In response to several Emails requesting clarification, EMR sets the record straight:

There are fewer degrees of separation between EMR and the President-Elect Barack Obama than with any occupant of the White House since Jimmy Carter. In this case it is not understanding Carters time in public office – especailly as Governor of Georgia – but the context in which Obama grew up.

Sen. Obama graduated from Punahou School. It was two graduates of Punahou (Class of ‘59) while attending the University of Montana who convinced EMR he should consider going to the University of Hawaii.

EMR was studying philosophy, mathematics and architecture at U of H when Barack Obama Sr. met his future wife there. Hawaii in the 1960 was not a comfortable place for Africans or African Americans. It was in some contexts a more tolerant place for children of mixed heritage but not for inter-racial marriages, especially involving Africans or African Americans.

In Hawaii published in 1959 , James Michener had glorified the racial equanimity of Hawaii. In the Fall of 1960 EMR met Michener at a small party and observed that EMR had found extreme racial profiling and tension as a student, a construction worker, bar tender and as a consumer in the Aloha state.

It was a small party and Michener seemed to take this input into serious consideration. As we all know, Michener who had moved his permanent home to Hawaii, later repudiated the cosmopolitan “golden man” idea because of the treatment his Asian American wife recieved. He moved to the Phildelphia New Urban Region.

The relevance of this? Growing up in Hawaii gave Barack Obama the perspecitve, social skills and mental toughness that could not have been obtained growing up in the oft cited crucibles of the civil rights movement. This background prepared him for the path he has taken and will serve him well in the future.

Our time in Hawaii included working as the house and yard man (not “boy,” please) for a very prominent member of the medical profession (Punahou Class of 1927) and forming friendships with a range of individuals. An inquiry or two would yield a single degree of separation.

The more important thing is that after living in Georgia, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia EMR can still say it was in Hawaii where Barack Obama grew up that race and color were the most important economic and social parameters. (Living in Mass. Mont and Calif only provide perspective :>)

By the way, the Hawaiian Islands provide incredible lessons on human settlement pattern too – if you know where to look and what you are looking at.

Obama was the best qualified person running for president in 2008. We hope that 100 years from now he is considered the best President the US of A has ever had. Given the magnitude of the problems he faces, he has that opportunity.

But the HYPE is not going to help. Hype, frenzy and in-your-face celebration as well as “we will beat the crap out of those that are aganist us next time” declartions attracts nut cases like the one who shot the President who was elected in the year Barack Obama Sr. met his future wife.

Let us hope the Agency employees hired to protect the President are better qualified than those hired to protect citizens of the Gulf Coast – “Heck of a job Brownie.” See “Katrina Yet Again” 8 September 2008.

The HYPE also attracts readers and viewers and sells advertising. It does not make the job of achieving a sustainable trajectory for civilization any easier.

How hard will that job be? Check the Business section of today’s WaPo – “The New President and the Economy” or yesterdays and today’s GVI (aka, the Dow Jones Gambling Venue Index).

And who will be helping him? See the bottom of the page the Business section. Obama’s inside advisors will include Jason Furman who says Wal*Mart is “a progressive success story.” See “Learning from Big Boxes” in THE PROBLEM WITH CARS.

Hope that clarifies EMR’s perspective.


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12 responses to “DEGREES OF SEPARATION”

  1. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    “Obama was the best qualified person running for president in 2008.” I disagree.

  2. E M Risse Avatar

    James Atticus:

    Of the ten who were on the ballot in atleast two states Obama stood out in most catigories.

    I think you will agree that not a one the ten could have gotten over 20 percent of the vote (the number who believe the Earth is flat) if they relied on the platform you outline in your recent post.

    That is why they did not run on that platform.

    There are now things like focus groups and interactive communications that weed out fringe ideas.

    That is why the two major parties sound so much alike.

    You saw what happened to McCain when he added the moose hunter to his ticket.

    Unfortunately MainStream Media has abandoned the Fourth Estate.

    Citizens do not have the information they need to make intelligent decisions in the voting booth or in the marketplace.

    Neither do the elected and appointed governance practitioners.


  3. E M Risse Avatar

    Sorry, left out a thought and corrected a typo:

    “I think you will agree that not one of the ten could have gotten over 20 percent of the vote (the number who believe the Earth is flat) if they relied on the platform you outline in your recent post NO MATER HOW MUCH THEY SPENT.

    You know that because you ran in a primary recently.


  4. Groveton Avatar

    Barak Obama will never be the greatest president the USA has ever had. Not in 10 years, not in 100 years, not in 1,000 years. That honor will always fall to General Washington – the man who defined the presidency as a non-monarchy. The man who resigned his military commission because he believed that the military should be run by civilian authority.

    Obama? Second best? Maybe. Best? No chance.

    The one, the only, the timeless – General Washington.

  5. E M Risse Avatar


    You may be right.

    Perhaps, seperated by 200 plus years, it is a meaningless comparison.

    If Obama just survives the daunting tasks ahead it will put him in the record books.


  6. Anonymous Avatar

    The best qualified candidate got eliminated in the GOP primaries.


  7. Groveton Avatar

    I was on a plane when Obama gave his acceptance speech. But I've seen clips. Was it just me or was there something of the "Oh (expletive deleted)!" in that speech. It was well delivered but lacked the swagger of the campaign trail. Maybe even a hint of back peddling?

    I like President – elect Obama and I hope he does well. But some of his campaign promises are going to be hard to accomplish.

    Ending the war. He'll have to explain that he meant Iraq and not Afghanistan. He'll end the war in Iraq but will have to add troops to Afghanistan. The inconvienient truth is that the surge worked. That's good. We need another surge in Afghanistan. That's bad. And he'll have to keep air power and a rapid reaction force in Iraq for quite a while. A long time. The Iranians need a trip wire and we're it. Think Korea. Otherwise, the Iranians will cause problems. And people will say that Obama is a lightweight. And 2012 is not that far away.

    Taxes. Houston, we have a problem. Raising the capital gains tax is the worst problem. That will really hurt the stock market. In fact, I think the last two days have included a lot of people selling before Obama raises the rate. They will keep selling. And they won't invest. And the "pension funds" and the IRAs, etc – you know, the retirement plans for "regular Americans" – will drop like a stone. The caps gain rate hike will be blamed. That's a good way to get voted out of office in the mid term elections if you are a Dem. He'll find that promise hard to keep. Maybe he can get to 20% after the mid-term but I wouldn't hold my breath on much before that. But he has an excuse – the economy is in the tank and needs more capital, not less. So, maybe deferring the capital gains tax hike can be explained. Otherwise – remember Newt?

    Ordinary income. He'll definitely raise those rates. It will be a symbolic victory. But not much money if he sticks with his $250,000 per year floor promise. In fact, not much money at all. Best case – $40B per year. More likely $20B. Why? Because there aren't that many people who make that much. And most of the money in even that rarefied category is on the high side. Really rich people don't need income. They can live off cash until Barak is long gone. And the larger group between $250,000 and $350,00 will start to engineer their incomes down. Take more vacation time instead of a raise. Go part time. It's not all that hard.

    Increase corporate taxes (aka reduce loopholes). This has some chance of working. Corporations don't vote. And there are a lot of loopholes. How about the R&D credit for technology firms? I wonder how Mrs. Pelosi will feel about that. And the windfall profits tax on big oil. Darn – a year too late. He'll get some money here but not a fortune.

    Review the budget in Washington and eliminate waste. Not a chance. He'll make some cosmetic cuts but bailout package made the government a big investor. Will they also become an operator? Bet on it. And the need for more and deeper regulation? That's a formula for bigger payrolls and spending in Washington. The size of government should be reduced. Bob Barr might have done it. Or, Ron Paul. But not Barak Obama (and not John McCain either).

    Cut defense spending. Yep. He'll do that and by a lot. Just gotta hope that none of those annoying groups in the middle east or the urals or pretty much all over the world don't act up. That could put a real dent in the "trim the Pentagon" plan. But he might get lucky. Clinton did.

    The economy. In order from inaguration – bad, terrible, unfathomably terrible, terrible, bad, OK, decent, good. Presidents get too much credit and too much blame for the economy. But Obama picked a good time to start. Like they say, "buy low, sell high". He's definitely buying low. Kind of like Clinton. The big drag will be consumer spending. EMR will get his wish on reduced mass overconsumption. Be careful what you wish for. Lookf or a new term in the American vocabulary – "stag deflation". I call a bottom in 2nd quarter 2009 with unemployment reaching a bottom two quarters later. 2010 is flat with 2011 seeing the start of a slow recovery. It won't be until 2013 or so until really good times return. But, by 2016, Obama will be a genius. Just like Clinton.

    Health care. The great abyss of America. I predict he'll make more progress on health care than anything else. It will be what he is remembered for doing. The whole system is a disgraceful mess. It needs a reformer and Obama will be a reformer. The overall quality of health care will go down for those who have it now. But it will be much more broadly available and it's growth as a percentage of the GDP will decline. And that's no mean trick considering the baby boomers are all getting old and looking for health care.

    Immigration. Amnesty for sure. Maybe not everybody but a lot. Here's a tip – when you have an aging society and a huge deficit – you need lots of people at the bottom of the age brackets working. I define the baby boomers as Americans born between 1944 and 1964. By 2016 the youngest will be 52 and the oldest 72. You can hope they stay in the workforce longer but that's a tough trick for people in their late 60s and early 70s (John McCain excepted). And the birth rate among native born Americans? Not nearly high enough. I guess you could mandat the eating of oysters at lunch for all breeding age couples. Or, you could make the immigrants citizens.

    Good luck President-elect Obama. Please be a Clinton and not a Carter. Finally – what's up with Jimmy Carter? Can't somebody shut him up? Jeez.

  8. yes… Paleeeeeze don’t be a Jimmy Carter… even though I know each and every conservative is fervently praying to their God for him to be a Jimmy Carter…..

    I don’t see a problem with cutting defense.. because if we decide we need to ramp it up – it’s done…

    heck.. if Iraq didn’t prove anything else .. it proved “victory at any cost”…

    and why do you think if Bush and his Republican choir boys whipped out their MASTER CHARGE anytime they needed to spend more money ..that Obama has to play by different rules?

    Oh I can see it now… “jeeze…there goes those Dems again.. with their deficit spending.. they’re spending like drunken sailor…, they’re spending like fiscally-conservative Republicans…

    … 9-11 apparently forgave all future deficit spending by our Republican friends cuz everytime it is brought up – they cry “no fair”… we had some issues…

    I’ll say… like slathering homeland security money like honey…

    our local fire and rescue got their share… bought thousands and thousands of dollars of treadmills and other equipment …so that they could have the same exact set of equipment at each firehouse… you know.. just in case they’re at a different firehouse and would be bamfoozled if there was different equipment onsite.

    I thought… silly me..that the Republicans were pork-cutters incorporated.. stupid me….

    so.. now.. that Obama is in there.. he’s not allowed to continue what the Republicans were doing?

    DANG! I hate it when the rules get changed.

  9. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    “We are witnessing a fundamental reassessment of the value of virtually every asset everywhere in the world. — Governor Kevin Warsh, Federal Reserve Board.”

    “For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime – two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.”

    Obama know his history.

    The Real Great Depression

    This depression led to the establishment of African and Asian colonialism, as each country sought out resources and markets, creating economic tensions which contributed to World War I.

    You should remember the other Great Depression of the 30s, and how that economic trial led to WW II.

    Now we are facing ‘the worst financial crisis in a century’. This time, the great powers of Europe and America are facing the former colonies of their past. Only now those colonies own our debt.

    If this ‘new financial architecture’ fails, will history once again be repeated?

  10. at the end of the day – a country’s productivity is fundamental.

    It’s not only technology.. it’s the institutions and institutional processes that foster producing more from less.

    The countries that have lots of low skilled labor will always have an advantage for products that can only produced with manual labor – but that is describing less and less stuff and virtually everything is now being done on advanced assembly lines using robots.

    This is what puts people out of work – in both developed and undeveloped countries and it was predicted by folks called “futurists” more than 30 years ago.

    So the job of sewing the underpants is shifting from the two hands of a human to a machine…

    and the maker of that machine – also has a market – in developing countries who would like also – to increase their productivity.

    I don’t think countries go to war over stuff like this any more than California would march on Alabama for producing cheaper cars with non-union labor or Virginia on Florida for usurping it’s Navy port stuff.

    Russia does not want Georgia for it’s economic value… and we did not invade Iraq because of economic reasons…

    perhaps I missed the point.

  11. Groveton Avatar

    Larry G:

    I don’t say what Obama is going to do is fair or unfair. I say it’s predestined. Presidents are not all that powerful. Even if they could pass laws (which they can’t) they’d still have to deal with mid-term elections. Obama (like all candidates) made big promises which he won’t be able to keep. “Read my lips, no new taxes”. I voted in this election like the all ones before. And each time I vote I tell myself the same thing – I am not voting for a Republican or a Democrat, I am voting for Thomas Jefferson. I am voting for the system of checks and balances which keeps both Republicans and Democrats from doing anything too stupid.

    Darrel’d point about war is a good one. Laarry G tries to apply logic to war – which is an inherently illogical action. When Argentina invaded the Fauklands, did they do it for the vast resources of those desolate islands? No – they did it to distract the people of Argentina from severe economic problems at home. They imagined a lightweight at 10 Downing St. They got The Iron Lady. Oil and water are both in short supply in the world. China invading Siberia for natural resources is more than the stuff of pulp fiction. It is the kind of thing that happens when nations get desperate.

  12. Perhaps…

    but I agree.. most wars are not at all logical….

    based on fear and passion and in some cases a jingoistic form of patriotism – and yes .. despite the Presidents apparent legislative capabilities, we all know, that he has quite enormous powers to influence people as a leader – to do things like go to war.. and only years we realize just how costly the consequences of doing so were.

    Further.. we also know that the commander-in-chief can not only order domestic spying…but keep it secret… and tell the curious in Congress to go “fish”.

    Further.. a President can order the kidnapping of any citizen, American or otherwise and have him/her held without charges, in secret or renditioned to be tortured in another country or put on one of our military bases on foreign soil and have the deed done.

    so, I’d not seek to portray a President as relatively toothless after having seen for 8 years just how powerful that office can actually be.

    I think Groveton is thinking of a kinder/gentler President but I only point out that he does not have to be.. and has enormous power that he can wield if he so chooses – which includes going to war for under false pretenses – not at all an unlikely concept.

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