Defund the Police? Heck No.

by Kerry Dougherty

It was easy to miss. Buried near the bottom of page 2 in Monday’s Virginian-Pilot was a five-paragraph story headlined, “Officials: Va Beach police fatally shoot man during domestic dispute.”

Pay attention, because the volatile situation at the heart of this news report is repeated night after night in big cities and small towns all across America, while the rest of us sleep peacefully in our beds.

According to the report, police were summoned to a “violent domestic situation” on Sunday morning at 4:30 a.m. in the 300 block of Garrison Place. Once there they encountered a man with “bladed weapons” — I’m guessing these were knives or machetes, although I suppose they could have been swords. Naturally, the man refused to drop the sharp objects when ordered to, hastening his death.

The guy then grabbed a woman — again, I’m guessing this was his wife or girlfriend, probably the person who had called the police — dragged her into another room and barricaded the door. The woman was screaming for help so the police officers broke down the door, found the victim badly injured and they shot the man.

The woman is in the hospital.

We’ve all seen videos of police officers behaving badly — the exception, not the rule — and those rogue officers need to be removed from service and punished. But the explosive situation in this Virginia Beach home is far more commonplace: A woman was being menaced by a violent lover or husband and she called the police to save her life.

It’s only when the psycho refuses to let her go that the police are forced to fire their weapons.

Ask any cop about the most unpredictable and dangerous calls they get and they’ll tell you those are domestic disputes. As the officers approach the situation they have no idea what sort of hellscape they’re entering.

The only thing they know is that someone is in peril and needs their help.

An April 2018 a USA Today story headlined, “Domestic Abusers. Dangerous for Women — And Lethal for Cops” reported that these calls are the most deadly – for police.

In 2017, more officers were shot responding to domestic violence than any other type of firearm-related fatality, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. From 1988 to 2016, 136 officers were killed while responding to domestic disturbances such as family arguments, FBI data show. By comparison, 80 were killed during a drug-related arrest in the same period.

The Beach police officers who drove in the dark Sunday morning to answer the call, were not hurt. They have families and wives or girlfriends who want them home when their shift is over. They have kids who need and love them. They have friends and neighbors.

Defund the police? Heck no. They’re what stands between predators and the women and children they beat, rape and kill.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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22 responses to “Defund the Police? Heck No.”

  1. The Washington Post maintains a database of all the people killed by police. I wonder if anyone maintains a database of people whose lives have been saved by the police. Does anyone maintain a database of how many black people (black women, for the most part) whose lives have been saved by police?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      why is the POST maintaining such a database and not the government and why are such reports 2 and 3 months after the fact in being released?

      Kerry is right about domestic violence but what numskull , after all this publicity about bad behavior – again commits bad behavior – knowingly on camera?

      Yes, we can – and SHOULD say that 99% of the police do right and good so why do we insist on obfuscating timely processing of the cases that we KNOW are, if nothing else, nightmare PR problems that actually cause harm to the overall good of the police.

      By consistently and ignorantly continue to try to protect the bad apples – they denigrate their good policing.

      It makes no sense. (and “defund” the police makes no sense either).

      We got enough stupid to go around and then some.

      1. the FBI does maintain such and provides the annual report.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          ” Fewer than half of law enforcement officers nationwide are submitting information to a database designed to track when they use lethal force or seriously injure someone. While more than 6,700 state, local and trial agencies contribute to the National Use-of-Force Data Collection, the FBI said, as of May 29, that covers just over 40% of the “nation’s sworn law enforcement officers.”

          1. I’m not sure what you are trying to imply, but the database to which you are referring is new. It has been in existence for a little more than 20 months.

            The FBI has been collecting data via other means on officer involved lethal force and injuries for decades. Until the database is fully implemented they will continue to use those other means to provide a complete picture.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            They’ve got the database. Is police reporting mandatory or voluntary and are all police reporting?

          3. You just said yourself that not all police are reporting.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            no. was not I that said that. I try to quote sources that provide the information.

            The bigger point here is if folks KNOW that not all police are reporting all the data – then why are they suggesting that the data is good and reliable for showing police behaviors?

          5. Who are the “they” who are suggesting the data is good and reliable?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          often right here in BR when this subject is discussed:

          ” the FBI does maintain such and provides the annual report.”

          ” The Washington Post maintains a database of all the people killed by police.”

          if we know that not all police actually report their data to the FBI – why would we believe that they’d report it to WaPo ?

          the point here is that the data on the databases folks are citing – here in BR and in other places – is known to be not complete.

          Yet we cite that data as if it is …. and it means something – proves something about police behaviors on use of force…

          Until we get good data – we really do not know enough to be citing the data collected as authoritative.

          This is a big problem. Why are the police not required to report it in the first place?

          And why is the FBI even releasing that data – that can be misconstrued if they KNOW it’s not complete?

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I wonder who will wear this “victim’s” name on their sportsball uniform this year?

  3. Here are some figures from the 2019 Crime in Virginia report.

    – 6,259 of 9,282 aggravated assaults in Virginia took place in the residence/home. That’s two-thirds of all aggravated assaults. The definition of an aggravated assault is an unlawful attack wherein ” the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness.”

    – African-Americans are disproportionately like to be victims of aggravated assault, comprising roughly half of all female and half of all male assault victims, far in excess of the 20% of the population they comprise. (Whites comprise most of the other half; assaults upon Asians or other races are negligible.)

    1. But just think how much more peaceful the outcome would have been if a Feminist studies-major Social Worker had responded and asked the perp to ‘explore his feelings’ while welding the bladed implement [weapon is such a harsh term which implies so many bad things].

      1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
        Baconator with extra cheese

        “Bladed implement” may also lead to a biased police response. I pose we use “vegeation management device” for a machete or “food preparation device” for knife.

        1. i stand corrected. let me update my Webster’s WOKE-DIC

      2. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

        What a biased and inappropriate set of assumptions, kls59!

  4. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    The concept is to reduce funding for police to essential public safety needs – which includes responding to domestic disputes. I think an interesting stat might be what percentage of police time on the average is spent on responding to 911 calls versus general patrolling, traffic enforcement, insurance reports, etc. I suspect it is a very low figure when viewed across an entire department. Not every LEO duty requires an armed officer who licensed by the state to terminate a life in our name – most likely do not.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      I agree. Get rid of police patrols and send cleanup crews, a coroner’s assistant to pick up the body, and a detective (during normal working hours to save on overtime) to make an attempt at holding someone accountable (I believe Chicago solves about 30% of homicides). No need to intervene and potentially step on toes of those involved in minor disputes like dometic violence with “food preparation devices” involved or larceny.

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie


      2. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        So how many crimes like larceny are actually stopped by cops on patrol? I’ll have my money back and reduce the number of agents licensed to kill at will roaming the streets, thank you very much. As you noted, even when they do respond and “investigate” they rarely solve any crimes or hold anyone accountable. We would be better off with an insurance adjusters guild in most cases.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          but they’re saving lives and property! There’s gonna be “breakage”!

          Our problem is that out of all the other industrialized countries on the planet – our police kill far, far more people.

          it could be because there are more guns… dunno

  5. My guess is that the criminal killed by the police in this incident was white.

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