Democrat Consultant Revels in Raunchy Attack on Virginia Kids

by Kerry DoughertyCAUTION: Foul language in the following post. Don’t blame me. Blame Democrat consultant Ben Tribbett who unleashed a vile verbal attack on Virginia schoolchildren. There is no way to report this without repeating his vulgarity.

If you had any doubt that Virginia’s increasingly unhinged Democrats were suffering from Youngkin Derangement Syndrome, take a gander at the Twitter account of one of their leading consultants, reacting to the governor’s executive order that ends forced masking of schoolchildren.

Ben Tribbett is the founder of a Northern Virginia Democratic consulting firm called Pocket Aces Consulting:


He’s gleefully calling little kids “dickheads” while simultaneously urging teachers to punish unmasked children in school by giving them bad grades.

And this pinhead advises prominent Virginia Democrats.

Then, when Republican Del. Nick Freitas reacted to Tribbett’s repulsive Tweet, the consultant lashed out at him. No surprise there. Dems loathe Freitas after he earned national attention last week for his splendid oration on the floor of the House reacting to the vitriol coming from Democrats in the General Assembly.

Crude, childish and totally out of bounds. What is wrong with this guy?

Is this raunchy behavior the way Democrat consultants gin up business? Will Virginia Democrats now distance themselves from Tribbett or flock to him for advice?

As it happened, a story in The Richmond Times-Dispatch this week accidentally uncovered State Senator Louise Lucas’ cozy relationship with the foul-mouthed consultant.

Lucas, accustomed to tongue baths from friendly reporters, was apparently taken aback when Virginia Mercury reporter Ned Oliver tried to ask her a tough question in the hallway at the Capitol. Her over-reaction to the encounter on Twitter prompted a story in the TD, “Press Group Concerned After Virginia Senator Publicly Attacks Reporter Who Asked Her Questions,”

In it, Lucas admitted that ghostwriters pen some of her abrasive Tweets.

In an interview, Lucas said Ben Tribbett, a Northern Virginia political consultant, and other consultants post “some” of the tweets from her account. She said she approves in advance anything that is posted.

“I call him for advice and he helps me out sometimes,” she said of Tribbett, who she said does not receive any pay for the work.

Hmmm. Sure hope Lucas remembers to report Tribbett’s help as “in-kind contributions.”

She does, right?

Thanks to the Richmond newspaper we now know that the person sometimes masquerading as Lucas on Twitter is actually a man who calls little kids “dickheads.”

Good to know.

According to the Virginia Public Access Project, several members of the General Assembly paid Tribbett’s firm for consulting work in 2021.

The list includes Democratic candidate for governor, Terry McAuliffe, Delegates Kaye Kory, Nadarius Clark and Patrick Hope and Senators Scott Surovell and Chap Petersen.

Oh, and VPAP says the Democratic Party of Virginia cut a check to Tribbett’s firm for $40,903.

These politicians, including Democratic party apparatchiks, need to speak up.

Either they agree with Tribbett that unmasked Virginia school children are “dickheads” or they don’t.

We’re waiting.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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23 responses to “Democrat Consultant Revels in Raunchy Attack on Virginia Kids”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Really? This post reminds me of the Mark Twain quote – “Never wrestle with a pig – you get dirty – and the pig likes it.”

    1. I agree. From now on, Louise Lucas should avoid this guy like the plague…

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        I agree – but I believe that the author is a female.

        1. Ben Tribbett is female? I did not know that.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      So you know Tribbett?

      The RTD yesterday quoted a Democrat legislator asking a fellow Democrat if he had a “hard on” for Dominion. Dickhead is pretty tame in today’s exchanges, actually.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Either they agree with Tribbett that unmasked Virginia school children are “dickheads” or they don’t”

    Probably not the kids so much as their parents… and grandmothers as the case may be…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      dickheads in training, no doubt.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I think all Ben is saying is the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree…

  3. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    I find it humorous that Mr. Tribbett (clearly a keyboard warrior) questioning a former Green Beret.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    wait, wait! does than translate in some fashion to “I’m going to tearing your effing heart out of your chest”?

  5. I understand the concern about the use of a vulgar epithet to describe schoolchildren. But don’t overlook the part of the quote about encouraging teachers to use grading in a punitive manner to “punish” any schoolchildren who do not conform their behavior to whatever the teachers think is acceptable.

  6. tmtfairfax Avatar

    What about the European nations where students aren’t wearing masks? And I’m confused about elementary and middle school students being able to change their genders but not decide whether or not to wear a mask.

    Why didn’t the last Governor and General Assembly spend some of the surplus acquiring N-95 masks for all pre-college students in Virginia? It’s all about control at this stage.

  7. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    There is something seriously wrong with people who insist any person do something for their benefit, without considering potential costs imposed on them. There is something even worse wrong with people who will use their kids as pawns to the detriment of their child’s health to make a political point.
    And it gets even worse still if you insist on violating the Nuremberg Code to make yourself feel safe.
    Masks don’t work. Everybody sane, who does not have CDS (Covid Derangement Syndrome) knows this. Moreover, masks have extremely harmful effects on children – socially, emotionally, learning (remember your SEL disguised CRT VEA?). How about real social, emotional and learning outcomes?
    We know the “vaccine” doesn’t work. We know kids aren’t at risk from Kung Flu (I did that to offend you pantywaist Libs) and that even when they might have it in an asymptomatic phase, they are not spreaders.
    And I know you medical totalitarians hate me saying it, but mandating the experimental Covid shot against the informed, willing consent violates the Nuremberg Code. Blackmailing people to attend a school or to keep their job is immoral. Do you understand that?
    Seriously, you need to do some soul searching. Something is deeply, deeply wrong with you if you insist on making others mask up or get a shot (even of accepted vaccines that are real vaccines, which is why all real State laws have medical and religious exemptions). Grow up and act like free Americans.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Twitter removes on average 20-40 points of IQ and half of your civility…Tribbett started with low numbers.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Please do!!👍👍

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Blasphemy using that photo! He should sue!

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            He should!! I agree!! I am certainly not worthy!!

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Aw, c’mon. Don’t be an old goat. 😉

  9. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Ben apparently believes the purpose of public schools is to be progressive liberal indoctrination centers.

  10. Democrats can defend him all they want, but it takes a particularly vile, disgusting and reprehensible person to aim crude insults at children.

    And it’s not like it was a “gee I didn’t really think that through” moment – upon further consideration, he doubled down on it.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s gone way past a trial separation, Wayne. It’s a full-fledged divorce custody case now, and the children are the object and the weapon.

    2. Chrissy Taylor Avatar
      Chrissy Taylor

      This is hardly a surprise, Wayne…..they are what we think they are!! Lol. And they tend to show their true colors when you ruffle their feathers. And let’s face it….. It’s astonishingly easy to ruffle Leftists feathers these days! Especially when they get called out on their hypocrisy, they go into full meltdown mode! Lol
      These are the type of responses I get from these folks all the time! Usually crude expletive-laden attacks from the very people that claim they’re all about inclusivity and acceptance *insert eye-roll here*
      I have experienced this over and over in the past. These same ideological nutjobs act like they’re my best friend and have my best interest at heart until the moment I make clear to them that I’m a CONSERVATIVE TRANSWOMAN that doesn’t subscribe to the Democrat pro-woke agenda. This usually causes them to explode on me with a force of anger and vitriol that seldom have ever seen. Spewing filth and expletives that would make even Satan blush! Lol. This is who these people ACTUALLY ARE!…Indoctrinated Marxists with an insatiable need to control everyone’s feelings and thoughts. Someone needs to inform the leadership in the Democratic party that this is NOT how to keep their minority demographic from leaving the “Rainbow Plantation”. Because trust me…. WE’RE LEAVING IN DROVES!!!! Lol!!

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