by Bob Rayner

Modern marketers understand the value of data — no matter how trivial. That’s how we know, or at least can consider the possibility, that Virginia is the 10th sleepiest state in the union, tied with Pennsylvania, a numbers nugget delivered by, the bedding retailer. The company gathered county health data from around the country to see how many people sleep less than 7 hours per night. The sleepiest state: Hawaii, where 43.2% of adults report less than 7 hours of shut-eye. That’s no surprise, with so many waves to catch. The No. 2 and 3 spots are a surprise: West Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. Maybe it’s all those coal miners worrying about what new horrors the Biden Administration is dreaming up for them. Virginia clocks in at 38.6%. No breakdown by region, but we suggest the folks in Northern Virginia stay in bed a little longer. No need to rush into work, folks. America’s best sleepers, by the way, live in Minnesota, where just 29% don’t sleep enough. Plenty of warm blankets up there.

Insomnia can make you hungry. And according to Pricelisto, a web site that tracks pricing, Virginians are most likely to seek fast food at Chick-Fil-a. The finding is sure to horrify in certain narrow precincts, but there’s no denying good taste and superior service. It’s equally unsurprising that Five Guys ranks No. 3 among Virginia’s favorite fast-food spots. The stunner is No. 2: Hardees. To paraphrase a certain former president, the ‘ 70s are calling and they want their burgers back.

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12 responses to “Data Dump”

  1. I’ve always considered Hardees the least consistent of the major fast-food restaurants. The good Hardees are actually quite good: clean, well run, with good service and freshly prepared food. The bad ones are positively abysmal.

    In fact, the single worst fast food restaurant that I have ever encountered in my life was the Hardees in Culpeper, Virginia. I had recently moved to the area so I gave it two chances. The second visit was even worse than the first. That horrible place closed for good about 20 years ago, but it will forever be the standard against which I measure awful fast food places.

  2. I’ve always considered Hardees the least consistent of the major fast-food restaurants. The good Hardees are actually quite good: clean, well run, with good service and freshly prepared food. The bad ones are positively abysmal.

    In fact, the single worst fast food restaurant that I have ever encountered in my life was the Hardees in Culpeper, Virginia. I had recently moved to the area so I gave it two chances. The second visit was even worse than the first. That horrible place closed for good about 20 years ago, but it will forever be the standard against which I measure awful fast food places.

  3. Northern Virginia’s get more sleep? No way! They have to get up a half hour earlier to deal with the longer commutes!

  4. I can believe that Chick-Fil-A is the most popular. I consistently see longer lines at Chick-Fil-A than at other fast-food restaurants — and it’s not for a lack of employees. Chick-Fil-A is fully staffed and still has long lines.

    I went to a Kentucky Fried Chicken not long ago that had only two employees — one guy to take orders, alternating back and forth from the inside and the drive-in, and one guy to do all the cooking. Service took forever. The two guys were working their butts off, and I felt sorry for them, but I ain’t ever going back!

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    “To paraphrase a certain former president, the ‘ 70s are calling and they want their burgers back.”

    Ahh, yes. Another Obama moment. As I recall the question in the debate between Romney and Obama was which country represented the greatest foreign policy risk. Romney said, “Russia”. Obama told his cutesy little joke.

    Then the Russians invaded Crimea.
    Then the Russians invaded all of Ukraine.
    Now we are spending $40+B to help the Ukranians.

    When it came to foreign policy, Obama was a clown.

  6. I’ve always considered Hardees the least consistent of the major fast-food restaurants. The good Hardees are actually quite good: clean, well run, with good service and freshly prepared food. The bad ones are positively abysmal.

    In fact, the single worst fast food restaurant I have ever encountered in my life was the Hardees in Culpeper, Virginia. I had recently moved to the area so I gave it two chances. The second visit was even worse than the first. That horrible place closed for good about 20 years ago, but it will forever be the standard against which I measure awful fast food places.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I stopped at the Hardees in Colonial Heights about 10 years ago. I ordered the “Six Dollar” burger. Well it cost &7.12 and there was no meat. Just LTM and bun. No refund, no switch for a piece of chicken or a hot dog. I kept the receipt as a reminder and memento. Went across the street to P and G BBQ. It was sooo good.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I want to give them a shot, it’s a running joke with my wife and I. We were traveling for Easter just after our daughter was born. She needed to eat so we stopped in Cumberland at a Hardee’s so she could feed her and we could get some food. That was without a doubt the most disgusting burger I’ve ever had, it was rock hard and dry. I couldn’t finish it.

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Mr. Wayne you should have gone to Baby Jim’s. They have RC cola too.

      1. I used to go there regularly when I lived in Rixeyville. It’s a Culpeper icon – like the Frost Diner is in Warrenton.

    4. how_it_works Avatar

      The Hardee’s on Route 1 in Fredericksburg is pretty good.

      And the people that live in that house next door can probably order fast-food from their living room.

  7. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

    Hardee’s pioneered the breakfast biscuit from a fast food chain. They were good than and remain good today. I look forward to picking one up on the way home from duck hunts to this day.

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