Delegate Won’t Correct False Accusation About Israel

Sam Rasoul

by Scott Dreyer

On October 17, around noon Virginia time, a missile allegedly hit a Baptist hospital in Gaza. Almost immediately, many US mainstream news outlets blamed Israel for the attack and claimed “over 500” had been killed.

As reported here, about four hours after the blast, Del. Salam “Sam” Rasoul (D-Roanoke) posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, “Today Israel bombed a hospital and a UN school. War crimes it will never be held accountable for. Over 1000 children dead in 10 days. Sickening.”

Within hours, though, as more evidence came in and was examined, it became clear that the blast was not from an Israeli rocket strike, but from a failed Palestinian missile that dropped on Palestinian territory, hitting the hospital’s parking lot. On October 18, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), who has access to classified information as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, tweeted “we feel confident that the explosion was the result of a failed rocket launch by militant terrorists and not the result of an Israeli airstrike.”

On October 20 and again on October 24 The Roanoke Star reached out to Del. Rasoul for any explanation of his post and why he had not taken it down, since his accusation has been widely debunked. The Roanoke Star also sent a request for comment from two of Rasoul’s fellow Democrats, Roanoke City Councilwoman Trish White-Boyd who is running against David Suetterlein (R) for state Senate, and Lily Franklin, Rasoul’s legislative aide running against Chris Obenshain (R) for the House of Delegates.

No responses have been received.

Republished with permission from The Roanoke Star.

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45 responses to “Delegate Won’t Correct False Accusation About Israel”

  1. Lefty665 Avatar

    It is worth noting that the idea that the missile was Israeli was first stated by an Israeli PR person named Naftali who within about 20 minutes asserted it was an Israeli attack, and that the hospital had previously been warned to evacuate. That statement was later retracted.

    There is also some doubt about some of the “evidence”, specifically the conversation between two Hamas operatives chatting that the missile was one of theirs. It is curious that Israeli intelligence which apparently completely failed to pick up any indications of impending Hamas terrorism so conveniently and quickly intercepted communications asserting their culpability in the hospital bombing.

    Dunno how any of us at this remove can have much confidence about whose missile it was or in any of the reporting by those who have a dog in the fight.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Machts nichts. Hamas wages war with and behind its “civilians” and the only way to fight it is to put them in danger as well. Once the Israelis made the determination to attack, major civilian casualties were inevitable. Hamas leaders are still on Arabic outlets bragging Oct. 7 was just the start and they will fight to the last Palestinian baby and grandmother. They make the SS murder squads look civilized. Sam Rasoul stands with them. Noted.

    2. More conspiracy nonsense from the likes of Chris Hedges who until last year was working for a Russian propaganda network, RT America.

      Both Israel and the U.S. have the capacity to track rockets from the time they are fired. That’s how Iron Dome works. Israel’s analysis was independently confirmed by the US assets in the area.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Your “conspiracy nonsense” propaganda is itself conspiracy nonsense.

        The very first statement on the strike was by an Israeli government official proclaiming it was an Israeli government strike. That statement may have been wrong, but it is a fact, not conspiracy nonsense, that it was the very first statement and claimed responsibility for the attack on the hospital.

        Equally, the Israeli intelligence that was clueless about Hamas’s terrorist plans magically coming up with a convenient intercepted conversation taking responsibility for the attack may be true, but being skeptical of it is not conspiracy nonsense.

        We can also remember it was Israeli propaganda that was screaming about beheaded babies that turned out to be hysterical enraging nonsense.

        What we also know from Israeli government statements is that Israel is bombing refugee camps, hospitals and mosques. Those are terrorist acts under international law. That is not conspiracy nonsense either.

        ps, Chris Hedges has probably forgotten more about the middle east than you and I together will ever know. Your denigration of him says more about you than him.

        1. It’s a sad day when Egyptian TV is more objective than our own news media, which I assume is where you got the Hamas talking points.

          Egyptian TV host Ibrahim Eissa slammed in his November 1, 2023 show on Al-Kahera Wal-Nas TV (Egypt) the statement by Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk that Hamas is not responsible for the safety of the people in Gaza. Abu Marzouk said in a Russia Today interview on October 27, 2023 that the tunnels in Gaza are meant to protect Hamas fighters, and the U.N. should provide shelter for the people of Gaza, because most of them are refuges. Eissa said that this statement is disgraceful because the number one responsibility of a government is to provide security for its people. He continued to say that if Hamas will not protect its people, it should step down from government. Eissa stated that Hamas had the opportunity to focus only on resistance, but it chose to stage a coup, drive out the Palestinian Authority, and even throw some of its officials off rooftops.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Your assumptions about where I get my facts are wrong, like much of what you post. Unlike some others I do not traffic in talking points.

          2. You may call them facts, but much of what you write is not true. I was being generous when I assumed you got your talking points for the the news media. In the past you have linked to a very sketchy site founded by Ron Unz.

            “We can also remember it was Israeli propaganda that was screaming about beheaded babies that turned out to be hysterical enraging nonsense.”

            I’m not going to go through all your errors, but this one keeps popping up and needs to be dealt with.

            But decapitated babies were found after the attack, according to both a group of Israeli and international forensic pathologists and Haaretz’s own reporting.

            A group of 200 forensic pathologists, anthropologists, radiologists and other experts from Israel, the U.S, Switzerland, New Zealand and elsewhere gathered at the National Center for Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv to help identify remains from the Israsel-Hamas war.

            They reported on Oct. 16 that victims of the Hamas attack were executed, bound and burned alive, and others were found decapitated – many of whom were babies. However, they said it was difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death.


          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            I don’t take my facts from USA today or Egyptian TV as you apparently do.

            There is no doubt Hamas is a terrorist organization that does terrible things. However, among the things it does not do is bomb refugee camps and blow babies into small pieces.

            There is enough terror to condemn both Hamas and the Israeli government to hades for eternity.

            The truly sad part is that we have reason to expect better from Israel, but we consistently get worse.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            I don’t take my facts from USA today or Egyptian TV as you apparently do. Please also note that Ron Unz, operator of Unz Review is Jewish. That might make your denigration of him antisemitism.

            According to Haaretz there are no confirmed deaths of children aged 0-3, although they have data on only about half the fatalities on 10/7. Of the data they have, about half the fatalities were of military, police and civil personnel. That is not good, but at least they were combatants, not civilians. There are also several reports that the IDF killed multiple hostages and civilians in their assault on Hamas fighters.

            There is no doubt Hamas is a terrorist organization that does terrible things. However, among the things it does not do is bomb refugee camps and blow babies and civilians into small pieces or crush them under collapsed buildings. What Israel appears to do is to kill hostages with “friendly” fire. Hamas probably bound hostages. Israel then burned them alive with tank and rocket fire.

            There is enough terror to condemn both Hamas and the Israeli government to hades for eternity.

            The truly sad part is that we have reason to expect better from Israel, but we consistently get worse.

          5. Maybe you’d get closer to the truth if you did use USA Today or an Egyptian news source. Your false statement that no children 0-3 were killed by Hamas on Oct. 7 did not come from Haaretz who was quoted as saying,“This post contains blatant lies about the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. It has absolutely no basis in Haaretz’s reporting, then or since.” Politifact further said Nov. 1, “A viral Oct. 28 social media post claimed that “Israel lied to justify genocide,” and cited Israeli newspaper Haaretz as evidence.”
            “This post was flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed….Searching for the headline from the Instagram post turned up an Oct. 28 article on, the website for eHalal Group, a company that describes itself as Washington, D.C.-based and “dedicated to providing a range of services and solutions centered around the concept of halal.” Halal, in Arabic, means lawful or permitted and refers to what’s sanctioned under Islamic law.
            “The eHalal Group article did not link to any Haaretz stories.”


          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            This is the Haaretz graphic I was relying on. It may be false Edit: it has since been confirmed as true. Israel has not identified the other roughly 50% deaths claimed. Their claim of 1,400 victims appears to be false. Other reliable reporting is showing that many of those murdered were killed by “friendly” Israeli fire. While it is hard for any of us to know the truth at this distance it is clear that Israeli government reporting is most charitably characterized as highly exaggerated. What I described was the truth.

            What we do know is that Hamas is a terrorist organization that does terrible things, and I have said that on several occasions. It is clear they did not do the specific terrible thing as I cited, beheading babies.


            What we also know is that Israel also does terrible things, crimes against international humanitarian law, like repeatedly bombing refugee camps, schools, hospitals, churches and ambulances. It has killed thousands of Palestinian children. That deserves condemnation every bit as much as Hamas’s atrocities.


            Terror is terror and crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity, no matter who commits them or by what means.

            Countries need to do better than committing war crimes as a matter of policy to earn our support.

          7. That graphic came from the link below. It was produced by Hamas apologists at The Cradle using outdated information. The same graphic was displayed on Larry Johnson’s site, but I believe it originally came from The Cradle.


          8. Another questionable source with unreliable information.

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            What Haaretz? Johnson is ex CIA and has been very credible. Typically, once again when you can’t refute the truth you attack the reporter.

          10. You have some nerve talking about truth when you cite a website with a faked report. (2days ago you claimed the faked report on sonar was true.) What I do know is the supposed list on of Oct.7 deaths by age adds up to 682. In the lower left corner, is a little caption saying “Source: haaretz Israeli Newspaper (Based on 683 facilities information.) There are no “683 facilities.” It was more likely intended to represent the number of dead identified early on after the attacks, but using the wrong English word–something Haaretz would not do. The paper has been listing the dead by name and location as they are identified. The last report I read from the International Forensic Team doing the identifications said there were about 350 still to be identified. These will be the hardest because the bodies were burned and for many, only fragments of bones remain. They are sweeping the ashes for any possible clues. The most recent list is here:

          11. In case you don’t already know.

            – Larry Johnson, the ex-CIA guy that Lefty665 linked to was in the same CIA class as Valarie Plame (Wilson). They know each other.

            – Remember when Valarie Plame was caught tweeting anti-Semitic material? She found that crap on Ron Unz site that was discussed earlier.


          12. “What Haaretz?”

            But you didn’t link to Haaretz. Haaretz is far left in leaning and often has radical opinion pieces, but tries to be factual in actual reporting. The question is, do you accept Haaretz reporting?

            “Johnson is ex CIA and has been very credible.”

            If I went into specifics about what I found at the link you posted, would you be open to accepting what’s wrong with it?

          13. Lefty665 Avatar

            I did link to Haaretz, you just were not paying attention. Look at the graph I posted. That is from Haaretz. It is the source for no babies killed, and has subsequently been confirmed.

            Israel has only identified about half of those it claims were killed on Oct 7. Haaretz has also been the source of reporting on Israel’s panicked responses on Oct 7 that killed many Israeli citizens and hostages. Dunno why we call that “friendly” fire.

            What pray tell is “wrong” with the pictures that the rest of the world is seeing of dead Palestinian babies and children killed by Israeli bombing of refugee camps that Johnson has republished?

            Johnson has been credible, and insightful in cautioning that Israel is setting itself up for extinction with its continuing crimes against humanity in Gaza. They include bombing refugee camps, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, ambulances and civilians fleeing south as Israel demanded.

            People who care about Israel’s survival need to pull it back from suicidal behavior. There are more than a billion Moslems who are every bit as outraged at Israel’s murder of civilians as Israelis are at Hamas’s. If they push their governments into acting against Israel as Israel has against Gaza Israel is gone. The odds of 1B against 7M are overwhelming. Hamas’s overwhelming of Iron Dome with dumb rockets was a cautionary tale.

            To save Israel people have to acknowledge what is happening. Continued denial will not end well for Israel, or for the US for that matter.

          14. No ithe graph I s not. It was put out by a halal group in DC it’s a fake! For a clue, when would a major newspaper not capitalize its name? You’re participating in pro hamas propaganda. And it’s disgusting. The babies deaths were confirmed by multiple sources

          15. The note identified the source of the graph, the note was not written by Haaratz.

            Hamas was not beheading babies which is the specific hysterical propaganda that I was specifically referred to. That was propaganda that Biden, among others, bought into and declared he saw, when, like so many things he says it was just not so.

            No, I am not participating in pro Hamas propaganda, nor am I pro Hamas. However, there is no shortage of propaganda concerning this subject on both sides.

            Please provide some documentation that the Haaratz graph is a fake. If it is I would like to know that so I can go back and question my source for the graph. I can’t do that if all I have is somebody on a blog somewhere said it was a fake.

          16. See which posted the Instagram post of Hassan Shibly, Esq about the non-existent investigation.

            Headline on
            “Haaretz rebuts a viral claim about its reporting on Israeli casualties
            “A social media post claimed that ‘Israel lied to justify genocide’ and cited Israeli newspaper Haaretz as evidence. “Haaretz says it’s a blatant lie.”

            The rest of the article has links and more information.

            I did find the following on the daily recap on Haaretz on the same day a s the graph, which shows the graph has no connection to anything Haaretz has posted on numbers killed.
            7:21 AM
            Oct 28, 2023
            Recap: Israel intensifies Gaza airstrikes and ground operations, killing top Hamas commanders; widespread disruptions in Gaza’s internet and cellular networks

            Recap: Fighting continues in Gaza on the 22 day after Hamas led an attack and massacre on Israeli communities on October 7 that left at least 1,300 Israeli dead. Over 6,000 Gazans have been killed some 17,000 wounded so far according to the Hamas-run health ministry in the Gaza Strip.

          17. Israel has revised down the number of dead. Please also remember that many, although an unknown number, were killed by Israel as “friendly” fire. Curious we don’t see Israel publishing the number of their own citizens they killed. Guess it feels better to blame Hamas for all of them.

            It is still horrible, both the Israeli dead and the close to 10x as many Palestinian civilians dead. War crimes are war crimes.


          18. The comment I responded to had only one link, and that was to You did not link to Haaretz.

            Mr. Johnson references outdated information from Haaretz, and I doubt he will ever update his publication because it would ruin the narrative he wishes to advance.

            Haaretz now lists 1132 names “that have been cleared for publication.”

            Mr. Johnson uses rumors and innuendo to to make his case.

            Johnson then links to a site called The Cradle for an article he says is “outstanding.” That article speaks glowingly of the terrorist slaughter and accepts the Hamas account and

            “The daring Hamas-led military operation, codenamed Al-Aqsa Flood, unfolded with a dramatic dawn raid at approximately 6:30 AM (Palestine time) on 7 October. ”

            “As per the spokesperson of Hamas’ armed wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades…”

            The article then suggests that Shani Louk is alive and being treated in Gaza.

            This is an “outstanding” article? These are objective facts? Shani Louk is dead!


          19. Here’s another article from The Cradle that addresses Israeli fire on anything that moved in the border area, including burning several hundred cars from the music festival. Hamas did not have weapons to burn bodies, Israel did.

            It appears a significant number of the deaths were “friendly” fire.


          20. The is self-described as “a journalist-driven publication covering West Asia that represents the tens of millions of regional voices not heard in the world’s English-language media…today the region has lost its roots largely because non-sovereign states act as pawns in the geopolitical calculations of The Other.”
            Who is “The Other”, Lefty? Whose voice are you relaying here?

          21. Lefty, if you cited your sources, readers could see whether they were credible or not. Your numbers for children killed in Gaza come from Hamas, so there is no way to know if there is any truth to them. You conveniently overlook the fact Hamas infrastructure was deliberately located in, under, and next to civilian facilities. IDF does not aim at children and families, but some will be caught in the war because Hamas uses them in that way. EDIT: I should have added check out the sources you cite too.

          22. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            War is war and Hell is Hell and if you ask me, war is a lot worse. Source: William T. Sherman

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        If you trust anything the State dept or intelligence agencies publish for public consumption you are in fact, gullible.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Machts nichts. Hamas wages war with and behind its “civilians” and the only way to fight it is to put them in danger as well. Once the Israelis made the determination to attack, major civilian casualties were inevitable. Hamas leaders are still on Arabic outlets bragging Oct. 7 was just the start and they will fight to the last Palestinian baby and grandmother. They make the SS murder squads look civilized. Sam Rasoul stands with them. Noted.

      My father served in the Middle East, but when we lived in Turkey and Libya they were allies. My brother was in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait for Desert Storm, and my son in Kirkuk for Iraqi Freedom. I pray my grandsons are not part of another generation of Americans fighting there. Doesn’t look promising.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        So bombing refugee camps and hospitals is ok? The law is that civilians must be protected. So you are an advocate of lawlessness by Israel? So far there are 100 dead Palestinian children for each dead Israeli child. That makes SS murder squads look beneficent. Noted.

        Last Sunday National Security advisor “Sullivan expanded on this (Israel’s right to defend itself), explaining, “Hamas is making life extremely difficult for Israel by taking civilians as human shields and by putting their rocket infrastructure and terrorist infrastructure among civilians.”
        “That creates an added burden for Israel,” he began, “but it does not lessen Israel’s responsibility under international humanitarian law to distinguish between terrorists and civilians and to protect the lives of innocent people.”
        He emphasized that “the overwhelming majority” of people in the Gaza Strip are innocent civilians.

        Hamas is a terrorist organization, I do not support them and wish they did not exist. I would prefer to support Israel, but cannot when they murder far more civilians, especially children, than Hamas.

        1. “I would prefer to support Israel, but cannot when they murder far more civilians, especially children, than Hamas.”

          We have discussed Israel months ago. Your mind was made up long before this conflict even started.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            I confess I have never been in favor of crimes against humanity, or the war criminals who commit them. That often, but by no means exclusively, has been the government of Israel. I do not approve of our misguided continuing support of Israel’s atrocities against civilians. In this conflict Israel has killed 100 Palestinian children for every Israeli child Hamas has killed. Both are horrific, but Israel’s crime orders of magnitude greater. You and some others here have consistently applauded war crimes. That is horrific too.

            I am also old enough to remember the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and the 34 American Navy personnel and spooks the Israelis murdered. That also makes me old enough to remember Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard and the heroes welcome given him by Netanyahoo when he returned to Israel after getting out of jail here. My antipathy for things Israel does is not limited to crimes against Palestinians, it extends to acts of war Israel has committed against my country, the USA.

            Israel and many of its supporters do not have America’s best interests at heart, nor the insight to understand that their continuing support of Israel’s atrocities against civilians is not in our or Israel’s best interests. Israel creates enemies faster than they can kill them. Among the justifications for 9/11 were Israeli attacks on refugee camps in Lebanon that we supported. There are real consequences to us for Israeli war crimes. Yet some Americans support Israel’s bombing of refugee camps this week. What could go wrong?

            After 75 years of tit for tat, atrocity for atrocity, war crimes that have not solved the problem it is insanity to do it yet again and to expect a different result.

            It is time to try another way, and the start to that is showing our support of Israel by sending them defensive weapons instead of bombs, missiles and artillery that Israel uses to commit war crimes against civilians. That could well start the process towards peace rather than mayhem.

            Your mileage obviously varies, but I expect you can sleep peacefully at night with visions of dead Palestinian and Israeli babies running through your head. I cannot.

            It is long past time to try another way. That is in Israel’s best interest and actually in its support. Your support of Israel’s atrocities and cheer leading are not in Israel’s best interests and only pave the road to the next level of hellish tit for tat war crimes and more dead civilians on both sides. But, whatever makes you happy. Have a nice life.

          2. There are those who would seek to finish what Hitler started. I will always oppose that.

            Are Fatah the “moderates”? Think again! Fatah students call on Allah to murder Jews


          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            “There are those who would seek to finish what Hitler started. I will always oppose that.”

            I certainly do too. What I do not support is making that deadly intent stronger by committing war crimes against civilians.

            It is time to try another way.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            “There are those who would seek to finish what Hitler started. I will always oppose that.”

            I certainly do too. What I do not support is making that deadly intent stronger by Israel committing war crimes against civilians.

            It is time to try another way.

            It is also worth looking at the larger context. What Israel is doing now with its bombing of refugee camps, hospitals and schools in its campaign to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians is uniting the Muslim world, and the entire Middle East, to go to war with Israel. Israel is not likely to survive a conflict with more than a billion people.

            If we care about Israel and are smart we will pull it back off this path to its own extinction it has chosen. I have no reason to believe that the neo cons who are running our country or their supporters are smart.

        2. James Kiser Avatar
          James Kiser

          No different than when we bombed Japan and Germany in WW2. It is called total war and as Sherman said war is hell.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            It was in response to things we did in WWII that international humanitarian laws requiring combatants to protect and not wantonly kill civilians were enacted.

            It was precisely things like the firebombings of Dresden, Tokyo and other cities as well as our dropping of A bombs on civilians that drove the law.

            Acts against civilians are now war crimes, crimes against humanity.

            That is why on Sunday Biden cautioned Netanyahoo about Israel’s obligation to protect Palestinian civilians and Nat Sec Advisor Sullivan reinforced that caution and sharpened the point by observing that Hamas made it harder for the Israelis by mixing their forces with civilians, but that did not negate Israel’s obligation to protect innocent civilians.

            Israel has since bombed refugee camps multiple times, has now killed around 9,000 Palestinian civilians and more than 4,000 Palestinian children, and it has shelled ambulances. Those are war crimes, and their quantity dwarfs the war crimes committed by Hamas.

            Our continued support of Israeli war crimes makes us accessories to them.

          2. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Only the losers pay for war crimes. And it is why we have lost every war since WW2. If the think the jihadists pay attention to your crap you will pay the price of all losing civilizations. And apparently you missed all the civilians we killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            No, I did not miss the roughly one million civilians we killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nor did I miss the 2 million civilians we killed in Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos. When you count them up starting with Viet Nam the US has killed more civilians than Hitler did Jews. That makes us worse than the Holocaust as mass murderers. That does not make me proud to be an American.

            What Israel is doing now threatens its existence. If we care about Israel we need to pull it back from bombing refugee centers, schools and hospitals.

            The videos of those acts are seen around the world and are uniting it against Israel. I saw gallows humor the other day, “We’ve done something no one has accomplished for a thousand years”, “What’s that?”, “United Shia and Sunni”. Erdogan’s fire breathing speech the other day to a million and a half Turks was sobering. Israel is uniting the entire Muslim world and the entire Middle East to go to war against it.

            That is a war against more than a billion people that Israel will lose. If we care about Israel and its existence we will pull it back from this suicidal mission of revenge and moving all Palestinians out of Gaza. it is on. Unfortunately I doubt the neo con id**ts in Washington will do that. As you note, only losers pay for war crimes. Israel is on course to become a loser. It may well pay with its life.

            ps Here’s a link to some of the videos the rest of the world is seeing that are inflaming it against Israel. They show digging children out from under rubble of civilian buildings Israel has bombed and gathering up body parts. Warning, they are gruesome and not easy to look at.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Not terribly relevant in light of all the other death and destruction since, plenty of it dished out by the IDF. Rasoul has picked a side. Duh. I would never vote for him. I may never speak to him again. But whining because he will not remove a Tweet is weak.

    FYI, Sam is unopposed for a new term. The Rs have no candidate in that district. See, elections are how you impose accountability.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      140 years ago, when Big Lick became Roanoke, it was a hotbed of Republican enthusiasm. In those days the “D”s lived in Salem.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        I applaud the progress.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          So do all of the drug addicts who hang out City Cemetery next to the Rescue Mission.

    2. VaPragamtist Avatar

      I’m fine with Rasoul picking a side. I don’t care whether he removes the tweet or not. What bothers me is his silence. If you’re a public official who picks a side on a controversial issue, believes in it, and stands by your statement, then answer questions about it:

      “On October 20 and again on October 24 The Roanoke Star reached out to Del. Rasoul for any explanation of his post and why he had not taken it down, since his accusation has been widely debunked. . .No responses have been received.”

  3. LesGabriel Avatar

    Being a Democrat means never having to say you are sorry.

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