Roanoke College women’s swim team (front row) and supporters at press conference at Hotel Roanoke, Oct. 5. (photo/Scott Dreyer)

by Margot Heffernan

The year is 2023 but it feels as if the calendar has rolled back a hundred years for women and girls in Virginia, and just about anywhere else in the Western world. Hyperbolic? Over the top?

Sadly, no.

Each day women are censored, denigrated, and erased; called bigots for speaking biological fact; losing to men in female sports; redefined with terms like “chest feeders” and “uterus havers.” Violent male felons are routinely housed in women’s prisons in at least four states because they “identify” as women. And private female spaces are ceded to biological men in schools and other public places.

Virginia is a microcosm of the problem writ large. Remember the scandalous sexual assault of two Loudoun County girls over two years ago that were perpetrated by a male who gained access to girls’ restrooms. Recall the recent Roanoke College attempt to hijack the women’s swim team by allowing a man to join. Then, on September 27th, at a Turner Ashby High cheerleading event in Rockingham County, several males entered the female locker room without consent from the girls. Some cheerleaders felt compelled to change in the shower stalls or bathrooms of their female-only locker room.

Such egregious things happen when culture reverts to a dark time, when females were expected to cower and submit to outrageous misogyny that says it is perfectly acceptable for young women to give up their spirits and bodies to the will of a male-centric culture; for full-bodied males to waltz into private girls’ spaces unannounced.

Many of these events are the result of anti-female recommendations like Ralph
Northam’s Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students. We are expected to swallow the unscientific idea of “nonbinary” and “gender fluid” children at the cost of female bodies and lives. Girls, it seems, must simply accede to the demands of a small minority that dictates woke propaganda and archaic notions about women’s rights. Young women must bend a knee to a male who imagines himself in the wrong body.

That is what such policies realistically amount to.

Clearly, such ideas are nested in the thinking of school boards and a broad swath of institutions statewide. Recently, though, the citizens of Rockingham County stepped up and did the right thing by women and girls. The school board flipped, and the newly configured board is expected to vote for all of Governor Youngkin’s model policies, including the most important — those related to parental consent, compelled speech, and same-sex bathrooms and athletics. These are the provisions that stand for the rights of girls and protect our young female citizens today.

What can we do to build on this success? How can we bolster and promote policies that enhance the rights of women and girls in Virginia and fight back against the modern threats that we face?

Women’s Liberation Front, or WoLF, is a nonpartisan radical feminist nonprofit that works to restore, protect and advance the rights of women and girls using legal argument, policy advocacy ,and public education. As an organization, we are stalwart believers in the abolition of gender ideology, a concept that equates to women’s oppression: this ideology is a new-fangled way to continue the subjugation of women, a boot on the neck of women everywhere.

We at WoLF know that this antiscientific ideology is a cudgel to women’s most intimate needs and desires. It destroys girl’s bodies and minds by telling them that they are “nonbinary,” “gender fluid,” anything but the girls they are. Toxic puberty blockers, wrong sex hormones, and devastating experimental surgeries are promoted as a “treatment” for the diagnosis of “gender dysphoria.” This ideology also propagates the absurd notion that a man, stylized and outfitted in the garb of a stereotype, can identity as a woman, allowing him access to women’s sports and private spaces. These ideas are intricately woven into the fabric of modern culture in Virginia and the western world.

But there is a flip side, a prominent and growing fissure in the gender ideology behemoth. And that is the many girls and women who have been hurt by this credo, for they are the leaders of a new generation. Their voices will not be tamped down and they will not shut up. And they are here, in Virginia. Suffragettes, really, ready to stand up, all over again.

We at WoLF stand with them, fighting for and with them. We have their backs. In September, WoLF was in Roanoke alongside other women’s groups, rising up, and speaking out at a press conference with the Roanoke College swim team when a man was allowed to join their team. This man stepped off the team, while the college administration rightfully walked its policy back.

WoLF’s robust history of activism and legal work resonates in the world of feminism. We filed a lawsuit on behalf of incarcerated women in California, women who had been assaulted due to passage of SB132, the state law that mandates that men who “identify” as women must be housed in women’s prisons if they so choose. WoLF was the only feminist organization in the U.S. to submit legal briefs to the Supreme Court calling for the preservation of sex-based civil rights laws and objecting to legal recognition of “transgender status” under such laws.

WoLF supports the recent landmark lawsuit, Ayala v. The American Academy of Pediatrics. Isabella Ayala was a 14-year-old autistic girl suffering from depression and PTSD after a sexual assault when she was coerced into believing that she was “transgender.” Her path to irreversible medicalization via puberty blockers, wrong sex hormones and experimental surgery left her with permanent injury. This is a pivotal lawsuit because it names the doctor who authored the 2018 AAP policy that promotes the damaging experimental “treatments” referred to as “gender affirming care” as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics, which supports this devastating model.

And WoLF doesn’t stop there. We are actively engaged on the ground with members in every state. We provide women who wish to be active members of a community that supports their fundamental rights with agency that hears their voices. Sisters in Action is that community. As members, women are not only able to access an online community to interact and learn from each other: Sisters in Action are actively invited to promote change. To keep their ears to the ground for news about pressing issues in women’s rights. To move and work in a vital community that is trained to go forward and be at the forefront of feminism at the local level and on the national scene.

Virginia continues to be a pivotal state in the fight for women’s rights. Since the late 19th century, the suffragette movement was a vital part of Virginia history, fighting not only for women’s voting rights, but for the very idea that women were sentient beings, capable citizens who fit into the larger decision-making framework of education, healthcare and child labor reform. It was a long and winding road, back then. The Equal Suffrage League of Virginia joined national groups to change state and local laws, and eventually pass the Nineteenth Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Tennessee was the 36th state to ratify in 1919.

Virginia was not among them.

It’s a funny thing about history, isn’t it? How it repeats, as they say. Or foretells. Maybe Norman Cousins said it best: “History is a vast early warning system.”

Prescient words no doubt.

And so we must continue. Take in all those things we thought were over and done with. Heed the past. Move forward with its unvarnished memory in our sight. Recognize the new threats to women, many ginned up and retrofit with a fashionable, progressive spin.

Here in Virginia, a state where the executive director of the Virginia High School League, Billy Haun, announced last July that the league does not plan to update its policy that allows students to file an appeal on the team that matches their “gender identity,” we must protect women’s sports.  In another words, boys are permitted on girls’ sports teams in Virginia.

We must fight to protect children from the predatory grip of pediatric gender clinics that are housed at the University of Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth University, as well as many more venues across the state. These clinics dispense toxic drugs to minors under the pretense of “gender affirming care,” a failed system of experiments that cause permanent medical harm. We know too well that girls and young women are victims of this cult-like belief system, that girls have been swayed in great numbers by peers and social media to assume a “trans identity.”

Let’s listen to the original Virginia suffragettes. And remember. Hear the call of their long-ago voices; whispers now, but still here. Adele Clark. Nora Houston. Kate Waller Barrett. Lila Meade Valentine. So many more.

How much has changed, they might say.

Or, how little, too.

Women. We are each the daughter of heroines, in the end, aren’t we?

WoLF recognizes that when we bind together a powerful reality is conveyed. One that is handed down by legacy; one that cannot be dismantled, shoved or swayed by the vagaries of a society that is not always on our side.

Sisters in Action is our inheritance. A resistance; not a salve but remedy. A hand from the past. A gift for our time.

Come join us if you can.

Are you a woman who is interested in becoming a Sister in Action? Go to to apply.

Margot Heffernan is the Board Vice President at Women’s Liberation Front.

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28 responses to “Daughter of Heroines”

  1. Teddy007 Avatar

    As if a policy would have keep a teen male out of the girls bathroom and the sexual assaults would not have happened. Get real.

    And should prisons do with transwomen who have started to medically transition. Put them in general population in male prisons?

    1. Margot O'hlfearnain Avatar
      Margot O’hlfearnain

      Well, yes, all men should be housed together in the male prison. Disturbed males who think they are female are not our problem.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        But transwomen who have had breast implants or on hormones are a real problem for the jailers. As always, policy is made at the margins.

        1. Margot O'hlfearnain Avatar
          Margot O’hlfearnain

          Again, we have a system that panders to disturbed men, allows their fantasies to play out, then places the outcome on women. Women should not be concerned if male jailers have to deal with these men with implants, or who are on hormones, or whatever the case may be. Nor should women bear the burden of these absurd repercussions. A man cannot become a woman. And we must not entertain delusions.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            Of course, most of the decision makers do not see being trans as a form of mental illness.

          2. Margot O'hlfearnain Avatar
            Margot O’hlfearnain

            The “trans” phenomenon is a construct that largely hurts women. That is very clear. Women need not pander to such utter nonsense. There is way too much misplaced pity for these men. Many of them are autogynephiles, in other words, men who gain sexual gratification from imagining that they are women. Again, not our problem.

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            What about women who have transitioned as men? What does that make them?

          4. Women. They are women.

          5. Margot O'hlfearnain Avatar
            Margot O’hlfearnain

            Either way – “sex change” is not possible…

    2. I do not think a more conservative “trans policy” would have prevented the first rape committed by this person, but I do think it could have prevented the second.

      The boy put on a skirt in order to get access to the girl’s bathroom. No one stopped him because school policy was that a boy who said he was a girl must be treated like a girl.

      After the rape, if the school administration had been more concerned with the victim, and less concerned with trying to cover their own posteriors, the rapist would most likely have been expelled and jailed, just like any other male rapist would (and should) have been.

      If they had handled the first rape properly, there would not even have been an opportunity for the boy to commit a second sexual assault.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        That first assault happened before the policy went into effect.

        1. Okay.

          However, the ‘tolerance’ was in effect long before the written policy.

          Because if it wasn’t, the boy would not have been allowed to wear a skirt at school.

          1. Margot O'hlfearnain Avatar
            Margot O’hlfearnain

            Exactly right…the “tolerance” is the problem.

      2. Teddy007 Avatar

        The second assault was caused by the school’s policy and the sheriff’s department slowness. And the boy wore the skirt on days before the assault. And if a male wants access to the women’s restroom, all he has to do is walk in. Public restrooms work on the honor system. And the school system does not jail anyone. The school reported the assault to law enforcement and did what law enforcement requested. School officials do not jail anyone.

        1. RE: “jailed”. Poorly structured sentence on my part. My apologies.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          A Conservative sheriff that was just reelected.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            Of course the sheriff was re-elected because the national media focused on the school board and the non-custodial dad being arrested for being an idiot at the school board meeting. What is almost never mentioned is that the Dad of the first victim had had a private meeting with school officials.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            Of course the sheriff was re-elected because the national media focused on the school board and the non-custodial dad being arrested for being an public disruption at the school board meeting. What is almost never mentioned is that the Dad of the first victim had had a private meeting with school officials.

      3. Margot O'hlfearnain Avatar
        Margot O’hlfearnain

        Agree with you. Society entertaining this whole idea has come at great cost to women and girls. No one can change sex.

        1. By the way, I like your web site. I haven’t had a chance to delve too deeply into it, but what I have seen so far is very interesting.

          Some perspectives you don’t often see on other sites, be they “progressive” or “conservative”.

          1. Margot O'hlfearnain Avatar
            Margot O’hlfearnain

            Thank you! Appreciate that! I have to place more writing there!

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “The boy put on a skirt in order to get access to the girl’s bathroom. No one stopped him because school policy was that a boy who said he was a girl must be treated like a girl.”

        The bathroom policy was not yet in place when the first rape happened. They snuck into the bathroom as they had before.

  2. This should be interesting.

  3. Welcome to today’s Democratic Party—- it’s turned Jim Crow into Jane Crow.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You need to listen to an IFB sermon sometime.

    1. They’re a religion, now? I did not know they had expanded beyond banking services.

  5. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Men who think they are women or women who think they are men are mentally ill and dangerous as the Nashville Christian school killer proved. Saw a story where a school system on a field trip tried to make a biological female sleep with a biological male who claimed to be a girl. Continued to force the issue after the girl and the girl’s parents said no. Public and private schools and teachers are not your friend.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    It was nice to see a nod to the following ladies from long ago Virginia.
    Adele Clark. Nora Houston. Kate Waller Barrett. Lila Meade Valentine.
    The stories are inspiring and uplifting.

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