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Day-care ‘Reeducation’ camps?

“Hey, Teacher, leave them kids alone!”
~ Another Brick In the Wall, Part II by Pink Floyd

The Family Foundation latest email alert, ‘Watching to Governor’s Education Initiative’ warns of Governor Warner, the NEA and VEA’s hidden agendas behind ‘pre-kindergarten education.’

“While at first glance the proposal seems innocuous, the push for government based early childhood education programs can be traced to organizations on the far left such as Children’s Defense Fund and the National Education Association (NEA). And anytime those organizations are behind something, there is more than meets the eye. It usually means that parents lose more of their rights to make decisions in the lives of their children, and government is going to spend a lot of taxpayer money.”

The Family Foundation went on to say…

“For several years The Family Foundation and other pro-family groups have fought changes to Virginia’s day care regulations supported by the Warner administration. These changes would be damaging for several reasons, including the fact that the new regulations would drive up the cost of day care already barely affordable for many families, and many faith-based day care centers would not be able to afford the changes and would be forced to close. Such a loss would be devastating to many families. Already we hear of the day care ‘crisis,’ or lack of affordable day care for many. The new regulations would add to the problem, and would likely lead to the government stepping in to provide day care, at taxpayer expense, expanding public education to the years prior to kindergarten.”

“And that’s exactly what Governor Warner, the NEA, and its Virginia counterpart, the Virginia Education Association (VEA), want. Not only will it be a gigantic money grab for government run schools, but it will also give more opportunity to the VEA to ‘educate’ children with its political agenda starting at even younger ages.”

Holy Moses and pass the cornbread — Day-care ‘Reeducation’ camps! Who’da thunk it… Hmm, hows ’bout dem ‘Educrat’ apple polishers?

~ the blue dog

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