Location of Virginia's 2,919 known dams.
Location of Virginia’s 2,919 known dams. Map source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Inventory of Dams

Speaking of deficient bridges (see previous post), how about deficient dams? The potentially disastrous erosion around the Oroville dam in California, which prompted the evacuation of 188,000 people living down river earlier this week, prompted two correspondents to raise the issue with Bacon’s Rebellion.

John Butcher passed along an article noting that the Oroville dam is symptomatic of rampant neglect and deferred maintenance across the country. Writes the Peak Prosperity website:

The points of failure in Oroville’s infrastructure were identified many years ago, and the cost of making the needed repairs was quite small — around $6 million. But for short-sighted reasons, the repairs were not funded; and now the bill to fix the resultant damage will likely be on the order of magnitude of over $200 million. Which does not factor in the environmental carnage being caused by flooding downstream ecosystems with high-sediment water or the costs involved with evacuating the 200,000 residents living nearby the dam. …

Oroville is one of the best-managed and maintained dams in the country. If it still suffered from too much deferred maintenance, imagine how vulnerable the country’s thousands and thousands of smaller dams are. Trillions of dollars are needed to bring our national dams up to satisfactory status. How much else is needed for the country’s roads, rail systems, waterworks, power grids, etc?

The Smith Mountain Lake dam, owned and operated by Appalachian Power Co., rises 235 feet from its floor.

So, what do we know about the dams in Virginia? Steve Nash sent me a link to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers National Inventory of Dams. That database identifies 2,919 structures in Virginia, mostly small (less than 50 feet high), mostly earthen, and mostly privately owned. Eighty-four dams date back to the 19th century, but a large majority were completed in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.

Here’s the worrisome part: the Corps classified 468 dams as having “high” hazard potential and another 551 as having “significant” hazard potential, with another 612 undetermined. The classification of “high” hazard potential does not mean that there is a high likelihood of failure; rather, it means that failure , if it occurred, would probably cause “loss of life or serious economic damage.”

However, 2,035 of Virginia’s dams, like California’s Oroville, are made of earth, which is especially vulnerable to erosion.

According to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, which regulates dam safety in Virginia, dams must be inspected periodically by licensed professionals. If a dam has a deficiency but does not pose imminent danger, the state may issue a Conditional Operation and Maintenance Certificate, during which time the owner is to correct the deficiency. It’s not clear what happens if the owner fails to correct the deficiency. Small loans and grants are available to help cover the cost.

Presumably, within the bowels of the Virginia bureaucracy, there is documentation that would allow the public to determine which high-hazard dams, if any, are in deficient condition. Where are they are located and who owns them? If I lived downstream from one, I sure would like to know.

If any Bacon’s Rebellion reader would be willing to root around the state archives to unearth this information, please contact me at jabacon[at]baconsrebellion.com.

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4 responses to “Dams in Virginia: How Many Are Deficient?”

  1. It is interesting to note, I believe there are only 2 natural lakes in Virginia which would be the Great Dismal Swamp and Mountain Lake.

    Around here I know Burke Lake dam had some major renovations about 2 years ago. When they drained Burke Lake for the construction, it was interesting to see all the old tree stumps and roots still under water from when the trees were originally cut down to make the lake. No wonder I lose so many fishing lines to snags.

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I wonder how many of those 2,900 structures would be allowed today in this age of NIMBY and BANANA, despite their value to the economy and the ecology. Thanks TBill, I didn’t know that about only two natural lakes in VA.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    You’re going to find that quite a few dams are private dams including many that have been built as amenities for “Lake” communities.

    And the other thing I find interesting is all this talk about onerous regulations… at the same time we’re talking about ” Deficient”

    what do we want ? less regulations and less govt getting in the face of private dams… ???

    or do we want the govt to increase taxes to pay for THEIR deficient dams?

    what’s the real point here – and also with regard to other govt-built infrastructure like roads and METRO?

    what do we want he govt to do ? not build infrastructure or increase taxes to pay for maintenance if they do build it.. or what?

  4. Sidewayscaver Avatar

    Virginia dam inventory available to the public, Staff report
    Sep 7, 2018 at 3:30 PM

    RICHMOND — Virginia’s statewide dam inventory is now available to the public through a new online application. “Anyone can log into the application for information about dam locations, hazard classifications, emergency contacts and more”.

    The application is available at http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/dam-safety-and-floodplains/ds-dsis. A username and password are required for access and may be obtained from DCR.

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