DeGrowth – Shrinking to Survive THEN Prosper

DeGrowth is a resurgent survival strategy for contemporary civilization.

First, the consumption footprint must shrink so that most do not have to perish for a few to survive. THEN DeGrowth advocates movement to a Steady State Economy where consumption matches sustainable and renewable resources so that ALL have the opportunity to prosper, not just a few at the top of the Ziggurat.

At the end of March 500 citizens turned up in Barcelona for the second International Conference on Degrowth (aka, DeGrowth, a topology that makes it clear the topic is ‘growth’).

It is not surprising that about 150 – 30 percent of the total – registered as being ‘from Spain’ including 19 who wanted it known they were ‘from Catalonia, thank you’ (New Urban Regionalism at work within the EU).

It may be of comfort to Euro bond holders that the other PIGS were not as well represented (Portugal – 4, Ireland -1 and Greece – 2). There were 9 representatives from the US including both Richard Register from EcoCities and Brian Czech from the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE).

In April of this year a similar gathering was held in Vancouver. The Vancouver New Urban Region is number 4th on the 2010 Mercer Quality of Living Survey Best 50. Barcelona is #44, Paris is # 34.

The First International DeGrowth conference was held in Paris in 2008. The Paris conference produced a declaration that defines ‘degrowth’ as “a voluntary transition towards a just, participatory and ecologically sustainable society.” In other words, enlightened self-interest for the majority.

The declaration states that “if humans do not bring global economic activity into line with the societal needs, the result will be a process of involuntary and uncontrolled economic decline or collapse.” In other words DeGrowth is enlightened self-interest focused on what is best for ALL humans, not just a few at the top of the Ziggurat.

In an impressive display of the power of the Internet, the Barcelona conference organizers have posted a ‘virtual conference.’ This one page provides links to the visuals from many of the key presentations. The presentations are well founded in science and history. There is data on topics that range from Happiness to the Wealth Gap and from Equity to the History of Steady State Economy. Those familiar with the work of Florida and Reich will feel right at home. Go to and judge for yourself.

Enterprise Media did not seem to be interested in covering the Barcelona conference. Information about the conference turns up via Google but there are no obvious links to Enterprise Media outlets. Wikipedia has a detailed summary of ‘degrowth’ and documents why DeGrowth is a ‘resurgent’ survival strategy.

The OVERARCHING perspective of DeGrowth is that CONSUMPTION cannot exceed the capacity of renewable resources, PERIOD.

Most of the participants seem to assume that humans are already in OVERSHOOT. OVERSHOOTERS have been temporarily living off of the consumption of Natural Capital. For this reason SHRINKING consumption is the FIRST step to a sustainable trajectory. (The HOME movie that Groveton recommended is a good place to get a beautiful overview of this reality.)

The overall objective of DeGrowth that can be gleaned from the presentations is to peacefully and equitably evolve lower per capita consumption AND lower number of consumptors through enlightened self-interest including birth control via pillow talk – not war, famine or state dictates.

This goes far beyond the typical concern for ‘conservation and only ASAP in Charlottesville seems to be addressing this issue in the Commonwealth.

The Bottom Line is that it will not be possible to maintain civilization with great disparity between per capita wealth at the top of the Ziggurat and those at the bottom. Further, Balance must exist within the Ziggurats of Community, Region, MegaRegion, Continent or Globe scales.

On the specific topic of “growth”:

To quote Edward Abbey:

“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.”

Perpetual growth of consumption is not just impossible, to advocate perpetual growth of consumption is immoral.

Growth and prosperity for a specific:

Ethnic group ( Hitler / Aryans )

Self appointed and / or hereditary ‘leaders’ (North Korea)

Governance philosophy (communism for example)

Religious belief (you choose one) or

Economic system

Is not possible in ‘flat’ world with wide-spread literacy, instant communications / information dissemination and weapons of mass destruction.

As noted at the outset:

DeGrowth is a resurgent survival strategy for contemporary civilization. First, the consumption footprint must shrink so that most do not have to perish for a few to survive. THEN DeGrowth advocates movement to a Steady State Economy where consumption matches sustainable and renewable resources so that ALL have the opportunity to prosper, not just a few at the top of the Ziggurat.

That was the idea of the Founding Fathers except that ALL did not include slaves of either sex, females of any class and most of the males that did not reside at the top of the Ziggurat.

Humans have come a long ways, baby. But they have even farther to go to a sustainable trajectory.

It is the perspective at SYNERGY is that DeGrowth will only succeed when there is a Critical Mass of citizens that understand the need for Fundamental Transformations in settlement patterns, in governance structure and in economic systems.

That perspective is based on an idea that is 2,300 years old and first articulated by Aristotle:

Human settlement patterns are organic systems.

The evolution of organic systems must be founded on an understanding of those systems and must start at the smallest scale – the Unit, the Dooryard, the Cluster, the Neighborhood, the Village and the Community and work UP. Dictates from the nation-state down do not work. See TRILO-G: How to Make the World a Better Place One Alpha Community at a Time.


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  1. “if humans do not bring global economic activity into line with the societal needs, the result will be a process of involuntary and uncontrolled economic decline or collapse.” In other words DeGrowth is enlightened self-interest focused on what is best for ALL humans, not just a few at the top of the Ziggurat.

    What this sounds like is that if we do not have controlled shrinkage of economic activity then we will have uncontrolled shrinkage of economic activity.

    Reminds me of Tom being explained to the difference between heaven and hell: that in heaven all a boy had to do was fly aroud in white robe and play a harp but hell was filled with snakes and rats and all sort of other nasty things.

    Tom allowed as how he preferred the other place.

    What this sounds like is that a few people who think they have enlightened self interest also think they are smart enough to:

    a)know what is best for all humans

    b)to control involuntary economic decline or collapse (and probably a lot worse things than that) while

    c)simultaneously convincing the entire world to make do with less through voluntary economic decline (or at least that part of the world that has any capacity to make do with less).

    Degrowth is only a survival strategy if you can make sure someone else does the degrowing.

    The idea that you can peacefully and equitably evolve lower per capita consumption AND lower number of consumptors seems to me to be internally inconsisent.

    What is your level of equity when you are one of the consumptors who gets euphemistically "lowered". What are the odds of that guy getting "lowered" peacably?

    And once you eliminate him and his consumption, what makes you think someone else won't want it (his consumption)?

    Yep, Human settlement patterns are organic systems, and organic systems eat each other.


  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Mr. Risse, I do not have a PHD in anything but at this moment I am wondering if this country is comfortable with the degrowth of the Louisianna coastline and points north so that we might all continue consuming fossil fuels?

  3. Groveton Avatar

    The funny thing is that this is an area where a lot of people on the left and right agree. Those on the left see "degrowth" as an ecological imperative. Those on the right see "degrowth" as a way for shrinking deficits, especially the trade deficit, by reducing the importation of foreign oil.

    The big challenge is to get people from differing political viewpoints to come together. To that end, I am very eagerly awaiting Jim Bacon's Boomergeddon book. Nobody would call Jim a liberal. However, I am expecting to read some "progressive" ideas as possible solutions to the problems he will decsribe in Boomergeddon.

    If you want lower defecits you need to make government smaller (even if you also want some achievable tax hike too). To get a smaller government you have government do less. I think there is some conection between better human settlement patters and smaller government although I've never fully thought through the details. However, if those details could be determined and communicated there would be a natural alliance between the environmentalists and the small government types. The Green Tea Party?

  4. Anonymous Avatar


    So there you have it!

    Prof. Risse lays out the prospect and the process of DeGrowth and evolving a sustainable trajectory for civilization.

    And in the first comment, ‘RH’ (aka, hydra – how appropriate!) profiles the challenges that citizens face if they are to avoid collapse.

    According to Risse, if a Critical Mass of citizens emerge to support DeGrowth at Cluster / Neighborhood / Community / etc. scales then there is hope.

    According to the gospel of RH, a Critical Mass of citizens will emerge to support the sarcastic, selfish and immoral perspectives articulated by RH and citizens will be on the road to Collapse.

    It is too bad that someone who claims to be a scientist, to have an education and has the ability to search the internet for scraps of pseudo-supporting material has taken the dark path.

    It does not matter if this is their personal view or is paid for by some larger mob.

    It does not matter if the proponents are loners who channel male wolverines or are groupies like a school of piranhas, Swift Boaters, TeaBaggers and those who put Jim DeMint’s ‘democratic’ opponent on the ballot. The result will be the same.

    Under the selfish and immoral option, the current declared wars (Iraq, Afghanistan) will escalate, tribal conflicts (most of Africa and the Middle East) will intensify, ecological pillaging in search of dwindling resources will intensify, rogue nation-state aggression (North Korea, Iran) will include use of weapons of mass destruction, the secrets of diplomatic duplicity (planet-wide) will generate new conflicts and predatory capitalism will be called progress.

    Neighbor will fight neighbor, community will fight community, Region will fight Region over the declining scraps of resource. In fifty years there will be little left. In one hundred years clans will be fighting clans and tribes will be fighting tribes. And they will be doing it with spears and stones just as Einstein predicted.

    It all gets back to those genetic proclivities about which Dr. Risse muses:

    Will the genes that got humans to this point prevent them from going farther?

    RH says the end is straight ahead – and then straight down.


  5. E M Risse Avatar
    E M Risse

    Anon asked:

    “Mr. Risse, I do not have a PHD in anything but at this moment I am wondering if this country is comfortable with the degrowth of the Louisiana coastline and points north so that we might all continue consuming fossil fuels?”

    You may not have a PhD but you know how to lay a mean trap.

    EMR would restate the question:

    “Mr. Risse, I do not have a PHD in anything but at this moment I am wondering if this country is comfortable with DESTROYING the Louisiana and Gulf coast so that we might all continue consuming fossil fuels”

    The tragic answer to that question is that while few citizens (around 20 percent) would answer this revised question ‘yes,’ THE CUMULATIVE IMPACT of actions by the other 80 percent say ‘YES.’ Especially decisions on human settlement patterns.

    On the other hand, DeGrowth would enhance the Louisiana Bayou Country. In fact there are isolated examples of applications of DeGrowth by dedicated citizens, at least there were the last time EMR was there.

    The irony is that in 1972-75 the State of Louisiana paid for an overarching conceptual plan to detoxify and protect the Gulf Coast AND produce (and import) petrochemicals within an environmentally safe context.

    Just Google “Down Memory Lane with Katrina” it is the first item up.

    NB: This column does NOT specifically discuss The Louisiana SuperPort which was a big topic at the time (1972-1975) and drilling in the Gulf was not the issue it is today. However the strategy did discuss the dangers of a spill and the need to take every reasonable precaution including containment and the sorts of standards that Norway and others employ now but that BP avoided and changed to save money.


  6. James A. Bacon Avatar
    James A. Bacon

    An interesting example of de-growth on a micro level is Detroit. Apparently, the mayor is talking about retrenching the provision of municipal services to neighborhoods that can be served most cost efficiently. De-populating neighborhoods may have to revert to parkland or prairie.

    I expect we'll see a lot of de-growth in Virginia, too — mainly in the small mill towns that have lost their competitive advantage in the global marketplace. We need to devise institutions and strategies for such communities to slowly shrink to oblivion with some dignity and grace.

    Finally, it would not surprise me if we see de-growth along the metropolitan fringe of some major MSAs.

    De-growth does not have to be involuntary or coerced. That is a red herring. We can simply stop subsidizing growth in areas where it cannot be economically sustained, and stop subsidizing services where they cannot be economically provided.

    When Boomergeddon comes, we will have to make some really hard choices. Better to start laying the groundwork for the rational allocation of scarce capital now, while we have the luxury of time to prepare.

  7. James A. Bacon Avatar
    James A. Bacon

    Groveton, I just sent off the "Boomergeddon" manuscript an hour ago to the publisher for typesetting! I'm hoping we'll be able to have books available for sale through by August. You are correct in that I approach the topic of fiscal unsustainability from the perspective of a free-market fiscal conservative. But I trash a number of pet Republican policy ideas along the way, and I surprised even myself when it came to advancing the argument that we need to retrench our foreign wars and overseas commitments.

    Because the focus was on *federal* government spending, I did not spend much time discussing inefficient human settlement patterns, although the subject did come up in a couple of different places.

    Combine fiscal unsustainability with environmental unsustainability, and we're heading for some hard times.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    I think the growth in Detroit just moved to greener pastures


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