker of the house.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No way Jose. I’d rather teach kindergarten.

          3. It could be fun.

            You could do things like consistently mispronouncing “representatives” as “reprehensibles” and when they complain about it you denounce them for being intolerant of your speech impediment.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            There’s mileage in lysdexia too:)

            And I agree, Nancy for Speaker. Here she comes to save the day!!! She could cut the deficit simply by using all the old Pelosi signage and just blotting out the last name. Bet there’s a lot of Speaker Nancy stationary left over, and there’s a cute hideaway office recently available. Wouldn’t even need to take the nameplate off the door.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            “3rd in line to a pardon.”

            I sometimes worry that the line of succession could be an incentive.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            For him? Yeah, it would be. And he has practice at it.

      4. “Conservatism” is a joke. What the GOP is these days is not “conservatism”!

        The logical conclusion, then, is that the GOP is a joke, not conservatism.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well then let me re-phrase. The GOP I once knew WAS “conservative” but today’s GOP has made a total joke of the word.

          We NEED legitimate conservatism. It’s imperative. But what we have in the GOP today is not that.

          1. We NEED legitimate conservatism. It’s imperative. But what we have in the GOP today is not that.

            You’ll get no argument from me.

    3. Speculation — serious speculation — that the emergency system test will trigger nano probes inserted int our bodies with the COVID shots.

      Any hints about what these nano-probes are going to do once they are activated?

      If they relieve sinus pressure and/or tinnitus then I ‘m in…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Wow! Me too! Answer the phone already, will ya?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          it will work a little differently and even better with those that also believe in Ivermectin.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey, I have a suggestion. Ditch Yea and Nay. After watching, I’m convinced that counts aren’t near as close as they sound. Surprised they don’t use Their and There. “Okay, to make it easier to count, t-h-e-i-r will be an affirmative vote, and…”

    Aye and Nay, or just Yes and No.

    1. How about a pirate-like “Aaaarrrr!” for yes, and ‘Humbug!’ for no.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Pirates say “Humbug”?

        1. It was a substitute for a word that cannot be used on this forum.

          But it was pretty lame. Please accept my apology.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar


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