Democracy Dies in Sophistry

Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm

by James C. Sherlock

All should note the article, “Average U.S. gas prices top $5 a gallon, as surging energy costs squeeze economy,” in The Washington Post.

The same Washington Post that is the only newspaper for most Northern Virginians who get one.

That article shows again the depths to which the progressive press will descend to deny the effects of the conscious policies of the left on domestic energy production.

It displays end-to-end such a thorough misunderstanding of economics that it is hard to critique the details.

It is hard to miss, however, that this lengthy report consciously avoids the point that the Biden administration came into office declaring a war on domestic energy that continues to this day.

His appointments to energy-related cabinet positions confirmed it.

Jennifer Granholm is the Secretary of Energy. She has been a senior research fellow at the Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute (BECI). She was also a senior advisor to The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Clean Energy Program.

She is a prominent political progressive for whom the Green New Deal is dogma. She is very proud of her anti-fossil-fuel positions. She is welcome to them. America, unlike her native Canada, is still a free country.

Mr. Biden considered those views a defining feature, not a bug, in her appointment.

The Post author, clearly seeking to be helpful, spent considerable ink sorting through the Democratic options for where to deflect blame for high gas prices.

But to fail to discuss the fact that American energy companies are not investing in new long-term domestic production in significant part because of the openly-declared, full- scale government assault on their existence is pure sophistry.

But many in deeply blue Northern Virginia, D.C., and the Maryland suburbs care more about the blame than the policy outcomes.

The Post has printed all the news they want to read on this matter.

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111 responses to “Democracy Dies in Sophistry”

  1. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Biden aka Grandpa Goofy promised to shut down fossil fuels and he is keeping his promise. It is going to affect the entire economy no just cars but everything we us use. No medical supplies, no cases for equipemt, phones, no drugs and no fertilizer to name a few items we will miss. We are about to return to fifteenth century living.Enjoy you idiots.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      “No medical supplies, no cases for equipment, phones, no drugs and no fertilizer.” How do you figure that? No one, that I know of, has proposed banning all uses of fossil fuel. The aim is to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, not eliminate them.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        “No one, that I know of, has proposed banning all uses of fossil fuel.” Clearly you have not been paying attention.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          got some links/references?

      2. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Dick apparently you didn’t listen to democrats this year or during the dem primaries where Biden and the other idiots all pledged to put the fossil industry out of business. Their words not mine.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          He’s become very good at parroting talking points and invoking his favorite fallacy of argument from ignorance.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Stockholm…? Really…??

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            gotta get those boogeymen wherever you can….

      3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        See my new comment to commenters on the left published below.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Perhaps someone is posting for him now, because this pattern of commenting and article writing being used is devoid of thought, critical or otherwise.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    It could be worse. Granholm was on Obama’s short list for Supreme Court judges.

  3. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Well-said. Many Democrats now work from home, or have enough disposable income to defray higher energy costs. So, the Biden policies aren’t a big deal to them.

    “But to claim now that American energy companies are not investing in new long-term domestic production for any reason other than the openly-declared, full- scale government assault on their existence is pure sophistry.”

    I don’t blame people and institutions for not investing in fossil fuels. The Democrats and MSM have made it very clear that, whenever they are in power, they will attack fossil fuels activities. It can take years for an investor to realize any profit from a fossil fuels investment. And, in that time, chances are high that, at some point, Democrats will return to power. The investor risks losing his/her investment. I’m confident the progressives want to scare off investors from ever touching fossil fuels again.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Not entirely true, the only people who won’t run out of money are politicians. The rest of the plebes will regardless of party affiliation.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…that the Biden administration came into office declaring a war on domestic energy that continues to this day”

    Oil production continues to increase month by month under Biden and is significantly higher now than when Trump left office. Those are cold hard facts.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Democracy dies in disinformation which has largely become the language of conservatives these days.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh, and profits? None of these “energy wonks” has explained how doubling the cost of raw materials and other costs leads to tripling profits. How dat work?

      The authors of the Center for American Progress post wrote that, in the first quarter of 2022, these companies (Shell, ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips) “brought in more than 300 percent more in profits than in the first quarter of 2021. That is a total of more than $35 billion in profits in just three months.”

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Well, you know, there is one born every minute…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Actually, I worked it out. It’s every 5 minutes. Based on US age demographics, the percentage of US citizens voting in 2016, and the number of votes cast for Donald Trump in 2016, it worked out that on average, a Trump voter was born every 5 minutes between 1930 and 1995.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Same fields being depleted, not new ones. No new pipelines. No new refineries. What could go wrong?

    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Same fields being depleted, not new ones. What could go wrong?

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie


        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Not true though… alas…

  5. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Can’t find the reference, but one observer noted, what people do not grasp is that, when Biden the cancelled Keystone XL pipeline, he was in reality killing all pipeline projects. Pipeline projects will always have fierce local opposition, so Fed help is needed to get over that hump. If the Feds are now siding with killing pipeline projects, then there is limited future for many projects.

    However, shorter term we have COVID market disruptions and Putin as immediate causes.

    Personally since 2006 I have always had a Toyota hybrid to make sure I have some protection for price increases. Pretty much all Toyota models now hybrid from smaller Prius to RAV4 to Sienna MiniVan.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Pipeline projects will always have fierce local opposition…”

      Why do you think that is…?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        NIMBY and radical environmentalism on the federal bench, particularly in Virginia’s case the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond. No pipeline approval by federal regulators has been able to get past that court’s stone cold opposition to any pipeline, ever, for any reason.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          No, I meant what do you think drives Americans to be against new pipelines? Maybe the history of pipelines, for instance…??

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “Americans against new pipelines”. I missed that survey.

            Since the entire United States economy is based on fossil fuel energy and chemicals, we can presume “Americans” don’t want it to grind to a halt.

            To quote the petrophysicist Andy May:

            “As Vaclav Smil makes clear in his new book, oil, gas, and coal underpin all of modern life. Besides energy, they are essential to feed, clothe, and shelter us. He calls ammonia, steel, concrete, and plastics the four pillars of modern civilization, and currently these can only be made with fossil fuels. These four indispensable materials use 17% of the worlds primary energy supply and produce 25% of all CO2 emissions. The IEA reports that 14% of the worlds oil and 8% of the natural gas are used as feedstocks for producing petrochemicals. Further, between 1973 and today the fossil fuel share of energy production has barely decreased at all, and the decrease is nearly entirely due to additional nuclear energy production. If fossil fuels are eliminated, or “phased out” using the euphemism, the result would be catastrophic for the entire world, with nearly unimaginable consequences.”

            So let’s say we think Dr. May is a crank.

            We still need oil and natural gas. Prefer shipping oil by train? Perhaps we can liquify natural gas and ship it by truck down on I-64 from West Virginia?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            ‘“Americans against new pipelines”. I missed that survey.’

            Paraphasing original comment above:

            “Pipeline projects will always have fierce local opposition”

            As to your “petrophysicist’s” book, of course we can’t get to zero right now… all the more reason to do what we can do now to eliminate other uses of fossil fuels as soon as possible.

            “We still need oil and natural gas. Prefer shipping oil by train? Perhaps we can liquify natural gas and ship it by truck down on I-64 from West Virginia?”

            You do know there have been some 38 new pipeline projects completed in the US since Biden took office, don’t you…??

    2. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      No problemo. Good for my Keystone Pipeline shares to appreciate.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “The performance we are seeing this quarter, of course, has been helped by the macro, and the macro has been impacted by the war in Ukraine.” — Shell CEO Ben van Beurden

    This one statement negates EVERY claim you just made on the impact of Fed policy.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      See my note to commenters on the left below.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s international, Bubba. We produce oil, we import oil, we produce gasoline, and we ship and sell gasoline domestically and internationally. If you think for one moment the POTUS can effect the prices of either of these commodities by more than 10% for more than a month, you’re daft. Period. I know you’re an expert on schools, military, hospitals, security and whatever else you happen to stumble upon and study for a month, but give it a break. This is all beyond your grasp.

        Gasoline for 50 years has been pretty much pinned between ~$3.90 and $4.50 2022 dollars. The immediate jump to $5.00 is an aberration, resulting from a lot of reasons other than pipelines.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          you’re more generous than you should be.

          what’s “beyond the grasp” is apparently a willingness to deal with facts and realities instead of misrepresentations and false narratives.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            During the past 50 years we have replaced the reserves we burnt. We are no longer.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            US oil reserves decreased under Trump, y’know…🤷‍♂️

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Thanks for the lesson on short-term supply-demand effects on markets. You are correct on that. But, of course, that is not the point of the article or of my note above.

          POTUS can and is ensuring the continued decline of producible American reserves. The progressive anti-fossil fuel energy policies in his administration and of some of the federal courts do and will prevent long-term investment in new production fields.

          The boards of the American oil companies would have to ignore the best interests of their stockholders if they were to invest in green field American production that cannot be accessed without additional permits, the products of which cannot be moved to markets efficiently without pipelines that will not be permitted to refineries that are old and declining in number.

          Canadian government policies are worsening simultaneously.

          So we will see the inexorable continued decline of North American oil reserves as we burn them. That in turn will depress production and drive up costs as we go forward. Happy days for the green left.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The best interests of the stockholders is to screw the crap outta everybody.

            But you can relax. Inflation creates Republicans. Recession creates Democrats, so 2022 is yours, probably both houses, and when naught is done by 2024, well, we’ll see. Don’t matter to me. I’m a short timer.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            If we have both inflation and recession, do voters call it a tie?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Dear God no! Are you prepared for the 2nd Coming… of Ross Perot?
            “What’s that sucking sound?”
            “Perot, rising from the muck.”

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            WHERE are you getting these opinions from?

            for instance, pipelines:


            and last I heard, we’re NOT shutting down many if any….

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Not shutting down many? They include Keystone XL and both natural gas pipelines proposed for Virginia. Check out the predictions of an energy policy expert from a year ago and see how the author did.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            that TRUE but what’s NOT TRUE is to claim that most all pipelines are shut down.

            Pipelines are StILL being built despite your claims to the contrary.

        3. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

          Tell us about your sterling career and how much you made in the private sector. And, how many payrolls you met. You seem to have missed your calling in the oil business!

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Household net asset value? Oh, I’m just a little guy, one of twenty in an employee-owned business. But still better than top 3%.

            Oil business? Well, I did turn down an offer from ARAMCO in 1978.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Going to the source, the Dallas Federal Reserve published the comment of the CEO of a Texas exploration and production company. He is eloquent on the subject. You will see that a greedy oil man deplores the demise of the nuclear industry.

      “Our company’s main concern is the administration’s war on hydrocarbons. Our concern is not only for our company and country, but also for the free world. Europe’s renewable-energy policies and their current energy crises provide a classic example of how good intentions, based on misguided ideologies and unrealistic assumptions, lead to unintended and unfortunate consequences.”

      “There is, however, a realistic, proven technology that can decarbonize the electric power generation sector, electrify 270 million vehicles and convert 140 million housing units to all electric, which is nuclear energy. ”

      “The reality of the U.S. “renewable energy revolution” based on wind, solar and battery storage is a fool’s journey leading down a path paved in trillions of taxpayer dollars, ending [in] a catastrophic waste of time, natural resources and wealth, all to the detriment of society and the environment.”

      I‘m sure you agree.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        What about the species?

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Absolutely nuclear is proven and should be used to the maximum extent possible. The problem is in manufacturing the very specialized reactor equipment. You think ramping up solar, end, and batteries is problematic… you ain’t seen nothing yet!!

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “This quarter.” Do you believe that oil and gas price inflation started this quarter?

      Many of your remarks suggest the Biden administration has not yet achieved the destruction of the oil and gas industry, not that it is not trying.

      They are incompetent at even that.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That’s their PROFIT of which he speaks.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    The problem in BR sometimes is the simple truth is squashed for no apparent reason other than it’s a “belief” of conservative types:

    US oil production set to eclipse previous record despite climate push Government body forecasts crude output at 12.4m barrels a day in 2023 despite green pledges

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Larry wasting everybody’s time, again, as usual. The chart is a prediction from a government agency, and printed in the financial paper of record for the global authoritarians…and…wrong! Just like all the climate change predictions…and everything done as a response to Covidiocy.
      The article predicts barrels of oil going from $75 to $68… How did they do?
      Why does it “happen” that gas prices go up during Dem presidencies? Just “happens” huh? Nothing to do with policy, amirite?
      I thought the $3.89 I paid in 2009 thanks to BHO would be the worst, and under-estimated Joe’s ability to F things up… (actually, Obama is calling the shots with all his has beens in Joe’s cabinet – nothing but the “best and brightest” credentialed idiots in charge – like Janet Yellen, all failing their way up)

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well the chart shows actual production plus forecast – which is based on a number of factors including govt policy.

        If govt policy was to ‘shut down” fossil fuels, it sure as heck doesn’t show it.

        Just about every claim in this blog post is a misrepresentation of the truth yet youse guys eat it up like candy and then add your untruths to it!

        This seems to be what ‘conservatism’ really is these days. It has little to do with facts, realities and truth but a series of beliefs, misrepresentations and really just untruths.

        Conservatives used to be principled folks who differed on philosophy and policies but these days, it’s denial of facts and realities that can be easily verified but no matter, it’s what conservatives want or have to believe.

        Real Conservatives NOW are called RINOs by the “new’ conservatives who deny realities and i instead engage in what-a-boutisms and conspiracy theories.

        it only varies in degree – from the Qanon folks to the climate deniers to the election deniers, to the vaccine deniers…. all in the same tent – but very much the look of the bar scene in Star Wars – all kinds of weird stuff.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Price is truth Larry
          What is the price?
          How did that happen?
          Your chart is from January

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            oil production has not gone down. Show me something that says it has besides all the untruths and what-a-boutisms .

            prices are up WORLDWIDE because of increases in WORLDWIDE DEMAND up from pandemic demand.

            Truth, Walter. Simple facts and realities.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Same fields being depleted, not new ones. No new pipelines. No new refineries. What could go wrong?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Snore again.
            So why are prices high Larry?
            Is it a conspiracy?
            Are you an anti-realityer?
            Canceling Keystone and charging more for leases, and slowing down leasing (really killing it by regulation but pretending you are killing it be cause you worship Gaia and Greta Thunberg (when taking a break from worshiping Dr. St. Fau(x)ci)) has nothing to do with prices going up…It just happens!

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            prices are high Walter because worldwide DEMAND is UP as countries recover from COVID. This is easily found out by reading !

            simple chart tells it all :


          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – have you ever had a single original thought, ever, in your life?
            Or is there some DNC/MSNBC official chart provider so you can suspend critical thinking and deny what reality tells you? (Like your refusal to acknowledge single parenthood (really, absence of father) is bad? Are you paid for this or do you do it for “your team”?
            How is it that when the entire world economy was smoking under the Bad Orange Man that oil prices were lower?
            Peeing on my leg and telling me it is raining…

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            wait… you’re switching AGAIN to another subject? geeze Walter.

            I don’t watch MSNBC. I actually do not car for it – a bunch of lefties for sure!

            critical thinking? funny that YOU bring that up! not single parent – single parent with low income. A single parent with good income lives where there are good schools and can afford to have tutors and nanny’s to help with the kid. Big difference!

            Big Orange man was a disaster for the economy. He puts tariffs on goods then subsidizes those who are hurt by the tariffs with tax money from others.

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Let’s go with Team Reality.
            Oil prices are higher.
            Prior to Covidiocy, the economy was smoking and oil prices were much lower.
            Single parenthood is not optimal – no matter how done, even when the single parent has money. The Connecticut crazy was from a wealthy family.
            OMB was a disaster for the economy? Really? Which DNC charts will you pull out for that one? Real wages rose for the poor – unlike what is happening with SlowJoeHyperinflation. And you, as a Dem, are complaining about money from others? Wow. Ignore realty much?
            Let’s face it Larry – Biden’s policies are a disaster. Lefty policies don’t work. The Green Nude Eel is a fantasy. Climate Change is based on models all designed to appropriate power. All of the “tolerant” anti-family things have…hurt the family! And made society worse. So, normal people have awakened and will oppose all of the progressive crap – therefore all the elitists shout “Our democracy is in danger!” What they really mean is our attenuated grip on power based on falsehoods is in danger – and it is.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            lemme guess. Orange-man can fix it…

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. OMB would be a help. But it is going to take millions of us Normies getting involved, taking over the school boards, going back to education, reversing all the illegitimate Left gains arrived at by the non-reciprocated “tolerance” – what all you Lefties fear as a “theocracy” as you impose your religion of atheism/secular humanism/materialism. No, those evil Christians who built civilization under “Judeo-Christian” worldview will reassert the worldview because it is true, and your worldview is intolerant and tries to extinguish the Christian worldview. (Oh, Christians aren’t perfect? Wow. Never knew that…other than it is sorta a central theme of Christianity)
            So, sorry, not hiding any more, not being “nice,” because your side isn’t. You are mean and intolerant and wrong. Your policies don’t work. No Fault Divorce is a failure as a societal matter. Approval of LGBTQ/Trans and the like is a societal negative. Abortion is a moral horror. Would you like me to go over the Nuremberg Code and why it was adopted again? Did you watch Judgment at Nuremberg the other night? 1961 movie about the trials in 1947-1948… What was that over again?
            You see, the normal people of America have finally realized that the emperor (our “experts”) has no clothes.

          10. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

            That is a bald-faced lie. I made a small fortune as a passive investor, years after I sold my business. Trump put Americans first. Your hatred of Trump was and is maniacal. You and your ilk elected a brain-dead empty suit because you didn’t like Trump. And by doing so, you imperiled the Ukraine and Europe, Taiwan, and the ability of ordinary folk in this country to fill their aging cars with fuel. Stop the lying!

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            the facts say otherwise. once again, you got your beliefs and it does not seem to matter to you what the facts are. this is the problem these days with you folks.

            You believe what you want no matter the reaities.

          12. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

            No, he hasn’t. Larry the Gimp is all charts, all the time. And then there are the questions: “Is it not true that the sun rises in the East?” That sort of thing, painfully and awkwardly expressed. Do the Marxists who post here (retired state workers, in many cases) know how hard, really hard, it is to make a dollar in the private sector?

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            data rather than beliefs. that’s the problem with Conservatives these days. it’s what they want to believe, no matter the facts.

            Please explain record profits in the context of the difficulty in making a dollar. Once again, what you want to believe no matter the realities.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    You are missing the point, Sherlock. This is all theater. All the Leftist Regulars on this blog know it is all a lie, we will never stop using fossil fuels, and with China, Russia, India and Africa (and Germany! Germany!) doubling down on coal the CO2 levels will rise all the days of our lives….It is just pretend.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      well , for the climate deniers, sure. But those that do believe in science also know it will take decades , just like it is with CFCs. And it won’t happen without nuclear power and other technology breakthroughs.

      But why the need for never-ending misrepresentations from the right? It’s almost pathological and not just with climate.

      Hardly anyone (and neither Biden nor Granholm) is saying “stop all fossil fuels right now”, they’re saying transition and 2050.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        They are lying idiots. It is all a lie, the whole blooming Climate Catastrophe claim. It is just a control game and you are a fellow traveler, Larry.

        Any warming trend is largely natural, within normal variations, and due to plenty of things besides GHG (land use changes, urban heat islands). Sea level rise has been going on for thousands of years and is not accelerating. The claims of more intense storms, etc. are blatant knowing falsehoods. No catastrophe looms, just changes we can adapt to. CO2 is plant food and rising crop yields prove it.

        Science took a well deserved black eye over the past two years, but many of us saw its corruption by politics in this arena long before COVID.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          so the folks who are actively misrepresenting the truth are saying the other side is lying?

          90% of the worlds climate scientists are “lying” and “controlling”?

          yes – conspiracy theories too..

          see, it used to be with principled Conservatives, they’d disagree on the merits but they did not engage in untruths, misrepresentations, conspiracy theories, etc.

          that’s changed.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Kochs pay him well.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Gee, I wish, Nancy Boy. Yep, Larry, the 90% consensus figure you claim is the biggest lie of all. Time will prove it all. Soon it will be 50 years of failed catastrophe predictions (we’re up to 40).

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’m sure you do…

          4. oromae Avatar

            Are you officially running for queen of the strawman?

          5. oromae Avatar

            Produce the 90% or shut up.

      2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar


        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          facts vs beliefs…. and then outright lies … ya’ll have problems…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Of course, all the days of our lives ain’t much to bet on nowadays…

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    This blog post is absurd. I read the WaPo piece and could find nothing wrong with it. A few points:

    (1) Presi9dent Biden does not set global oil prices.
    (2) Biden and the “progressives” did not invade Ukraine.
    (3) Some of the current petroleum shortages are the result of the global economy snapping back after COVID.
    (4) Oil firms have not used their drilling permits that have already been issued.
    (5) Biden has taken steps to ease petroleum shortages by tapping strategic reserves.
    (6) The Keystone XL pipeline decision is likely to have a limited impact on the energy picture in the U.S. t is designed to take dirty western Canadian oil which can’t be refined easily to the U.S Gulf Coast with refineries that can process it. Then it will be exported.
    (7) Over the years, the U.S. has become energy independent thanks to fracking.
    (8) There is absolutely nothing wrong with having an Energy Secretary interested in developing renewable sources.
    (9) Many of the large oil firms like BP, Shell and Exxon Mobil are thinking of moving into renewables.
    (10) There is a huge new market for LNG for Europe. But exports are being hampered in the U.S. due to a fire in Texas. I assume Biden and the “progressives” are responsible for that, too.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Thanx so much for the rationality.

  10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    For commenters here on the left, you protest as untrue slanders any recitations of the anti-fossil fuel policies of which the President, Ms. Granholm and the progressive lift are extremely proud.

    That is a Sisyphean lift, but you are putting in the effort.

    You are calling the President and Ms. Granholm either incompetent or liars, unable or unwilling to accomplish what they have publicly proclaimed are their objectives.

    You insist we conflate short-term, demand driven production from existing fields with long-term investments in new fields. this while proven reserves are down dramatically. Fields for which no new pipelines, as in Virginia, will ever be built to move the products to refineries.

    Does that about cover it?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


      “When was the last refinery built in the United States?
      As of January 1, 2021, there were 129 operable petroleum refineries in the United States.

      The newest refinery in the United States is the Targa Resources Corporation’s 35,000 barrels per calendar day (b/cd) condensate splitter in Channelview, Texas, which began operating in 2019. Condensate splitters are distillation units that process condensate, which is lighter than crude oil. Splitter capacity is included as atmospheric distillation units in U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data.”

      How much else are we to believe?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        NO FAIR bringing up FACTs! Geeze, you’re royally screwing up Sherlocks schtick!

        (I wonder if royally screwing will pass the censor?)

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Note in the list that 5 or 6 of the last built were done during the Obama administration. Yeah, Dems suck!

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        You are correct. I made the correction.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          By removing just the reference? Sure. But your thinking, have you corrected that? It was a key to your position that we hadn’t built a refinery since 1979, when it turns out we had build many since then with 4 or 5 coming in the Obama years.

          Doesn’t that fact move you further than just removing the reference to 1979? Clearly, we continue to produce and increase use of petroleum products. Hey, don’t forget all those plastic bottles in the ocean… careless disregard of a valued resource..

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            He can’t do that, it would undermine his entire premise….

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Step 1) Speculation
            Step 2) Gather data
            Step 3) Draw conclusion
            Step 4) Someone shows error in data
            Step 5) Confirm conclusion; go to step 5.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          By removing just the reference? Sure. But your thinking, have you corrected that? It was a key to your position that we hadn’t built a refinery since 1979, when it turns out we had build many since then with 4 or 5 coming in the Obama years.

          Doesn’t that fact move you further than just removing the reference to 1979? Clearly, we continue to produce and increase use of petroleum products. Hey, don’t forget all those plastic bottles in the ocean… careless disregard of a valued resource..

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          By removing just the reference? Sure. But your thinking, have you corrected that? It was a key to your position that we hadn’t built a refinery since 1979, when it turns out we had build many since then with 4 or 5 coming in the Obama years.

          Doesn’t that fact move you further than just removing the reference to 1979? Clearly, we continue to produce and increase use of petroleum products. Hey, don’t forget all those plastic bottles in the ocean… careless disregard of a valued resource..

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      New rig counts are up across every field in the US since Trump left office. Across the board. Plenty of new well investments.

      Also refinery output is higher now compared to 2020.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Intentionally aggravating inflation is not nice.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Somebody just laid a nice rant on the Saudis and then removed it… too bad… it had the ring of truth.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I saw that…. and has some truth in it I thought.

        A good poll : ” would you forgive the Khashoggi murder for:

        A. – $4 a gal gas
        B. – $3 a gal gas
        C. – $2 a gal gas
        D – no f’ing way , zippo

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Khashoggi? 9-11. Haner may hate the Global Warmers, but scifi or not, living on sunshine and wind means telling the Saudis to drink their oil.

          1. Terry Carter Avatar
            Terry Carter

            One more try. It keeps disappearing after being posted::: Perhaps I missed it in the cascades of commentary here, and if it’s not here I’m stunned at no mention of or discussion of the one person who can open the crude oil spigots and single-handedly lower gas prices in a hurry: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – who ordered the butcher-style murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Trump was willing to help MBS cover up the murder because Salman “liked” him. And Saudi Arabia recently gave the facilitator of that bromance, MBS’s BFF Jared Kushner, $2 billion to play the casinos as a result. Quid meet quo. MBS is hoping bigly that Trump comes back to the White House in 2024. Biden signaled early on that he was not going to play the cover-up game. What better, MBS must be thinking, than to screw over Biden with high gas prices? And so, of course, the Biden Administration is starting to genuflect to MBS for the obvious purpose of getting lower crude oil prices.

            “Have you no morals, man?”

            “Can’t afford them, governor.”

            We could afford them with more renewable energy. The Khashoggi mess and Russia’s hold over Ukraine are certainly showing good reason to hustle toward that future.


          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            We don’t need him or his depraved tyrannical empire at all, not one whit.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            looking at some of the stuff that Russia and Ukraine are primary providers of – beyond just contrast dye.



            let me guess…. Biden caused this problem, right?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, Biden’s headed that way to kiss the ring. Of course, Trump kissed a lot lower.

          Yep. The one bad thing about oil is ya have to deal with the Soup Nazi…

          If we could have proved in Afghanistan and Iraq that we could enlighten them intellectually and lighten them of their oil, then I would suggest that Russia can have the Ukraine, and we’ll take the Arabian Peninsula. But, we’re inept, and failed miserably.

        3. oromae Avatar

          Perhaps if mbs carried out his murders obozo style via drone that would be more palatable.

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