Delta Variant On the Downhill Slide in Virginia

Source: University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute. COVID still spreading in ten health districts but retreating in twenty.

by James A. Bacon

It appears that Virginia has turned the corner on the Delta variant. According to the weekly update from the University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute Friday, the Institute’s COVID-19 model indicates that “cases have peaked and are in gradual decline.”

I don’t know about you, but that strikes me as good news — especially after weeks and weeks of we’re-going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket stories from Virginia’s media outlets.

Amusingly, the only article in my VANews clip compilation this morning that acknowledged the Biocomplexity Institute findings comes from the Danville Register & Bee… in an article that COVID cases are still rising in the local health district even as the virus is retreating statewide. Count on the press to find the gray lining of every fluffy white cloud!

In the Saturday edition of VANews, the Martinsville Bulletinalso buried the lede, quoting public health officials as warning people not to relax their vigilance as the virus recedes. Meanwhile, the Winchester Star reported that cases were still on the rise.

I couldn’t find a single article that touted the good news.

So, let Bacon’s Rebellion be the first to report it. The Delta virus is in retreat in the Old Dominion, at least momentarily, and the Biocomplexity Institute is cautiously optimistic that Virginia can avoid a winter surge like the one that occurred last year.

Although the Delta variant of COVID-19 is more transmissible and dangerous, states the report, it caused only 40% of the number of cases experienced during last winter’s surge. “Right now, the Delta wave appears to have peaked,” the report said. However, it also cautions, “the sharpest growth last year occurred over the holidays, beginning around Thanksgiving.’

The big question right now is whether Virginia will experience a repeat of last winter’s surge, with this new variant, in this new environment.

The Virginia Department of Health has partnered with the Metaculus forecasting platform, which aggregates the forecasts of a “highly engaged network of thousands of forecasters.” States the Biocomplexity Institute update: Metaculus forecasters are optimistic that Virginia can avoid a winter surge, giving a greater than 50% chance that cases will peak prior to Thanksgiving, and a greater than 25% chance that cases have already peaked, supporting the idea the Delta wave is at or near its peak.”

The big caveat to all forecasts is that the COVID-19 models are dependent upon human behavior, which can be volatile. The optimistic forecast assumes that Virginians get their booster vaccines and practice masking and social distancing.

Update: I did find this short article on the WVIR website: “COVID-19 Delta variant cases slowly declining in Virginia.”

I’ll admit that I’m a print-news snob. I never paid much attention to TV news, which I regarded as hopelessly superficial. I never imagined I’d see the day when I’d regard TV-station reporting as indispensable. But print has become superficial, and TV news airs perspectives we would never see otherwise.

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44 responses to “Delta Variant On the Downhill Slide in Virginia”

  1. What ever happened to the daily death graphics from Johns Hopkins?
    Also — what is the goal for ‘herd immunity’? It was 70% according to Fauci, which I understand we’ve reached.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      We, being Va. But so long as some sick guy can drive from WV to Richmond in two hours, then at best we can should use a weighted average of us and our neighboring states.

  2. Tony Goodman Avatar
    Tony Goodman

    James. You really need to interview Dr David Martin from M-CAM.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh yep, then BR can officialy peddle misinformation.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Maybe BR can do a blog post on the how and why of misinformation that is being purposely promoted by some folks.

        I simply do not understand why anyone would do this – much less other folks – who do know better – defend it.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Money. There’s money to be made in confusion.

    2. I’m not familiar with him. What does he have to say?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        A new video — entitled “Plandemic II: Indoctornation” — has spread online and on Facebook since Aug. 18, proliferating a baseless conspiracy theory about the nature of the coronavirus pandemic.

        The 75-minute documentary is a follow-up to a similar video that went viral in May — and was removed by social media platforms for spreading misinformation. Its description claims it “tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID-19 pandemic.”

        This theory is explained by David E. Martin, credited as a national intelligence analyst, founder of IQ100 Index and self-proclaimed developer of “Linguistic Genomics” with a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.

        Go for it James.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Hey, what’s not to like? He’s obviously a “smart person” with a PHD from none-other than UVA!

          He must know what he is talking about, right?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They all do… UVa grads, that is.

            He uses a BR magic word… indoctrination.

        2. Tony Goodman Avatar
          Tony Goodman

          Dr Martin’s analysis is far from baseless. So “Naive”, please provide your evidence of your baseless claim.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, you should listen to what he says then and whatever you do, don’t get the non-vaccine vaccine.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    At 1,600 deaths per day nationwide, we’re still looking at nearly 1/2 million annually. Let’s celebrate when it’s, oh say, a comfortable 200/day, and BR can go back to calling it Wuflu.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I’ve gotten #3. Getting on a plane again tomorrow. The numbers here in Henrico are way down, and I’ve been checking daily. But until Nov. 2 the Fear Must Be Maintained. McAuliffe’s only hope now is that Virginians pick him knowing he will do his best to mandate vaccines for one and all, and fire the holdouts.

      Reading the opening of Gottlieb’s book. Oh, it’s WuFlu, no question. The only question is where in Wuhan — market or lab. He seems to be steering away from the market….but need to read on.

      So many remain either unvaccinated or untouched by previous infection that I expect a winter at least as bad as this past summer, if not equal to last winter. But the data is holding and if you are vaccinated, with no major vulnerability, the threat is about the same as flu (and I got that shot, too.) The unvaccinated are making their own (bad) choice.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I notice Gottlieb is on CNN now, sometimes in the same segment with Fauci.

        I wonder how long it will be before he is “suspected” by the same folks who don’t care for Fauci.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Having seen way too much of both, Gottlieb has been more consistent and Fauci too inconsistent over time. Big news this weekend: Fauci says kids can go out on Halloween! (Uh, they pretty much all did last year, Doc….)

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Hopefully, no one on your plane is using their iphone to look at electronic circuits or other easily mistaken images. Stict to porn, I says. No mistaking that.

        Back in 2001, a flight left Sydney and was 3 hours out when one of the attendants found a napkin in the head with the word “BOB” written on it. After a little discussion, the crew determined BOB meant Bomb On Board.

      3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        You can’t beat me week ago got the booster and maybe 3 weeks ago flu shot. Flu shot with 4x dose for 65+ was the harder shot. Pfizer seems mild shot to me…makes me wonder if I am getting the full benefit, but I hope so.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          No booster yet, Moderna.

          but flu shot, pneumonia and shingles.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Yes, a commercial plane crash a day equivalent should be acceptable…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        By all means. After all, it’s just an airplane full of people headed for an Alaskan cruise, if ya catch my drift. No young’uns.

  4. Tony Goodman Avatar
    Tony Goodman

    Look him up. He has an international patent risk and financing firm based in VA. Also a fellow at Batten.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    I expect the advent of Merck’s new anti-viral pill to essentially motivate the unvaccinated to continue to not get vaccinated and rely on that pill to save them from Covid.

    That could mean – continuing spread of the disease and infections……….so
    that COVID will stick around for a long time and have more opportunity to mutate and generate more variants, more resistant to the current vaccinations and drugs.

    Like we now see with the Flu… shots every year because it mutates quickly to a version not affected by the current vaccine.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Current Covid trend map shows central north states (and Alaska) as current hotbeds. Is that because weather has turned there and people are retreating inside? If so, how does that bode for post-Thanksgiving and Christmas rates for the rest of us?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Let’s go to Florida! It’ll be safe there!

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        For obvious political benefit the Democratic establishment and fear-selling media want to persuade us all the vaccines are not effective. They are incredibly effective. They are being joined in this anti-science exhibition by far too many who just see a government conspiracy everywhere. But the data are clear and strong.

        I really didn’t feel strongly about the booster, but what the hey it was there and free….I fear nothing come the winter. By then I even expect the grandkids to be vaccinated.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” For obvious political benefit the Democratic establishment and fear-selling media want to persuade us all the vaccines are not effective.”

          is that why they are accused of wanting mandates?

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            There is method in the madness. But the bottom line is fear is a major political motivator, and keeping the fear alive is essential to McAuliffe’s camp. It is probably fair to say it is more the media, with its need to keep up readership, feeding the idea that the vaccines are ineffective with all the stories about breakthroughs, all of which ignore how incredibly rare they are.

            I saw (and wrote) months ago that the GOP’s best strategy was to promote vaccines, not get on the wrong side of that issue. To no avail. We find out in three weeks if the issue saves the D’s in VA.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not sure if I ever saw the issue in terms of “strategy” for Dems or GOP.

            I disagree that the Dems “strategy” is to induce fear and that’s funny when comparing to the GOP’s predilection to stoke fear and engage in boogeyman politics, conspiracy theories, distrust of govt, science and institutions on a range of issues.

            And the virus is not just a USA GOP-DEM, blue/red issue – it’s a worldwide issue with most folks in the world seeing the virus as a genuine threat that must be dealt with as opposed to a made-up hoax that is foolish to fear.

            And the really funny thing to me is folks who hold the “fear” position but very much want and get the vaccine.

            That seems almost incongruous to me. Don’t trust the “fear” but sure as heck get the vaccine.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          “For obvious political benefit the Democratic establishment and fear-selling media want to persuade us all the vaccines are not effective.”

          Which media? Tucker Carlson?

          BTW, going to Florida next week. Venice, lots of old vaccinated people, but still Florida.

  7. killerhertz Avatar

    Yet vaccination rates haven’t budged much in VA. How can this be?!

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Makes me wonder if some folks could go back and refuse their childhood shots – they would.

      Sounds like anti-vaxx for more than just COVID for some….

      and it may mean that more and more parents will no longer
      agree to vaccinations for their school-age kids…

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        It’s a false equivalence to compare COVID with deadly childhood diseases like measles or pertussis. It’s quite possible the bungling of SARS-COV-2 by health officials (the “science”) is going to drive more people away from childhood vaccination, which would be unfortunate don’t you think?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          you don’t think they had start-up issues with the childhood vaccines?

          what “bungling”? literally billions of shots, around the world, right?

          do we question the vaccines for flu or pneumonia or HPV, etc?

          How do we do an annual vaccine for FLU in such a quick timeframe…and no disasters?

          This is silly stuff. If we used the same approach that some are taking towards Covid the same way towards other vaccines… we’d have even more other vaccines refused… for similar silly reasons.

          1. killerhertz Avatar

            They put ALL their eggs in one basket (the vaccine) and they failed by every measure. Fauci told us it could be eradicated by the vaccine, which we now know is untrue. I could made a saline shot and distributed billions of doses around the world. What’s your point?

            I suspect you are on in years. I have never taken flu, pneumonia, or HPV vaccines, nor have I ever been forced to take one. Respiratory viruses mutate very often. The COVID-19 vaccines only generate antibodies for the S protein. While they generate a lot over a short interval (because your body’s cells are programmed to), they aren’t broadly protective against the 20 or so epitopes that natural immunity confers. They still won’t even admit that. This very action is undermining science and if you can’t recognize it I can’t help you.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Billions of shots around the world?

            And you don’t take vaccines and if you had a choice on childhood shots probably not them either?

            Fauci is one guy. Science told us what they knew at that time with the proviso that more info was coming in and they would update as they knew more.

            Those folks who expect science to ever only be one answer – don’t understand science but no surprise either.

            And , yup… getting on in years.. don’t necessarily know you “know” – look at the geezers who still don’t know… age is not a predictor.. education is.

          3. killerhertz Avatar

            I have a MSEE so I understand science. Your average “consumer” can’t even explain how the vaccine works.

            The “scientists” in the swamp crossed their fingers that developing RNA vaccines (using taxpayer money of course) would defeat COVID. Fauci won’t be getting his Nobel. There were plenty of dissenting voices (I listened to them) that were skeptical but were silenced by “the science”. Like I said – very failed and wont’ admit it, except for big pharma making beaucoup bucks! Countries with good public data and high vax rates (UK, Israel) are having a terrible time of it and the virus is clearly evading the defenses put up by the vaccine immune response. Ivermectin, masks, and other mitigations could have been studied the past 12-18 months but they weren’t.

            Meanwhile the Fed’s balance sheet is skyrocketing and we now have double digit inflation (the real CPI is under-reported) after record money printing and tyrannical lockdowns that have cost many small businesses and families their savings. All this has happened while big corporations were unaffected and wealthier than ever.

            For your age bracket it probably makes sense to get 6 month boosters. Hopefully it’s not for the rest of your days as it’s looking to be endemic and oh btw there’s no long term, multi-dosing safety profile of the vaccine. Of course, that should be your choice.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            you may have an MSEE but you don’t understand science IMHO.

            Then you give your politics away by jumping from immunology to the Fed Balance sheet and CPI, etc, et al.


            Billions of folks got the shot, and we still have issues but nothing like the issues that those who did not get vaccinated have.

            I suspect you are Conservative and anti-vaxer.


            age-bracket? 😉

          5. killerhertz Avatar

            You keep claiming “follow the science” fallacy. However, it is clear that the politics of “the science” lead to disastrous consequences in the economy.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I say follow the science but don’t be ignorant about it.

            Science is not static truth that never changes.

            What you hear depends on WHEN you hear it.

            You sound to me like an Anti-Vaxxer.


          7. killerhertz Avatar

            No. And it’s irrelevant to the fact that “the science” has demonstrably failed. I just provided multiple examples and you haven’t provided a counter.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do not trust ANY vaccines?

          9. killerhertz Avatar

            Why is this relevant to my argument?

          10. LarrytheG Avatar


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