Democrats for Crime Witnesses and Victims

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

For those readers of this blog who contend that Democrats and “progressive” prosecutors are fixated on not prosecuting violent criminals and ignoring the needs of witnesses and victims, I have some good news for you.

Witness Protection

Since 1994 Virginia has had a statute authorizing the Virginia State Police to establish a witness protection program. However, because it has never been specifically funded, it has been seldom, if ever, used. (Never mind that the Department of State Police had GF balances at the end of FY 2022 of $32 million and $10 million in FY 2021.)

In March 2021, Steve Descano, the Commonwealth’s attorney for Fairfax County and Ramin Fatehi, then the deputy Commonwealth’s attorney for Norfolk, published an op-ed in The Virginian-Pilot calling on the General Assembly to fully fund the Witness Protection Program. They pointed out the problems that police and prosecutors have in getting witnesses to come forward due to their being threatened or otherwise intimidated. “Witness protection programs — which provide for the security or relocation of witnesses away from those who might wish them harm — are among the most effective means of counteracting witness intimidation,” they contended.

Governor Northam did not include funding for a witness protection program in his introduced 2022-2024 budget bill. Del. Don Scott (D-Portsmouth) submitted a budget amendment in the 2022 Session for $5 million each year of the biennium to fund the program; however, funding was not included in the final budget bill.

In the fall of 2022, Governor Youngkin announced his Bold Blue Line initiative. One component of the umbrella program was a pledge to “work with the General Assembly to fund a Victim/Witness Assistance Program to help police and prosecutors put violent criminals behind bars.” His introduced budget amendments included $30 million for Bold Blue Line, but the explanation for the amendment dealt with recruitment of law enforcement officers.

Again, Del. Scott submitted his budget amendment to provide the State Police $5 million for the witness protection program. The final budget bill, adopted last month, included $1 million for the program. Instead of being administered by the State Police, the funding is to be provided by the Department of Criminal Justice Services as grants to local governments, prosecutors, and law enforcement tosupport witnesses and their families who may be in danger because of their cooperation with the investigation and prosecution of serious crimes.”

Steve Descano and Ramin Fatehi, now the Commonwealth’s attorney for Norfolk had an op-ed in The Virginian-Pilot praising the legislature for finally funding the program. Scott acknowledged the support from Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares and Virginia Beach Republican Del. Barry Knight in getting bipartisan support for the proposal this year.

 Victim Support

In the last two sessions, Democrats also offered budget proposals to increase the amount of assistance available to victims of crime.

In his proposed 2022-2024 budget bill, Governor Northam included almost $700,000 over the biennium to increase staff support for the program providing services for victims of human trafficking. In the General Assembly, Del. Kelly Convirs-Fowler (D-Virginia Beach) and Sen. Chap Petersen (D-Fairfax) introduced budget amendments in their respective houses to provide $10 million to create the Virginia Mass Violence Care Fund, which would provide services to victims of mass violence. That proposal did not make it into the final bill. More fortunate was a bipartisan effort by Del. A.C. Cordoza (R-Hampton) and Sen. David Marsden (D-Fairfax) to add $400,000 to support the Virginia Victim Assistance Network.

In the 2023 Session, Gov. Youngkin submitted an amendment for the same $10 million for the Virginia Mass Violence Care Fund requested by Democrats the year before, but it met the same fate. Del. Angelia Williams Graves (D-Norfolk) offered a budget amendment for $800,000 each year to support victims of violence-related trauma. That proposal also did not make it into the final budget bill. However, the budget conferees did include the $1.2 million amendment submitted by Sen. John Edwards (D-Roanoke) to offset the decline in federal funding for victim-witness programs.

In summary, Democrats in the General Assembly have recently been in the forefront providing support to crime witnesses and victims notwithstanding what seems to be the perception of some commenters on this blog.

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33 responses to “Democrats for Crime Witnesses and Victims”

  1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    His support for law and order was a key reason why Chap Petersen lost his primary to a radical.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yep. Dick’s an honorable example of the old Virginia Democrats, the ones who are now only trotted out at election time to maintain the illusion of rationality for voters. Like the D candidate in Petersburg now running TV ads showing her with her firearm, and the two D’s out in the western part of the state promising to end the car tax.

      I suspect the federal government spends $5 million supporting just one or two people in witness protection over multiple years. It is big dollars to do it right. Just one more little budget acorn that will one day be another major oak tree of cost. The state is now dipping its toe in using state dollars for disaster relief, something I would also expect many to applaud.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yep. Dick’s an honorable example of the old Virginia Democrats, the ones who are now only trotted out at election time to maintain the illusion of rationality for voters. Like the D candidate in Petersburg now running TV ads showing her with her firearm, and the two D’s out in the western part of the state promising to end the car tax.

      I suspect the federal government spends $5 million supporting just one or two people in witness protection over multiple years. It is big dollars to do it right. Just one more little budget acorn that will one day be another major oak tree of cost. The state is now dipping its toe in using state dollars for disaster relief, something I would also expect many to applaud.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I don’t thing running TV ads showing off one’s firearms demonstrates one’s rationality. As for the Democrats promising to end the car tax, I haven’t heard about that. That is not rationality but a fool’s errand.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Yancey’s Cardinal has the story about the car tax. Both are examples of Democrats running on traditional Republican themes. Pouring money into support for victims or witnesses seems, and I admit my biases, a distraction from the problem of growing crime in the first place. Plus as I said once VA starts down that road, the cost will explode.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I do need to read Cardinal News more often. I tend to agree with you on the efficacy of victim-witness programs, but they seem to be index issues for some folks.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think the car tax is an abomination and perversion of govt.

            It’s essentially a stealth tax that allows local govt to evade full accountability for their tax and spending!

            We could LOWER the Va income tax if we stopped doing it AND we could much more directly hold our local elected accountable for the true tax rate – as it should be.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think the car tax is an abomination and perversion of govt.

            It’s essentially a stealth tax that allows local govt to evade full accountability for their tax and spending!

            We could LOWER the Va income tax if we stopped doing it AND we could much more directly hold our local elected accountable for the true tax rate – as it should be.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah… good one! he’s laughing at ALL of us!

          5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Worked like a charm. If the car tax totally disappeared it would be hailed as a great day by many. The issue is present again in a number of the nonsense TV ads for the election season.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you mean the car tax at the local level ..would go away or the stealth tax where we
            pay state income tax that then comes back as a “rebate”? How foolish can something
            like this actually be? we’re paying the state to collect a local tax… no?

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I did not realize that law and order was a big issue in Petersen’s primary campaign. Most reports cited Petersen’s stands on gun control, mask mandates, and school closings as being the major issues.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        “Law and order” is shorthand for a traditional Democratic driven out by a radical. Chap was considered altogether too thoughtful about consequences of left wing narratives.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Ahh! A “shorthand” term that is irrelevant to what actually occurred. As I state below, I was disappointed by Petersen’s defeat. I like mavericks in the legislature, who refuse to toe the party line at times. I have a feeling that Petersen both lost touch with his base and took his opponent too much for granted.

        2. “lawnorder” dates back to Nixon and is one of those meaningless Republican talking points, similar to “family values”.

        3. “lawnorder” dates back to Nixon and is one of those meaningless Republican talking points, similar to “family values”.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Support for witnesses and victims has not been the focus of criticism of Soros-funded Commonwealth’s Attorneys. The criticism has been about being soft on prosecuting those who are arrested.

    But if you want to talk about victim support, maybe the first thing to discuss is competent prosecution, which did not happen in this case from Descano and Fairfax County:

    Here’s another actual victim who thinks Descano is soft on proisecution …

    But the best victim support is aggressively prosecuting violent criminals. Something Soro’s lapdog Descano often fails to do.


    1. Rape of a minor: Missing a discovery deadline and not being able to file felony charges results in a misdemeanor plea deal. Victim’s family sues Fairfax County:

    2. Judge rejects a lenient plea deal for child rapist (paywall):

    3. Assault and battery criminal released on probation kills homeless woman.

    4. Career criminal arrested for kidnapping has charges reduced, goes free after 5 months and becomes a spree killer.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I wouldn’t depend on the the Free Beacon as a source. Either it does not understand the criminal justice system or purposefully misreports stuff. For example, one article is about a defendant released on his own recognizance on probation. That is mixing two entirely different procedures: bail and probation. The story goes on to say that the prosecutor released the offender on supervised probation (that is not on recognizance, by the way) and levied a fine of $212. Prosecutors don’t release offenders on probation and levy fines; judges do that. The story is upset that the offender got just a one-year sentence. It was an assault and battery charge. It could have been a misdemeanor, for which one year is the maximum sentence.

      Regarding the other case over which the Free Beacon is outraged, charges are often downgraded from felonies to misdemeanors in the course of plea bargaining by prosecutors across the board. (There are even reports of Jason Miyares doing so when he as an assistant prosecutor in Virginia Beach.) That is especially the case when the evidence is shaky.

      You are engaged in some cherry picking. Here are some cases in which Descano took violent offenders to trial and got convictions:

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        cherry-picking is pro forma in BR … and yes agree the sources DJ used are not exactly bastions of credible reporting but seems to be preferred by some especially the cherry pickers!

    2. “Soros-funded” I sometimes dream of slipping into the back of the room during my county Republican Party meeting and shout “OH MY GOD!!! Out in the parking lot — George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, AOC – – – and they are coming inside!!” Of course, if I did that, half the group would die of heart attacks and the other half would soil their Depends.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    As Bacon sez.. MO MONEY… that upsets the “we are taxed too much” folks… Do we want/need this program?

    Does the GOP oppose it on tax grounds or more govt not need grounds or both?

    Chap Peterson lost because he did not listen to his constituents. It’s as simple as that.

    The GOP loved him …. for that reason apparently… but again…
    no matter whether one is GOP or Dem or polka-dot, you DO represent those in your district… and if you don’t then you ought
    not be doing that job and the voters WILL let you know!

  4. Where do Democrats stand on fentanyl coming over the Southern border?

    In Virginia, the prevalence of substance use disorder (SUD) diagnoses doubled for both adults and youth in one year – for adults increasing from 7.3% to 14.5% and for youth from 3.7% to 7.0%. Overall, the state saw a 35% increase in overdose deaths between June 2021 and June 2022. Fentanyl deaths increased 20-fold since 2013 and just last year (2022) 1,951 Virginians died from fentanyl.

    Pillar 4 of Governor Youngkin’s Right Help, Right Now plan is to provide targeted support for substance use disorder and efforts to prevent overdose. The year one plan for Pillar 4 includes $15 million proposed in the Governor’s budget for a public awareness campaign to reduce fentanyl deaths, increased access to naloxone, and a designated portion of the opioid settlement fund for fentanyl.,1%2C951%20Virginians%20died%20from%20fentanyl.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Fentanyl coming in the United States is a major problem and should be stopped. The vast majority of fentanyl is brought into the U.S. by American citizens at legal ports of entry. The amount of fentanyl found on illegal immigrants is negligible.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Fentanyl coming in the United States is a major problem and should be stopped. The vast majority of fentanyl is brought into the U.S. by American citizens at legal ports of entry. The amount of fentanyl found on illegal immigrants is negligible.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yes.. that’s the fact.

        ” Close to 90% of that fentanyl is seized at ports of entry. Immigration authorities say it is smuggled mostly by U.S. citizens, as well as other travelers who are legally authorized to cross. Virtually none is seized from migrants who are seeking asylum.”,are%20legally%20authorized%20to%20cross.

        but the facts don’t keep the misinformation from being promoted.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “The vast majority of fentanyl is brought into the U.S. by American citizens at legal ports of entry. The amount of fentanyl found on illegal immigrants is negligible.”

        The vast majority that is captured, being the key words. You don’t know what you don’t catch.

  5. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Crime should be attacked on all fronts, including providing aid to victims, protection of witnesses and punishment of the guilty. I still support giving people a second chance for non-violent, minor crimes.

    The defeat of Chap Petersen remains mind-boggling. He is the kind of Democrat that my grandparents voted for over many decades.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Ahh the yearning for the old fashioned Virginia Democrat. I found them. Most are pushing up daisies now.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        yep, but the point of elections is to represent voters not your own principles…

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I was disappointed by the defeat of Petersen. He was a good legislator and was thoughtful in the positions he took. I have a feeling that he both lost touch with his constituency and took his primary opponent too lightly.

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