Day-care ‘Reeducation’ camps?

“Hey, Teacher, leave them kids alone!”
~ Another Brick In the Wall, Part II by Pink Floyd

The Family Foundation latest email alert, ‘Watching to Governor’s Education Initiative’ warns of Governor Warner, the NEA and VEA’s hidden agendas behind ‘pre-kindergarten education.’

“While at first glance the proposal seems innocuous, the push for government based early childhood education programs can be traced to organizations on the far left such as Children’s Defense Fund and the National Education Association (NEA). And anytime those organizations are behind something, there is more than meets the eye. It usually means that parents lose more of their rights to make decisions in the lives of their children, and government is going to spend a lot of taxpayer money.”

The Family Foundation went on to say…

“For several years The Family Foundation and other pro-family groups have fought changes to Virginia’s day care regulations supported by the Warner administration. These changes would be damaging for several reasons, including the fact that the new regulations would drive up the cost of day care already barely affordable for many families, and many faith-based day care centers would not be able to afford the changes and would be forced to close. Such a loss would be devastating to many families. Already we hear of the day care ‘crisis,’ or lack of affordable day care for many. The new regulations would add to the problem, and would likely lead to the government stepping in to provide day care, at taxpayer expense, expanding public education to the years prior to kindergarten.”

“And that’s exactly what Governor Warner, the NEA, and its Virginia counterpart, the Virginia Education Association (VEA), want. Not only will it be a gigantic money grab for government run schools, but it will also give more opportunity to the VEA to ‘educate’ children with its political agenda starting at even younger ages.”

Holy Moses and pass the cornbread — Day-care ‘Reeducation’ camps! Who’da thunk it… Hmm, hows ’bout dem ‘Educrat’ apple polishers?

~ the blue dog

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  1. Holy dog spit! I thought Pastor John was back, then I realized it was just a Virginia Family Foundation press release (nearly indistinguishable).

    It seems like the VFF is a bunch of fearmongering paranoid right-wingers. They hint at a grand conspiracy amongst the VEA/NEA/Governor Warner/Trilateral Commission/Lee Harvey Oswald/The people who faked the moon landing to re-educate our children to believe god knows what??!?!

  2. Now, that aside –

    Here’s a link to the Governor’s press release regarding the “Early Childhood Summit”

    From the release:
    “A significant part of the Warner administration’s efforts to improve early learning is a near $50 million increase in state funding for local pre-school programs serving at-risk four-year-olds.”

    I’m going to assume that most of that money came from the 2004 tax increase.

    “The Early Learning Council will study how businesses can help improve early childhood education in the Commonwealth. The members of the Council will be announced in late June, and the group of leading public and private sector officials is expected to make recommendations in the fall.”

    Oh my god! A mixture of public and private in education! Sounds like socialism to me…

    The VFF is right. Governor Warner wants to expand the role of government by bringing the business community in to partner for solutions. What will he try next? Instituting sex education programs that use real statistics rather than crackpot theories (condoms prevent pregnancy 67% of the time – taught in my high school in Chesterfield County)?

  3. not steven Avatar
    not steven

    Steven the Shill at work once again.

    You’ve brought it up, you now have the responsibility to inform your readers what nefarious regulations you and the Family Foundation wish to protect the innocent masses from having to endure.

    Once again I challenge you to prove that you know what you’re talking about.

  4. Will Vehrs Avatar
    Will Vehrs

    I hear the water coming out of the fountains at day care centers will be flouridated ….

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Floride is the devil’s tool! It causes children to grow vampire teeth!

  6. Dry Throat Avatar
    Dry Throat

    Mr. Blue Dog

    It is good to know some brave souls are speaking out. So be careful, and watch out for an increase in petty terror threats. That is what happened when I started speaking out.

    Pay no heed to the blogger ‘not steven’ and Olivia, because both are liberal rodents from the Democratic Party of Virginia assigned to harass you!

    These liberal Democrats are so locked in with their educational goals for their children that they lose sight of who really needs to be educated when it comes to the socialistic paradigm. Often I find it’s the parents fault, who lack judgment when it comes to social studies, unless they have followed the various dialectic behaviors within their peer groups.

    Democrats have been caught up in this melding of immigrants with the universal idea of immersion. I call this Immersion by Subversion, or Conversion by Diversion with or without borders. Take your pick. “Me No Speaka da Nglesh.”

    I’m planning a ‘Cookout for Kilgore’ this weekend, but am ready to roast Senator George Allen. He’s been a bad boy. The Blue Dog and other social & fiscal conservatives are welcome to post comments on my new blog, I-95 Richmond-to-Washington.

  7. Steven Avatar

    Dry Throat! I’m shocked, because I thought you were on beachfront vacation in SC this week. There must be some really bad weather to motivate you to become a blogger? A Dry Throat web page — I’ve already read your latest post. Ouch! You’re such a bad girl.

    But good luck!

    For those who don’t know, Dry Throat is a regular within the pages of the Blue Dog Tales.

    Between friends and foes, Dry Throat is too legit to quit — but God help us — because I don’t print half of what she sends via email.

    ~ the blue dog

  8. not steven Avatar
    not steven

    Oh the lengths some go to avoid being accountable for what they say… (write)

    Be handy to have if ballooning, no need for liquid propane to fire the burner… ;O)

  9. I guess there’s a legit segment of the population who doesn’t feel comfortable having their children in secular schools. And VFF is emailing that segment of the population to let them know: “hey, your paranoid fears are getting worse”.

    Jim Bacon wrote about supposed persecution of Christians in a recent column. I find this all a bit overblown…

    Sure, lefties run college campuses.

    Sure, religion has been taken out of the public square to an almost ridiculous degree.

    But I’ve yet to see where this amounts to “persecution”. Christians are a majority and they wield great deal of power in the US. There are some instances where that power is checked (no organized prayer/religious symbols in schools/government institutions). But I find whining from a vast majority nothing more than annoying…

    It’s a power ploy. If you cast yourself as a victim, you can grasp greater power. All political groups do it…Christians are no different. The key is to take a sober look at the reality of each claim of discrimination (no Christians are denied employment/job benefits/thrown in jail/free speech in the public square) and decide on your own. It’s the same deal with minorities who clog our court system with unwarrented discrimination lawsuits…

  10. most assuredly not steven Avatar
    most assuredly not steven

    Here’s a try at a little different approach.

    If Steven and the VFF want to promote vouchers to attend private school, and vouchers are made of tax money, and the SOL were imposed to make sure tax money was being well spent and the schools were doing a good job…

    then Steven, are you in support of requiring the private schools that would recieve taxpayer money in the form of vouchers to meet the same requirements that public schools are required to meet? including but not limited to the SOL?

    Fair question, don’t you think?

  11. Anonymous Avatar

    Well, Blue Dog, I surely hope “Dry Throat” makes more sense on the pages of Blue Dog Tales than here, because what we have seen posted on this thread is the nonsensical, incoherent rambling of a lunatic. What on god’s green earth is this “person” actually trying to say?

    For example – WHAT does this mean: “These liberal Democrats are so locked in with their educational goals for their children that they lose sight of who really needs to be educated” WHAT??? Is this some strange internal code of zealots that only “they” can understand? Does this even make sense to anyone who doesn’t live in the world of conspiracy theories?

  12. Ray Hyde Avatar
    Ray Hyde

    One big story today is that for profit education in Pennsylvania failed.

    Most assuredly: I’m in favor of vouchers or anything else that depoliticizes schools. I like your question and don’t have an answer.

    However, it seems to me that one purpose of private schools would be to allow specialization, in which case SOL wouldn’t apply or not so much. It does seem fair that private schools should support their share of special students, but again, this might turn out to be a form of specialization.

    Maybe private schools could buy and sell “dumb credits” like we do with pollution and wetlands. Even public schools could benefit from this plan by not being stigmatized for bad demographics and it would help put the money where most needed.

  13. EightGorillas Avatar

    Hello-o-o?! Has anybody had children in private school? Do I hear the hoofbeats of stereotypes of stuck-up rich kids and bible-thumping reactionaries? SOLS are irrelevant to private schools.

    My children have attended both public and private schools. There are three great differences: private schools spend more time in academic instruction and experiences because they don’t have the required assemblies and (yes, real) indoctrination of family planning; the administrations typically care what parents and students think about the school, because their development campaigns; and their is no SOL system. The private school my children attended made a real effort to nurture their individual abilities and interests. This is not at all the same as specialization.

    The beauty of private schools is that there is, compared to public schools, very little regulation. They have the ability to provide breadth as well as depth.

  14. Eightgorillas Avatar

    It’s late — below is corrected version of the post.
    Hello-o-o?! Has anybody had children in private school? Do I hear the hoofbeats of stereotypes of stuck-up rich kids and bible-thumping reactionaries? SOLS are irrelevant to private schools.

    My children have attended both public and private schools. There are three great differences: private schools spend more time in academic instruction and experiences because they don’t have the required assemblies and (yes, real) indoctrination of family planning; the administrations typically care what parents and students think about the school, because of their development campaigns; and there is no SOL system. The private school my children attended made a real effort to nurture their individual abilities and interests. This is not at all the same as specialization.

    The beauty of private schools is that there is, compared to public schools, very little regulation. They have the ability to provide breadth as well as depth.

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