Del. Tim Anderson Wants Virginia Republicans To Divorce Trump

Virginia Beach Delegate Tim Anderson

by Kerry Dougherty

Let’s be honest. The Trump years were exhausting.

Those who voted for Donald Trump, supported his policies and didn’t regret their votes — the alternatives were Hillary and Biden — were weary by the end of it.

Trump could be charming and funny. He could also be vicious and petty. He treated his loyal allies cruelly. I’m thinking especially of poor Jeff Sessions, one of the first members of the Senate to support Trump yet who quickly became the butt of Trump’s fury while he served the president as attorney general.

Trump’s policies were Reaganesque, but he wasn’t.

Fact: it is possible to have voted for Trump, to have supported virtually all of Trump’s policies and his Supreme Court appointments and still prefer Ron DeSantis or Glenn Youngkin for president. What DeSantis did in Florida, keeping the state free at a time when unconstitutional COVID restrictions swept the nation, was a model for courageous, principled leadership.

The results of the mid-terms, which were disappointing to those who consider inflation and crime far more important than abortion and wokeness, are being blamed at least in part on Trump.

First Virginia elected official to point at the former president: Delegate Tim Anderson of Virginia Beach.

Will he be the only one? Will others who privately share Anderson’s concerns for Virginia join him?

On Wednesday, the delegate from the 83rd District in Virginia Beach posted a strong denunciation of the “Trump Effect” on Virginia politics on his Facebook page. He pointed out that Trump lost the commonwealth twice and that if Virginia Republicans don’t distance themselves from the former president they could lose their majority in the House of Delegates and all hope of taking the State Senate next year.

The reaction from Trump supporters to the Facebook post was swift and much was ugly.

While some of the more than 300 commenters agreed with him, others slammed Anderson, calling the lawyer names and vowing never to vote for him again.

When I talked to him last night, Anderson said that if speaking out against Trump costs him his seat, so be it, he was not going to remain silent any longer.

“It’s a cult,” he said, referring to Trump’s fervent supporters.

Anderson’s a conservative. He’s a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment and the attorney who pushed to get sexually explicit books off elementary and middle school shelves and tried to force book stores to restrict sales of such material by age.

He says many other Republican politicians agree that Trump hurts the Virginia GOP’s chances of taking the General Assembly back.

“It’s not just me,” he said. “We all sit around and talk about it but most are too scared to come out and say it. I’m sick of it.”

Anderson also expressed anger with State Senator Amanda Chase, strongly allied with Trump, who last week announced that she would be introducing a total ban on abortion in the next General Assembly session.

That bill has no chance of passing, Anderson said, nevertheless the timing generated hysterical headlines and energized Democrats on the eve of the elections.

“I’m absolutely pissed,” he said. “She hijacked the congressional election by making that announcement last week. That cost Yesli Vega the seat (in the 7th District.)”

If Republicans don’t somehow shake off the polarizing former president, Anderson says, the election results a year from now could be catastrophic .

Anderson’s adamant about what must be done.

“If we divorce him, we get the kids.”

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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113 responses to “Del. Tim Anderson Wants Virginia Republicans To Divorce Trump”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Trump’s policies were Reaganesque, but he wasn’t.”

    Psssttt… Kerry, Trump was not on any ballots on Tuesday… his “policies”, however, were… thought you should know…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, his face and his red hat were everywhere, especially in the final weekend in key places. The politicized Justice Department made sure he was both on the front page and in the news and enraged in his messaging through the fall. It was brilliant and he walked right into it (Hilary had him pegged as somebody easily goaded.) This was once again a Trump election. And you’d love to do it again in ’23 and ’24. Don’t blame you.

      Tried to listen to the recording of Anderson on WRVA this morning and the site seems to be swamped. He’s getting heard.

      Count me and my wife among those who are done with the GOP until he leaves. No money, no volunteer work, nothing. Somebody call Rich Anderson….

    2. Warmac9999 Avatar

      The blue steal was everywhere as well. Unless vote integrity is obtained it is difficult to go after Trump for being the reason for a less than stellar Republican performance.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Don’t even try to go there. The GOP has had two years to appoint election officers, train poll watchers, and learn how to use the early voting to it’s own advantage. That’s a whiny crutch now. That doesn’t explain a 200K vote difference between Kemp and Walker in GA, for example.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          it’s a “tell”…..

        2. Warmac9999 Avatar

          You should take a look at what is happening in Brazil. The military stated that they could not validate that the electric voting machines were free of tampering. These are the type of machines we use.

        3. Warmac9999 Avatar

          See sudden drop of votes for warnock.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, his face and his red hat were everywhere, especially in the final weekend in key places. The politicized Justice Department made sure he was both on the front page and in the news and enraged in his messaging through the fall. It was brilliant and he walked right into it (Hilary had him pegged as somebody easily goaded.) This was once again a Trump election. And you’d love to do it again in ’23 and ’24. Don’t blame you.

      Tried to listen to the recording of Anderson on WRVA this morning and the site seems to be swamped. He’s getting heard.

      Count me and my wife among those who are done with the GOP until he leaves. No money, no volunteer work, nothing. Somebody call Rich Anderson….

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        We are grateful for your reservation and recognition of the damage done to the GOP. Small blessing.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It wasn’t his face that JD kissed. Cheek works.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        You are exactly right. Trump threw a wrench into the gears of the Democrats plan to coronate Hillary Clinton. For that, I’ll always be grateful to him. However, his value to the Republican Party (and to America) has now passed. It’s time for Trump to ride into the sunset.

        1. Or be carted off…

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Or be carted off …

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Got a lot of quotes here but let’s hear from Kerry… what say YOU!

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You just did. She wrote the column.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Can you give me some of HER words directly not providing quotes or repeating what others said?

        In other words, what is HER position on Trump?

        How about yours while we at it?

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    The thing is …… that Trump is no different today than he was way back when he did the debates, ran for POTUS and won.

    He’s the SAME GUY he always was and remains.

    And the GOP … LOVED HIM almost to the man/women… except for a few pesky never-Trumpers.

    So what has changed that GOP folks are headed for the exits?

    what’s different?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      What’s different?

      Hillary Clinton is no longer his opponent.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      1) He lost his own reelection and it was 110% his own fault and 2) in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 and now 2022 he proved a huge liability to others down ballot. Thank goodness in 2021 he pretty much stayed out of VA. Then Jan 6, which tore it for me. Again, remember it was a host of Republican electeds all over the country who thwarted his efforts at sedition, up to and including Mike Pence. They don’t expect any thanks from the likes of you and other partisans. They did what they did because Trump was clearly in the wrong. Worked out for Kemp, didn’t it?

      I think back over what his administration actually DID over the four years and much of it I liked. I have never agreed 100% even with a GOP president. But somewhere back years ago I made a comment here that I expected he would rip the party apart and he has.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        More than a few had serious concerns about Trump and his behavior/demeanor and words he spoke – early on.

        Other folks did not seem to believe what he said was who he was. They’d say something like ” Oh , he just talks bad” and those who don’t understand have TDS. Some continue to say this right here in BR!

        But there was no surprise at all on Jan 6 for me. He was doing what I thought he would when faced with the election loss.

        And LOOK at how many GOP – right now today – continue to say the election was stolen!

        I just don’t think Trump is any different today than he always was from the get go.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I don’t disagree with that. But first and foremost elections are choices, and Hilary was the only Democrat in the whole country who could lose to him and she did. Four years later Befuddled, Hidin’ Biden proved it was true that anybody else could take him out. But it wasn’t by much, was it.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I don’t disagree with that. But first and foremost elections are choices, and Hilary was the only Democrat in the whole country who could lose to him and she did. Four years later Befuddled, Hidin’ Biden proved it was true that anybody else could take him out. But it wasn’t by much, was it.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            Frankly if it weren’t for COVID the lack of campaigning that POTUS Biden did might have had him come up short.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            All Trump had to do to win was not get sick. Having gotten sick, it didn’t help when he belittled the risk. Everybody knew he got the kind of treatment none of the rest of us would ever get.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            Pretty SOP there, I mean that defines the entirety of Congress or the Federal Government.

            They are always for me, not for thee.

            Trump isn’t a result, he’s a symptom of the people feeling unheard by their elected officials.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “Just enough to win.”

            I think that’s the punchline.

        3. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I don’t disagree with that. But first and foremost elections are choices, and Hilary was the only Democrat in the whole country who could lose to him and she did. Four years later Befuddled, Hidin’ Biden proved it was true that anybody else could take him out. But it wasn’t by much, was it.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            And now the star of weekend at Bernie’s says he’ll run again.

            Trump II vs Biden II?

            I’d probably have to vote for Trump again.

          2. I’d probably write-in Calvin Coolidge…

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            I wrote in a marvel character in 2016 and abstained in 2020.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            I wrote in a marvel character in 2016 and abstained in 2020.

          5. DJRippert Avatar

            And now the star of weekend at Bernie’s says he’ll run again.

            Trump II vs Biden II?

            I’d probably have to vote for Trump again.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Newspeak analysis: Republicans saved the nation from Trump. Well, now, that’s refreshing. I thought it was the Deep State that foiled the coup.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 and now 2022 he proved a huge liability to others down ballot.”

        Ballot? Down ballot? He proved a huge liability to the country. Country? World.

  4. joelrubin Avatar

    What took you so long? Trump has been a cancer on the nation for seven years and yet you RINOs sat back and let him destroy your party because, like McConnell said, he was bringing more voters, like the Oath Keepers and KKK, into the fold. January 6th was the evidence. And yet, like Anderson says, you were too timid to call him out. You had to wait until the voters spoke Tuesday to finally see and say the obvious. Governor Youngkin should not have campaigned for election deniers. But he’s learning. Rookie mistake.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      But as I said, Joel, January 6 was the Day of Redemption for many Republicans who resisted his efforts to subvert the election.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I dunno. Even AFTER Jan 6, he continued to have a crap-load of GOP supporting him and they actually sought to “normalize” it as not much different than when the Dems “claimed” Gore’s election was stolen.

        I don’t think the folks abandoning him today are doing so over his actions but rather he looks to have lost his “juice” and they’re gonna glom on to DeSantis who walks and talks like Trump in many respects – a MAGA guy!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but the only one of those I know had the common/American decency to leave the party. If you’re still a registered Republican, you’re compliant.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          No party registration in VA. 🙂

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I didn’t say he was in Va. I’m not certain I know a decent Republican in Va. 😊

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I am not certain you actually know any Republican in Virginia.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’m a member of a yacht club. I’ll let you retract that.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar


          5. Well played, sir.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Trump has been a cancer on the nation for seven years and yet you RINOs sat back and let him destroy your party because, like McConnell said, he was bringing more voters, like the Oath Keepers and KKK, into the fold.”

      Ya’ll must think there are millions of KKK members alive and well today. There aren’t, they are small fringe group of people that don’t align to anything but their own views. The continued drum beat of calling those who don’t agree with you politically, racist, fascists’, NAZI’s and all other forms of bottom feeders is hyperbolic. It also isn’t likely going to get anyone to cooperate with you on anything.

      1. joelrubin Avatar

        But GOP leadership wasn’t refuting any group, publicly, only in private as Anderson says. It was the deep dark secret. That’s what was turning off right of center voters. The seemingly Trump-run GOP was silent on all the creeps that were paying allegiance to him, making it look like the party was okay with all comers. And Anderson is now catching crap for speaking the truth. GOP needs a cleansing but it will be hard. Waiting for Trump’s social media post dissing the Delegate from VB.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Projection is a heck of a drug and you’ve now just doubled down on BS.

          New flash, who cares what Trump, thinks, does or says. He’s irrelevant, the only reason he’s still around is because you want him in the picture, because your candidates can’t run on policies or positions.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Matt, he won’t let himself be irrelevant. He has taken his egocentricity to the level of madness.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            I’m aware that he won’t, but he is bolstered by the fact that the media and Democrats must keep him in the picture, merely because their policies and candidates are sh*t.

            If he’s not the cornerstone, they don’t have an election strategy.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Excellent strategy, Joel.

          Get the Republicans to reject a huge portion of their base because they like the policies Mr. Trump put in place. He was the first national politician since Reagan who actually listened to the voters more than the press in his first term.

          Clinton learned, but not until his party lost the House for the first time in 40 years.

          That has to be balanced with the fact that Trump is an egomaniac with no fixed principles other than self-aggrandizement.

          I publicly divorced him here over his reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

          But that was just at that time his latest insult to civilization. His last nine months in office sealed it for me. The way he reacted after losing was utterly unacceptable.

          It is possible, indeed necessary, to inform the voters that the party rejects him personally because of his descent into madness.

          We do not reject the policy positions of his first three years in office.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Yeah, ya gotta itemize those policy decisions that can be directly attributed to Trump. Put ‘em on the GOP platform for 2024. Who will articulate them during the 2024 Presidential debates? Oh, I forgot, the GOP is not participating. If you tickle us, do we not laugh?

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A useful cancer. Wow, that shows how really diseased they are.

  5. Now they want to dump Trump, after the debacle from Tue.? Not after he and his supporters actively tried to engineer a coup…nope, not after that. Only after he became a political drawback…gross

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yep. zero scruples for GOP… none of what he did matters as long as it got them power… now that he’s lost his “juice” screw him…. I guess that’s “politics”.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Ask Jimmy Carter.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hey no. If that coup had been a success the Naz, er, I mean Republicans would have been happier than pigs in pooh.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hey no. If that coup had been a success the Naz, er, I mean Republicans would have been happier than pigs in pooh.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Then why did some REPUBLICANS thwart it?

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Then why did some REPUBLICANS thwart it?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You mean Pence?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            “Some” is the operable term. Far too many, like the 147 GOP Congressional votes to reject AZ and PA electoral results, and a pack of cult/coup lawyers crafting cockamamie legal theories outnumbered the “some.” Some of the some like Cheney and Kizinger were marginalized and cast out.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, I was thinking more that Pence had neck skin in the game.

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      Stop with the idiotic coup talk. You don’t launch a coup with people armed with flagpoles. Coups are launched by heavily armed people willing to fight and die for their cause. Hardly the situation on Jan 6. When Democrat Andrew Jackson defied the US Supreme Court asking where their army was … THAT was a coup.

      1. It was a coup, dummy. The Capitol attack was just one piece.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          INdeed, He ignores the plan to declare martial law…and have DOD enforce it.

          3rd world coup out the wazoo and DJ opines about Hillary!

          on top of claiming that Trump was a better alternative than Hillary!!

          In what universe would Hillary come within a mile of what Trump did and would have done if he could have convinced Pence and you-know-who on SCOTUS?

          TDS? How about HDS?

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Um, how do you regard the team of cult/coup lawyers with illegal pleadings and strategies as another arm of the “takeover”; or the 147 GOP votes in Congress. Some idiotic coup talk encompasses more than the violent assault upon the Capitol. A little civil chicanery combined with a little violent attack was at least coup-like. Your apologia is short by only heavily armed people…oh, gee the rioters had a cache of arms stashed at the motel.

        1. Just out of curiosity, what is an “illegal pleading”?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Court rules require attorneys to verify allegations; when objectively evaluated points of pleading are determined to be unsupportable, judges can dismiss the complaint. Federal judge Linda Parker (MI) found the pleadings by nine Trump attorneys so outrageous, she referred their names to their state bars as possible disciplinary matters for violating attorney ethical codes.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            To clarify: illegal means not sanctioned by the rules which was the basis for 60+ of the Trump lawsuits to be tossed. Pleadings require citations of facts to sustain a complaint.

          3. Actually, illegal means in violation of the law.

            The pleadings in question were apparently unsupportable, and it may very well have been unethical for Mr. Trump’s attorneys to put them forth, but I do not think they were illegal.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            They were unethical but not illegal, for a lawyer he throws terms that have meaning around like they are nothing.

  6. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    The weakness of your position is revealed when all you can do is vilify your opponent. What democrat/communist policies are better than Trumps?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Um, all of them!!!

  7. killerhertz Avatar

    Republicans are losing VA because of northern Virginia. It has nothing to do with Trump.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Observably wrong. Check the election results for the last 10 years from Henrico County. They have gone from red to blue.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Richmond is growing and It’s a liberal suburb of Richmond? How does this surprise you?

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        Okay Mitch

  8. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    A lot of people are realizing Trump is now all about Trump.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Trump never had a doubt about his priorities.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Trump was like Joseph Stalin. A bad man who was a better alternative than an even worse person. Once the worse person was defeated Trump’s negatives came to the fore.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Stalin “was.” Trump “is.”

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Trump didn’t murder millions in the name of ideology, there is no comparison and to make one does injustice to the millions he murdered.

          I’d expect nothing different from someone who couldn’t pass a history class if he was given the answers.

  9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock


    1. joelrubin Avatar

      You can accept his policy positions if you like while telling him clearly that he is not the right person to implement them. If he was, he’d be the President right now. The issue for “Republicans” today is whether the tent is big enough for ones who will only vote GOP if Trump is involved and those who, like Tim Anderson and now Chris Saxman (see his blog), understand that Trump’s domination is a death sentence in many races across the country. Yes, Trump can get Marjorie Taylor Green elected easily but Herschel Walker??? Please James.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Joel, one measuring stick is that Democrats would be inconsolable if Donald Trump died tomorrow. Republicans would not.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Nah!!! Many Dems would say sumpin’ dumb like Youngthing’s comment on the Pelosis. Republicans might substitute DJT to be the new elephant in the room.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            Youngkin’s comment about Pelosi was blown out of proportion and he personally apologized for whatever, slight it caused you supercilious windbag.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Correct- MAGA is here to stay. Can the GOP survive it?

          1. Turbocohen Avatar

            You want 4 more years of Biden Harris.

          2. joelrubin Avatar

            I would take that over four years of Trump Lake.

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          The Dems did just fine long before the Trump idiocy was born which actually evolved from the Tea Party, Evangelicals, and pro-lifers….and now known as MAGA no matter Trumps status.

          It’s the likes of Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Green,Louie Gohmert, Paul A. Gosar, Matt Gantz, etc, et al – the folks that have been hiding in plain sight and now will be front and center.

          Don’t need Trump for the Dems to have to deal with GOP idiocy. The party has morphed into something no basic Republican is.

          And you’re gonna see it on display when the GOP “organizes” the House shortly,

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    “In fact, 73% of anticipated recipients say they expect to spend their debt forgiveness on non-essential items, including travel, dining out and new tech, according to a recent survey from”

    Free vacations (paid for by others), free dinners (paid for by others), free iPhones (paid for by others).

    This is the modern Democratic Party in action. To hell with the debt. To hell with inflation. To hell with the hard working Americans who have to work to pay for the kiddie’s vacations, dinners and cellphones.

    Biden is an ass-clown of the highest order.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      So, spending now-unburdened income on “non-essential” items is bad behavior? Isn’t this the trickle-down theory of R economics?

      1. Do you not think people should be obligated to pay back loans they have voluntarily taken?

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Depends whether they were scammed or otherwise pressured into taking the funds. Yesli Vega was able to repay her student loans by declaring bankruptcy freeing up financial resources. So, some loans/debts voluntarily taken are forgiven.

          1. Clearly, you are a supporter of the politics of victimhood.

            I am not. I firmly believe that if you borrow money, you are obligated to pay it back. I have no problem adjusting payment schedules, or even offering more favorable interest rates on student loans, but complete forgiveness of student loans is wrong. It is simply wrong.

            I paid my student loans and there is no valid argument to be made for forcing me to pay the student loans of others.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      “Biden is an ass-clown of the highest order.”

      As a former clown, I am deeply offended.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      Do you recall tax-cuts under Trump not paid for plus stimulus?

      Trump tripled the debt under his watch, right?

  11. DJRippert Avatar

    I thought Trump had a monopoly on disinformation! Apparently not.

  12. The abused spouse (figuratively) has finally figured out that they are in an abusive relationship.

  13. david Beauregard Avatar
    david Beauregard

    Exhausting is the correct phrase when describing the era of President Trump and his role in our country’s continuing world leadership. It is time to move on. Thank you, President Trump.

  14. George  Walton Avatar
    George Walton

    Agree. Trump’s time has passed. Time to move on to someone younger and less abrasive.

  15. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Tim who? And why am I supposed to care what he thinks?

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      He’s on his way to becoming a force in Va. politics.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Clearly one of the strongest in the recent class of legislators.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Well can he do this? If he can’t he should stay home and count sea shells.

  16. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The come-to-Jesus revelation by formerly faithful Republicans to “let us rid ourselves of the meddlesome Trump prelate” is refreshing. Some persistently cling to the woke notion that Dems will not thrive without Trump. But that too may pass away.

  17. Tim Anderson for Prez.

  18. Merchantseamen Avatar

    “Trump hurts the Virginia GOP’s chances of taking the General Assembly back.”

    Virginia GOP are the ones hurting the chances of taking the General Assembly back.” Younkin is milk toast to the likes of both Trump and Desantis. Lindsey graham from SC did more damage than Trump did by announcing a federal ban on abortion. Remember the GOP establishment always snatches defeat from the jaws of victory…every time. As the Socialist DemonRats circle the wagons to protect the nitwits. The Repukes are fighting amongst themselves. The Dim nitwits are celebrating.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You’d probably admit that 98% of what you’ve said is blather, right?


      ” Remember the GOP establishment always snatches defeat from the jaws of victory…every time. ”

      so this is a never-TRump problem?

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