by Joe Fitzgerald

“Defund the police” is a stupid slogan.

Give its proponents the benefit of the doubt, however. Maybe what they meant was return police to their core mission of protecting life and property, remove their frequent role as social worker or mental health counselor, demilitarize their responses to all but the most dangerous situations, and soften the qualified immunity defense. It’s still a stupid slogan, especially at the local level.

“Let cops be cops” might have been a better slogan if the murder of George Floyd hadn’t stoked anti-police sentiment in so many. The more rational response might have been reforms to the concept of qualified immunity, which is roughly the idea that a police officer can’t be prosecuted for a harmful or destructive reaction if he thought he was doing the right thing. “Defund the police” seems predicated more on the idea that all police are bad or that paying them less will improve policing or that having fewer of them will reduce crime.

The attitude behind the slogan on the left is half of a symbol of the polarization that keeps government from accomplishing anything. The other half is the anti-teacher sentiment on the right. Public safety and education are the two largest segments of any local budget. Someone once observed that a local government is a school system with a police force. In Harrisonburg, those two segments of the city budget consume 57 percent of local funding.

The anti-teacher sentiment is growing in Rockingham County and we’re always one School Board election away from it becoming prevalent in the city. The anti-police sentiment is represented by City Council member Monica Robinson.

Robinson posted a video on her Facebook page some time back that shows an altercation in an open space in one of the schools, possibly a cafeteria or library. A student pushes his way past one teacher or administrator who is trying to block him. The teacher doesn’t try to grab him. A police officer stands by, letting the school personnel try to handle the situation. The student twice shoves and then pushes by a second teacher or administrator. Only then does the school resource officer put his arms around the student to restrain him. The student apparently trips on a chair while trying to get away from or around the officer, and they both fall to the floor.

Robinson identified the student – I won’t – and maintained that the video showed pretty much the opposite of what most observers would see. The student is apparently trying to get at another student, but Robinson says “the student was not aggressively pursuing.” She describes the fall to the floor as a “full on body slam.”

Robinson claims an expertise on the issue of school resource officers because she was part of a panel that considered possible changes to the memorandum of understanding between schools and police. The panel’s report, among other errors and absurdities, described a 56-31 percent opinion split on one topic as a majority for the 31 percent.

Neither the video nor Robinson’s misrepresentation of it came up during her campaign for City Council. She was nominated for the post in a Democratic caucus that was decided by one vote, with at least one unqualified voter allowed to cast a ballot.

While Harrisonburg slept, a strongly anti-police candidate won election to the City Council. Whether her attitudes are shared by other council members and what effect this will have on police protection in Harrisonburg is unknown.

(Worth noting: My son is a police officer. Before that, he worked in a bank. My conclusion that “Defund the Police” was a stupid slogan was formed while he worked in the bank.)

The video in question.

Robinson’s description of the video:

“This is a video of an incident that occurred at [a high school] yesterday. Now you understand why I don’t want SRO’s (School resource officers) in schools. This is an unnecessary USE OF FORCE. The fight was over, no deescalation techniques were implemented, no restraints were used, the officer went straight to a full on body slam even though the student was not aggressively pursuing, Notice how the child’s head and backeslammed into the cafeteria floor, notice how it knocked the breadth out of him, notice how the officer pointed his finger into his face and yelled at him, and notice how the other student is being gently guided away from the by a SCHOOL EMPLOYEE. What this officer did was create a greater damage here by elevating the risk for injury. Tell me where in the MOU, memorandum of understanding, it list that the SRO‘s duty is to handle fights and disciplinary issues. it doesn’t!! How do I know? Because I helped to rewrite the current MOU that is in existence … . I could go on and on, but I won’t!!”

Joe Fitzgerald is a former mayor of Harrisonburg.

Republished with permission from Still not sleeping.


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139 responses to “‘Defund the Police’ and Other Nonsense”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    “Someone once observed that a local government is a school system with a police force.”

    I liked that one! Will remember that. In Warrenton, we too spend half the local budget on these two items. We are not getting a good return on that investment. I just don’t get it. Ample resources have been made available to both institutions and they cannot get the job done.

    1. I’d add: and a zoning board for the developers.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Oh yeah. Forgot about those guys. Let’s remember the architectural review board for the historic district. Also, the town arborist. The list can go on and on when you start thinking about.

  2. If I lived in Harrisonburg right now I’d be hoping like heck that the old adage “we get the government we deserve” was not true.

  3. Defund the police was and is stupid. It also was and is a largely Democrat thing. Mr. Fitzgerald should acknowledge that.

    “Similarly, in the three polls with breakdowns by party, Democrats on average supported the “defund the police” movement 50 percent to 34 percent, and Republicans on average opposed it 84 percent to 11 percent. Granted, only about a quarter of Democrats “strongly” supported it, per Morning Consult/Politico and Reuters/Ipsos, but three-quarters of Republicans “strongly” opposed it.”

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Larry – if you ever consumed any info source other than DNC approved propaganda, you would have a chance, a slim one, of occasionally posting something close to being correct (I purposefully avoided “right” to avoid triggering your silly self).
        Defund the police hurt the people most needing police. Period. Obvious to anybody with a brain.
        Defund the FBI is not anti-law enforcement. It is anti a corrupted, politicized law enforcement agency that has strayed from its true function into a Stasi-like agency. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? Arresting abortion protesters? Tracking school boards and Latin Mass people? Smelly Walmart people? How many were there at J6? Half of the Whitmer “kidnapping” plot was FBI informants. But nobody can figure out who built the J6scaffolding early in the morning. Or laid the pipe bombs near DNC and RNC buildings. And the phone data for just that tower at just that time got corrupted… No one can figure out how cocaine got in the White House…

        Just remember – if your “team” achieves absolute control, they will be coming for you very early as your usefulness no longer exists.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” Defund the POLICE is not anti-law enforcement. It is anti a corrupted, politicized law enforcement agency that has strayed from its true function”

          that what BLM thinks also, no?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, Larry. It is what the Communist organization says. Not supported by the facts, but you do you and continue to prove you listen to only DNC approved “facts.”
            While your luxury belief causes actual harm to “marginalized” and non-marginalized people, but mostly “marginalized.”

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            When they killed King, all heck broke loose across the country making BLM a walk in the park comparatively.


          3. “When they killed King…”

            Just who is “they”?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            his killers

            ” In 1993, Loyd Jowers, the owner of a nearby restaurant, publicly began claiming that he had been part of a conspiracy to assassinate King, and that Ray did not kill King. In a 1999 civil trial, a jury unanimously concluded that Loyd Jowers was liable for the death of Martin Luther King Jr., that King was the victim of a conspiracy, and that various United States governmental agencies had conspired to murder King and frame Ray for the assassination. The King family has consistently said that they believe Ray was innocent, though this conclusion has been disputed by the United States Department of Justice.[1][2] The King family has stated that they believe the true murderer was a Memphis Police Department officer, Lieutenant Earl Clark.”


          5. As stated within that Wikipedia quote, the DOJ disagrees, and with good reason. You should read the entire report. Here’s the bottom line, however.

            “The totality of the evidence suggests that Jowers fabricated his allegations, hoping to promote a sensational account of a conspiracy to murder Dr. King.”


          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes, but at the time it happened, you can see how
            black folks felt about when the riots broke out….

            King was dead and there were no shortage of folks who had made threats and such..

            That’s how these things start.

            You see a black guy suffocated to death on TV by a policeman and bad stuff happens.

          7. The conspiracy theory you touted did not come about until 25 years after the post-assassination riots. How could it have affected the way “black folks felt” about Dr. King’s murder?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            At that time, there were a lot of conflicting views of what happened and “conspiracy” was certainly among them. I did not “tout” it, I pointed to the recorded history. It was very similar to the
            Kennedy assassination in that AT THAT TIME – there were a lot of unknowns and many differing
            thoughts and beliefs of who did it.

            You seem to be arguing just to be arguing here. I did get it right.

          9. You are the LAST person here who should be accusing anyone else of arguing just for the sake of arguing.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Let me know if you will how many conspiracy theories I have asserted here… will you?

            I debate and will not let someone continue to spout misinformation and lies which
            is rampant here…at times… you can call it what you want..

          11. What misinformation have I “spouted”?

            YOU posted a story about a conspiracy theory in an effort to back up your claim that there were multiple killers of Dr. Martin Luther King. If you do not believe this conspiracy, then why did you post it instead of simply writing “Oh, right, my bad, there was only one killer”.

            I responded to your ridiculous attempt to avoid admitting you were wrong, and you have proceeded to do nothing but dig your hole deeper.

            I think you should either admit that James Earl Ray alone shot Dr. King, or you should admit that you believe the conspiracy theory you posted – because you can’t have it both ways.

          12. What misinformation have I “spouted”?

            YOU posted a story about a conspiracy theory in an effort to back up your claim that there were multiple killers of Dr. Martin Luther King. If you do not believe this conspiracy, then why did you post it instead of simply writing “Oh, right, my bad, there was only one killer”.

            I responded to your ridiculous attempt to avoid admitting you were wrong, and you have proceeded to do nothing but dig your hole deeper.

            I think you should either admit that James Earl Ray alone shot Dr. King, or you should admit that you believe the conspiracy theory you posted – because you can’t have it both ways.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            You chose to selectively extract out of context what I said. That’s dishonest in my view.
            I never claimed there were multiple killers.. I said there were folks that believed it
            AT THAT TIME they did .. and that belief continued long after.

            What I said and still say is that AT THAT TIME – there were more than a few people who
            did NOT believe that Earl was the sole person involved.. or even that he did it.

            What you’re doing here is dishonest in my view. You need to think about what you’re doing.

          14. I never claimed there were multiple killers..

            Now who is being dishonest? You made a comment which referred to the those who killed Dr. King. I am not the only person who noticed it. You subsequently posted a Wiki story about conspiracy theories which claims multiple killers.

            You regularly insult other commenters here for posting conspiracy theories about various things. You belittle conspiracy theories in general.

            So, I have a simple question: Do you believe the conspiracy theories that there were multiple killers of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or do you not believe these theories?

            I am not being the least bit dishonest. You are angry at me because I have backed you into a corner – but it is a corner you constructed yourself.

          15. I never claimed there were multiple killers..

            Now who is being dishonest? You made a comment which referred to the those who killed Dr. King. I am not the only person who noticed it. You subsequently posted a Wiki story about conspiracy theories which claims multiple killers.

            You regularly insult other commenters here for posting conspiracy theories about various things. You belittle conspiracy theories in general.

            So, I have a simple question: Do you believe the conspiracy theories that there were multiple killers of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or do you not believe these theories?

            I am not being the least bit dishonest. You are angry at me because I have backed you into a corner – but it is a corner you constructed yourself.

          16. “I never claimed there were multiple killers..”

            Not true!

            1. You said “When they killed King…” and I called you on it.

            2. You then said “his killers” and quoted from Wikipedia with respect to disproven conspiracy theories.

            3. It wasn’t until I quoted from the DOJ report that you finally backed off.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            I was wrong to NOT say “alleged” or “believed” killers… yes.

            I did not care what DOJ ultimately said… because the beliefs about
            who did it started on the day of his murder and it was only after years
            and years of it continuing that DOJ looked more into it – not that
            different than JFK…

            It’s what people thought on the day of the killing that mattered…and
            there were folks who did think multiple killers were involved a

          18. There you go. That wasn’t so hard, was it?

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            When something like this goes on and on.. I do see why someone thought it , but
            hard to get there with all the insults and insinuations… I still think you CHOSE
            to pull one thing out of context .. and ignored the rest… just to get your “hit” in.

          20. I still think you CHOSE
            to pull one thing out of context .. and ignored the rest… just to get your “hit” in.

            Oh, and you don’t ever do that? Be completely honest with yourself, now. 😉

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            I do. But it’s wrong. I try not to but am less than perfect at it. I don’t mind admitting
            my faults or apologizing …. and I work hard at NOT engaging in personal attacks
            or Ad Homs… I TRY to stay ON THE ISSUE , not the person but sometimes in a back
            and forth it can get that way.

          22. James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, Jr.

            You probably believe the ridiculous conspiracies surrounding the Kennedy assassination also, don’t you?

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            I do not but at the time it occurred, there were all kinds of rumors and suspects of conspiracy.

            I don’t “believe” Wayne – I try to work off of facts.. and history.. Including the context of
            it AT THAT TIME.

          24. A 1993 claim by a mentally ill old man had nothing to do with what was going on AT THAT TIME in 1968.

            Unless you are in possession of a time machine you have never previously mentioned.

          25. A 1993 claim by a mentally ill old man had nothing to do with what was going on AT THAT TIME in 1968.

            Unless you are in possession of a time machine you have never previously mentioned.

          26. LarrytheG Avatar

            AT THAT TIME – on the day it happened and the days that followed BEFORE the trials, there were many unknowns and rampant theories and beliefs about who did it. Do you read or just argue for no good reason?

          27. YOU posted a story about an alleged conspiracy which was first brought up in 1993, and then claimed it backed up your opinion about what was going on in 1968.

            That is, quite simply, a complete logical impossibility.

          28. LarrytheG Avatar

            I posted it IN CONTEXT of how some folks felt AT THE TIME of his murder… and some continued
            to believe someone other than Earl did the deed.

            That’s a FACT!

            You can easily verify it by going back and reading the news reports at that time and some were
            actually around at that time and actually do personally remember such reports while others
            apparently remain ignorant about on purpose.

          29. 1993 occurred after 1968. Can you not understand that?

          30. LarrytheG Avatar

            What I also DO NOT DO is spout one conspiracy theory after another over and over… which
            is standard practice for some here.

            I cited the King Assassination with respect to the BLM issue and that it’s a continuum for black folks over time , many other times , over time, when they have been subjected to violence from police.

            BLM was not just a reaction to THAT event, it was a reaction to that event as the latest in
            a continuing series of wrongs done by police against black folks… well known and even
            admitted to by many.

          31. AT THAT TIME – on the day it happened and the days that followed BEFORE the trials, there were many unknowns and rampant theories and beliefs about who did it.

            Okay, but why did you post one that never even came about until 1993.

          32. LarrytheG Avatar

            in context guy… to illustrate that there were divergent beliefs about it and some did suspect
            a conspiracy to murder King.

            Why is this so hard for you to believe or understand.

            You’re accusing me of misrepresenting the issue by selectively extracting one thing of out
            context that I said. That’s pro-forma for some on BR did not expect it from you but
            that’s okay, I know now.

          33. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” Okay, but why did you post one that never even came about until 1993″

            NO! that belief BEGAN …ON THE DAY he was killed.

            It was not an uncommon thought among many people, especially black people who
            had seen many killings prior to that where multiple white folks were involved in lynching
            and killing black folks and hiding their identity…with white robes …

            A long standing TRUE and ACTUAL history of how blacks HAVE been murdered by
            groups of whites… whose identities were purposely hidden.

          34. You never even heard the name Loyd Jowers until he came forward in 1993.

          35. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re right BUT I did hear of the many different folks thoughts that multiple people
            might be involved in the King killing from the day it happened… and it continued…

            Blacks have been killed for decades by groups of whites – it’s not like it’s never happened
            and it was not at all unthinkable with King’s assassination… it was not an uncommon belief.

          36. Matt Adams Avatar

            To be fair, Kennedy was most likely clipped by the CIA. He pulled the plug on their op the morning of and blamed them when it failed.

          37. I don’t believe that.

          38. Matt Adams Avatar

            You’re free to have that opinion.

          39. As are you, yours.


          40. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Which has what to do with what? I was alive then. I remember it. And wasn’t “they” one white guy in Memphis?
            By the way, you know Chauvin was framed and the coroner was pressured to change the autopsy and Chauvin almost to a certainty did not cause St. George’s death, right? Has DNC media been reporting on that?

          41. LarrytheG Avatar

            You and BIll got the same disease on conspiracy theories..but I see you’ve now “found” each other! 😉


          42. LarrytheG Avatar

            can’t “unsee” Chauvin doing his thing… though…

          43. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I know this is not a Larry-approved news source, but it is based on depositions in Hennepin County as to what happened re Floyd.
            The most Chauvin should have been charged with was manslaughter. He did not have a fair trial in Minneapolis. It should have been moved.
            But here is what was happening behind the scenes… –

          44. LarrytheG Avatar

            so yet another conspiracy theory? shocker! And none other than Tucker Carlson
            said so! Geeze… double shocker!

            you’re a funny guy Walter… you talk about “my” news sources! 😉

          45. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I am bombarded with your news sources all the time, everywhere. But you obviously didn’t read the article, you just blathered, as usual.
            Let’s try the truth test.
            Does Derek Chauvin deserve due process?
            Do J6ers deserve due process?
            Is cheating in elections OK?
            How many sexes are there?
            You won’t/can’t just answer the obvious answers of Yes, Yes, No, Two.
            Have you seen any of the released J6 tapes, or does DNC media prohibit that? Did all of the J6ers railroaded so far, and 99% have been railroaded, see the exculpatory evidence? You know that violates basic court rules, and lawyer’s ethics (an oxymoron it seems for DOJ), right? And defendants’ rights? You good with that?
            Remember, when your usefulness is used up, they will come for you.

          46. LarrytheG Avatar

            If I didn’t read the article how did I know that fool Tucker Carson was involved?

            your “truth tests” are downright comical Walter…

            you talk about me reading from a script.. heal thyself!


          47. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Answers? No more sidesteps.
            And you didn’t read the article…

          48. LarrytheG Avatar

            “sidesteps” meaning to ignore the torrent of conspiracy theory rubbish that doesn’t
            deserve one word of answer? Yep!

          49. ignore the torrent of conspiracy theory rubbish that doesn’t deserve one word of answer

            So why did you tout one of your own?

          50. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. Not that I know of … did you see one?

          51. ” In 1993, Loyd Jowers, the owner of a nearby restaurant, publicly began claiming that he had been part of a conspiracy to assassinate King, and that Ray did not kill King. In a 1999 civil trial, a jury unanimously concluded that Loyd Jowers was liable for the death of Martin Luther King Jr., that King was the victim of a conspiracy, and that various United States governmental agencies had conspired to murder King and frame Ray for the assassination. The King family has consistently said that they believe Ray was innocent, though this conclusion has been disputed by the United States Department of Justice.[1][2] The King family has stated that they believe the true murderer was a Memphis Police Department officer, Lieutenant Earl Clark.”

            But I guess when YOU do it, it is not a conspiracy theory, it is fact.

          52. LarrytheG Avatar

            IT WAS A FACT – at the time of his murder that there was a lot of unknowns and no shortage of theories and ideas as to who did it and that did include conspiracies.

            Are you blind to this?

          53. 1993 came after 1968.

            Are you blind to this?

          54. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, Larry. Dishonesty. You know it. I know it. When you cannot answer obvious truth with truth, you prove you are not worthy of any credence. It’s a useful exercise for others, but I hope I am done for now and can deal with other more important issues where the fight is needed. Quit provoking me!

          55. Funny you should belittle conspiracy theories when you just put forth one of your own two comments ago.

          56. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Did you mean to reply to Larry? Not sure what conspiracy theory I said that you are referring to.

          57. And how does that defend the leftist BLM and Defund the Police protesters? Must their protests be larger and/or more violent, than past riots in order for you to recognize the damage they have done?

          58. LarrytheG Avatar

            No. It does not…. but we’ve seen it before when black folks are killed..
            it’s not a “new” or recent thing at all.

            Yes, lots of damage… that’s what happens when you have riots…and protests…

          59. it’s not a “new” or recent thing at all

            Who said it was?

          60. LarrytheG Avatar

            Folks who say BLM is a “leftist” , “Antifa” group that has no real justification as a movement.

            We’ve seen this movie before in our history and the King Riots was only one of many race riots in the US over decades….. BLM is the latest … and not at all unprecedented except perhaps in the minds
            of those who did not witness the King Assassination nor perhaps were some taught the history or pay much attention to it.

            Over the decades and centuries, black folks have been targeted for violence and abuse and they do react to it.

          61. Thank you for the [unneeded] lecture on American History. I always appreciate insults to my intelligence in the morning.

          62. LarrytheG Avatar

            I was returning the favor, your assertions were insulting also.

            But either you don’t know history or you reject it or dismiss it or something…
            You certainly don’t fold it into your view about things like BLM which
            appeared you treated as unrelated to prior history.

            Why did so many Corporations after the on-screen death of a black man also
            speak up and make changes? The death of of Floyd was not a “one-time” isolated
            event in the eyes of many… it was a graphic and stark reminder of decades of
            abuse that was finally caught on camera so it could no longer be denied.

            And videos that have followed have just further confirmed it.

            It’s not exactly a “very small number” of bad police when new videos surface
            on an almost weekly basis.

          63. When the defund the police protestors carry signs with messages like “Blue Lives Don’t Exist” how can you argue that they are not anti-law enforcement?

            Not to mention “Misplaced hate makes dogs into tacos,”. I mean, that one is completely over the top…

          64. LarrytheG Avatar

            any more or less than some of the crazies on the right with respect to J6 or the FBI?

            both sides is wackadoodle in my view. There are more sane people in the middle

            Defund the police was dumb as a box of rocks from the get go IMO…

          65. Okay.

          66. We aren’t talking about J6, we’re talking about ‘Defund the FBI’. Once again you are trying to drag extraneous crap into the discussion.

            Show me a photo of a protester holding a sign that says something like “FBI lives don’t exist”, preferably one taken at a Defund the FBI protest, and I will recognize the [heretofore false] equivalence for which you are arguing.

          67. LarrytheG Avatar

            Geeze… you don’t think the J6 folks are the same ones who think the FBI is corrupt?

            come on… there are folks on the right that are just as bonkers with the FBI as there
            are folks on the left who are bonkers on Police.

            I just there are folks in both groups with similar attitudes and beliefs …



          68. Don’t forget ACAB, it has an anti cop vibe too.

          69. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Actually, BLM is concerned perhaps less with corrupt as much as with murderous.

          70. We should all be concerned with getting rid of the incredibly small, but very damaging, numbers of murderous police officers in departments throughout this country. And most of us are.

            But that is NOT what BLM or Defund the Police are all about, and you know that.

          71. LarrytheG Avatar

            IF you are a black person and subject to “incredibly small” risk of encountering a murderous police officer and know of others who have – it’s EXACTLY what BLM is about IMO.

          72. What if I am a white person who is subject to the incredibly small risk of encountering a murderous police officer and know of others who have? Am I just out of luck in your racist world?

        2. William O'Keefe Avatar
          William O’Keefe

          Walter, I agree with you. There is no explaining stupid. Moving on, debating Larry the Gaslighter is a total waste of energy. He’s hopeless.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Conservatives in this blog are the primary folks who do personal attacks… Bill…

            you can’t debate without doing it apparently and not the only one ….

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I know. I couldn’t resist. But I did resist his usual denial of multi-generational poverty having anything to do with illegitimacy.
            This was just a different stupid take, so I let my judgment lapse!

          3. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            It’s hard not to respond. But the more that he bloviates, the less anyone pays attention to what he says.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Looked at the video, thanks for sharing. The restraint applied to that student to prevent him from assaulting someone else was minimal. The fall was accidental and, to his credit, the angry student appears to calm down quickly. (Can’t see what happens later of course.) Nobody sat on anybody’s neck.

    I suspect the political impact of the “Defund the Police” meme is proportional to the size of the community. In smaller or medium sized places, enough people have enough contacts with the police (and the officers have enough connections to the community) to make demonization harder. But that person on your city council is trying…

  5. Matt Adams Avatar

    “Give its proponents the benefit of the doubt, however. Maybe what they meant was return police to their core mission of protecting life and property, remove their frequent role as social worker or mental health counselor, demilitarize their responses to all but the most dangerous situations, and soften the qualified immunity defense. It’s still a stupid slogan, especially at the local level.”

    No, they meant defund the Police, as you can see if you look around the nations, to areas where that mantra has been emplaced, it ain’t so rosy.

    Also, if your civil rights are violated, “qualified immunity” doesn’t exist, it’s used to otherwise shield Police from unjust suits that would bankrupt them. However, if you want to discuss it, lets discuss it in regards to Politicians whom enjoy those same projections.

    I feel like a recent even where people lot their jobs because of edicts on high might be looked at.

    1. “Also, if your civil rights are violated, “qualified immunity” doesn’t exist, it’s used to otherwise shield Police from unjust suits that would bankrupt them.”

      I would think Mr. Fitzgerald would understand that.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        It’s a slogan for most people, they don’t understand the law as written.

    2. “No, they meant defund the Police, as you can see if you look around the nations, to areas where that mantra has been emplaced, it ain’t so rosy.”

      Defund AND defang. Just watch these violent protests in Democrat run cities and you will see police are not allowed to do their jobs.

  6. Return cops to keeping the peace on the streets, teachers to teaching the 3Rs, and expel troublemakers from the schools so the cops can interact with them on the cops’ terms….. win-win-win.

    1. Except that the students who are expelled will be much more black that students overall. That is always the issue that conservatives want to ignore. Rich white kids come with the “parental bubble wrap” to use Putnam’s term that protects them from the worst impacts of their actions.

      1. Cops still pinch me for speeding. Are you suggesting I should not be ticketed for my offense because others are not? Care to tell that to the judge?

        1. It doesn’t work – I learned that first-hand very early in my driving ‘career’.

        2. It doesn’t work – I learned that first-hand very early in my driving ‘career’.

          1. Me too, but somehow it still happens, although cruise control helps.

        3. One may want to look up all of the bad students that tried to show that blacks receive more tickets than whites. The racial disparity argument happens in all facets of life.

  7. Appreciate the even-handed essay.

    Policing is a hard job that is dangerous for the cops and the society they serve. We must support them while demanding a high level of professionalism. In the last half century we’ve seen a massive growth in police budgets and a legal environment that gives cops a great deal of discretion. So the support has very much been there.

    But not so much the professionalism. Police corruption and abuse of power is far too common, especially in high crime neighborhoods. Only with the rise of cell phone videos and body cameras are we starting to see social movements against bad cops. Many chiefs of police take this criticism to heart and try to police their own. Meanwhile, PBA reps openly disrespect their leaders and stage sickouts to protest. Sorry, I can’t stand with people that have such a low, self-serving, standard for their own behavior.

    BTW, I feel the same about teachers and their behavior during COVID.

    In general I support unions because I believe that they help to balance the power between workers and employers. But police unions and teachers unions have gained too much power. In an alternate universe we could find common ground to reign them both in. Right now our society is too polarized to fix either problem.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “‘Defund the police’ is a stupid slogan.“. It sure is, which is why the only people using it are the same people who say “Total ban on abortion!”

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Really? Right here in Cville, compliments of Daily Progress: What disturbed me the most was the sign on the lower right, “Blue Lives Don’t Exist”

      1. I zoomed way in on one of the brown cardboard signs because I was having trouble deciphering it. It’s still hard to read, but it almost looks like it says: “Misplaced hate makes dogs into tacos”.

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily disagree that misplaced hate makes dogs into tacos. It’s just that I’m a bit of a skeptic, and I’d like to see more evidence than a single sign at a single protest…

        EDITED: 11/29/2023 -1436

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          I tried by loading into Word and expanding, but cannot fully make it out. What I could make out was “Misplaced Hate Makes (next word seems to be Deg???) to races (then bottom is covered by hand or other things)

          1. I think I’ll stick with “Misplaced hate makes dogs into tacos”. It’s more fun…


      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They “defunded” the Scorpion Squad in Memphis.

        1. Wasn’t that ‘black-on-black’ violence?

        2. They disbanded it. I’m sure the money went somewhere else in the police department, and I sincerely doubt they eliminated any positions.


      Still going strong in 2023.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “It’s still a stupid slogan, especially at the local level.

    “Let cops be cops” might have been a better slogan…”

    Maybe “defang the police” would be better…

    1. “Reform the police” would have been even better

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Could honestly get behind that….

        Sort of related, my better half has taken to watching crime shows from Europe (Swedish, Irish, British… you name it)…. really bad tv but I digress… I noticed that the typical cop on the street is always unarmed as the standard. I wonder if that is true and, if so, if their stats on police fatalities are higher than ours. I think I know the answer but haven’t look it up yet..

        1. Last time I checked, police in Sweden are regularly armed. Those in Finland are not.

          I’m not 100% sure about Ireland and England, but I remember reading awhile back that Great Britain was planning on having some armed officers on the street at all times. I don’t know what ever became of it.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You DO see police with automatic weapons when there is a terrorist or similar incident…in many European countries… so they must have those “arms” somewhere..

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        When you watch someone die on TV under the knee of a policeman – “reform” is not the first reaction.

        1. My first reaction is to not overreact on my first reaction.

          My second reaction is “if what it looks like is going on there really is going on there, then that policeman needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law”.

          Then I wait for the results of the investigation to determine whether what it looked like was happening was actually what happened.

          I do not run out and start burning down my own neighborhood and killing people who had nothing to do with the incident.

          I was under the impression that this was proper behavior in a civilized society.

          However, since you know so much more than I about what people’s reactions to things should be, will you please be kind of enough to educate me as to what is wrong with my own reactions to such an incident?

          Perhaps you have knowledge that I do not possess regarding some actual benefit which can be realized from burning down my own neighborhood and killing people who had nothing to do with the incident.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Your first reaction as a white man who has not seen abuse to folks of your race by police over

            When people of your race have been subjected to violence and abuse for decades, your
            Reactions won’t necessarily be what someone who has never been a victim of such abuse.

            No one in their right mind believes that burning down cities – like they did when King
            as murdered was a “proper” reaction.

            But the idea that it was “wrong” is patently absurd! When something happens where
            a lot of people feel aggrieved., like an entire race, .. bad stuff happens..

            Why you don’t see this is a mystery to me. It’s like you are blind to it.

          2. No one in their right mind believes that burning down cities – like they did when King
            was murdered was a “proper” reaction.

            But the idea that it was “wrong” is patently absurd!

            Keep making excuses for senseless violence, sir. If it ever enters your life, and I pray that it does not, I doubt you will be so forgiving.

            And I don’t care what abuses someone has suffered – there is no justification for them destroying the property and/or lives of other people.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            “senseless violence” happens when great numbers of people feel aggrieved.

            I distinguish that from criminals and serial and mass killers.

            Not a question of being “forgiving”. It’s a question of understanding why
            there are a lot of people feeling they are not getting fair justice and bad
            stuff ensures. It will happen again unless we address the root causes.
            That’s on US IMO… If you do not feel that way.. I can understand why
            you may say “senseless”.

            You have to care about it and be part of it being fixed IMO or you will have no
            good excuses for when it happens again or to you.

          4. You have to care about it and be part of it being fixed IMO or you will have no
            good excuses for when it happens again or to you.

            No matter how morally superior to me you think you are, you do not get to tell me what I “have” to care about.

          5. I distinguish that from criminals and serial and mass killers.

            So it’s okay to murder an innocent person as long as you’ve been picked on by somebody else who vaguely resembles your victim?

            And that type of murder must be “distinguished” from murders committed by “real” criminals or serial killers?

            If you murder someone, you are a murderer. There is no excuse for it. And no sane person with even a sliver of a moral conscience would ever try to rationalize it. Only evil attempts to justify murder. There is nothing more to say about it.

            EDIT: 11/30 -1532

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I distinguish between regular crime and civil unrest and disorder, yes.

            no approval of murder in any form but a society that is at violent odds with each other
            is a no-go of a much more serious nature IMO.

            We are not a 3rd world country and we should not aspire to me one.

            When we have significant inequality and/or perceived inequality and it is dismissed or rejected
            by others.. it can lead to bad stuff like rioting in the streets and it won’t go away without it
            being addressed and we know this because we see what happens in other countries
            when society degenerates into disorder and widespread lawlelssness.

            murder of great numbers of people in a “movement” , civic disorder and society coming apart
            is way more a threat to way more people than murder by random individuals that are
            handled in a formal and well functioning criminal justice system IMO.

            This type of thing is going on right now in several countries around the world.

          7. You have to care about it and be part of it being fixed IMO or you will have no
            good excuses for when it happens again or to you.

            No matter how morally superior to me you think you are, you do not get to tell me what I “have” to care about.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t think I’m morally superior in any way, shape or form but I DO think we all have to care
            about the condition of our society and country if we really care what happens to any of us.

          9. My reactions are those of a rational person.

            Are you saying that Blacks are not rational and/or that they should not be expected to be rational? I hope not, because it would be incredibly racist to judge one race by a different standard from another.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m saying that when there ARE decades of systemic abuse to blacks that “rational” means
            understanding it is more than just the most recent bad stuff.

            “racist” – yes.. systemically so … for decades.. truth. Recognize it.

          11. Okay, so the grudges must be harbored forever. Got it.

  10. Let’s see . . . you take one incident in a school cafeteria and blow that into “Democrats want to abolish police forces.”

    You win today’s “Pants on Fire” award.

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